Complete the sentences use one word in each gap the library

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Match the technology below to the descriptions. There are two words you do not need.
digital radio games console HD TV satellite TV satnav smartphone tablet PC
1 You can use it listen to lots of stations. It tells you the name of the song that’s playing. __________ 2 You can use it to receive hundreds of channels of your choice. __________ 3 It’s a small a computer that fits in your bag, but not in your pocket! __________ 4 You can use it to help you find the way when you’re driving. __________ 5 You can use it to send text messages, make calls and surf the Internet. __________ Mark ___/5 7 Complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap. 1 The library is a quiet area. Please switch ____________ your mobile phones. 2 Dan! I’m on the phone! Turn ____________ the music, please! It doesn’t have to be so loud! 3 I need to charge my battery. Can I plug ____________ my phone at your house? 4 Wait! Don’t pull ____________ the plug! I haven’t finished my essay. 5 If you put ____________ the headphones, you can listen to your music in the car. 6 It’s the end of the lesson, so you can put ____________ your books now.

1 Complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap. 

1   The library is a quiet area. Please switch ____________ your mobile phones.

2   Dan! I’m on the phone! Turn ____________ the music, please! It doesn’t have to be so loud!

3   I need to charge my battery. Can I plug ____________ my phone at your house?

4   Wait! