Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase from the box

Vocabulary ] friends

1. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

It has been really nice seeing you again. Let’s try and keep
in touch
Shall I call you nest week?

She always makes me laugh. She has a
good sense of humour.

Our relationship has finished so she’s my ex-girlfriend
now. I think she’s got a new boyfriend.

I’ve met him once or twice at parties. He’s a friend
of a friend

I’d like to get
to know her

better because she seems very friendly. Bun I don’t know her very

I’m going out on Friday with a few colleagues
from work.

Mario and I have a good relationship because we like the same things.
We have
a lot in common

Luls and I really understand each other very well. We’re on
the same wavelength

I speak to Lucy every day on the phone. She’s my best

Unfortunately we lost

when we left university. I haven’t seen him for years.


3. A Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Are you good at sports?

Has he got any brothers or sisters?

How old are they?

Do you like studying German?

Have you been to America?

Have you seen your boss today?

Did you go to the shops yesterday?

Write short answers to the questions in exercise 3a. Use auxiliary
verbs where possible.

Yes, I am.

He has got a sister.

They are 21.

Yes, I do.

No, I have not.

Yes, I have seen.

Yes, I did.

4. A Make questions from the prompts.

What sports are you interested in?

Have you been skiing recently?

Is she like listening to music?

Did Mozart play the violin?

Did you parents enjoy the concert last night?

Have Clara had her baby yet?

Are you born in Turin?

Did you speak to Frances yesterday?

Match the answers (a-h) with the questions (1-8) in exercise 4a

Yes, she does. She’s really keen on Mozart. — 3

No, I wasn’t. I was born in Rome. – 7

Yes, I did. She called me last night. – 8

Yes, they did. They loved it. – 5

Yes, he did. He taught himself when he was five years old. – 4

I love skiing and watching football. – 1

Yes, she has. He’s called Jack. – 6

Yes, I have. I went to Switzerland last week. – 2

6. Read the article and choose the best title, 1, 2, or 3.

young people are they big spenders?

China – the richest country in the world?

Shenzen – a changing city: how people spend their money

7. Read the article again. Mark the sentences true (t) or false (f).

Haw you spend you money does not depend on how old you are. (F)

The city of Shenzen has become richer because professional people
have moved there for work. – (T)

People now spend twice as much money on education as before. (F)

Most families in Shenzen have a mobile phone. (T)

8. What do the words in bold in the article mean?

this (line 13) 2 They (line 20)

China a houses

education b

1000 yuan

c apartments

9. Прочитаний текст перекласти українською мовою на окремому листку

дивно, що те, на що ви витрачаєте
свої гроші залежить від віку, місця де
ви живете, від того, наскільки велика
ваша родина, та від того скільки грошей
ви заробляєте. Але чи задумувались ви
коли-небудь як люди змінюють свої
витрати, коли ціле місто стає багатшим?

Шензену в Китаї в останні кілька років
приїхало багато професіоналів і середній
чоловік або жінка зараз там заробляє
більше, ніж в будь-якому середньому за
розмірами місті Китаю. Тож як жителі
Шензену витрачають свої гроші?

річ це освіта. Вона дуже дорога в Китаї
і професіонали в цілому витрачають
більше ніж 1000 юанів кожний на освіту.
Це в півтори рази більше коштів, ніж
вони витрачали в 1995 році. Вони також
витрачають в чотири рази більше на
засоби комунікації і телефони. В кожній
сотні домогосподарств тепер є 93 мобільні
телефони і 54 домашніх комп’ютери. Люди
почали купувати більші будинки.

вони мають в середньому на 5 квадратних
метрів більше в своїх квартирах, а деякі
також купують другі будинки також.

