Complete the sentences using too or enough and the word in brackets

Упражнение 6, с. 74

6. Complete the sentences using too or enough and the words in brackets. — Завершите предложения, используя слишком или достаточно, и слова в скобках.

1 A: Let’s make some pancakes for breakfast?
B: OK, but have we got enough eggs?
Давай испечём блинчики на завтрак?
Хорошо, но хватит ли у нас яиц?

2 A: Do you want to try out the new Chinese restaurant?
B: No, I hear it’s too expensive.
Хотите попробовать новый китайский ресторан?
Нет, я слышал, что это слишком дорого.

3 A: How come the chicken isn’t ready yet?
B: The heat is too low. Turn it up.
Почему курица ещё не готова?
Температура слишком низкая. Сделай огонь побольше.

4 A: How do I know when the peas are done?
B: Well, boil them long enough till  they’re soft and mushy.
Как я узнаю, когда горох будет готов?
Ну, варите его достаточно долго, пока он не станет мягкими и кашицуобразным.

5 A: Are these bananas OK for the banana bread?
B: Perfect! They’re ripe enough.
Эти бананы подходят для бананового хлеба?
Прекрасно! Они уже достаточно созрели.

6 A: This salad is terrible!
B: I agree. It’s got too much dressing on it.
Этот салат просто ужасен!
Я согласен. На нем слишком много украшений.

6 A: Can we make some burgers for dinner?
B: Sure. Just let me check if we have enough minced beef.
Мы можем приготовить гамбургеры на ужин?
Конечно. Я только проверю, достаточно ли у нас фарша.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 6 класс

A Complete the sentences using too or enough and the word in brackets (). 0 I can’t eat this soup because it’s too hot (hot). 0 We couldn’t buy the tickets because we didn’t have enough money We didn’t buy the car because it wasn’t big enough 0 1 I couldn’t see her because it was 2 I can’t decide what to do because I haven’t got 3 You can’t change the situation now. It’s 4 Have you had 5 He did badly in the exam because he was 6 Slow down! You’re driving 7 He shouldn’t play in the team because he isn’t 8 I haven’t got 9 Robert didn’t go to work because he didn’t feel 10 I couldn’t lift the suitcase because I wasn’t (big). (dark). (fast). (late). (food), or would you like some more? (nervous). 11 We didn’t go swimming because the water was 12 Mary couldn’t post all the letters because she didn’t have (money). (information). (clothes). I must buy some more. (good). (well). (strong). (cold). (stamps). PAGE 80

пожалуйста дам 50 балов ​


ut the full stop after the last word.

Example: too big, big enough, too old, old enough

1. I couldn’t work last night. I was _______________________. (tired)
2. Can you turn the radio up, please? It isn’t ______________________. (loud)
3. I don’t want to walk home. It is ______________. (far)
4. Don’t buy anything in that shop. It is _____________________. (expensive)

1 ответ:





1 too tired

2 loud enough

3 too far

4 too expensive

Читайте также

My name is (твое имя).I live in (твой город).I want to tell you about my hobbies and (вкусах).So I love swimming in the sea and I Love drawing.Because it such interesting.I like ice cream and chocolate but I didn’t like soup.That’s all about me for today.Bye!!!

1.In Perov’s picture «Hunters on a halt» we see people who come back from hunting. 2.They were tired a little and decided to share the impressions with each other, to share traditional hunting baizes.3.The picture foreground to us narrates about production which hunters managed to shoot down. 4.At someone it is a duck, and someone managed to hit a hare.5.One hunter, what is represented in a dark raincoat very with enthusiasm narrates some history to the colleagues. 6.One of hunters laid down on the dried-up grass and in spite of the fact that he listens to the story, in his look the mistrust is looked through. 7.Other represented hunter, in my opinion listens to them excitedly. 8.The artist represented fall as hunters are dressed, and the grass already turned yellow.9.The artist represented fall as hunters are dressed, and the grass already turned yellow

<span>His book is as interesting as my own.</span>

I spent my holidays very well. I did not only stay at home. I went for a
walk with my friends, rode by bicycle. It is so interesting to visit new places
in the city, by riding bicycle.
<span>In July I went to a tourist camp for children. I met many new friends there. We played many
exciting games, sang different songs and took part in different competitions.
</span><span>It was very sad to leave the camp, but I didn’t feel bored at home. I went to the river with my father. We swam and sunbathed.
</span><span>Maybe, my summer holidays
weren’t very unusual, but I will remember them and look forward to the next


158 просмотров

Complete the sentences. Use too or enough and the words in brackets.

1) I couldn’t work last night. I was _______________________. (tired)

2) Can you turn the radio up, please? It isn’t ______________________. (loud)

3) I don’t want to walk home. It is ______________. (far)

4) Don’t buy anything in that shop. It is _____________________. (expensive)

5) You can’t put all your things in this bag. It is not ______________________. (big)

6) I couldn’t do the exercise. It was _______________. (difficult)

7) Your work needs to be better. It isn’t _______________________. (good)

8) I can’t talk to you now. I am _____________________. (busy)

9) I thought the film was boring. It was ______________________. (long)

10) I can’t carry this box. It is _________________. (heavy)

пожалиста срочно

Английский язык

31 Май, 18


158 просмотров

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