Complete the sentences with one missing word preposition

Английский язык для 7-го класса

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Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 4 It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо вставить нужные предлоги в предложение. Во второй части сделать перевод с русского на английский язык. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание упражнения[править | править код]

A. Complete the sentences using the missing prepositions.

1. Don’t rush conclusions. Everything can change soon. 2. Doctors were rushed … the place of the accident. 3. They rushed John … the hunter’s house. 4. Please don’t rush …, we still have something to discuss. 5. I rushed … my lunch. 6. He rushed … the concert hall but there was nobody there. 7. Nick had to be rushed …hospital when the snake bite him. 8. The dog rushed … him.

B. Express the same in English.

1. Большой гусь набросился на маленького мальчика. 2. Не торопись с выводами. 3. Маленький Джонни ворвался в комнату и закричал: «Мы выиграли!» 4. Ученики бросились в двери, чтобы поприветствовать старого учителя. 5. Нам нужно спешно отправиться на вокзал.

Решение упражнения[править | править код]

1. Don’t rush to conclusions. Everything can change soon. 2. Doctors were rushed to the place of the accident 3. They rushed John into (to) the hunter’s house. 4. Please don’t rush out , we still have something to discuss. 5. I rushed at my lunch. 6. Не rushed in (to) the concert hall but there was nobody there. 7. Nick had to be rushed to hospital when the snake bit him. 8. The dog rushed at him.

1. A big goose rushed at the small boy. 2. Don’t rush to conclusions. He will repair everything all by himself. 3. Little Johnny rushed into the room and shouted, «We have won!» 4. The students rushed to the door to greet the old teacher. 5. We have to rush to the railway station.

Перевод упражнения[править | править код]

1. He спеши c выводами. Все может поменяться скоро. 2. Доктора спешили к месту аварии. 3. Они бросились к охотничьему дому Джона. 4. Пожалуйста, не уходи, у нас есть еще что обсудить. 5. Я набросился на обед. 6. Он ворвался в концертный зал, но там никого не было. 7. Нику пришлось поспешить в больницу, когда его укусила змея. 8. Собака набросилась на него.

B) 1. Большой гусь бросился на маленького мальчика. 2. Не спешите с выводами. Он все отремонтирует сам. 3. Маленький Джонни ворвался в комнату и закричал: «Мы победили!» 4. Ученики бросились к двери, чтобы поприветствовать старого учителя. 5. Надо спешить на вокзал.

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    Fill in the missing prepositions for each of the following.

    1. She doesn’t like to go far ——— her mother.
    2. The students had a dispute ——— politics.
    3. He is not only intelligent ——— nice.
    4. The class size is limited ——— twenty-two.
    5. Mrs. Finch is thought ——— be one of the worst teachers.
    6. You are responsible ——— the payment.
    7. You have a responsibility ——— your fellow residents.
    8. I will eat neither ice cream ——— cake.
    9. I will go either to the movies ——— to dinner.
    10. My paper was based ——— the writings we read.
    11. That movie was modeled ——— an old Hitchcock movie.
    12. Success is the result ——— hard work.
    13. Hard work results ——— success.

    Answers – 1

    1. without 6. for 11. on/after
    2. about 7. to 12.of
    3. but also 8. nor 13. in
    4. to 9. or
    5. to 10.on


    Prepositions Exercises -2

    Supply an appropriate preposition for each of the following.

    1. Do you believe ——— ghosts?
    2. Anthony is engaged ——— my cousin.
    3. Ms. Balla substituted ——— our regular teacher yesterday.
    4. I can’t distinguish one twin ——— the other.
    5. Did you forgive him———lying to you?
    6. Children rely ——— their parents for food and shelter.
    7. Tim wore sunglasses to protect his eyes ——— the sun.
    8. Chris excels ——— sports.
    9. Andrea contributed her ideas ——— the discussion.
    10. I hope you succeed ——— your new job.
    11. I’m very fond ——— their children.

    Answers – 2

    1. in 3. for 5. for 7. from 9. to 11. of
    2. to 4. from 6. on 8. in 10. in

    Prepositions Exercises -3

    Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the correct prepositions.

