Complete the sentences with one of the words below one word is odd out

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I. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.
injury supported health medicine necessary sick
luck train compete motto shape
1. I hate staying in bed and taking … .
2. The … of the 1st World Youth Games was “Moscow, the Wide World of Youth”.
3. Vitamin E is … for skin and body.
4. I … hard twice a week and on Sundays.
5. That’s why I don’t feel depressed when I get …, but try to get well as soon as possible.
6. Ben couldn’t play football for two months because of an … .
7. It was an exciting game and the fans … their teams.
8. I don’t do sports at my college now. And I’m getting out of … .
9. The best athletes … in running.
10. If you care for your …, eat more natural products.
II. Complete the sentences.
Example: Can she run …? (quick / quickly)
Can she run quickly?
1. It was a bit different from what you … (usual / usually) did.
2. How about fitness? That makes me feel very …(good / well) as a doctor.
3. My … (week / weekly) audience at that time was over 300 thousand people.
4. You can use the buttons Ctrl + J to open the Downloads page … (quick / quickly).
5. Just be … (careful / carefully) when crossing the street.
6. They allowed the game to become … (slow / slowly) and uninteresting, and I decided to move faster.
III. Complete the sentences.
1. He hasn’t been very industrious at school … (late / lately). He … (hard / hardly) does anything at all, to tell you the truth.
2. There is a tennis court … (near / nearly) our school.
3. We specialize in … (high / highly) quality facial animation for video games and films.
4. Speak a bit louder, please. I can … (hard / hardly) hear you.
5. It’s too … (late / lately) to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed.
IV. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.
Example: He works … at English than his friend. (hard)
He works harder at English than his friend.
1. Tom is … (lazy) pupil in our class.
2. Go … (fast)! We should be there earlier than Nick.
3. English suits are … (good) suits in the world.
4. I expected her to respond … (soon).
5. Have you heard … (late) events?
6. Please speak… (slow). It’s too difficult to understand anything.
7. Mr Brown is as … (talkative) as Mrs Brown.
V. Answer the questions.
1. Do you go in for sports?
2. What do you do / should you do to keep fit?
3. Why do people need vitamins?
4. Have you ever visited a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?
5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

1. competition. 2. practise3. sore4. healthy5. ill6. mascot7. necessary8. luck9. support10. keep fit

1. James can speak German quite fluently, and his language is correct.
2. He returned again to his daily routine on the farm.
3. “Why are you speaking very loudly?” – “Because how beautiful is here!”
4. When I was 22 years old, I came home from work, put a leash on my dog and went for my usual walk.
5. My mother opened the door carefully, and she loaded the laundry into the machine.
6. We stop for a quick commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional systems.

Complete the sentences.
1. Tim came home very lately yesterday. His parents worried about him a lot. 2. They hardly ever make mistakes.
3. In South Korea and Indonesia women own nearly half a million firms.
4. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s highly useful for you.
5. You haven’t been to the gym lately. Are you all right?

IV).          Complete the sentences:
1. This is the shortest way to the station.
2. Mr Smith is not so talented as Mr Jack’s son.
3. I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little louder, please.
4. Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran fastest of all.
5. Could you explain the point clearer?
6. Please hang the picture higher.
7. Tom’s dictation was good. But mine was the worst in the class.

V).   Answer the questions.
1. Do you go in for sports? — Yes, I do. I go in for sports.
2. What do you do / should you do to keep fit? To keep fit you should do sports, do some exercises, play sport games, you should eat healthy food; you shouldn’t have bad habits, you should sleep enough and spend much time outside in fresh air. 
3. Why do people need vitamins?
 — Vitamins are necessary for people to keep fit.
4. Have you ever visited a doctor? — Of course I have.
What problem(s) did you have? — I caught a cold and had a sore throat.
5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?  One of the Olympic symbols is
the emblem of the five Olympic Rings. The rings are five interlocking rings, colored blue, yellow, black, green and red on a white field, known as the «Olympic rings». 
What does this symbol mean?

