Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold for decades


Задание 1. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
1. The ________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM
2. You should understand the great ________ of this decision. SERIOUS
3. We all are interested in the rapid ______ of our
country DEVELOP
4. At the job interview try to hide your _______ NERVOUS
5. A lot of animals on the Earth need ______ PROTECT
Ответы 1.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Variant 1

1. Read definitions of natural disasters and name them.

1. a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain -____________________

2. an extremely violent wind or storm -____________________

3. large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry -____________________

4. a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land -____________________

5. a period of time with no rain -____________________

2. Fill in: pollution, cyclone, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine in the correct form. There is one extra word.

1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.

2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water __________ in history.

3. ________ are very common in South East Asia.

4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.

5. We say that people live in ________ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.

3. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. (change it into nouns)

1. We live in the house with all the modern _________________ CONVENIENT

2. The ______________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM

3. He had a very attractive _______________ APPEAR

4. Her daughter made such a nice________________ for the party. INVITE

5. I still think he needs your ____________ in choosing the career. GUIDE

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form –ing form or infinitive.

1.They denied ______________ the window. (break)

2.The baby began _____________ in the middle of the night. (cry).

3. I don’t want __________ to the cinema. (go)

4. They decided _____________the homework. (do)

5.Has it stopped ____________ yet? (snow)

5 Choose used to/be used to/get used to

1. When I was a child I _______________ask a lot of questions.

2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She __________ living alone.

3. Their neighbours are very noisy, so they have to ______________ the noise.

4. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t _______ driving on the left.

5. Mike __________doing his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.

6. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.

2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.

3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.

4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.

5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.

7. Fill in the correct preposition (by, in, on, out)

1. Relax, we are _____ of danger.

2. How ________ earth did you get here?

3. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature

4. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins.

5. He was horrified to see his office ______ flames.

Variant 2

1. Read definitions of natural disasters and name them.

1. a period of time with no rain -_____________________

2. large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry -_____________________

3. an extremely violent wind or storm -_____________________

4. a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land -_____________________

5. a shaking of the ground -_____________________

2. Fill in: pollution, cyclone, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine in the correct form. There is one extra word.

1. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water ______________ in history.

2. There are a lot of _________________ species on the planet.

3. We say that people live in _________ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing

4. _________________ are very common in South East Asia.

5. Governments should do everything not to let people die of ________________

3. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. (change it into nouns)

1. . Her daughter made such a nice_____________ for the party. INVITE

2. A lot of animals on the Earth need __________ PROTECT

3. He had a very attractive _____________ APPEAR

4 We live in the house with all the modern ________________ CONVENIENT

5. I still think he needs your __________ in choosing the career. GUIDE

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form –ing form or infinitive.

1. Has it stopped __ _________ yet? (snow)

2. They denied ______________ the window. (break)

3.They decided _____________the homework. (do)

4. My sister agreed ______ me clean the room. (help)

5. The baby began _____________ in the middle of the night. (cry).

5 Choose used to/be used to/get used to

1. He lived in the North for a long time so he _________ the cold.

2. When a child she __________play with a lot of dolls.

3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ___________ driving on the left.

4. Mike ______________doing his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.

5. Pupils don’t like wearing uniform to school but surely they will__________ it.

6. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. Due to the heavy rain the concert was called ______.

2. The tsunami in Indonesia called________ immediate action.

3. The meeting was called _____ but we still don’t know why.

4. Call _____ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together

5. A nurse often calls _____ my granny because she is not well

7. Fill in the correct preposition. ((by, in, on, out))

1. How ________ earth did you get here?

2. He was very ill but now he is ______of danger.

3. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins

4. He was horrified to see his office _____ flames.

5. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature.



1. avalanche

2. hurricane

3. flood

4. tsunami

5 drought


1. global warming

2. pollution

3. cyclone

4. endangered

5. poverty


1. conveniences

2. performance

3. appearance

4. invitation

5. guidance


1. breaking

2. crying

3. to go

4. to do

5. snowing


1. used to

2. got used to

3. get used to

4. get used to

5. is used to


1. out

2. in

3. off

4. on

5. for


1. out

2. on

3. by

4. in

5. in



1. drought

2. flood

3. hurricane

4. tsunami

5. earthquake


1. pollution

2. endangered

3. poverty

4. cyclone

5. famine


1. invitation

2. protection

3. appearance

4. conveniences

5. guidance


1. snowing

2. breaking

3. to do

4. helping

5. crying


1. is used to

2. used to

3. get used to

4. is used to

5. get used to


1. off

2. for

3. off

4. in

5. on


1. on

2. out

3. in

4. in

5. by

Развитие словарного запаса

Упражнение 1, с. 30

1 Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box.  — Закончите предложения, используя одно из слов в рамке.

