Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in a her mother is a


Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d.
1 Her mother is a very nice person
2 My English teacher is a ___.His name’s William
3 I have two ______.My first ____ is six years old.
4 Many British _________drink tea.
5 Not those toilets, Mr Davis! They’re for _____, not _____.​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson
with Jane Hudson


4 A My name’s Hannah, not Anna
6 B All over the world
8 C Open your books, please
10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Ar riving in London

11 A A writer’s room
13 B Stars and stripes
15 C After 300 metres, turn left

17 A Things I love about Britain
19 B Work and play
21 C Love online
23 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Coffee to take away

24 A Is she his wife or his sister?
26 B What a life!
28 C Live forever

30 A Do you have the X Factor?
32 B Love your neighbours
34 C Sun and the City
36 PRACTICAL ENGLISH In a clothes shop

37 A Reading in English
39 B Times we love
41 C Music changes lives

43 A At the National Portrait Gallery
45 B Chelsea girls
47 C A night to remember

50 A A murder story
52 B A house with a history
54 C A night in a haunted hotel

56 A What I ate yesterday
58 B White gold
60 C Quiz night
62 PRACTICAL ENGLISH At a restaurant

63 A The most dangerous road …
65 B CouchSurf round the world!
67 C What’s going to happen?

69 A First impressions
71 B What do you want to do?
73 C Men, women, and the internet

76 A Books and films
78 B I’ve never been there!
80 C The English File questionnaire


1 GRAMMAR verb be IT! and B

a Complete B’s sentences.
1 A Prague is in Hungary.
B It isn’t in HuntJary. it’s in the Czech Republic.
2 A Lady Gaga is British.
B ________________ American.
3 A He’s German.
B _________________ Swiss.
4 A Istanbul and Ankara are in Greece.
B _________________ Turkey.
5 A We’re in room 219.
B _______________ room 309.
6 A Parmesan is from France.
B _________________ Italy.
7 A You’re Brazilian.
B _______________ Argentinian.
8 A Enrique Iglesias is American.
B ________________ Spanish.

b Order the words to make questions.
your I ‘s I name I What
VV hat’syourname~————-?
2 she I Where I ‘s I from
3 America I from I they I South I Are
4 five I room I we I in I Are
5 holiday I you I Are I on
6 from I he I Poland I Is
c Match these answers to the questions in b.
a Yes, he is.
b No, I’m not.
c She’s from Italy.
d No, we aren’t.
e Yes, they are.


How can you govern a country
which has 246 varieties of cheese?

2 VOCABULARY the world, numbers 21-
a Complete the sentences with a country or a nationality.
1 Ivana is from Russia. She’s Russian.
2 Bratwurst is German. It’s from Germany
3 Aki is from Japan. He’s ______ _
4 My friends are Hungarian. They’re from
5 Maria is from Mexico. She’s
6 Fiat cars are Italian. They’re from
7 Paella is from Spain. It’s
8 We’re Egyptian. We’re from
9 She’s from the United States. She’s
10 They’re Brazilian. They’re from
b Complete the dialogues with a continent.
1 A Where’s Spain?
B It’s in
2 A Where’s Japan?
B It’s in
3 A Where’s Brazil?
B It’s in
4 A Where’s Canada?
B It’s in
5 A Where’s Egypt?
B It’s in

c Complete the compass.

d Write the numbers
in words.
1 27
2 33
3 40
4 48
5 56
6 62
7 74
8 85
9 99
10 100


1 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives: my,

your, etc.
a Complete the chart.

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives
I 1
2 your

he 3
4 her
5 its
we 6
you 7
8 their

b Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.
1 Her name’s Teresa.
2 _______ name’s Edward.
3 We’re students. _______ teacher’s name is
4 I’m Irish. family are from Dublin.
5 It’s a Chinese restaurant. name is
Merry City.
6 A What’s phone number?
B My mobile number? It’s 07700 900156.
7 They’re Scottish. _______ surname’s MacLeod.
c Order the words to make questions.
1 first / her / What’s / name
A What’s her tirst name?
B Sandra.
2 teacher / Where / from / your / ‘s
B The United States.
3 he / student / Is / a
B No, he isn’t.
4 you / old / How / are
B I’m 35.
5 surname / spell / do / How / you / your

Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at twenty or eighty.