зміни, однак, відбулися в кількості
людей, які купують машини. В 1995 році лише
чотири чи п’ять родин з кожної сотні
мали машину. Тепер ця кількість швидко
зросла і тепер в Шензені є більше одного
мільйона машин.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. There is an extra word which you do not need to use.
    In a Language School.
    water subjects exciting four problems love
    making teacher boring summer learning

    Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. Whats it like for him? I (2)__________ living here, says Andy, and Im beginning to feel like Ive lived here my whole life and not for only (3)___________ years. Im not usually very good at (4)___________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that Im not having any (5)___________. If I dont understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6)____________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7)_____________ we do at school, but Im not very fond of history. Its a bit (8)___________! Another thing I like about living here is that Im able to do lots of (9)_____________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. Im really looking forward to my (10)____________ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!

    Задать свой вопрос

    1 ответ

    2019-06-13 18:43:39


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    1) почитайте про систему общественного транспорта в этих европейских столицах, выберите из предложений А – ч каждого народа существуют (1-7). Есть одно дополнительное предложение, которое вам не нужно использовать. 

    <span>А. как выбирать между эффективной подземной системы или застряли в пробках большую часть поездки. </span>
    <span>Б. большинство горожан купили вторую машину. </span>

    <span>С. МКАДе против выступили экологи, но оказалось большим успехом. </span>

    <span>Д. многие из магистралей города перекрываются, чтобы разрешить строительные работы идти вперед. </span>

    <span>Е. предсказуемо, частные автомобили были признаны основным источником загрязнения. </span>

    <span>Ф. половину денег обеспечивается государством, остальная часть поступает из тарифы. </span>

    <span>Г. над землей, лондонцы не намного лучше. 
    </span>А. Вена 

    <span>Хотя Вены уже есть великолепная система общественного транспорта, начата работа по планированию, чтобы отвести транспорт с улиц города. Основные планы включают строительство новых и улучшенных автомагистралей и железнодорожного сообщения и городской кольцевой дороги. В пределах города, 30 километров подземных линий будет добавлен к метро в течение ближайших десяти лет. В настоящее время миллионы евро заливают в систему общественного транспорта в Вене каждый год. (1)_____ подземном связи с большой трамвайные линии и автобусные маршруты. Есть уже 500 км велосипедных дорожек, хотя Венский велосипедисты жаловались на глубокие рытвины в пути. </span>

    <span>Б. Берлин </span>

    Огромные строительные площадки, масштабный ремонт дорог и воссоединения двух половинок города есть все необходимое для комфортного Берлин трудное место, чтобы передвигаться на. (2)____ несколько метро и через весь город на железнодорожные вокзалы закрываются на ремонт. Для водителей автомобилей, худшая проблема заключается в том, “чтобы добраться до другой стороны” – двигаться с востока на запад или наоборот. Там просто не хватает дорог, чтобы удовлетворить спрос. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что все это неудобство работу по уважительной причине. Когда все здания и реконструкция закончена, пассажиры в Берлине будет иметь одно из самых эффективных в Европе транспортных систем. (3)___ В настоящее время “Зеленая <span>С. Афины </span>

    <span>Греческого метрополиса была признана самым грязным городом Европы на этой неделе. (4)____ учитывая неразвитость общественного транспорта в городе, машины в подавляющем большинстве транспортные средства выбирают большинство афинян. К сожалению, это выбор, к которому Афины особенно плохо подходит, с его высокими зданиями, узкими улочками и один кольцевой дороги, которая вынуждает большинство автомобилей, въезжающих в центр города в какой-то точке их пути. Самые крутые серии мер – запрет на четное или нечетное Кол-плакированный автомобили из центра города на другие рабочие дни – не удалось решить проблему. (5)_____ правительство также начали активно вкладывать деньги в общественный транспорт и, после долгих проволочек, сейчас строят первый в городе подземный метрополитена. </span>

    <span>Д. Лондон </span>

    <span>Для нации, которая когда-то гордилась строительство автомобильных и железных дорог для других, транспорта в столице в беспокойство государства. Сегодня, старая трубка мира (первая секция была открыта в 1863 году) по-прежнему может похвастаться 735 миллионов пассажирских поездок в год. Но он широко рассматривается как более дорогие, неэффективные и нуждающиеся в капитальном ремонте. (6)____ ухудшение общественных услуг повлекло за собой увеличение частного транспорта. Последующие заторы на столичных улицах был сделан хуже, когда автомобили были запрещены из города, финансового центра Лондона, в последующих взрывов. </span>

