Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the word in brackets

Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Example: London is one of the … (beautiful) cities in the world. − London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
1. The Grand Opera House in Belfast is … (old) than the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh. It was founded in 1895.
2. ‘I think surfing is the … (good) sport,’ said the boy.
3. Winters in Russia are … (cold) than in Wales and North Ireland.
4. It was the … (bad) trip she has ever taken.
5. What is the … (big) part of Great Britain? − England.
6. This Navy Museum is … (interesting) than the museum we went to yesterday.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 6 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. HOMEWORK. Номер №11


Перевод задания
Закончите предложения. Используйте сравнительную или превосходную форму прилагательных в скобках.
Пример: Лондон − один из … (красивый) городов мира. − Лондон − один из красивейших городов мира.
1. Большой оперный театр в Белфасте … (старый), чем Королевский театр в Эдинбурге. Он основан в 1895 году.
2. «Я думаю, что серфинг − это … (хороший) спорт», − сказал мальчик.
3. Зимы в России … (холодный), чем в Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии.
4. Это была … (плохой) поездка, в которой она когда−либо участвовала.
5. Что является … (большой) частью Великобритании? − Англия.
6. Этот Военно−морской музей … (интересный), чем музей, в который мы ходили вчера.

1. The Grand Opera House in Belfast is older than the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh. It was founded in 1895.
2. ‘I think surfing is the best sport,’ said the boy.
3. Winters in Russia are colder than in Wales and North Ireland.
4. It was the worst trip she has ever taken.
5. What is the biggest part of Great Britain? − England.
6. This Navy Museum is more interesting than the museum we went to yesterday.

Перевод ответа
1. Большой оперный театр в Белфасте старше Королевского театра в Эдинбурге. Он основан в 1895 году.
2. «Я считаю, что серфинг − лучший вид спорта», − сказал мальчик.
3. Зимы в России холоднее, чем в Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии.
4. Это было худшее путешествие, которое она когда−либо совершала.
5. Что является самой большой частью Великобритании? − Англия.
6. Этот военно−морской музей интереснее того, в который мы ходили вчера.

A. Complete using the comparative form of the words in brackets.

 Wait! Your bicycle is ……………………… (fast) than mine!

 Phew! It’s much ……………………… (hot) than it was yesterday, isn’t it?

 I think you look ……………………… (pretty) when you wear your hair up.

 The price of batteries has gone up. They’re a lot ……………………… (expensive) than last time.

 Angus hasn’t been practising the piano and he’s got a lot ……………………… (bad).

 His new film is much ……………………… (entertaining) than his last one. I loved that one!

 Tell us another joke – but a ……………………… (short) one this time! That one took forever!

 I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be ……………………… (lucky) next time.

 The Russian athlete threw the discus ……………………… (far) than all the others and won gold.

10   I think these biscuits are even ……………………… (nice) than the last ones you made!


1 faster   2 hotter   3 prettier

4 more expensive   5 worse   6 less entertaining

7 shorter   8 luckier   9 farther/further   10 nicer

B. The words in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word.

 We lost the match because we played badly than the other team did.

 It rains a lot in England, so the countryside is a lot green than in Greece.

 You gave Sarah a really small piece of cake – and you’ve given me even little!

 I must have lost weight. These jeans seem large than they were before.

 I got to the party early than everyone else, so I had to wait.

 I hear her new CD is good than her last one. What do you think?

 Our cat seems to be getting fat every day – maybe she should go on a diet!

 I’m disappointed. I think you could have done a lot well on this test.


1 worse   2 greener    3 less   4 larger

5 earlier   6 better   7 fatter   8 better

C. Rewrite the sentences using the correct comparative form of the words in the box.

bad • beautiful • confident • fat • happy • near (to) • short • young

1   Joshua is much taller than Alex.

     Alex is ………………………………………….. .

2   Theresa is more confident than Amy.

     Amy is a lot ………………………………………….. .

3   Your house is further from the school than mine.

     My house is ………………………………………….. .

4   Jude is less happy than Andy about the decision.

     Andy is ………………………………………….. .

5   Bill is thinner than Simon.

     Simon is ………………………………………….. .

6   Terry is older than Sarah-Jane.

     Sarah-Jane is ………………………………………….. .

7   Patricia is better than her sister on the clarinet.

     Patricia’s sister is ………………………………………….. .

8   The houses here are uglier than in my grandparents’ village.

     The houses in my grandparents’ village ………………………………………….. .


 much shorter than Joshua

 less confident that Theresa

 nearer (to) the school than yours

 happier than Jude about the decision

 fatter than Bill

 younger than Terry

 worse than Patricia/her on the clarinet

 are more beautiful than the houses here

D. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

bad • big • far • funny • hard • kind • scary • tasty

 This really is the ……………………. song I’ve ever heard! It’s terrible!