Match the words to the pictures.
a complete QJ f cross D
b underline D g cover the text D
c match D h number D
d circle D tick D
e ask your partner D cross out D


sc ———



3 VOCABULARY classroom language
a Complete the sentences.
1 Clrui:. the door.
2 L _____ andrepeat.
3 0 your books, please.
4 W in pairs.
5 A the question.
6 T off your mobile.
7 L at the board.
8 G to page 94.
b Order the words to make sentences.
don’t I [ I know
I don’t know.
2 do I How I it I you I spell
3 don’t I I I understand

4 you I that I can I please I repeat I Sorry,

5 in I English I Excuse I what’s I me, I ‘vacaciones’

6 remember I I I can’t

4 PRONUNCIATION /’;m/, lu:/, /a:/;
the alphabet
a ~ the word with a different vowel sound.

know don’t North

~ t wo South you

  • Q: Asia France answer


~1J go close do

b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.



c ~the letter with a different vowel sound.

. UI7″ ,e

eI 1~ = ax


‘»-‘> —
train tree boot egg bike
G S 0 M Y

d Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the letters.

Listen to the dialogue at a hotel reception
desk. Complete the form.

1 Erik



4 Pe rth

5 Atkinson Road



8 61

9 61

Learn these words and phrases.
address Jdres
age cId;;
postcode ‘p;:loSlbou
receptionist I’I’serJJn 1St
student ‘stju:clnt
surname 3:nerm
first name ‘l’:l:st neIm
mobile phone Il1Jobi:1 ‘fJon
phone number ‘l’;Jun n J11b.’),
How old are you? han ‘Jolt! u: ju
I’m 22. aIm I wentl ‘[ u:



Complete the crossword.
Clues across -+

2 GRAMMAR a / an, plurals; this / that /
these / those
a Write It ‘s + a I an or They’re.
It ‘s a
2 They ‘re pens.
3 diary.
4 umbrella.
S stamps.
6 keys.

_______ identity card.
_______ pencil.
b Write each word in its plural form in the correct column.

pencil city eein ticket diary watch window
adclr-es-s sandwich country class dictionary

-s -es -ies
cams addresses cities

My favourite things in life
don’t cost any money.

Clues down ~

c Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

1 Ibm.’s a French newspaper.

2 _______ watch
is Swiss.

3 _______ aremy

4 _____ __ book

S _______ are
your keys.

d Complete the chart.

Singular Plural

e Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d.
Her mother is a very nice pel»son
2 My English teacher is a. His name’s
3 I have two ____. My first ____ is six
years old.
4 Many British drink tea.
5 Not those toilets, Mr Davis! They’re for
____ , not ___ _

3 PRONUNCIATION final-s and -es; th

a ~~!Vthe word which ends in/Iz/.
1 coins wallets ceurs~
2 classes files scissors
3 stamps’
4 photos
5 tissues


6 magazines glasses newspapers
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.
c ~irc1 word with a different sound.

1 that they thanks

8 2 thing thirty these
3 three this the

8 4 Thursday those thirteen

d Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.

Read the text and label the pictures.

####### The top five things

in people’s bags

Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys,
car keys, or office keys. Next are pens, to write down names,
numbers, and email addresses. Number three on t he list is
a packet of tissues. These can be white or different colours,
like pink or yellow. Next is medicine, for example paracetamol
for a bad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These
are small pieces of paper from shops.