    <span>Е. Стокгольме </span>

    <span>Это десять километров от моего дома в Стокгольмском пригороде в офис в центре города, где я работаю. (7)___ Для меня_, общественный транспорт выигрывает руки вниз. Если я уйду домой до восьми часов, я на работе с половины девятого. Поезда ходят каждые три минуты в часы пик на основных маршрутах. В час пик это может быть трудно получить место, но это редкость, чтобы быть набито как сельдей в бочке, </span>
    <span>как в Лондоне или Париже. По цене месячного абонемента, вы можете путешествовать на всех автобусах и поездах в Стокгольм – для меня это истинное значение для денег и, конечно, меньше, чем стоимость бензина можно использовать. По сравнению с ним, ехал на работу, пробки и трудно найти парковку, просто не стоит хлопот.</span><span>


    Х. это, конечно, будет самым современным.

    Extra: limit — ограничить, sort — сортировать, save — сохранить
    0. The government promised to protect the environment. — Правительство пообещало защитить окружающую среду.
    1. If we want a cleaner world, we will have to reduce pollution. — Если мы хотим более чистый мир, мы должны будем уменьшить загрязнение окружающей среды.
    2. This notebook is made out of recycled paper. — Эта тетрадь сделана из переработанной бумаги.
    3. We need more trees. We should replant the forests. — Нам нужно больше деревьев. Мы должны снова посадить леса.
    4. I get very worried when I hear that people are cutting down the Amazon rainforest. – Я очень волнуюсь, когда я слышу, что люди вырубают тропические леса Амазонки.
    5. With all the cars in the world, pollution is increasing ever year. — Со всеми автомобилями в мире, загрязнение окружающей среды растет каждый год.
    6. Can’t you see that your factory is helping to pollute the environment? — Разве вы не видите, что ваш завод помогает загрязнять окружающую среду?

    Unit 6


    PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE ( students’ book)

    • Use present simple to talk abour an action or experience in the past when the time is not important

    • Use to describe an action that started in the past and continues in the present

    • Use to describe an action that happened in the past but has the result in the present. You can use just, already and yet Just: a short time ago Already: shows that something happened sooner than expected Yet: shows that the speaker expected something to happenbefore now. it is used at the end of negatives and question

    PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ( students’ book)

    • To describe an action that started in the past and continues in the present. You can use For: lenght of time and Since: starting point to talk about the duration of the activity


    1. Complete sentences using present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in the box, You may need to use negative or passive forms. (work book, unit 6, grammar, exercise 2)

    1. For years tourists have been flocking to Europe to enjoy its many attractions.

    2.Now travel agents have added a new and rather unexpected attraction to the list

    3. For the last three years travel companies have been bringing chinese tourists to germany to experience the thrill of driving on its autobahns.

    4. Tour operators have discovered that offering a Mercedes, Audi orBMW capable of 240 kilometresper hour to holiday markers

    5. For the last few years the chinese economy has expanded rapidly and as a result there are plenty of chinese….

    6. But this new form of tourism has not proved so popular with the locals.

    7. German road safety groups have reacted negatively to the arrival of the chinese speed tourists.

    8. Since they first started coming three years ago there have been no major accidents involving spedd tourists

    2.write responses using the prompts and appropriate forms of the presente perfect and continuous. Add any other words that are necesary. (work book, unit 6, grammar, exercise 3 )

    1. Can we go back to the car now? no/i/not pay / shopping /yet : no, I have not paid for the shopping yet

    2. Why are the children soaking wet? they/swim /the lake: because They have been swimming in the lake

    3. Have you tried that new french restaurant yet? no/never/go/there: no, I have never gone there

    4. Michael looks tanned. yes/He/just/comeback/miami beach: yes, He has just come back from miami beach

    5. Why aren`t you having any pudding? I/follow/strict diet/for/last two months: I have been followinf a strict diet for the last two moths

