Complete the sentences with a word from the list people



Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!


Светило науки — 5441 ответ — 69880 раз оказано помощи

а. I speak very good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an absolutely gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was completely fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m a bit late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s really amazing!

1. The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous of an Renaissance paintings. — Мона Лиза, вероятно, самая известная из картин Возрождения.
2. Picasso painted his first self-portrait when he was only sixteen. — Пикассо написал свой первый автопортрет, когда ему было всего шестнадцать.
3. ‘Angel of the North’ is Britain’s largest sculpture. It’s 20 metres high, and stands on a hilltop, to welcome visitors to Tyneside. — «Ангел Севера» — самая крупная в Британии скульптура. Она 20 метров в высоту и стоит на вершине холма, чтобы поприветствовать посетителей Тайнсайда.
4. Clowns often wear special white make-up, bright coloured clothes, and very large shoes when they go on stage. — Клоуны часто наносят специальный белый макияж, надевают яркую цветную одежду и очень большие ботинки, когда они выходят на сцену.
5. Murder mysteries belong to the fastest- growing genre of popular literature. — Тайны убийства принадлежат к быстрорастущему жанру популярной литературы.

1. He said he had done a lot of sight seeing. 
2. Grandfather asked Mary what mark she got at school.
3. He said he had a good camera.
4. They said they could help me at all.
5. He said he had taken many photographs while traveling in the Caucasus.
6. She asked if I really wanted to go to the South Pole.
7. He said he would come to see us next Sunday.
8. He said to me that she had  seen a strange car near her house that morning.
9. He said  he would bring and show us the photographs he had  taken during his stayed in the Caucasus.
<span>10. I said to her if she could give me his address.</span>

1) long
2) wide
3) deep
4) big

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now- then

1. You should take a hot bath
2. You should drink something
3. You should eat something
4. You should go to the hospital
5. You should take tablets
6. You should call the police


1. He studies history at university.

2. My brother is an engineer.

3. We work for an American company.

4. I don’t have a job. I’m unemployed.

5. Paola is a receptionist.

6. My grandparents are 75. They’re retired.

7. They work in a factory.


1. to study at university — «учиться в университете» — это сочетание надо запомнить.

2.  an engineer — поскольку существительное начинается на гласный звук, артикль имеет форму an

3. work for (a company) — работать на (компанию)

4. unemployed — безработный

5. Paola is a receptionist. — когда называют профессию человека, используют неопределённый артикль.

6. to be retired — быть на пенсии

7. to work in a factory — это выражение тоже нужно запомнить

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