4 5

Listen to four people talking about things they have in
their bags. Which person …?
1 has a book in his I her bag which helps him I her speak
to people
2 has something to listen to music
3 changes bags every day
4 has a computer in his I her bag

Learn these words and phrases.

lamp hemp
room ru:ml
tidy ‘tdldil
untidy ,n’tului
What’s this in English? ots OIS 111 ‘IJJglIJ

d Look at the information and write sentences with quite
or very.
Rob Neil Jim
Age 15 65 85
Height 2 metres 1 metre 60 1 metre 80
Weight 150 kilos 90 kilos 55 kilos

Age (old I young)
1 Rob is quite young
2 Neil is quite ___________ _
3 Jimis _____________ _
Height (tall! short)
4 Rob ________________________ ___
5 Neil _____________ ___
6 JUn————————
Weight (fat I thin)
7 Rob ________________________ ___
8 eil ______________ _
9 Jim __________________________ _

3 PRONUNCIATION long and short

vowel sounds
a Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with the
same vowel sound. Write the phrases in the chart. Use
a I an with singular nouns.


blue clean dark fat good long eig small
book effy door car jeans man shoes song

I 1 g, big city D 5
fish clock

. ~~
1: 2
tree horse
re 3
cat bull

.Q: 4 u: 8

car —boot

4ij~~~~ Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.

Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).
1 The Walk of Fame is in the UK.
2 It’s a short street.
3 Every year there are more stars.
4 The stars are for famous actors.
5 Michael Jackson has more than one star.
6 Only real people can have a star.

Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles in California, USA. The Walk
of Fame is in the centre of the district on Hollywood Boulevard
and Vine Street. It is over two kilometres long, and has more than
2,400 stars. There are more than 20 new stars every year.
The stars are in five different types: film, TV, music, radio, and
theatre. Some famous people have more than one star, for
example Michael Jackson. He has two stars: one as a solo artist,
and one as a member of the Jackson Five. But the Walk of Fame
isn’t only for real people. Mickey Mouse has a star and more
recently, Shrek.

(ocrr:tl.~ Listen to five speakers describing celebrities
with Hollywood stars. Which speaker describes …?
A a short singer with blonde or brown hair
B a quite old American actor with dark eyes
C a tall, good-looking man with brown eyes
D an actor and musician with blue eyes
E a British woman with green eyes

Learn these words and phrases.
actor ilk I ….
actress .ek tr;»~
eyes .III
hair hel
musician mju’71Jn
politician rob llJn
sportsman SpY lSIll;ln
sportswoman ‘sJ1;l:h OIl1;ln
singer ‘.,IIP
about (50) ;l hanl
famous fell11;l,

1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let’s

a Complete the sentences with a verb in the box.


Use a [±] or a B imperative.

be close come drink park slow speak turn worry
1 The city is dangerous at night. Please ~ careful.
2 It’s cold in here. Please the window.
3 It isn’t a problem. Please about it.
4 This is an English class. Please Spanish.
5 Their house is quite near. Please down.
6 on! We’re late!
7 This is a bus stop. Please here.
8 that water — it’s dirty.
9 This music is terrible. Please it off.
Match the sentences to the pictures.

A Let’s park here.

D Let’s cross the road here.
E Let’s go to a hotel.
C Let’s eat lunch there. F Let’s turn on the air conditioning.

Don’t worry, be happy.
Bobby «»cFerrin, American musician

2 VOCABULARY feelings
Write a sentence from the box.

Iffi-aAg-Fy; I’m bored. I’m cold. I’m happy.
I’m hot. I’m hungry. I’m sad. I’m stressed.
I’m tired. I’m thirsty. I’m worried.
1 M y friend is late. J’man 8 ry.
2 It’s 3°e.
3 It’s my birthday!
4 My mother is in hospital.
5 It’s time for dinner.
6 I don’t know what to do.
1 It’s 42 °e.
8 It ‘s very late.
9 My boyfrie nd is very far away.
10 I want a drink.
11 I have a lot of work.

