Complete the sentences with one word do you live in a flat

1 Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: Do they like Chinese food?
1 ‘Do you live in a flat?’ ‘Yes, I __________.’
2 __________ Jim work in an office?
3 __________ this printer have paper?
4 __________ you watch DVDs?
5 What __________ your parents do?
6 ‘Does she speak French?’ ‘No, she __________.’

2 Order the words to make questions.
Example: do / what / you / languages / speak
What languages do you speak?
you / study / do / where
your / dictionary / you / use / do / when
films / like / your / parents / do / old
laptop / what / of / she / have / does / kind
your / play / do / tennis / friends
they / computers / do / use

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: You speak (speak) French.
1 Lisa _____________ (not have) a car.
2 He ____________ (read) newspapers every day.
3 They _____________ (not like) tea.
4 We _____________ (work) in a factory.
5 The shop ______________ (close) at 6 p.m.
6 Marco _____________ (study) English at school.
7 I _____________ (not play) football.
8 It _____________ (rain) a lot in Scotland.
4 Complete the phrases with the correct word.
eat listen speak tea watch housework sunglasses go sorry
Example: watch TV
1 do __________
2 __________ to music
3 say __________
4 __________ French



1.Yes,I do


3. Is

4. Do

5. Did

6. Doesn’t


1. Where do you study?

2. When do you use your dictionary?

3. Do your parents like old films?

4. What kind of laptop she has?

5Do your friends play tennis?

6. Do they use computers?


1 doesn’t have

2. reads

3. didn’t like

4. work



7 didn’t play

8 rains


do housework

listen to music

say sorry

speak French

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Английский язык,

вопрос задал sanjar141201,

7 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил Аноним



1) Yes, I do

2) Does

3) Does

4) Do

5) do

6) No, she doesn’t

Ответил nurgalieva11092002



1. do


6. doesn’t

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Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Данное упражнение относится к третьему разделу учебника (Unit 3 Me and My World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В данном упражнении необходимо вставить правильное слово «home» или «house». Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание упражнения[править | править код]

Choose the right word: home or house.

1. Do you live in a … or a flat? 2. Is he … yet? 3. He went into the … and closed the door. 4. A young lady came out of the … and walked along the street. 5. Nelly is on her way …. 6. (At) what time do you leave the … in the morning? 7. I got … at 5.30 and started to cook at once. 8. We returned … rather late that night:

Ответ упражнения[править | править код]

1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
2. Is he home yet?
3. Не went into the house and closed the door.
4. A young lady came out of the house and walked along the street.
5. Nelly is on her way home.
6. At what time do you leave the house in the morning?
7. I got home at 5.30 and started to cook at once.
8. We returned home rather late that night.

Перевод упражнения[править | править код]

1. Вы живете в доме или в квартире?
2. Он уже дома?
3. Он зашел в дом и закрыл дверь.
4. Молодая девушка вышла из дома и пошла вдоль по улице.
5. Нели на пути домой.
6. Во сколько ты выходишь из дома утром?
7. Я пришел в 5:30 домой и начал сразу готовить.
8. Мы вернулись домой довольно поздно той ночью.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

  • 0

2. Complete the sentences with one word.
1 __________ they live in France?
2 __________ your father work in a restaurant?
3 How old __________ your brother?
4 We __________ live in a house. We live in a flat.
5 What __________ your father do?
3. Underline the correct word or phrase.
1 It’s Ben’s / the Ben’s pen.
2 These are my childrens’ / children’s books.
3 I like the film’s end / end of the film.
4 That’s my parents’ / parent’s car.
5 He’s my teachers’ / teacher’s husband.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 Do
2 Does
3 is
4 ничего
5 does

the Ben’s pen
chidren’s books
parent’s car
teacher’s husband

  • Комментариев (0)


1 Complete the sentences with the correct article. alan a/an O (no article) the the 1 Now I live in a flat. 2 I was having a lot of arguments with my parents about……. politics. 3 I’m restaurant manager. 4 flat’s a bit small. 5 I recently moved into my own flat near beach.​

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