Complete the sentences using the new words and word combinations

Complete the sentences. Use the words and word combinations from Exercise 2.
1) When Paul’s team lost the final, they felt … . 2) When Harry asked Rose to be his wife, it was the happiest moment of her life and she was … . 3) When my brother understood he was also going on a trip, he felt … . 4) When Barbara heard the happy news, she felt … . 5) When the scientist understood that his experiment was not a success, he became … . 6) Andrew was not allowed to work on the PC and he was … . 7) Greg was made to wash up and he was … . 8) When Sally saw herself on the TV screen, she was … .

ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 5. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Допишите предложения. Используйте слова и словосочетания из Упражнения 2.
1) Когда команда Пола проиграла финал, они почувствовали … . 2) Когда Гарри попросил Роуз стать его женой, это был самый счастливый момент в ее жизни, и она была … . 3) Когда мой брат понял, что тоже собирается в путешествие, он почувствовал … . 4) Когда Барбара услышала радостную новость, она почувствовала … . 5) Когда ученый понял, что его эксперимент не удался, он стал … . 6) Андрею не разрешили работать на ПК, и он был … . 7) Грега заставили мыть посуду, и он был … . 8) Когда Салли увидела себя на экране телевизора, она была … .

1) When Paul’s team lost the final, they felt disappointed. 2) When Harry asked Rose to be his wife, it was the happiest moment of her life and she was over the moon. 3) When my brother understood he was also going on a trip, he felt self−satisfied. 4) When Barbara heard the happy news, she felt content. 5) When the scientist understood that his experiment was not a success, he became irritable. 6) Andrew was not allowed to work on the PC and he was disappointed. 7) Greg was made to wash up and he was resentful. 8) When Sally saw herself on the TV screen, she was over the moon.

Перевод ответа
1) Когда команда Пола проиграла в финале, они чувствовали себя разочарованными. 2) Когда Гарри спросил у Роуз, будет ли она его женой, это был самый счастливый момент в ее жизни, и она была абсолютно счастлива. 3) Когда мой брат понял, что он тоже отправится в поездку, он чувствовал себя довольным собой. 4) Когда Барбара услышала хорошие новости, она почевствовала себя довольной. 5) Когда ученый понял, что его эксперимент не был успешным, он стал раздражен. 6) Эндрю не разрешили работать на ПК, и он был разочарован. 7) Грега заставили мыть посуду, и он был возмущен. 8) Когда Салли увидела себя на экране ТВ, она была абсолютно счастлива.

Complete the sentences using the following words, word com

binations and expressions : is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage,

laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, listening,


1. A lot of new words … from English.

2. If you can speak English

well, you gain … over others.

3. Do you go to any English … ?

4. The


English language is very … .

5. Our department of foreign languages has

various … : language … and … centres.

6. English … everywhere ; its …

is obvious (очевидный).

7. Can you speak English … ?

8. … many

textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.

Вы перешли к вопросу Complete the sentences using the following words, word combinations and expressions : is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage,laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, ?. Он относится к категории Английский язык,
для студенческий. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот
вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического
умного поиска можно найти другие вопросы по этой же теме, в категории
Английский язык. В случае если ответы на похожие вопросы не раскрывают в полном
объеме необходимую информацию, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой в верхней части
сайта и сформулируйте свой вопрос иначе. Также на этой странице вы сможете
ознакомиться с вариантами ответов пользователей.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: serega45500z


Автор ответа: LeoGreen2020


1 term 2 clear up 3 danger 4 in a mess 5 spoil 6 prepared 7 seminar 8 pile

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Колесо у тачки имеет длину окружности 45 м. Тачку перевезли на расстояние 120 м. Выясни, сколько оборотов при этом выполнило колесо тачки.