3 PRONUNCIATION understanding
connected speech
a Practise saying the sentences.
1 Look at those children.


2 Turn off the TV.
3 Let’s ask ..) that man.
4 Don’t ..) open the window.
5 Let’s ..) eat ..) at home.
6 Sit ..) on this chair.
Listen and check. Then listen
again and repeat the sentences.

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases
Complete the verb phrases.

animals ffiA economics exercise German
glasses a new car a newspaper sorry an umbrella
1 cook dinner
2 study
3 speak
4 read
5 say
6 wear
7 do
8 like
9 want
10 take

2 GRAMMAR present simple [±] and B

a @the correct words.
1 A lot of British people 91 drinks tea.
2 It don’t rain 1 doesn’t rain a lot in my country.
3 You live 1 lives in a beautiful house.
4 The weather change 1 changes quickly in Britain.
5 My father don’t cook 1 doesn’t cook.
6 My boyfriend don’t wear 1 doesn’t wear glasses.
7 People don’t have 1 doesn’t have 10 cards in Britain.
8 We need 1 needs a new computer.
9 My English friend make 1 makes good coffee.
10 I don’t do 1 doesn’t do exercise.
b Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

Ryan Kim
eat fast food ./ X
wear jeans X ./
drink mineral water ./ ./
do housework ./ X
play the guitar X X

1 Ryan eats fast food.
2 Ryan _______ jeans.
3 Ryan and Kim _______ mineral water.
4 Kim housework.
5 Ryan and Kim the guitar.

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon -the two
most beautiful words in the English language.

6 Kim _______ fast food.
7 Kim jeans.
8 Ryan housework.
c Complete the sentences.
1 don’t play (not play) tennis.
2 They (not go) to the cinema.
3 She (have) two children.
4 5 6 7 8 9
Her father _______ (not work) in an office.
It ______ _ (rain) a lot.
We _______ (live) in a big flat.
My girlfriend ____ ___ (not speak) English.
_ ______ (study) at York University.
_______ (not do) your homework.

My friends

3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds,
third person —
a Say the words. Is the vowel sound the same or different?
Write S (the same) or D (different).
1 say take ~
2 do go [Q]
3 drink live D
4 want have D
5 give drive D
6 call walk D
7 read
8 feel
9 play
10 buy

eat D
wear D
watch D
like D
b Listen and check. Then listen again and



repeat the words.
@the word which ends in /IZ/.
I 2 3 4 5 6
likes works @t~
lives drinks watches
drives finishes plays
uses takes speaks
studies listens kisses
changes gives wears
Listen and check. T hen listen again and
repeat the words.


a Read the text. Match the headings (A-D) to the

A A nice cheap place to spend a morning
B Have a nice meal and make new friends
C Yes we can!
o Shopping is so easy

Things I love
about the US

Sarah Araf is British but she lives in Ohio,
in the US. Here are some things she loves
about living there.

1 ________________________________ __
In the US, the customer is really important. When you
walk into a store, the staff greet you with a smile and ask
‘How are you?’. The customer is always right too. If you
have a problem with something, you take it back and they
solve the problem quickly. You don’t need to complain.
You don’t even need to have the receipt.
2 __________________________________ ___
I love real American coffee shops. Not chains like Costa
and Starbucks, but those old-fashioned places where the
waitresses come to your table and call you ‘honey’. You
pay a dollar for coffee, and you can drink as much as you
like. You can also stay as long as you like. You can sit there
all day and read a book for the price of a cup of coffee.
3 __________________________________ ___
Eating out here isn’t as expensive as in the UK, so we
go out quite a lot. People are very friendly here too.
When you go to a bar or a restaurant, you often have
a conversation with the people at the next table. It’s
really nice.
4 __________________________________ _
Everyone is so optimistic here! They believe that
everything is possible if you work hard. If you say
‘We can’t do that’, they say, ‘Why not?’!

b Guess the meaning of the highlighted verbs. Check in
your dictionary.

Listen to the three speakers talking about
Britain. Answer the questions with H (Hannah),
A (Anna), or R (Roberta).

