Complete the sentences with a word from the list angry better colder



Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!


Светило науки — 5441 ответ — 69880 раз оказано помощи

а. I speak very good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an absolutely gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was completely fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m a bit late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s really amazing!


1. He studies history at university.

2. My brother is an engineer.

3. We work for an American company.

4. I don’t have a job. I’m unemployed.

5. Paola is a receptionist.

6. My grandparents are 75. They’re retired.

7. They work in a factory.


1. to study at university — «учиться в университете» — это сочетание надо запомнить.

2.  an engineer — поскольку существительное начинается на гласный звук, артикль имеет форму an

3. work for (a company) — работать на (компанию)

4. unemployed — безработный

5. Paola is a receptionist. — когда называют профессию человека, используют неопределённый артикль.

6. to be retired — быть на пенсии

7. to work in a factory — это выражение тоже нужно запомнить

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Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!


30 Май, 18


(53 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

Пж помогите помтавлю 20 бал Complete the sentences with a word from each
bored boring exciting relaxed
anyone anything nothing
My friends did something
unusual on holiday.
They swam with dolphins, and they said it was really
2 The children were
to do.
because there was
3 Claire thought the party was a bit.
because she didn’t know
because there isn’t any
4 Tim is
homework. He isn’t doing.
Answer the questions in full sentences so they are

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Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс

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Тест в формате ЕГЭ на словообразование. 14 предложений

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

She didn’t get the job because of her …………to use a computer. ABLE

Вопрос 2

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

It is well-known that exercise is …….to our health. BENEFIT

Вопрос 3

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Older children should be given the ………. of choice what they wear. FREE

Вопрос 4

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

We could play tennis this afternoon or …………we could go swimming. ALTERNATIVE

Вопрос 5

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

It’s important to ensure that you eat a …………diet. BALANCE

Вопрос 6

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

He is widely regarded as England’s most ………. footballer. SKILL

Вопрос 7

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Over the years ha had proved to be ………., so I let him borrow my car. TRUST

Вопрос 8

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The ………. of the Earth’s resources is perhaps our most important challenge. CONSERVE

Вопрос 9

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

George Clooney became …………. after starring in the show E. R.     FAME

Вопрос 10

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Meryl Streep will always be remembered for her amazing ……….in The Iron Lady.      PERFORM

Вопрос 11

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Michael is completely ……….to his older brother, John.          DIFFER

Вопрос 12

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The old computer system in our office has outlived its ………. USEFUL

Вопрос 13

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Manchester United made a ……….in the last minute.      SUBSTITUTE

Вопрос 14

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The secretary said she’ll stay until we can find a …………. for her.  REPLACE

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