Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the box most cities have

Test Unit 6

A Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the box.
exhaust fumes global warming gone green pollution resources rubbish solar
1 Most cities have a lot of air and noise _________
2 Sunny countries can get electricity from ________ power.
3 We need to make cars that produce no _________
4 ________ is causing strange weather patterns around the world.
5 If you haven’t already _______ it’s high time you did!
6 I really hate it when people throw their _______ in the street.
7 Some countries have very few _______ and they depend on importing food and other things from other countries.

B Choose the best answer.
1 Factories often give off / up a lot of fumes.
2 If we are not careful, many animals will soon die out / extinct.
Now that I have a PC, I have cut down on / run out of the amount of paper I use.
4 The panda is a(n) endangered / dangerous species.
5 In last summer’s hurricane / heatwave temperatures reached 45 degrees!
6 Are you coming / going anywhere this summer?
7 When was the last time a volcano / flood erupted?

C Choose the best answer.
1 What will you be doing / will you do ten years from now?
2 Do you think it is going to be / will have been very cold this weekend?
3 By 2020, we will have driven / will be driving more environmentally friendly cars.
4 In 20 years’ time more animals will have become / will be becoming extinct.
5 I’m meeting / I will meet Amanda in an hour.
6 My flight is leaving / leaves in an hour.
7 I’ll email you until / as soon as I have any news.

D Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets.
1 I intend to stop using paper altogether. (going) I ________ using paper altogether.
2 Do you have any plans for the weekend? (are) What _______ at the weekend?
3 First call Tony and then call George. (before) Call Tony ______ call George.
4 I predict another hot summer. (is) I think this summer ________ hot.

E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
1 Don’t forget to give Dan the message when he __________ (get) home.
2 Can you check my diary? What __________ I __________ (do) at three o’clock?
3 I’m afraid I haven’t looked at your assignment, As soon as I see Rita, I __________ (invite) her to dinner tonight.
4 The train __________ (get) in at 3.30, so we should be home by 4.00.
5 It’s all arranged. We __________ (pick) Mary up outside the museum at five o’clock.

F Make sentences with the prompts using the future continuous or perfect form.
1 What/you/do/ four o’clock?
2 Scientists/develop/new types of food/by 2020.
3 What/you/do/this time next week?
4 When/you/definitely/finish/the work by?
5 you/eat/with us/this evening
6 Where/we/stay/in Madrid/next month?

G Read the article from which some sentences have been taken out. Choose the correct sentences A–E to fill the gaps.

High Tech Dining

Going out for a meal is one of life’s biggest pleasures. (1) ___ We choose restaurants according to the atmosphere, the type of food, the service and, of course, our budget. Soon, however, there may be another factor that helps us choose a restaurant, and that is technology!

We know that high technology is already involved in food preparation, and chefs have a wide range of kitchen gadgets to make better dishes, more efficiently. We shall soon be discovering that technology has an importance in the actual dining experience itself. Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas. These will probably become quite normal in the future. In just a few years, paper menus may well be a thing of the past. We’ll be using the table top as a computer screen, and pictures of the different meals available will appear on our empty plates for us to choose from. (2) ___ We’ll be communicating directly with the kitchen and there will be no need for waiters to take our orders. This will reduce the time we have to wait and also reduce the possibility of human error when taking orders. (3) ___.

Technology like this will be good for restaurants that need diners to eat quickly and move on, allowing other people to take their places. It’s easy to see why – they will make more money! (4) ___ Getting the correct meal quickly is important, but surely this introduction of high tech ordering will mean that many waiters will lose their jobs. One restaurant in Germany has already got rid of the need for any waiters at all by putting in a mini roller coaster which delivers meals directly from the kitchen! Another point to consider is that at certain restaurants people do not always want to rush. Diners want to take their time and enjoy the interaction with waiters.(5) ___ Many experts believe that normal restaurants will have changed dramatically by the year 2020. And whether we see interactive dining as adventurous and fun or a sad end to a great tradition, it is something that we shall all have to accept.

A We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards on the tables.
B However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?
C As we have already seen, however, technology touches nearly every aspect of our lives and it is inevitable that restaurants will change soon. It’s simply a question of when.
D How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?
E Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

H Write an essay about global problems (GP) (200 – 250 words).