• bargain — выгодная сделка • discount — скидка • offer — предложение

1 There was a special offer on apples at the supermarket.

В супермаркете было специальное предложение на яблоки.

2 Debra enjoys bargain — hunting in charity shops. 

Дебра любит охотиться за выгодными покупками в благотворительных магазинах.

3 Can you give me a discount on these jeans?

Не могли бы вы дать мне скидку на эти джинсы?

• financial — финансовый • economical — экономичный • costly — дорогой

4 My mother is very economical and only spends money when necessary.

Моя мама очень экономна и тратит деньги только в случае необходимости.

5 Owning a car can be very costly because of the rising price of fuel.

Владение автомобилем может быть очень дорогостоящим из-за растущих цен на топливо.

6 Now that Robert has a job, he is in a better financial situation.

Теперь, когда у Роберта есть работа, его финансовое положение улучшилось.

• label — этикетка • brand — бренд • trademark — торговая марка

7 When you see a designer labelyou know the item will be expensive.

Когда вы видите дизайнерский лейбл, вы знаете, что вещь будет дорогой.

8 The company’s trademark is a simple blue and white logo.

Торговая марка компании — это простой бело-голубой логотип.

9 I always buy this brand of coffee because it has the best flavour.

Я всегда покупаю кофе этой марки, потому что у него самый лучший вкус.

• company — компания • business — бизнес • corporation — корпорация

10 The salesman handed me his business card.

Продавец протянул мне свою визитную карточку.

11 Rita is the manager of a company that sells sportswear.

Рита — менеджер компании, которая продаёт спортивную одежду.

12 The multinational corporation has over 30 branches across the world.

Многонациональная корпорация имеет более 30 филиалов по всему миру.

• prospectus — проспект • brochure — брошюра • leaflet — листовка

13 The travel brochure contained photos of sandy beaches and blue skies.

В туристической брошюре были фотографии песчаных пляжей и голубого неба.

14 While I was at the dental surgery, I picked up an information leaflet about tooth whitening.

Пока я был в стоматологической клинике, я взял информационную брошюру об отбеливании зубов.

15 Omar browsed through the university prospectus to find a course that was right for him.

Омар просмотрел проспект университета, чтобы найти подходящий для него курс.

• profit — прибыль • revenue — доход • earnings — заработок

16 The shop assistant deposited the week’s earnings into the bank.

Продавец внёс в банк выручку за неделю.

17 Eve made a large profit selling cheap jewellery for high prices.

Ева получила большую прибыль, продавая дешёвые ювелирные изделия по высокой цене.

18 The government generates revenue through taxation.

Правительство получает доход через налогообложение.

•manufactured — изготовленный • assembled — собранный • fabricated — изготовленный

19 The flat-pack furniture we bought had to be assembled before use.

Купленную нами сборную мебель нужно было собрать перед использованием.

20 My new sports car was manufactured in Germany.

Мой новый спортивный автомобиль был произведен в Германии.

21 The antique clock was fabricated by a skilled craftsman.

Старинные часы были изготовлены искусным мастером.

Упражнение 2, с. 30

2. Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold. — Дополните предложения словом, образованным от слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.

Forget cleaning! A team of 1) researchers in China have now invented a fabric that cleans itself! Laundry will become a thing of the past as this 2) innovative substance does all the hard work for you. It works by spraying natural fibres with a special chemical compound. This compound has the ability to remove dirt when exposed to sunlight. This means that the wearer could go for a 3) leisurely stroll in the sun in order to clean their clothes! What’s more, the coating is not only good for stain 4) removal, but also for eliminating body odours. No longer will you have to worry about 5) embarrassing moments on hot, humid days. Your outfit will keep you fresh and clean all day long! And if the item is 6) heavily stained, it can be cleaned using a washing machine. So what are the 7) disadvantages? Well, critics warn that the spray may be 8) poisonous and could harm a person’s health as they breathe in particles from their 9) clothing. Moreover, it has been suggested that the substance is not 10) environmentally friendly. Further tests are being carried out to ensure the spray is not 11) harmful to consumers. However, the manufacturers of the product are 12) confident that it will become available on the high street soon!

Забудьте о чистке! Команда 1) исследователей в Китае изобрела ткань, которая сама себя чистит! Стирка уйдёт в прошлое, поскольку это 2) инновационное вещество сделает всю тяжёлую работу за вас. Оно работает путём распыления на натуральные волокна специального химического соединения. Этот состав обладает способностью удалять грязь под воздействием солнечного света. Это означает, что пользователь может 3) не спеша прогуляться под солнцем, чтобы очистить свою одежду! Более того, покрытие не только хорошо удаляет пятна, но и устраняет запахи тела. Вам больше не придётся беспокоиться о 5) неловких моментах в жаркие, влажные дни. Ваша одежда будет сохранять свежесть и чистоту в течение всего дня! А если вещь 6) сильно испачкана, её можно очистить с помощью стиральной машины. Так каковы же 7) недостатки? Ну, критики предупреждают, что спрей может быть 8) ядовитым и может нанести вред здоровью человека, поскольку он вдыхает частицы 9) одежды. Кроме того, предполагается, что вещество не является 10) экологически чистым. Проводятся дополнительные испытания, чтобы убедиться, что спрей не 11) вреден для потребителей. Однако производители продукта 12) уверены, что он скоро появится в продаже!

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 8 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 8 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 8 класс

1. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. — Сопоставьте фразовые глаголы с их определениями и затем используйте их в корректной форме в предложениях.


  1. check out — e) try/visit to the first time — попробовать/посетить в первый раз
  2. check in — d) say you arrived at a hotel — заехать (зарегистрироваться) в отеле
  3. check out of — f) pay the bill and leave a hotel — заплатить по счету и выехать из отеля
  4. check up on — a) make sure sb is doing what they are supposed to — убедиться, что кто-то делает все так, как и предполагалось
  5. check off — b) mark an item on a list — отметить пункт в списке
  6. check on — с) make sure sb/sth is OK — убедиться, что с кем-то, с чем-то все в порядке.

Дополнительный ответ:

  1. After you check in, someone will help you carry your luggage to your room. — После того, как вы зарегистрируетесь, кто-нибудь поможет вам донести ваш багаж до вашего номера.
  2. Alice always check on her children to make sure they are sleeping safely before she goes to bed herself. — Элис всегда проверяет своих детей, чтобы убедиться, что они спят, прежде чем самой лечь спать.
  3. Laura checked off the items on her shopping list as she went around the supermarket. — Лаура вычеркивала товары в своем списке покупок, пока ходила по супермаркету.
  4. Would you like to check out the new amusement arcade this weekend? — Не хочешь сходить в новую галерею с игровыми автоматами в эти выходные?
  5. Peter was asked to return his room key when he checked out of the hotel. — Питера попросили вернуть ключи от номера, когда он выписывался из отеля.
  6. Every now and then my parents go to my school to check up on how I’m doing. — Время от времени родители ходят в мою школу, чтобы проверить, как у меня дела.

2. Underline the correct word. — Подчеркните правильное слово.


  • Bill: Excuse me, could you give me directions to the train 1) stop/station, please? — Извините, не могли бы вы мне подсказать направление к железнодорожной станции, пожалуйста?
  • Ann: Certainly. Go down this 2) pedestrian/walking street and turn left at a 3) sign/signal that says ‘Charing Cross’. — Конечно. Идите по этой пешеходной улице и поверните налево по указатели «Черинг Кросс».
  • Bill: OK. Is it far from here? — Хорошо. Это далеко отсюда?
  • Ann: Around 50 metres. The station is just past the 4) community/society centre. You will probably see a 5) queue/line of people outside the ticket office. — Около 50 метров. Станция сразу за общественным центром. Возможно, вы увидите снаружи очередь из людей в билетную кассу.
  • Bill: Thanks for your help. — Спасибо большое.

Примечание: Нам кажется, что задание в пункте 5 некорректно, поскольку queue и line — это слова, обозначающие очередь. Но слово queue используется преимущественно в британском английском языке, а line — в американском английском языке. Судя по программе и выражениям, которые вы изучали в течение курса обучения, авторы учебника склоняются к американскому варианту английского языка, поэтому, возможно, вам следует выбрать слово line. 

