Complete the sentences with a connecting word from exercise 1

1.Look at these common noun and adjective suffixes. They are used to form different parts of speech.

Nouns (-ation -ion -ness -ity -ence -sion -ment)
Adjectives (-ous -y -tific -ly -ful -less -ial)

Complete the charts below and mark the stress. There are some spelling changes.

Noun Verb
Communication communicate
Discussion discuss
Government govern
invitation Invite
Development develop
Explanation explain
Education Educate
decisions decide
enjoyment enjoy
Organization organize
Improvement Improve
Employment Employ

Noun Adjective
Science Scientific
Friend friendly
Happiness happy
Difference different
danger dangerous
use useful
help helpful
speciality special
care careful
noise noisy
industry Industrial
ambition ambitious

2.Complete the sentences with one of the words from exercise 1.

1. My English improved a lot after I lived in London for a month.
2. I have two in life. I want to be rich, and I want to be famous.
3. I’m going to work hard from now on; That’s a very good decision.
4. There are many differences between my two children. They aren’t similar at all.
5. Thank you for your advice. It was very helpful.
6. I like Italian people. They’re very kind and friendly.
7. The United Nations is an international organization. .
8. I asked the teacher for help, but unfortunately, I didn’t understand his explanation.
9. Motor racing is a very dangerous sport.
10. Fish soup is a special of this area. You must try it.
11. I’m having a party on Saturday, and I’d like to invite you.
12. This is the noisy part of my town. There are lots of factories and businesses.

3.We can make adjectives and verbs negative by using these prefixes.

Adjectives (un- im- in- il-)
Verbs (un- dis-)

Complete the sentences, using a word from the and a prefix.

(Pack, possible, agree, tidy, fair, like, appear, employed, legal, polite)

1. Don’t go into my bedroom. It’s really untidy.
2. I can’t do maths. For me, it’s an impossible subject.
3. I don’t unlike fish. I just prefer meat.
4. It’s very impolite to ask someone how much they earn
5. When we arrived at the hotel, we unpacked our suitcases.
6. I was unemployed for two years. Then I got a job in an office.
7. ‘I think learning languages is stupid’. I disagree .‘I think it’s a good idea’.
8. The thief stole my bag, ran into the crowd and disappeared. I never saw him again.
9.Cannabis is an illegal drug in many countries.
10.You gave her more money than me! That’s unfair.


Complete the sentences with words from

Exercise 1.

5 Drivers mustn’t enter a … if

other cars are coming round it.

6 The car will stop if we don’t

get to a … soon.​

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Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 23. — Дополните предложения словами из упражнения 23.
1. Lucy is a very romantic person. She reads novels and watches soap operas. — Люси очень романтичный человек. Она читает романы и смотрит телесериалы.
2. Have you heard the gossip? Hannah and Dave have split up and she’s going to marry his brother! — Вы слышали сплетни? Ханна и Дэйв расстались, и она собирается выйти замуж за его брата!
3. In the 1950s British society wasn’t tolerant of couples who lived together instead of getting married. — В 1950-х годах британское общество было не терпимо к парам, которые жили вместе, и не женились.
4. My aunt and uncle were married for four years, but sadly they are divorced now. — Моя тетя и дядя были женаты в течение четырех лет, но, к сожалению, они разведены в настоящее время.
5. My grandparents were engaged for six years before they got married. — Мои бабушка и дедушка были обручены в течение шести лет, прежде чем они поженились.
6. Steven Spielberg, the director, is very passionate about his new film. — Стивен Спилберг, режиссер, очень страстный по поводу своего нового фильма.
7. In some societies marriage is arranged by the couple’s families. — В некоторых обществах брак устраивается семьями супругов.

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Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1


  • pairs
  • complete
  • sentences
  • words
  • exercise
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык


в разделе Английский язык

Всего ответов: 1

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Нужны слова из первого упражнения


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