    6.Shall I feed the cats? no/I/already/do/it: no, I have already done it

    7. Is Maria still working on that report? yes/She/type/luchtime: yes, She has been typing since luchtime

    8. You are a good teacher and you seem very experienced: yes/teach/karate/more than/ten years: yes, I have been teaching karate for more than ten years

    9.You look exhausted. I/ wash/the floors/all afternoon: I have been washing the floors all afternoon

    10. Do You still go to the tennis club? no/I/not be/member/2004: no, I havent been a member since 2004

    3. complete the sentences by using the prompts in brackets. use the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous or past simple (student’s book, unit 6, grammar, exercise 7)

    1. (You/go/eve) to a jungle?: have You ever gone to a jungle?

    2. (You/decide) where to go for your next holiday?: have You decided where to go for your next holiday?

    3.(You/study) how long________ english?: how long have You been studing english?

    4. What do You want to do today that ( You/not do/yet): what do You want to do today that you haven’t done yet?

    5. Where ___(You/do) for your last holiday? : where did You go for your last holiday?

    6. How much coffee ___ (You/have/already) today?: how much coofee You have already had today?

    7. ______ (You/have/ever) a bad insect bite?: have You ever had a bad insect bite?

    8. Where __ (You/live) lived for the last year?: where have You lived for the last year?

    4. Write sentences using the prompts. use the past simple, present perfect simple or continuous. (student’s book, unit 6, review and practice, exercise 2)

    1. He/already/phone me/ three times today: He has already phoned me three times today

    2. We/go/to india/three weeks last summer: We went to india for three weeks last summer

    3. I/just/see/a really fantastic musical: I have just seen a really fantastic musical

    4. You/hear/ the news/ yet? Have You heard the news, yet?

    5. I/decorate/the living room/all day: I have been decorating the living room all day

    6. I/know/ my best friend/primary school: I knew my best friend in primary school

    7. You/eve/read/the lord of the rings books?: Have You ever read the lord of the rings books?

    8. How long /You/study/english? how long have You studied english?

    5. complete the text about Bono using past simple, present perfec and present perfect continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.(work book, unit 6, review and practice, exercise 2)

    Bono has been a rock star for the last 25 years. But recently he has become famous for something completely different- his work for charity. Since 2004 Bono has been leading the fight against poverty in Africa, trying to get more people to understand that continent’s terrible problems of famine and disase. for several years now he has been appearing regularly on Tv shows and at international events, attempting to get the world’s media to pay attention to thid issue. he has had meetings with many world leaders an in 2005 he helped organise the live8 concerts in london and around the world. Bono lives in Dublin but spends much of his time travelling with his group , U2. Bono believes his position as an international celebrity has given him a unique opportunity to influence young people. he has visited Africa several times and these experiences have clearly influenced his political views. In 2003 Bono met Nelson Mandela in cape town and in july 2005 he spoke to world leaders at the G8 conference in scotland , helping to influence ther decisions on reducing africa’s debt. Critics sometimes say that Bono has only been doing this for the last few years to compensate for his group’s declining popularity. but with their letest CD high in the charts , this can hardly be the case.

    QUESTIONS (students’ book)

    • Direct questions: these can be a) yes /no question b) wh-question
    • Subject questions: used when the question word (Who) refers to the subject of the sentences, in this case does not use the auxiliary verb
    • Indirect questions: use when you want be polite, comun expresion are: can you tell me, could ask you what, do you know or i’d like to know, if and whether


    1. Correct the mistake in each question.

    1. Where You are living at the moment? : Where are You living at the moment?

    2. He has ever been trekking before?: Has He ever been trekking before?

    3. Who did give You those lovely flowers?: Who gave You those lovely flowers?

    4. What time You be here tomorrow? : what time will You be here tomorrow?

    5. You having a holiday soon?: Are You having a holiday soon? or Will You have a holiday soon?

    6. When this company was started? when did this company start?

    2. change the question above into indirect question starting with the words given