3. Fill in: to, into, with, of (x2), from. — Вставьте: to, into, with, of (x2), from


A vet named Dr Elisabeth Svendsen got tired of bursting 1) into tears every time she saw a neglected donkey. In 1969 she decided to start a charity to help them. The Donkey Sanctuary has been taking care 2) of abandoned or mistreated donkeys for nearly forty years. Over 12 thousand donkeys have been rescued 3) from conditions of suffering around the world. Volunteers at the Donkey Sanctuary show kindness 4) to these peaceful animals and give them a better home. If you’ve ever thought 5) of getting involved 6) with an animal charity, the Donkey Sanctuary is the perfect place to start. We are always looking for donations and volunteers. Visit our website and see how you can help.

Ветеринар по имени доктор Элизабет Свенсен устала плакать каждый раз, когда видела брошенного осла. В 1969 году она решила начать благотворительную деятельность, чтобы помочь им. «Убежище Ослика» заботится о брошенных или подвергшимся плохому обращению ослах уже почти сорок лет. Более 12 тысяч осликов были спасены от страданий по всему мире. Добровольцы в «Убежище Ослика» проявляют доброту к этим мирным животным и предоставляют им лучший дом. Если вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, чтобы принять участие в благотворительной организации для животных, то «Убежищ Ослика» — идеальное место для начала. Мы всегда ищем пожертвования и добровольцев. Посетите наш сайт и посмотрите, как вы можете помочь.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. — Закончите предложения, вставив правильное слово, образованное от слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.


  1. Peter gets a great deal of enjoyment (ENJOY) out of playing golf with his friends. — Питер получает кучу удовольствия от игры в гольф со своими друзьями.
  2. You should have seen the happiness (HAPPY) on the children’s faces when I told them we were going to the toy shop! — Тебе стоило бы увидеть счастье на лицах детей, когда я сказала им, что мы собираемся в магазин игрушек!
  3. Is there any possibility (POSSIBLE) that Alex will lend me his laptop? — Есть ли какая-нибудь возможность, что Алекс одолжит мне свой ноутбук?
  4. After thirty years of marriage (MARRY) Mr and Mrs Johnson are still as happy as they were on the day of their wedding. — После тридцати лет брака мистер и миссис Джонсон все еще так же счастливы, как и в день их свадьбы.
  5. Full membership (MEMBER) of the gym costs 200 pounds per year. — Полное членство в тренажерном зале стоит 200 фунтов в год.
  6. What I like about this neighbourhood (NEIGHBOUR) is that it’s nice and quiet. — Что мне нравится в этом районе, так это красота и тишина.
  7. A new translation (TRANSLATE) of Nikolai Gogol’s short stories in English has recently been published. — Недавно был опубликован новый перевод на английский язык коротких рассказов Николая Гоголя.
  8. Rugby is slowly growing in popularity (POPULAR) in Eastern Europe. — Популярность регби в Восточной Европе медленно растет.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7d.

Exercise 1. Fill in: invade, rush, quarrel, smack, shake, stalk, vanish, flee, dare in correct form.
Упражнение 1. Вставить invade, rush, quarrel, smack, shake, stalk, vanish, flee, dare в правильной форме.


1) If their team wins the football match, the fans will __ the pitch.
2) The ball __ me on the leg and left a big bruise.
3) My sister and I __ ; that’s why we are not speaking now!
4) The young girl __ without a trace last Thursday morning.
5) Nobody __ to speak during the lesson.
6) Thousands were forced to __ from their homes after heavy rainfall led to flooding.
7) It is polite to __ hands when you first meet someone.
8) The woman __ into the supermarket to get some milk.
9) The ghost is known to __ the building at night.

1) If their team wins the football match, the fans will invade the pitch. – Если их команда выиграет футбольный матч, то фанаты заполнят собой футбольное поле.

2) The ball smacked me on the leg and left a big bruise. – Мяч ударил меня по ноге и оставил большой синяк.

3) My sister and I have quarrelled; that’s why we are not speaking now! – Мы с сестрой поссорились; поэтому сейчас мы не разговариваем!

4) The young girl vanished without a trace last Thursday morning. – В прошлый четверг бесследно исчезла молодая девушка.

5) Nobody dares to speak during the lesson. – Во время урока никто не осмеливается говорить.

