Complete the sentences with one word in each gap 6 points max

A A fascinating tour

B On the beach

C Better things to do

D How long to wait?

E Different from my friends

F Out in the cold

G Ready to eat


(Woman 1)

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

(Man 1)

Speaker 4

(Woman 2)

Speaker 5

(Man 2)

2 Complete the text. Use the verbs in brackets in the right form. In one sentence 2 variants are possible.

(5 points max.)

Hi! My name is Paul and I 1

_____________ (to come from) Germany, but at the moment I


_____________ (to live) in London because I 3

_____________ (to want) to learn English. I


_____________ (to arrive) in London a week ago and I like it so much! There’s so much

interesting to see and do here! Next week my new friends and I 5

_____________ (to visit) the

Tower of London. I’m sure I’ll love it!

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. (6 points max.)

1. I like walking holidays. I put everything in my _____________ and carry it on my back.

2. I love _____________ . I put cream on, lie on the beach and relax.

3. My favourite place is by the Red Sea in Egypt. We often go _____________ . I love looking

at the fish under the water.

4. We’re going to drive to Dover, then get the _____________ to France. I love looking back

and watching England slowly disappear behind us.

5. Oh, no! Our flight is _____________ for five hours. What are we going to do in this airport?

6. We’re not going to have lunch or dinner at the hotel. It’s just _____________


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    5 Complete the sentences. Write ONE word in each gap.
    Example: John likes horror films.
    Sports / activities
    1 In summer, when the weather is hot, I love going to the b___________.
    2 In winter, I always go to the mountains for my holidays. I like s___________ there.
    3 I’m going to the g___________ to do some exercise. Do you want to come with me?

    4 I love your red j___________. Where did you buy it?
    5 Danielle is wearing a nice, long green sk___________ and a white T-shirt today.

    Places and travel
    6 A E___________ me. What time do we arrive in New York?
    B At half past two, Madam.
    7 Our f___________ is from London Heathrow airport to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport.
    Food and drink
    8 In my country, many people eat t___________ with butter for breakfast.
    9 I usually have my y___________ with some fresh fruit.
    10 Would you like some water or orange j___________?​

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