    1. Can you tell me where you car are?

    2. Do you know when my birth day is ?

    3. Can I ask you where my mother is ?

    4. Can you tell me if you go to Colombia?

    5. Do you know whether she called me?

    6. I’d like to know how mexico is?

    3. Match the questions and answer. then complete the questions with one word.

    1. Have you had a holiday this year ? yes, I have a holiday thios year

    2. Where did you go? I went to thailand

    3. When did you go? I went last january

    4. How did you get there? We flew via Dubai

    5. Did you go on your own? no, I didn’t went on my own

    6. Who went with you? I went with my boyfriend

    7. How long did you go for? I was for three weeks

    8. What was it like? It was fantastic

    9. Was it expensive? Yes, It was expensive

    10. Are you going to go again? yes, I am going to again probably

    4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions

    1. To was who talking she?: who was she talking to ?

    2. If my do know you this seat is? : Do you know if this is my seat?

    3. Much costs it can tell you me know? Can you tell me how much it costs?

    4. They car where the did take? Where did they take the car?

    5. Ask to the open could I you window?: Could I ask you to open the window?

    6. The how you computer do turn off?: How do you turn off the computer?

    7. Correct are the answer these?: Are these the correct answer?

    8. Been how you here long have working?: how long have you been working here?

    5. rewrite the direct question as indirect questions. Start with the words given

    1. what’s you email address? Can you tell me what’s your email address?

    2. Does graham Randall live here? could i ask you if Graham Randall lives here?

    3. Is this the correct platform for the train to brighton? do you know if this is the correct platform for the train to brighton?

    4.Which seats in the plane have the most legroom? I’d like to know which seats in the plane have got the most legroom

    5. Is the doctor available now? can i ask you if the doctor is available now?

    6. Where exactly does she live? can you explain me exactly where does she live?

    7. How much do the tickets cost? do you know how much the tickets cost?

    8. Who is in charge? would you tell me who is in charge?


    1. Add er and est to form of comparatives and superlatives of:

    • one syllable
    • two syllable ending in Y


    1. adjectives which end in a vowel a consonant doubling the consonant at the end before adding er or est.

    2.adjectives which end in E is added R or ST

    2.Add most or more to of comparatives and superlatives of:

    • use to two or more syllable


    1.The two-syllable adjectives ending in- Y the change Y only then i add terminations-er or-est

    3. also use (not) as……as to make comparisons

    4. irregular adjectives are: well/better/ best






    1. complete the second sentences so that it means the same as the first. use between two and four words (including the word in bold)

    1. I find learning foreing languages far more difficult than my sister:

    much: My sister learns foreing languages much easily than me

    2. I’ d prefer to live somewhere drier than this.

    wet: I’d prefer to live somewhere wetter than this

    3. I’m a bit more adventurous now than I was ten years ago

    slightly: ten years ago i was less slightly adventurous than I am now

    4. At home my life was a lot more complicated than it is abroad

    much: My life abroad is much easier than it was at home

    5. I don’t think I planned my time on holiday carefully enough

    carefully: I think I should have planned my time on holiday the most carefully

    6. My lifestyle in Canada now is not better or worse tham it was in England

    as: my lifestyle here in Canada is not as better or worse as it was in England

    2. choose the correct alternatives

    1. My suitcase is much/more heavier than yours

    2.Tania got the worse /worst maths results in the whole class

    3. The exam wasn’t as difficult than / as i’d expected

    4. You are the most / more helpful person i know

    5. You need to speak quite / quiet a lot louder than that

    6. People are far more friendly / friendlier here tahn in my country

    7. This one is a / the little more expensive than that one

    8. Which actor is the better /best: Brad Pitt or Leonardo dicaprio

    3. complete the newspaper article using appropiate comparative and superlative forms of the words in brackets. add any words that are necessary.