What global problems are? Is it a controversial problem?
Causes of beginning the problems?
What GP are the most serious nowadays?
Are they getting worse or better?
The ways of solving these problems.

1. Sheila felt quite awkward when she bumped into her ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend. — Шейла чувствовала себя неловко, когда она натолкнулась на своего бывшего парня с его новой девушкой.
2. It suddenly dawned on me that Kim had been right all along. — Мне вдруг стало ясно, что Ким всегда была права.
3. You look a bit run-down. Maybe you should take some extra vitamins. – Ты выглядишь изможденным. Может быть, вы должны принять некоторые дополнительные витамины.
4. When the police started asking questions, Joe felt compelled to tell the truth. — Когда полиция начала задавать вопросы, Джо был вынужден сказать правду.
5. Do we really have to fill in all these forms? It’s so tiresome. — Нужно ли нам заполнять все эти формы? Это так утомительно.
6. At first I thought this new computer game was fun, but now the novelty has worn off. — Сначала я подумал, что эта новая компьютерная игра была забавной, но теперь новинка стерлась.
7. Cherie seems quiet, but she can be very entertaining when the mood takes her. — Чери кажется тихой, но она может быть очень интересной, когда у нее есть настроение.
8. Paul and his friends gave an alluring performance of the song they had been practising. — Пол и его друзья дали очаровательное представление песни, которую они практиковали.


Complete the sentences with a form of ‘have’ and a word or phrase from the box*:
*Use short forms. Some sentences need a negative verb.

a headache , fun, a king , a driving licence , any brothers or sisters ,
a temperature, lunch , any mountains , a cup of coffee

1. I _____ , I’m my parents’ only child.
2. I think she _____ — she’s very hot.
3. Holland is very flat — it _____ .
4. This is a great party! We _____ .
5. When I _____ , I go and lie down.
6. Clare can’t drive because she _____ .
7. I always _____ and a biscuit at eleven o’clock in the morning.
8. France has a president, so it _____ or queen.
9. The office is very busy today, so I _____ at my desk — just a sandwich.

1 ответ:



1. Don’t have any sisters or brothers

2.has a temperature

3. Doesn’t have any mountains

4. We are having a fun

5. I have a headache

6. Doesn’t have driving licence

7. Have a cup of coffee

8. Doesnt have any king

9.have lunch

Читайте также

1. He goes to the supermarket everyday.
2. When did you see him?
3. Now he is reading a book.
4. She goes to work three times a week.
5. Where were you yesterday?
6. Yesterday she had been painting for 2 hours.
7. What was he doing yesterday?
<span>8. Father read a book yesterday.</span>

Irresponsible, unsensitive. unfair. irrational, unloyal.unmature untolerant

1isn’t drinking 2read 3sleeps 4drink 5go 6am reading 7is sleeping 8are drinking 9are going 10goes 11is playing 12does she get 13takes

1 a
Он был горд,когда его папу показали по ТВ с премьер министром.
2 f
Он завидовал своему лучшему другу,который встречался с девушкой,которая нравилась ему самому.
3 е
Ему было неловко,когда он купил ей подарок на день рождения в другой день.
4 а
Он был очень зол,когда кто-то украл его деньги.
5 с
Ему было грустно(он был огорчён),когда услышал,что его тётя скончалась.
6 d
Он сильно испугался ,когда увидел огромных собак,бегущих за ним.
7 h
Ему было скучно,когда девчонки говорили о помадах и всякой дребедени (о косметике).
8 g
Он чувствовал себя виноватым,когда ему приходилось врать родителям.

Питер Паркер — тихий подросток . Он живет в маленьком домике в Нью Йорке со своей тетей Мэри . У Питера было мало друзей . Его лучшая подруга Мэри Джейн , живет по соседству . Однажды паук укусил Петра и его повезли в научную лабораторию . Теперь у него есть особые полномочия ! Он сильный быстрый , и он может подняться по стенам , точно также как паук ! Люди любят его , но кто его враг ? Посмотрите фильм , что бы узнать ! Злой зеленый гоблин , после него . Может ли Человек Паук остановиться

1. Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentences.

She’s really kind-hearted
— she’ll do anything to help anyone.

Once when I was a child, my twin brother got better birthday presents
than me. I was so dependable
and didn’t speak to him for days!

My piano teacher is very encouraging
She tells me I will be really good if I practice.

