Complete the sentences using ing or ed form of the word

1 The film that bores you is boring. – Фильм, который заставляет вас скучать – скучный.
If you don’t think the film is interesting to watch you are bored. – Если ты думаешь, что фильм не интересно смотреть, ты – зануда.
2 If you feel like going to bed after a long day you are tired. – Если вы хотите спать после долгого дня, вы устали.
When you listen to the same joke repeated a number of times it is tiring. — Когда вы слушаете одну и ту же шутка несколько раз, то это утомительно.
3 If a group of students listen to the teacher attentively they are interested. — Если группа студентов слушает учителя внимательно, они заинтересованы.
If a group of students listen to you attentively, your lecture is interesting. — Если группа студентов слушает вас внимательно, ваша лекция интересная.
4 When a story is exciting, you are looking forward to its continuation. — Когда история захватывающая, вы с нетерпением ждете ее продолжения.
I was looking forward to a party, I was so excited I could not sleep. — Я с нетерпением ждал вечеринку, я был так взволнован, что не мог спать.

10. Complete the sentences using either-ed or-ing form of the adjective. 1) I am excited because the journey will be exciting. 2) The lesson was interesting because 3) I am tired now because 4) We were surprised by the score of the game because 5) The party was disappointing for me because 6) Aibegim was pleased with her test result because 7) That big dog was frightening because 8) The lecture was so boring because​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


6 Complete the sentences with -ed or-ing
adjectives formed from the words in brackets.
1 interest)
a Darmen ised in football
b Football is an sport.
2 (tire)
a It was a long and journey
b Oleg was very — after the long journey
3 annoy)
a This loud music is really
btwas because the film started late.
4 excite)
about my new computer game.
b My new computer game is very
5 surprise
a The ending of the film was quite
b We were when we heard the news​

6 Complete the sentences with -ed or -ing adjectives formed from the words in brackets. 1 interest) a Darmen is _in football. b Football is an — sport. 2 (tire) a It was a long and — journey. b Oleg was very — after the long ourney. 3 (annoy) a This loud music is really b I was because the film started late.​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Task 4.

The girl whose hair is curly is my elder sister.

He tried to explain why he did such a thing.

That’s the girl who lives next door.

That’s the man whose house has burned down.

1066 was the year when William the Conqueror came to England.

This is the skate-park where people come to skateboard.

Task 5.

The lesson was really interesting.

This story is so exciting.

The film was really boring.

Jane is always tired after work.

Jack is scared of spiders.

He was disappointed because his team didn’t win the match.

Task 6.

a talented teenage Italian artist

an interesting  young Japanese student

a famous well-built  Russian boxer

an easy-going  tall French actor

a nice middle-aged  English writer

a pretty intelligent  German scientist

an excellent young American  skateboarder

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  • Complete the sentences using a negative form of the word in brackets
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