6) Thousands were forced to flee from their homes after heavy rainfall led to flooding. – После того как ливень вызвал наводнение, тысячам людей пришлось покинуть свои дома.

7) It is polite to shake hands when you first meet someone. – Является вежливым пожимать руки, когда вы впервые встречаете кого-то.

8) The woman rushed into the supermarket to get some milk. – Женщина помчалась в супермаркет, чтобы взять молоко.

9) The ghost is known to stalk the building at night. – Известно, что приведение ходит по зданию ночью.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
Упражнение 2. Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они подходили в контекст.


1) John couldn’t wait to stop working and enjoy his (RETIRE).
2) Last evening we saw an amazing (PERFORM) at the theatre.
3) Wendy is so (SUPERSTITION) – she thinks black cats bring bad luck!
4) The judge (CLEAR) came to the wrong decision. The man was definitely guilty!
5) Some of the models at the fashion show were (EXTRAORDINARY) thin.

1) John couldn’t wait to stop working and enjoy his retirement. – Джон с нетерпением ждал, когда окончит работать и будет наслаждаться пенсией.

2) Last evening we saw an amazing performance at the theatre. – Прошлым вечером мы видели в театре замечательное представление.

3) Wendy is so superstitious – she thinks black cats bring bad luck! – Венди такая суеверная – она думает, что черные кошки приносят неудачу!

4) The judge clearly came to the wrong decision. The man was definitely guilty! – Судья очевидно вынес неправильное решение. Это человек был определенно виновен!

5) Some of the models at the fashion show were extraordinarily thin. – Некоторые из моделей на модном шоу были чрезвычайно худыми.

Exercise 3. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слов и испoльзуйте полученные фразы в предложениях.


1) gala
2) upturned
3) stage
4) dark
5) practical

a) bell
b) jokes
с) complexion
d) performance
e) nose

1) The queen attended the __ of the new opera.
2) When the __ rings we have five minutes to get to the stage.
3) Have you seen the thief? He has brown hair and a __ .
4) Simon is so annoying. He is always playing __ on his classmates.
5) Many people thought her cute __ was one of her best features.

1) gala performance – гала-представление
2) upturned nose – вздёрнутый нос
3) stage bell – театральный звонок
4) dark complexion – темный цвет лица
5) practical jokes – злые шутки

1) The queen attended the gala performance of the new opera. – Королева посетила гала-представление новой оперы.

2) When the stage bell rings we have five minutes to get to the stage. – когда звенит театральный звонок, то у нас пять минут, чтобы добраться до сцены.

3) Have you seen the thief? He has brown hair and a dark complexion. – Ты видел вора? У него темные волосы и темный цвет лица.

4) Simon is so annoying. He is always playing practical jokes on his classmates. – Саймон невыносим. Он всегда зло подшучивает над своими одноклассниками.

5) Many people thought her cute upturned nose was one of her best features. – Многие люди думали, что ее милый, вздернутый нос был одной из ее лучших черт.

Exercise 4. Circle the parts of the face you can see in the picture above: nose, eye, cheek, neck, forehead, ear, skull, pupil, chin.
Упражнение 4. Какие части лица вы видите: nose, eye, cheek, neck, forehead, ear, skull, pupil, chin.


Spotlight 10 Workbook 7d ex4

nose – нос
eye – глаз
cheek – щека
forehead – лоб
ear – ухо
pupil – зрачок
chin – подбородок

Exercise 5. Fill in: at, of, in, on.
Упражнение 5. Вставить: at, of, in, on.


1) You shouldn’t make fun __ Penny. She is very sensitive.

2) Mum made her a cake __ the shape of a clown for her birthday.

3) I feel really __ ease in their company.

4) What were you looking for __ particular?

5) Let’s play a joke __ Mary. It’s the last day of school.

6) She cried out __ terror when she thought she saw a ghost.

1) You shouldn’t make fun of Penny. She is very sensitive. – Тебе не следует подсмеиваться над Пенни. Она очень восприимчива.

2) Mum made her a cake in the shape of a clown for her birthday. – Мама сделала для нее торт в форме клоуна на ее день рождения.

3) I feel really at ease in their company. – В их компании я по-настоящему чувствую себя непринуждённо.

4) What were you looking for in particular? – Что вы конкретно искали?

5) Let’s play a joke on Mary. It’s the last day of school. – Давай подшутим над Мэри. Это последний учебный день.