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2. Прочитай правильно имена существительные во множес- твенном числе директора дупла инженеры шоферы доктора Паспорта агрономы лекторы профессора отпуска офицеры редакторы сторожа сорта столяры лекари повара трактора торты Слесари века адреса договоры гербы • Спиши. Обозначь в словах ударения, выдели окончания. • Запомни произношение данных имён существительных • Составь предложение, употребив в нем любое из данных имен существительных в именительном падеже.​

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Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
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  • Наука и техника


27 Complete the sentences using the word combinations from
ex. 26.
1. Now people don’t often write letters. 2. The weather
was bad and they decided to
.. 3. The
on the lake every week
in summer. 4. Nick and Mary like sports. They
every week. 5. Dad doesn’t like to
on the beach. 6. My little children
liked to
when we had seaside
holidays. 7. Sarah and Molly are going on holiday. I hope
they will
—. 8. After cousin John
for a long
left college, he couldn’t

1 ответ:


0 stay indoors

3.go boating voleyball

5.lie in the sun have fun

7.write letters

8.find a job

Читайте также

Вот. Не совсем складно,но я не поэт,пардон)

№ 2.
1 — b
2 — d
3 — g
4 — f
5 — e
6 — c
7 — a

1 — a guy
2 — shot out
3 — nicked
4 — a bunch
5 — yelling
6 — LOL !
7 — reckon
8 — What are you up to?

Does he?
does she?
does it?
doesn’t it?
doesn’t he?
doesn’t she?
doesn’t it?
doesn’t he?
doesn’t she?

         PE lessons are loved by all students of our school. Soccer, volleyball and handball are the most popular games, though some students give their preference to track-and-field athletics. I think that soccer and handball became so popular because we have an excellent football ground and a spacious gym for playing handball. But I know that students would gladly play basketball and hockey also, but we don`t have a proper equipment for these games right now.
        Students play soccer outside the school when the weather is warm, and all other games including athletics are played inside. Thanks to the principle of the school we have all equipment needed for these games: balls, goals, nets for the goals and sports outfit is also provided. As I mentioned above we would like to have some basketball balls, basketball hoops and benches we could sit on for having a rest after a competition is over
           School`s teams participated in a range of competitions last year and I am proud to say we managed to win a couple of gold medals in soccer, and one silver medal was won in the volleyball competition that was held among all schools of our hometown. Some of our brilliant participants take part in athletic competitions and even swimming, but most of them are trained by professional trainers.
           When it comes to the importance of doing sports at schools I can honestly say that the importance of sports and games in school encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity. Increases in self-esteem and mental alertness make school sports and games necessary for every school age child.
 I think all students of our school are aware of this fact, — that is why all of them don`t miss PE classes and trying to do sports as often as they can. We have always alloted time for sports and games because we enjoy being physically active.
          We have a wonderful sports ground next to the school and a large football ground which is situated just 200 metres away from the school. But our best players and athletes are not restricted in their choice, — they have been training at the local gyms of our hometown and at the stadium — the results are stunning! Six medals just for the first half of the year, — what better result could we expect ?!     



12, 2016


a lot for your letter. It was great to receive some news from you!
Sorry, I’ve taken so long to answer, but I was too busy with my
school exams. Without any doubt, it”s interesting to learn

I have been studying English for 5 years. It’s long time, but I don’t
speak it very well. The thing I dislike in English is its difficult

for me, English needs regular trains. You must improve your English.
There are many ways to do it. You can read English book, watch
English films and programs, talk with english speaker friends etc.

I have to go now. My Mum is waiting for me. Take care and keep in




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    Complete the sentences using the following words, word com
    binations and expressions: is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage,
    laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, listening,
    1. A lot of new words from English. 2. If you can speak English
    well, you gain over others. 3. Do you go to any English ? 4. The
    English language is very . 5. Our department of foreign languages has
    various : language and centres. 6. English everywhere; its
    is obvious (явный). 7. Can you speak English ? 8. many
    textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.

    Задать свой вопрос

    1 ответ

    2019-07-23 03:20:29

    1. A lot of new words  are borrowed from English.
    2. If you can speak English well, you gain 
    a great advantage over others.
    3. Do you go to any English
    4. The English language is very
    5. Our department of foreign languages has various
    teaching aids: language laboratories and  listening centres.
    6. English
    is used everywhere; its popularity
    is obvious.
    7. Can you speak English
    8. I
    n spite of many textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.

    • Вопросы ответы

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