Complete the sentences using a negative form of the word in brackets

Complete the sentence with the affirmative or negative form of the verb in brackets. Use contractions. a The plane (leave)……………………in half an hour but Nick (not / be) …………………………………… the airport yet. b My best friend (love)…………………………………… fiction films but they (not / interest) …………………………………… c I (not / study)……………………………………..chemistry because it (be)……………………………………..difficult. d I (not / dance)……………………………………..because I (look)……………………………………..stupid. e The Sun (not / go)……………………………………..round the Earth, the Earth (go)……………………………………..round the Sun! f My new computer (do)……………………………………..lots more things than my old one, and it (not / crash)…………………………………….. g My dad (not / have)……………………………………..any qualifications but he (have) qj ……………………………………..a really good job. Q. h Fire (need)……………………………………..oxygen to burn. It (not / burn)…………………………………….. without oxygen. i My teacher (not / own)……………………………………..a mobile phone because some people think they (be)……………………………………..bad for your health. (U j According to scientists, animals (live)……………………………………..longer if they (not / eat) Q. ……………………………………..too much.

2. Complete the sentence with the negative form of the verb in brackets.

Use contractions.

A. You (do) don’t do any of the cooking!

B. My brother (play) _________ tennis because he (like) _____________ it.

C. I (think) ______________ that’s a good idea.

D. Teachers (work) _______________ at weekends.

E. The government (agree) _______________ with the new EU laws.

F. We (want) _______________ to see that film because it looks boring.

G. His mum (drive) _______________ a fast car.

H. Those new mp3 players (be) _____________ very expensive


These birds (stay) ______________ in the country during winter.

J. He (sing) _________________ , does he?

3. Complete the sentence with the affirmative or negative form of the verb in


Use contractions.

A. The plane (leave) leaves in half an hour but Nick (not / be) ______________

at the airport yet.

B. My best friend (love) ___________ science fiction films but they (not / interest)

_______________ me.

C. I (not / study) _________________chemistry because it (be) _______difficult.

D. I (not / dance)_______________ because I (look) ______________ stupid.

E. The Sun (not / go)_______________ round the Earth, the Earth (go) ________

round the Sun!

F. My new computer (do) __________ lots more things than my old one, and it (not / crash) __________________


My dad (not / have) ________________ any qualifications but he (have)

____________ a really good job.

H. Fire (need) _____________ oxygen to burn.

It (not / burn) _______________

without oxygen.


i. My teacher (not / own) _____________ a mobile phone because some people think

they (be) _____________ bad for your health.

J. According to scientists, animals (live) ______________ longer if they (not / eat)

________________ too much.

4. Complete the text with the affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.


Emperor penguins a (live) live in the Antarctic.

The sea b (provide)

___________________ all their food, so they are good swimmers.

They c (dive)

________________ under the water and d (hoId) _______________ their breath for

up to 20 minutes.

When the weather is very cold, the penguins e (stand)

___________________ in a group.

This f (keep) __________________ them warm.

The Emperor is the only penguin that g (breed) ______________________ in winter

in Antarctica.

Each female h (lay)__________________ one egg in May or June.

They then i (return) _______________ to the sea to feed.

Each male then j (stand)

_____________ with an egg on his feet.

His feet k (keep) ___________ the egg


He I (sleep) ____________________ most of the time and m (eat)

_____________no food for about 65 days.

When the egg n (hatch) ____________

the female o (come) ___________________ back and p (find) __________ her


Now the females q (feed) ____________ the young penguins.

The male r

(spend) ______________ his time eating.

After a few weeks, the male s (return)

___________ to the family, and then both parents t (look after) ______________

the chick.

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2. Complete the sentence with the negative form of the verb in brackets?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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Complete the sentences with the negative form or verb in brackets

He … to school on Wednesday or Friday afternoon (go)

On Wednesday the classes … at 09.00. (start)

On Fridays Mark … shcool at 17.00 (finish)

Mark’s class … sport Monday or Friday (do)

Mark … an English class on Thursday (have)

Mark … Chinese (study)

At Mark’s school the pupils … Chemistry (study)

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the negative form or verb in brackets He … to school on Wednesday or Friday afternoon (go) On Wednesday the classes … at 09.00. (start) On Fridays Mark … shcool at 17.00 (finish) Mark’s class …

B2 First: word formation (negatives)

For the B2 First exam, there’s nearly always at least one negative in the word formation part of the use of English. There are lots of prefixes and suffixes we can use to make negatives. Here is some useful general advice:

  1. Negative prefixes can be used with nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs. For example disapproval, disapprove, disapproving, disapprovingly.
  2. Usually im + p (impatient) but not always (unpleasant).
  3. Often il + l (illegal) but not always (unlikely).
  4. Often ir + r (irregular) but not always (unresponsive).
  5. Usually -ful changes to -less (harmful/less) but not always (endful / endless).
  6. If you can’t remember, choose un — it’s the most common negative prefix.

All the words in the table below are adjectives (unless stated in brackets afterwards — do you notice anything interesting about dis- and mis-?). Look at the information in the table for a few minutes and try to remember the words. Then click below to hide the information and try to answer the questions at the bottom.

un- in dis- im-
disapprove (verb)
dislike (verb)
disagree (verb)
disbelieve (verb)
dishonest (adjective)
il- ir- mis- -less
misbehave (verb)
misunderstand (verb)
misspell (verb)
misuse (verb)

Practice 1: word formation (use of English part 3)

Write the correct NEGATIVE form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences. Be very careful: some words have different negative forms (e.g. unbelievable/disbelieve, unlikely/dislike, unable/disabled) and you may have to make other changes (e.g. verb to noun or past simple).

