Complete the sentences using the right word a lot of people

so we did not have to go down to the restaurant 3)there was no bathroom, which was a big disadvantage. We wont stay in that hotel again. 4)all kinds of in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer. 5)he found a job in another city and his house for two years 6)Jane can a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years. 7)ann is in difficult situation. She will have to borrow money to pay all her . 8) dont the student for losing the book. It has been found and returned


1) a lot of people prefer to to rent  a flat instead of buying their own.

2)tea and coffee was offered to us by the hotel, so we did not have to go down to the restaurant

3)there was no good bathroom, which was a big disadvantage. We wont stay in that hotel again.

4)all kinds of fun  in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer.

5)he found a job in another city and left his house for two years

6)Jane can take a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years.

7)ann is in difficult situation. She will have to borrow money to pay all her debts.

8) dont blame the student for losing the book. It has been found and returned

1. A lot of people like to be fashionable because it makes them feel better. — Многие люди любят быть модными, потому что это заставляет их чувствовать себя лучше.
2. Wearing earrings and other types of jewellery can be a sign that you belong to a group, for example Goths. — Ношение серёг и других видов ювелирных изделий могут быть признаком того, что вы принадлежите к группе, например готам.
3. UNICEF is an organization which looks after children in underdeveloped countries. — ЮНИСЕФ является организацией, которая следит за детьми в слаборазвитых странах.
4. People usually join political parties because they identify with their views on politics, economics and social issues. — Люди, как правило, вступают в политические партии, потому что они идентифицируют с их взглядами на политику, экономику и социальные вопросы.
5. Some young people join gangs because they’re looking for acceptance. — Некоторые молодые люди вступают в банды, потому что они ищут принятия.
6. The battery in my mobile is flat — I need to recharge it. — Батарея в моем мобильном телефоне разряжена — мне нужно зарядить ее.

Choose the correct item.
1. A lot of people love to _ costumes at carnivals.

A. wear

B. make

C. have

2. Children like to _ party horns at their parties. They make a lot of noise.

A. blow

B. do

C. take

3. People usually _ drums at parades.

A. make

B. play

C. dance

4. My grandparents always _ cakes when they visit us.

A. do

B. cook

C. bring

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5a Festive time. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Многие люди любят _ костюмы на карнавалах.



2. Дети любят _ праздничные горны на своих вечеринках. Они очень шумят.



3. Люди обычно _ барабаны на парадах.



4. Мои бабушка и дедушка всегда _ торты, когда они приезжают к нам в гости.




1 – A, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C.
1. A lot of people love to wear costumes at carnivals.
2. Children like to blow party horns at their parties. They make a lot of noise.
3. People usually play drums at parades.
4. My grandparents always bring cakes when they visit us.

Перевод ответа
1. Многие люди любят носить костюмы на карнавалах.
2. Дети любят трубить в рог на своих вечеринках. Они очень шумят.
3. Обычно на парадах играют на барабанах.
4. Мои бабушка и дедушка всегда приносят к нам пирожные.

2 Закончите предложения одним из слов (фраз), приведённых ниже.

People get a lot of food from the sea. But we have made the sea a very dirty place. It we are not careful, pollution will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea.

A lot of rubbish is thrown into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are in danger. Some animals try to eat the rubish, they die.

Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste protect the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds.

Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and protect it. They say polluting the sea should be strictly prohibited. Groups of people who care about the environment spend their free time clearing up litter from the beaches. People collect cans, bottles and packaging and put them into different bins for further recycling.

Люди получают много пищи из моря. Но мы сделали море очень грязным местом. Если мы не будем осторожными, загрязнение убьет многих животных и растений моря.

В море бросают много мусора. Морские животные, рыбы и птицы находятся под угрозой. Некоторые животные погибают, пытаясь съесть мусор.

Нефть от больших кораблей, химикаты и отходы заражают море и убивают китов и дельфинов, рыб и морских птиц.

К счастью, многие люди понимают сегодня, что мы должны заботиться о море и защищать его. Они говорят, что загрязнение моря должно быть строго запрещено. Группы людей, которые заботятся об окружающей среде, проводят своё свободное время, убирая мусор с пляжей. Люди собирают банки, бутылки и упаковку и помещают их в различные мусорные контейнеры для дальнейшей переработки.


pollution, is thrown, in danger, pollute, protect, prohibited, environment, clearing up, packaging, bins

2 Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.
pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown, in danger, prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up

People get a lot of food from the sea. But we have made the sea a very dirty place. It we are not careful, pollution will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea.
A lot of rubbish is thrown into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are in danger. Some animals try to eat the rubish, they die.
Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste protect the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds.
Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and protect it. They say polluting the sea should be strictly prohibited. Groups of people who care about the environment spend their free time clearing up litter from the beaches. People collect cans, bottles and packaging and put them into different bins for further recycling.

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 8 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Решебник ГДЗ Enjoy English», которая была написана автором/авторами: Биболетова. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.
1 computer games
2 spot
3 alarm system
4 surf the Net
5 beach volleyball

A. look for information on the computer
B. fun activities on the computer
C. machine that signals danger
D. a sport
E. a place
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• heavy • helpful • crowded • convenient • peace

1. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some … and quiet.
2. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …
3. In a big city, you will always find … public transport.
4. Her cousin hates driving in … traffic.
5. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and … people.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 .He (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.
2. I (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.
3. We (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?
4. She (write) an article about crime in big cities.
5. He (feed) the cows every evening.
6. She (leave) late on Fridays.
7. He (travel) to school by tube every morning.
8. She (think) of painting her house.
9. He (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.
10. I really have to go. My train (leave) at 8:30.

4. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.
1. A: I’m very worried about my best friend.
B: (worry/so much)
2. A: I feel very tired.
B: (stay up/late)
3. A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone.
B: (tell/tonight)
4. A: I’ve got a bad headache.
B: (take/painkiller)
5. A: It’s very cold today.
B: (wear/a jacket)
5. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.
First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.
It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.
Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous.
2. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year.
3. A lot of home fires start in kitchens.
4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking.
5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking.
6. You should keep your cooking area clean.
7. Children should stay close to the cooker.
8. If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out.
9. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away.
10. You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it.

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