6) She cried out in terror when she thought she saw a ghost. – Она в ужасе закричала, когда подумала, что увидела приведение.

Exercise 6. Fill in: through, over, across, along, into, onto, out of.
Упражнение 6. Вставить: through, over, across, along, into, onto, out of.


1) Everything was dark while the train went __ the tunnel.
2) David swam __ the English Channel.
3) Everyone gasped when she walked __ the room.
4) They walked __ the bridge.
5) Claire ran __ the riverbank as fast as she could.
6) Kelly climbed __ the table as she was scared of mice.
7) They were carrying lots of bags as they came __ the supermarket.

1) Everything was dark while the train went through the tunnel. – Все было темным, пока поезд ехал через туннель.

2) David swam across the English Channel. – Дэвид плыл через пролив Ла-Манш.

3) Everyone gasped when she walked into the room. – Все открыли рот от изумления, когда она вошла в комнату.

4) They walked over the bridge. – Они прошли через мост.

5) Claire ran along the riverbank as fast as she could. – Клэр бежала, как могла, по берегу реки.

6) Kelly climbed onto the table as she was scared of mice. – Келли взобралась на стол, так как боялась мышей.

7) They were carrying lots of bags as they came out of the supermarket. – Когда они вышли из супермаркета, то несли много сумок.

8th class

Test 2

V — 1

1. Fill words in: grated, overcooked, low, mashed, rare, sparkling, litre, pinch, spicy, nourishing

  1. If you add a …… of salt, it will taste better.

  2. Can I have a glass of ………water?

  3. Alan drinks a ……of milk every day.

  4. The vegetables were ……. and the meat was tasteless.

  5. Have you …… the cheese?

  6. Would you like to stay for dinner? We’re having roast chicken with …… potatoes.

  7. The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very …… prices.

  8. Jane made a delicious ….. sauce for the spaghetti.

  9. Nathan likes his steak ……, so don’t cook it for more than ten minutes.

  10. Milk and other dairy products are very ……. for young children, as they help them grow strong and healthy.

2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

  1. I ….. fish. I don’t like the way It smells. LIKE

  1. Heavy traffic is one of the biggest ….. of living in a City. ADVANTAGE

  2. I’m not saying I like junk food, don’t……. me. UNDERSTAND

  1. Sally is very polite and never shows …. to others. RESPECT

  2. Grandpa always …… his reading glasses and asks us to look for them. PLACE

3. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. How much…. (Helen/spend) on her English books?

  2. The house smells wonderful! ……. (Mum/bake) a cake?

  3. Robin ……. (never/be) abroad.

  4. Joy ….. (clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?

  5. How long …… (Tom/save) to buy a new PC?

  6. Can we go soon? We ……. (walk) around this department store for the last two hours!

  7. Do you want to go shopping? I…… (not/spend) my birthday money yet and I want to buy a new outfit for the party.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

  1. This cheese is a strange colour. It must have gone ……

  2. When you buy things online, you pay ….. credit card.

  3. The police officer went …….. the bank robber.

  4. This CD is ……. of stock at the moment. Would you like us to order it for you?

  5. Suncare products are …….. great demand during the summer.

5. Complete the dialogue with the sentences (a-e)

  1. At Pete’s Antique Shop in the town center

  2. It was a bargain.

  3. Is it new?

  4. It’s just around the corner from the florist’s.

  5. I’m glad you like it.

Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 1) …………..

Margaret: Yes, I bought it two days ago. 2) …………….

Lisa: It really suits your living room. Where did you buy it?

Margaret: 3) …………….

Lisa: I’ve never been there. Whereabouts is it?

Margaret: 4) ………………

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Margaret: 5) Not at all. …………… I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.

Margaret: We can go together if you like.

Lisa: Great! See you there.

5. Read the email and choose A, В or С to complete the gaps.

New Message

Hi Alison,

How’s everything going? Sorry I haven’t written for a while, e.g. but I’ve been studying for my university exams, and you know how busy that keeps you! Anyway, I got your email, and I’m thrilled that you 1)……… to stay with me for a few days!