    1. I was disappointed ——— the grade I received on my last essay.
    2. The medical Center is close ——— campus.
    3. Since she graduated, Anne is no longer dependent ——— her parents for financial support.
    4. Catherine became accustomed ——— spicy foods when she was traveling.
    5. Table salt is composed ——— two elements, sodium and chlorine.
    6. Is there enough ——— salad for everyone?
    7. His computer is not capable ——— running this software.
    8. Washington State is famous ——— its apples.
    9. Was your choice of research topic acceptable ——— your instructor?
    10. People who are afraid ——— heights are called acrophobes.
    11. Water is essential ——— all life.
    12. Were you aware ——— the regulation against smoking in this area?
    13. Will this office be adequate ——— your company’s needs?
    14. I’m not familiar ——— that song.
    15. One meter is approximately equal ——— a yard.
    16. This movie is based ——— a true story.
    17. What he said is contrary ——— common sense.
    18. This summer he will be eligible ——— a three-week vacation.
    19. The explanation that our instructor gave us was different ——— the one yours gave you.

    Answers – 3

    1. in/with 5. of 9. to 13. for 17. to
    2. to 6. of 10. of 14. with 18. for
    3. on 7. of 11. to/for 15. to 19. from
    4. to 8. for 12. of 16. on


    English prepositions Exercises -4

    Supply appropriate prepositions.

    1. I am grateful ——— you ——— your assistance.
    2. The criminal escaped ——— prison.
    3. Elizabeth is not content ——— the progress she is making.
    4. Paul’s comments were not relevant ——— the topic under discussion.
    5. Have you decided ——— a date for your wedding yet?
    6. My boots are made ——— leather.
    7. I’m depending ——— you to finish this work for me.
    8. Patricia applied ——— admission ——— the university.
    9. Daniel dreamed ——— some of his childhood friends last night.
    10. Mr. Miller dreams ——— owning his own business someday.
    11. The accused woman was innocent ——— the crime with which she was charged.
    12. Ms. Sanders is friendly ——— everyone.
    13. Benjamin was proud ——— himself for winning the prize.
    14. The secretary provided me ——— a deal of information.
    15. Ivan compared the wedding customs in his country ——— those in the United States.

    Answers – 4

    1. to … for 4. to 7. on 10. about/of 13. of
    2. from 5. (up) on 8. to for…for 11. of 14. with
    3. with 6. of 9. of (about) 12. to 15. to (with)

    English prepositions

    English prepositions Exercises -5

    Supply appropriate preposition.

    1. I am not familiar ——— that author’s works.
    2. He doesn’t approve ——— smoking.
    3. I subscribe ——— several magazines.
    4. Water consists ——— oxygen and hydrogen.
    5. I became uncomfortable because she was staring ——— me.
    6. She hid the candy ——— the children.
    7. He never argues ——— his wife.
    8. I arrived ——— this country two weeks ago.
    9. We arrived ——— the airport ten minutes late.
    10. Has Mary recovered ——— her illness?
    11. I pray———peace.
    12. I am envious ——— people who can speak three or four languages fluently.
    13. Why are you angry ——— me? Did I do something wrong?
    14. They are very patient ——— their children.
    15. The students responded ——— the questions.

    Answers – 5

    1. with 2. of 3. to 4. of 5. at 6. from 7. with 8. in (at)
    9. at 10. from 11. for 12. of 13. at (with) 14. with 15. to


    English prepositions Exercises -6

    Complete the sentences with among and between.

    1. I was sitting ——— my two sisters when he came in.
    2. Mother divided the cake ——— her three children.
    3. I can’t see any difference ——— these two maps.
    4. They spent their holidays ——— the mountains.
    5. They found the boy ——— the bushes in the garden.
    6. She invited Jane ——— others.
    7. These two brothers can never agree ——— themselves.
    8. This family are always quarreling ——— themselves.
    9. Just ——— ourselves, I can’t stand that man.
    10. The railway line runs ——— the road and the river.
    11. The story is a dialogue ——— husband and wife.
    12. There was a great quarrel ——— the two friends.
    13. The property was divided equally ——— his son and daughter.
    14. Rick and his wife can usually solve their problems ——— them.
    15. The choice is ——— vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream cone.
    16. Profits are divided ——— the stockholders of the corporation.
    17. The votes were evenly divided ——— the Democratic candidate and the Republican candidate.