Hannah, Korea Anna, Poland Roberta, Italy

Who …?
1 doesn’t like the food 0
2 likes eating food from many different countries 0
3 likes the atmosphere at work 0
4 likes the parks 0
5 thinks the traffic is terrible 0
6 thinks that people are nice to foreigners 0

Learn these words and phrases.

love 1
rain rell
buy (opposite sell) hal
call 1.):
change tJe 111 d;i
feel 11:
need ni:tl
pay pel
prefer prJ 1′:1:

e Complete the words.


‘ ‘,’

:. …
, -‘—!-‘.
. ,
jacket 2 sh ___ _ 3 t ____ _

4 sk ___ _ 5 t ____ _ 6 tr ____ _

2 GRAMMAR present simple [1J
a Complete the questions with Do or Does.


1 Do you work in an office?
2 your parents speak foreign languages?
3 4 5 6 7 8 9


_______ your sister drive?
_______ you have special qualifications?
_______ your mother work?
_______ James travel a lot?
_______ your father earn a lot of money?
_______ they wear a uniform?
_______ Ann walk to work?
_______ you work at weekends?
Complete the questions with does, do, is, or are. Then match
the questions to the answers.
1 What does she do? [£] a He’s an actor.
2 What they do? D b In a restaurant — she’s a waitress.
3 he a builder? D c She’s a doctor.
4 What you do? D d No, they’re lawyers.
5 they policemen? D e I’m a hairdresser.
6 Where shework? D f No, he’s an engineer.
7 she a student? D g They’re pilots.
8 What he do? D h No, she’s a teacher.


a Underline the stressed syllable.
1 ad min i stra tor 6 mo del
2 ar chi tect 7 mu si cian
3 den tist 8 pi lot
4 foot ball er 9 po lice man
5 hair dress er 10 soldier
I’ ~ _. ____ : ___ .

c ~~five more words with /3:/ and write them
in the chart.

doctor ~ engineer far hairdresser nurse
journalist service short sure thirsty tired
worker worried


_3 : :earn
, bird ,
d Listen and check. Then listen again
and repeat the words.

a Listen to a contestant on a quiz show


and <fircl~ his job.

administrator dentist flight attendant
lawyer nurse receptionist vet

Complete the questions with the
verbs in the box. Then listen again and check.

earn have make speak travel wear work
1 Doyou make things?

___________ special qualifications?
___________ foreign languages?
4 _____________ auniform?
5 for your work?
6 a lot of money?
7 with other people?

Learn these words and phrases.
jacket ‘dJ,eJ. I
qualifications b nil 1’1′ kelJn7’
skirt ISk :t
trousers t r .WZ;)
comfortable «k l1lrt;!hll
foreign (languages) ‘fnr~m
earn moneY «3:n ‘m 111 1
It depends. It dl ‘pendzi

1 GRAMMAR word order in questions

a Order the words to make questions.
1 heavy ,like’ you, metal, Do
~ Do ~yo~ uL like he avy~ me ta~l ____________________ _?
2 the, do , at , do , What, weekend, you
3 kind, What’ do , books, read, you, of
4 drink’ want’ another, you, Do
5 a’ Are’ flight, you, attendant
6 live’ Where’ do , Bristol, you, in
7 is, favourite, Who’ writer’ your
8 old, How’ you, are
9 iPad I have I you I an , Do
10 your, nice, Is I salad
b Martin and Beth are new friends. They go for a drink.
Complete the questions.
M So, Beth, 1 where doyOU live?
B In North London. In a big flat.
M 2 _______________ with your parents?
B No, I live with my sister. 3 ___________ any
brothers and sisters?
M I have a sister. She’s 23.
B 4 ________ a student?
M No, she works. She’s a shop assistant.
B What about you? 5 ______ work?
M In a hotel.
B 6 _______________ your job?
M Yes, I do. I love it!

It’s relaxing to go out with my ex-wife
because she already knows I’m an idiot.