Practice 2: more word formation

1. Complete the sentences with the correct negative past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

 We ………………………….. (get) to the hotel in time for dinner.

 Our team ………………………….. (win) the last match of the season.

 It was a long film, but I ………………………….. (feel) bored.

 They ………………………….. (spend) all their money on holiday.

 My aunt ………………………….. (be) at the family wedding last weekend.

 Our teacher ………………………….. (give) us a lot of homework.

 It ………………………….. (rain) at all last month.

 I enjoyed the film, but I ………………………….. (can) understand all of the dialogue.


1 didn’t get   2 didn’t win   3 didn’t feel   4 didn’t spend

5 wasn’t   6 didn’t give   7 didn’t rain   8 couldn’t

2. Complete the first part of each sentence with the correct past simple negative form.

1   I didn’t go skiing last winter, I went snowboarding.

2   Einstein ………………………….. in 1965, he died in 1955.

3   The holidays ………………………….. yesterday, they began last week.

4   My grandparents ………………………….. born in Russia, they were born in Germany.

5   I ………………………….. ‘thirteen’, I said ‘thirty’.

6   We ………………………….. the first half of the match, but we saw the second half.

7   At the age of five, I ………………………….. ride a bike, but I could ski.

8   It ………………………….. warm yesterday, but it was sunny.


2 didn’t die   3 didn’t begin   4 weren’t born

5 didn’t say   6 didn’t see   7 couldn’t

8 wasn’t

3. Make these sentences true for you. Use the past simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

 I ………………………….. (can) swim when I was five.

 Last weekend, I ………………………….. (do) a lot of homework.

 Five years ago, I ………………………….. (be) a student at this school.

 Ten years ago, I ………………………….. (live) in a different town.

 I ………………………….. (make) my own breakfast this morning.

 I ………………………….. (choose) the clothes I’m wearing now.

 Last night, I ………………………….. (go) out with my friends.

 When I was six, I ………………………….. (study) English.


1 could / couldn’t   2 did / didn’t do   3 was / wasn’t

4 lived / didn’t live   5 made / didn’t make

6 chose / didn’t choose   7 went / didn’t go

8 studied / didn’t study

4. Complete the dialogue with the question words below.

how often      what      when      where      which      who      why

Mia        Hi, Henry. 1…………………………… did you do at the weekend?

Henry    I went to the beach on Saturday.

Mia        That’s nice! 2…………………………… did you go with?

Henry    Matt and Alex.

Mia        Alex West? 3…………………………… do you see him?

Henry    Only two or three times a year. He doesn’t live near here any more.

Mia        4…………………………… does he live now?

Henry    In London.

Mia        Does he? 5…………………………… part of London?

Henry    I’m not sure. North London, I think.

Mia        6…………………………… did he move?

Henry    I think his mum got a new job. Anyway, 7…………………………… did you last see him?

Mia        Oh, about two years ago.


1 What   2 Who   3 how often   4 Where   5 Which

6 Why   7 when

5. Put the words in order to make questions. Then write answers that are true for you.

 homework / how much / last / did / you / night / do / ?



 with / travel / did / to / school / you / who / today / ?



 best / meet / where / you / did / friend / your / ?



 first / teacher / who / your / was / English / ?




1   how much homework did you do last night?

2   Who did you travel to school with today?

3   Where did you meet your best friend?

4   Who was your first English teacher?

Students’ own answers

6. Read the sentences. Then write questions for the given answers.

1   Jack gave his old bike to his sister.

     Q:   What did Jack give his sister?

     A:   His old bike.

2   Sam had dinner early because he was hungry.

     Q:   ………………………………………………………….?

     A:   He was hungry.

3   Mason and Tyler went to London together.

     Q:   ………………………………………………………….?

     A:   He went with Tyler.

4   Grace listened to three Lady Gaga CDs.

     Q:   ………………………………………………………….?

     A:   Three.


2   Why did Samuel have dinner early?

3   Who did mason go to London with?

4   how many Lady Gaga CDs did Grace listen to?

7. Complete the dialogues with the correct negative or interrogative past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1   A   1……………………… (you / go) to the cinema last night?

     B   No, I 2……………………… (go) in the end. I got home from work so late that there 3……………………… (be) enough time.

2   A   They announced the winners of the art competition yesterday. 4……………………… (you / win) a prize?

     B   No, I 5……………………… (win) anything, but I 6……………………… (expect) to. I’m not very good at art.

3   A   7……………………… (David / tell) you his news when you spoke to him yesterday?

     B   No, he 8……………………… (say) much – just hello and goodbye.

     A   Well, he 9……………………… (pass) his exams. Maybe he 10……………………… (want) you to know.


1   Did you go; didn’t go; wasn’t

 Did you win; didn’t win; didn’t expect

3   Did David tell; didn’t say; passed; didn’t want

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  • Complete the sentences use these word combinations
  • Complete the sentences use the words and word combinations from exercise 2
  • Complete the sentences use the word in brackets some most sometimes
  • Complete the sentences use one word only i got up early and had a shower
  • Complete the sentences use one word in each gap the library