    Answers – 6

    1. between 4. among 7. between 10. between 13. between 16. among
    2. among 5. among 8. among 11. between 14. between 17. between
    3. between 6. among 9. between 12. between 15. among

    Prepositions Exercises -7

    Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

    1. Wildflowers can be substituted with mowed grass on highway shoulders and medians.
    2. To clear deep snow of a sidewalk or driveway, shovel the snow in layers, starting with the top few inches.
    3. You can rely to Southerners never to agree about politics, religion or barbecuing.
    4. Among dark and light turkey meat, the dark meat has more calories.
    6. The “new, improved” cereal is neither different nor cheaper than the old one.
    7. Unfortunately, my new computer is not compatible to my old computer printer.
    8. Bricks made of sun-dried mud have been used as building materials since before
    3,400 B.C., but such bricks are durable only warm, dry climates.
    9. Cats are capable to living thirteen or fourteen years.
    10. The albatross is the largest in the web-footed birds.

    Answers – 7

    1. substituted for
    2. To clear deep snow off a sidewalk ….
    3. rely on
    4. Between dark and light turkey meat, ….
    5. … is different from ….
    6. … different from nor cheaper ….
    7. compatible with
    8. in warm, dry climates
    9. capable of
    10. the largest of… .

    English prepositions

    English prepositions Exercises -8

    Define whether the following sentences ate True (T) or False (F).
    Correct mistakes.

    1. We drove the car into the driveway.
    2. They came to visit us with a car.
    3. The movie was reviewed by the critic.
    4. He came to the United States for an education.
    5. Did you notice that Bob walks as his father?
    6. He opened the door by key.
    7. Paula looks nothing like her sister.
    8. They purchased the material for the yard.
    9. Barbara enjoyed working as a bank teller for one summer.
    10. He went to the store for buying a newspaper.
    11. We would like to invite you to our home for dinner on your birthday.
    12. He did not notice that the leg for the chair was broken before he sat down.
    13. John went to the store to buy two pounds butter.
    14. Would you please bring us some coffee with our meal?
    15. They met at the movies 7:00.

    Answers – 8

    1. ? 6. F, with a key 11.T
    2. F, by car 7. T 12. F, the leg of the chair
    3. T 8. F, by the yard 13. F, two pounds of butter
    4. T 9. T 14.T
    5. F, walks like his 10. F, for a newspaper 15. F, at the movies at 7:00

    English prepositions

    Exercise-9 Define whether the following sentences ate True (T) or False (F).
    Correct mistakes.

    1. Did you agree to your father on which car you should buy?
    2. They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
    3. Were the students accustomed to leaving early on Fridays?
    4. Whether we leave early or late depends about your schedule.
    5. The doctor objected to the patient’s leaving the hospital a day early.
    6. David was surprised with the amount of time necessary to fix the car.
    7. Henry was not very satisfied with the lab report that he wrote.
    8. Switzerland is famous of its beautiful mountains.
    9. The soldier showed great courage in the face of death.
    10. This home certainly does not compare favorably at our old one.
    11. The committee was in favor of increasing his salary.
    12. Were you tired with waiting for her call?
    13. He did not expect us to comment to his newly decorated office.
    14. Are you familiar to early American art?
    15. He spent his life in search for absolute truth.

    Answers – 9

    1. F, agree with 6. F, surprised at/by 11. T
    2. F, arrived in 7. T 12. F, tired of
    3. T 8. F, famous for 13. F, comment on
    4. F, depends on 9. T 14. F, familiar with
    5. T 10. F, compare… for 15. F, in search of

    English prepositions Exercises


    English prepositions: These tiny words are so important! But they can be a little confusing at times too, right? In this video, Emma explains how to use them when giving information about PLACE.

    English prepositions


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