2 VOCABULARY question words
Complete the questions with the questions words in
the box.

Hew How many What What kind When
Where Which Who Why

1 A How do you go to work?
B By car.
2 A car do you drive?
B AMini.
3 A do you work?
B In a factory.
4 A do you go to the gym?
B On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
5 A do you prefer, the cinema or
the theatre?
B The theatre, I think.
6 A of music do you like?
7 A CDs do you have?
B About a hundred.
S A is your favourite singer?
B Rihanna.
9 A _________ do you like her?
B Because she has a great voice.

3 PRONUNCIATION question words;
sentence stress
a Match the question words 1-7 to the words with the
same sounds a-g.
1 why
2 which
3 who
4 what
5 how
6 when
7 where

####### o o o o o o o

a you
b hot
c there
d my
e ten
f rich
g now
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.

Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d перевод - Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d русский как сказать

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Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Завершить приговоров со словом из диаграммы в d

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Дополните предложения со словом из диаграммы ре

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


полное наказание с слово из диаграммы в D

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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1. He studies history at university.

2. My brother is an engineer.

3. We work for an American company.

4. I don’t have a job. I’m unemployed.

5. Paola is a receptionist.

6. My grandparents are 75. They’re retired.

7. They work in a factory.


1. to study at university — «учиться в университете» — это сочетание надо запомнить.

2.  an engineer — поскольку существительное начинается на гласный звук, артикль имеет форму an

3. work for (a company) — работать на (компанию)

4. unemployed — безработный

5. Paola is a receptionist. — когда называют профессию человека, используют неопределённый артикль.

6. to be retired — быть на пенсии

7. to work in a factory — это выражение тоже нужно запомнить

Use the new words in the right forms to complete the sentences.
1) Her m… t… is probably French.
2) English has b… a lot of words from other European languages.
3) Jane p… French to German. She is fond of the French language.
4) Fiona is going to make a s… at our school meeting.
5) His v… is not very large, he is only a small boy.
6) Has Albert written his test y…?
7) A lot of pupils c… textbooks in their backpacks to schools.
8) I have n… been to Paris. I don’t know what it is like.
9) Words d… new meanings, don’t they?
10) How do you p… this word? I don’t know it.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 10. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Используй новые слова в правильных формах, чтобы закончить предложения.
1) Ее р… я… наверное, французский.
2) Английский п… много слов из других европейских языков.
3) Джейн п… французский немецкому. Она увлекается французским языком.
4) Фиона собирается выступить с р… на нашей школьной встрече.
5) Его с… не очень большой, он всего лишь маленький мальчик.
6) Альберт у… написал свой тест?
7) Многие ученики н… учебники в школу в своих рюкзаках.
8) Я н… не был в Париже. Я не знаю, какой он.
9) Слова р… новые значения, не так ли?
10) Как ты п… это слово? Я его не знаю.

1) Her mother tongue is probably French.
2) English has borrowed a lot of words from other European languages.
3) Jane prefers French to German. She is fond of the French language.
4) Fiona is going to make a speech at our school meeting.
5) His vocabulary is not very large, he is only a small boy.
6) Has Albert written his test yet?
7) A lot of pupils carry textbooks in their backpacks to schools.
8) I have never been to Paris. I don’t know what it is like.
9) Words develop new meanings, don’t they?
10) How do you pronounce this word? I don’t know it.

Перевод ответа
1) Ее родной язык наверное, французский.
2) Английский позаимствовал много слов из других европейских языков.
3) Джейн предпочитает французский немецкому. Она увлекается французским языком.
4) Фиона собирается выступить с речью на нашей школьной встрече.
5) Его словарный запас не очень большой, он всего лишь маленький мальчик.
6) Альберт уже написал свой тест?
7) Многие ученики носят учебники в школу в своих рюкзаках.
8) Я никогда не был в Париже. Я не знаю, какой он.
9) Слова развивают новые значения, не так ли?
10) Как ты произносишь это слово? Я его не знаю.

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