The symbol was originally designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin,
co-founder of the modern Olympic Games. The rings represent the five participating continents: Africa, Asia, America, Australia and Europe.

Complete each sentence with one of the world below.

One word is odd out.

1)Jason should take part in the swimming.

. 2)I.

My skills every day in the garden or down in the fields / 3)And i feel bad ?

I`ve got a throat.

4)Becky always look really .

. She must get lots of exercises / 5)That`s why i try to do my best not to get .

— i take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially , and do sports to keep fit.

6)The choice of a for the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow was a very difficult problem.

7)Vitamin C is .

For building bones and teeth.

8)We did our dest but lost it .

We were out of .

. 9)About 20 million people fill the stdiums every year to .

Their favourite players.

10)Peoplle of all ages and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to.

. ill , healthy , competition , support , necessary , injury , mascot , keep fit , sore luck , practise.

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I. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

private punishment depressed secondary education allowed argument

argue trouble compulsory behaved

1 Students are … to talk freely about their problems.

2 I’m frightened of getting into … , but it’s not true.

3 The education in … schools is very expensive.

4 Public schools are famous not only for their perfect … .

5 Each teacher reports if you have … well or badly.

6 In Russian schools there are several types of … like in British schools.

7 Martin is … because he can’t speak to the girl he really likes.

8 It’s a strong … .

9 You shouldn’t … with your parents.

10 At … school pupils study for five years.

II. Transform the following sentences changing verbs from Active into Passive Voice.

Example: My elder brother repaired the bike. – The bike was repaired by my elder brother.

1 The boys will paint the roof of the house.

2 Bessy’s father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott’s works.

3 They water the flowers regularly.

4 The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying.

5 Our mother tells us stories every evening.

III. Put in the right form of pronoun.

1 Don’t take … (my/mine) pen! Take … (your/yours)!

2 What was … (your/yours) mother doing?

3 … farm is as rich as … (our/ours/their/theirs).

4 This office is … (their/theirs).

5 Those are Victor’s books. The books are … (mine/his/hers).

IV. Choose the correct translation.

1 She had to stay at home because she didn’t feel well.

a) Ей следует остаться дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

b) Ей пришлось остаться дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

с) Она обязана была остаться дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

2. I must help my mother today.

a) Я должен помочь маме сегодня.

b) Мне нужно помочь маме сегодня.

с) Мне следует помочь маме сегодня.

3. Her diction is not very good. She should read aloud.

a) Ей придется почитать вслух.

b) Ей следует почитать вслух.

с) Она должна читать вслух.

4. You needn’t play computer games so long time.

a) Тебе не следует играть в компьютерные игры так долго.

b) Тебе не нужно играть в компьютерные игры так долго.

с) Ты можешь не играть в компьютерные игры так долго.

5. Should the children play in the street? – No, they mustn’t.

a) Нет, нельзя.

b) Нет, не следует.

с) Нет, не нужн

59 месяцев назад

I. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out. (injury, supported,health, medicine ,necessary,

sick, luck, train, compete ,motto, shape) 1. I hate staying in bed and taking … . 2. The … of the 1st World Youth Games was “Moscow, the Wide World of Youth”. 3. Vitamin E is … for skin and body. 4. I … hard twice a week and on Sundays. 5. That’s why I don’t feel depressed when I get …, but try to get well as soon as possible. 6. Ben couldn’t play football for two months because of an … . 7. It was an exciting game and the fans … their teams. 8. I don’t do sports at my college now. And I’m getting out of … . 9. The best athletes … in running. 10. If you care for your …, eat more natural products. II. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form. 1. Tom is … (lazy) pupil in our class. 2. Go … (fast)! We should be there earlier than Nick. 3. English suits are … (good) suits in the world. 4. I expected her to respond … (soon). 5. Have you heard … (late) events? 6. Please speak… (slow). It’s too difficult to understand anything. 7. Mr Brown is as … (talkative) as Mrs Brown.


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