He’s a very upbeat
person, and is always in a good mood.

After we had that argument, she became really encouraging
and didn’t speak to me.

She said she forgot my birthday, but I think she’s just too
to buy a present!

We are looking for a hardworking, dependable
person to join our team of nurses at Free United Hospital.

My work colleague Paul is very pleasant
and always fun to be around.

Choose the correct answer, a or b.

If someone is sulky, that does this mean?

They are in a bad mood, an might not speak to you.

they want to help people.

Someone who is upbeat is…

helpful and kind

cheerful and positive about life.

Two words with opposite meanings are…

generous and mean.

upbeat and dependable.

Someone who thinks of themselves before they think of someone else



A person who helps someone else to feel more confident is…




6. Find and correct the mistakes in four of the sentences.

I’m not understanding
you – can you say it again, please?

Are you wanting
to go home yet?

What do you mean?

He’s having a very good job.

Excuse me, do you know the

They want to get married.

Do you have a large family?

a lot of people through Facebook.

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

A: How is your English?

Not bad. It is


I usually finish
work at six o’clock, and it takes
me ten minutes to walk home.

You should turn your lights on. It is


you always listen
to music in the car?

I live
with my parents until I can find an apartment to buy.

A: Shall we go out for a walk?

Not now. It is

Vacabulary ] arguing

1. A Match the beginning of the phrases (1-7) with the end of the phrases (a-g)




have an

not be in

not speak

lose your

red — 2

argument — 4

angry with someone — 3

to someone for years — 6

temper with someone — 7

touch with someone any more — 5

out with someone over money — 1

Complete the text with the verbs from the box.

always admired

my older brother – he’s a really dependable person. He often

me when I was little, because my parents were away a lot. Since he
university, he has

in six different countries. He spent
four years in Russia, where he met
a Russian lady called Tatiana. They have
been married

for two years now. Last month he and Tatiana moved
to Thailand. I have
never been

there, but I’ve always wanted to go. And I’m really excited – I
just bought

my plane ticket!

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1.       Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

I like this book, and I’ve read
six capitals/chapters/prefaces

It’s not a proper drawing, only a

The play is very long but there
are three breaks/intervals/rests.

At the cinema I don’t like
sitting too near the film/screen/stage.

We heard a piece by Mozart
performed by a German

Her second book was very popular
and became a best buy/seller/volume.

I like the painting but I can’t
stand its ugly border/frame/square.

Robert’s new book will be broadcast/published/typed.

I liked the acting, and the costumes/dressing/outfits were good

The best act/place/scene in the film is when Jack meets Kate.

2.       Complete each sentence with a
word from the box. Use each word once only.

announcer                         composer           critic      editor   playwright         author                  conductor           director               novelist               sculptor

a)      The orchestra would not be successful with a different …… conductor………..

b)      I want a book on art, but I don’t know the name of the …………………..

c)       We must see the new film by that Italian …………………………..

d)      The ……………………….. said that the sports programme is on after the news.

e)      Harry writes for the theatre, but he is not only a …………………….

f)       We saw some interesting metal objects made by a French ………………………

g)      That’s a nice piece of music. Who is the …………………………..

h)      Peter Smith was the only ………………….. who wrote in praise of the film.

Charles Dickens is probably the
best known British ……………………

The ………………. of the newspaper usually
decides what it contains.

3.       Complete each sentence by putting
in, on, at or out of in each space.

Harry Smith is hard ……at……….. work writing his new screenplay.

The music was terrible and the
singer was …………………… tune.

I can’t tell what that is ………………
the background of the picture.

Jane’s new book is coming out ……………………..
paperback next year.

Is there anything good ……………………..
Channel 4 this evening?

The school put on Hamlet ……………….. modern dress.

The critics found Joe’s kind of
writing rather ………………. date.

In the last scene, all the actors
are ……………….. stage together.


1. a)chapters                    b)
sketch             c) intervals         d) screen             e) orchestra       f)
seller                 g) frame              h) published            i) costumes        j) scene

2.  a) conductor                               b) author            c) director           d) announcer                    e)
playwright                    f) sculptor                g) composer                      h) critic                 i) novelist            j) editor

3. a) at                 b) out of              c) in       d) in                      e)
on                     f) in        g) out of              h) on

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