    The ultimate thrill

    With the lastest technological developments, new rollercoaster rides are much more exciting than ever before. But thrill seekers looking for the ultimate rollercoaster ride are now torn between two monster rides on opposite sides of the world. The biggest is Steel Dragon 2000 in Nagashima Spaland, a theme park in japan, about 200 miles west of Tokyo. The ride is over one and a half miles long, lasts four minutes and includes a 68 degree drop. At times rides reach speeds greater than 95 miles per hour. Costing 55 million, the ride is also the most expensive ever built. Steel Dragon 2000’s arch rival is the brand new kingda Ka ride at six flags great adventure park, near philadelphia, USA . It is not as long as its japanese competitor, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in speed and height. With riders travelling at up to 128 miles per hour ( 206 kilometres per hour) it is by far is faster than rollercoaster ride on earth. it is also the tallest, with a maximum height of 456 feet (139 metres). but at less than one minute, the ride is much shorter than the four minute experience of steel dragon 2000.

    4. write six sentences about yourself using comparatives and superlatives. Four of the sentences should be true and two should be false.

    1. Juan is taller than Luisa

    2. Simon is the most beautiful

    3. Carlos is more intelligent than Felipe

    4. Grape is not as delicious as banana

    5.Carolina is the fastest of the group

    6. Pablo is the best of the class

    Unit 7



    • This can use a singular o plural form of the verb

    • Before countable nouns you can use these words: a/an, few, a few, some, any, many, a lot of, lots of.

    • Few is use to talk about negative ideas

    • A few is use to talk about more positive ideas


    • This can use a singular form of the verb

    • before uncountable nouns you can use these words: little, a little, some, any, much, a lot of, lots of

    • Common uncountable nouns: accomodation, advice, behaviour, bread, equipment, food, furniture, health information, knowledge, luggage, news research, salt, spaghetti, traffic, travel, trouble, water, weather, work

    • Little is use to talk about negative ideas

    • A little is use to talk about more positive ideas

    Common nouns which can be countable or uncountable: chicken, chocolate, coffee, egg, glass, hair, iron, paper, room, space, time, wine


    1. Divide the words in the box into three groups: countable, uncountable and those which can be both.

    COUNTABLE: burger, fruit, cake, trip, meal
    UNCOUNTABLE: food, diet, sugar, salt, bread, weather, luggage, travel, equipment,
    advice, furniture, business, information, news
    BOTH: coffee, chicken, chocolate, paper, iron, hair

    2.complete the sentences with the correct word/phrase from the box.

    1. You haven´t eaten many fries

    2. I only have a little of sugar in my coffee

    3. There is too much traffic in the city centre

    4.she gave me a piece of paper with her addres

    5. He gave me some really good advice

    6. I´ve got a great deal of bags to carry. can oyu help me?

    7. He is very lazy He spends lots time doing nothing

    8. I´ll just have one slice of toast please

    9. there were only a few shops still open when i went out

    10. I´ve spent a lot of time working with children

    3. Find the mistakes in eight of the sentences and correct them

    1. Do You spend lot of time doing exercise?: do You spend a lot of time doing exercise?

    2. Have You given anyone a good advice recently?: have You given anyone good advice recently?

    3. How many sugar do You have in your coffee?: How much sugar do You have in your coffee?

    4. When was the last time You had piece of cake?: when was the last time You had a piece of cake?

    5. How often do You watch the news on TV?: Correct sentences

    6. How many fruits do You usually eat every day?: how many fruits You usually eat every day?

    7. Do You like a very hot weather?: do You like a very hot weather?

    8. Do You ever use the internet to get information? Correct sentences

    9. When did You last go on an interesting travel?: when did You last go on interesting travel?

    10. When did You last buy some new furnitures?: when did You buy some new furnitures?

    4. Choose the correct alternative

    1. Could You give me an/some information about train times please?

    2. I´ve got two large pieces of luggage/luggages.

    3. How many/much furniture have you got in your living room?

    4. The news is/are always so depresing

    5. He has been doing a/some research into global warming

    6. there were only few/a few people there when I arrived

    7. I´d like a/some slice of toast with jam and an orange juice, please

    8. can I give you an/some advive about revising for your exam?