I know that one of the things you love about my city is the shopping, so let me tell you about a

2) places I’ve discovered. First of all, forget about the shopping mall! There’s 3)……………..

fantastic flea market, just a ten-minute bus ride from my house, where you’ll find the most amazing

things at unbelievably good 4)…………. I’m sure you’ll love the colourful atmosphere and the loud

street vendors calling out to you to take a look at their 5)………….. Another place we can do our

shopping, as well as do something for 6) is the Oxfam store in the town centre. It mainly

sells second-hand things, but they’re in very good condition and at bargain prices. The last time I went there. I ended up buying four books and five CDs! My brother says there’s a good car boot

7)…………… on just outside of town every Sunday, but I haven’t been yet. We can go together, if you


I’m sure you’ll fill your suitcases with 8)…………… of new things to take back home. But you should

know that we can only pay 9)……………. cash at these places, so leave your credit card behind!

I’d better go now. I need to go to the 10) to pick up my new reading glasses.

See you soon,





(B) but





are coming




have come































































8th class

Test 2

V — 2

1. Fill words in: peel, rare, home-cooked, pickled, grate, side, bar, demand, dark, packed.

  1. I can’t stand ……. vegetables because I hate vinegar.

  2. Would you like a …….. of chocolate?

  3. I prefer ……. chocolate to the milk or white.

  4. I’d like my ……… steak please.

  5. Can you ……. the potatoes, please?

  6. Joe eats out so often that he always welcomes the chance to have a nice …… meal whenever he visits his mother.

  7. Tony takes a ……. lunch to work, because he doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.

  8. Linda is an excellent chef and her cocking skills are in great…… .

  9. I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and a ….. salad, please.

  10. Dinner is almost ready. I just have to …… the cheese for the pasta.

2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

  1. Dad can’t find his glasses. I think he has …. them. PLACE

  2. Don’t trust Alex. He’s very …… HONEST

  3. His last name is very difficult and most people ….. it. SPELL

  4. I wasn’t rude. You just …… what I said. UNDERSTAND

  5. She has a strong ….. of coffee; she only drinks tea. LIKE

3. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Sheila ……. (go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.

  2. You look sweaty! …… (you/work) out?

  3. He….. (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

  4. We ….. (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

  5. ….. (you/ever/eat) Thai food?

  6. I ….. (look) through these cookbooks for a good seafood recipe for over an hour, but I can’t decide on one. Can you help me choose?

  7. Phillip ……. (never/buy) anything from a flea market before.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

  1. How long can an animal go …… food?

  2. The prices of Christmas decorations have gone ……. since last year.

  3. Is it possible to pay ……. cheque?

  4. I rarely pay …….. cash.

  5. She’s been …… a lot since her accident.

5. Complete the dialogue with the sentences (a-e)

  1. At Pete’s Antique Shop in the town center

  2. It was a bargain.

  3. Is it new?

  4. It’s just around the corner from the florist’s.

  5. I’m glad you like it.

Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 1) …………..

Margaret: Yes, I bought it two days ago. 2) …………….

Lisa: It really suits your living room. Where did you buy it?

Margaret: 3) …………….

Lisa: I’ve never been there. Whereabouts is it?

Margaret: 4) ………………

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Margaret: 5) Not at all. …………… I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.

Margaret: We can go together if you like.

Lisa: Great! See you there.

5. Read the email and choose A, В or С to complete the gaps.

New Message

Hi Alison,

How’s everything going? Sorry I haven’t written for a while, e.g. but I’ve been studying for my university exams, and you know how busy that keeps you! Anyway, I got your email, and I’m thrilled that you 1)……… to stay with me for a few days!

I know that one of the things you love about my city is the shopping, so let me tell you about a

2) places I’ve discovered. First of all, forget about the shopping mall! There’s 3)……………..

fantastic flea market, just a ten-minute bus ride from my house, where you’ll find the most amazing

things at unbelievably good 4)…………. I’m sure you’ll love the colourful atmosphere and the loud

street vendors calling out to you to take a look at their 5)………….. Another place we can do our

shopping, as well as do something for 6) is the Oxfam store in the town centre. It mainly

sells second-hand things, but they’re in very good condition and at bargain prices. The last time I went there. I ended up buying four books and five CDs! My brother says there’s a good car boot

7)…………… on just outside of town every Sunday, but I haven’t been yet. We can go together, if you


I’m sure you’ll fill your suitcases with 8)…………… of new things to take back home. But you should

know that we can only pay 9)……………. cash at these places, so leave your credit card behind!

I’d better go now. I need to go to the 10) to pick up my new reading glasses.

See you soon,





(B) but





are coming




have come































































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