2   Ivy is the ……………………. woman I know. She’ll do anything for anybody.

3   Listen! I promise you, this is the ……………………. joke ever! Well, a man goes into a shop …

4   Mmm! This is the ……………………. soup you’ve made so far.

 What’s the ……………………. thing about English grammar for you?

6   Ben appeared and he was carrying the ……………………. present I’d ever seen. It was huge!

7   We had a competition to see who could swim the ……………………. .

8   Sandra told us the ……………………. ghost story she could, and it was really frightening!


1 worst   2 kindest   3 funniest   4 tastiest

5 hardest   6 biggest   7 farthest/furthest

8 scariest

E. Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets.

I think this is the (1) …………………….. (bad) job I’ve ever had. My last job was much (2) …………………….. (good) than this one. I had a lot (3) …………………….. (little) work there and my boss was really nice. My boss here is the (4) …………………….. (strict) in the whole firm, and the working day is (5) …………………….. (long) than in my last job, too. The (6) …………………….. (good) thing about it is that the office is (7) …………………….. (close) to my house than the old one. At least now I get home (8) …………………….. (early) than I used to.


1 worst   2 better   3 less   4 strictest

5 longer   6 best   7 closer   8 earlier

F. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

clean • dirty • fast • old • slowly • young

‘I walk (1) ……………………… than him.’

‘I walk the (2) ……………………… of all.’

‘I’m the (3) ……………………… pigeon.’

‘I’m (4) ……………………… than they are.’

‘I’m the (5) ……………………… pigeon.’

‘I ran (6) ……………………… of all.’

‘I ran (7) ……………………… than everyone except him.’

‘They both ran (8) ……………………… than me.’

‘I’m the (9) ……………………… in the family.’

‘And I’m the (10) ……………………… .’


1 more slowly   2 most slowly   3 dirtiest

4 dirtier   5 cleanest   6 fastest   7 faster

8 faster   9 oldest   10 youngest

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COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 安安, 六六六六六六六六六六六 六六六六点点 1.- My sister is my brother. (intelligent) animal. (big) 2.- The blue whale is 3.- Iceland is Spain (cold) 4.- This is book I’ve ever read. (good) 5.- My neighbour is person I know (lucky) 6.- Friday is the day of the week. (busy) those. (cheap) 7.- These trainers are much 8.- Frank works most people. (hard) 9.- I’m at English than you. (good) 10.- Today has been day of the year. (hot) 11.- This is CD I’ve ever listened. (bad) 12.- English is Japanese. (easy) 13.- Which mountain is in the world. (high) 14.- John is his brother. (clever) 15.- English is Latin. (useful) 16.- What is word in English? (common) 17.- The Nile is river in the world. (long) 18.- This is my brother. Mary is their daughter (old, old) 19.- That skyscraper is one of buildings in the city. (tall) 20.- The first exercise was easy but this one is (difficult) 21.- Our journey took we expected. (long) 22.- Charles is student in the school. (noisy) 23.- Madrid’s population is Santander’s (large) 24.- Nothing makes me waiting on the phone. (angry) 25.- Five years ago I was I am now, and I had hair. (fat, log) 26.- This car uses petrol. It’s economical. (much, little) 27.- Spanish is difficult to learn than Chinese. (little) 28.- It’s hotel in Santander (expensive) 29.- How much are we going? (far) 30.- I haven’t got many CDs. You’ve got I have. (many) 31.- Everyone has heard of Real Madrid. They are probably team in the world. (famous) 32.- The cheetah is animal in the world. (fast) 33.- Barcelona’s stadium is new. It’s stadium in Europe. (modern)​

1. My bike is faster than yours (fast)
2. He is one of the richest man in the world (rich)
3. Texting is cheaper than speaking on the phone (cheap)
4. A Ferrari is more expensive than a Fiat (expensive)
5. Is your suitcase heavier than mine (heavy)?
6. February is the coldest month of the year (cold)
7. Sally is the most beautiful girl I have ever met (beautiful)
8. Mount Everest is higher than mount K2 (high)
9. What is the most famous monument in Rome (famous)?
10. Randy is the best student in the class (good)
11. Push yourself to the limits and try to run further you have ever run before (far)
12. The test was more difficult than I expected (difficult)
13. Who is the tallest man in the world (tall)?
14. Jim is better at soccer than me (good)
15. The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world (big)
16. The cheetah is the fastest land animal of all (fast)
17. March was cooler and damper than usual (cool / damp); it was much rainier (rainy)
18. This is the worst mark I have ever had (bad)
19. Our math teacher is the strictest in the school (strict)
20. This is the narrowest house in New York (narrow)

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