    Form: verb to be + past participle

    • You can use to talk about action, events and processes when who or what causes the action is unknown or unimportant.
    • Also, to put new information or longer expressions later in the sentence
    • Use the passive when the object of the active sentence is the main focus, Use by to say who did the action.
    • You can use the passive in any tense and with modal verbs


    1. Complete the passive sentences below using the correct verb forms ( in brackets)

    1. The car is being cleaned at the moment ( present continuous passive)

    2. The stormtrooper helmet was found by chance at a second han sale ( past simple passive)

    3. The painting was being displayed when i arrived at the auction ( past continuous passive)

    4. Some items have been bought at auctions for absurdly high prices ( present perfect simple passive)

    5. It was a piece of chewing gum which had been spit out by Britney Spears. (past perfect simple passive)

    6. Ridiculously high prices will be paid for completely useless items. (future simple passive with will)

    7. The new shop is going to be opened by the mayor. (future simple passive with going to)

    8. It seems that almost anything can be bought. (modals in the passive)

    2. Rewrite each sentences beginning with the words given

    1. The doctor has give Alison a new prescription: Alison has been given a new prescription

    2. You mustn’t open the present until your birthday: The present mustn’t be opened until your birthday

    3. The police are investigating the crime: The crime is being investigated

    4. They are going to open the hotel in November: The hotel is going to be opened in November

    5. We will drive the children to the party: The children will be driven to the party

    6. You can see my house from the top of the hill. My house can be seen from the top of the hill

    7. Somebody was watching them: They were being watched by somebody

    8. They haven’t released that DVD yet: That DVD has been released by they

    9. Somebody might have seen the burglar: The burglar might have been seen

    10. They didn’t take anything: Nothing was taken

    3.Complete the sentences below. Use appropriate forms

    1. 450e has been debited fron your credit card

    2. 128 kB protection software is used for your security

    3.Your itinerary is being sent by mail

    4.Your tickets will be sent by first class post.

    5.Your passport must be brought to check-in one hour before departure

    6.The date and time of your flights can not be changed

    7. Seats can be pre-booked on the website

    8. Smoking is not allowed on any GoAway travel flights

    9. Meals may be purchased on the plane

    10. Transfers from the airport are included inthe price

    4. Complete the sentences using the correct tense of a verb dfrom the box in the passive form

    1. Service is included in the bill so you don’t need to leave a tip

    2. I was delivered some flowers yesterday but I don’t know who they are from

    3.The goods that you ordered will be sent next friday

    4. My car broke down last week. it is being repaired at the moment

    5. Don’t use the medicine if the packet is opened already

    6. It’s unlikely that the robbers be caught

    7. I was annoyed because we were charged for a bottle of wine we didn’t have

    8. She was sacked after she had been employed by that company for over fifteen years


    form: have/get + object+past particple

    • use to talk about arranging for something to be done by someone else
    • use to talk about things that happen to us or to describe an experience
    • get also use to mean finish doing something


    1.complete the picture using forms of have/get something done. Use verbs drom box A and words/phrases from box B

    1.Mrs Alderson has her hair done evey month

    2.Daniel has his car washed once a week

    3. The Smiths have their house pinted every five years

    4. Liz has here eyes tested once every six moths

    5.Mr Grant has his blood pressure checked when he goes to he clinic

    6. we have our bolier serviced before the beginning of winter

    2. rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

    1. Somebody left he bag behing,(got): the bag got left behind

    2. The maid washes Linda’s clothes. (has): Linda has her clothes washes by the maid

    3.They forward my post to me. (I): i have my post forwarded

    4. Will somebody cut your hair this week? (get): will you get your hair cut this week?

    5. How often do they clean your windows? (you): how often do you have your windows cleaned?

    6.I should finish my homework by six o’clock (done): I should have my homework done by six o’clock

    3. Complete each sentence with one word

    1. I had the central heating checked last month so it should be fine now

    2.She never received her new credit card — it must have got lost in the post

    3. I’m sorry about spilling wine on your jacket. I’ll have it cleaned for you

    4. Tell the boss that Jamie will have the report finished by four o’clock

    5. Have you got the broken chair repaired?

    6.He got arrested by the local police.

    7. Do you get your photocopying done locally?

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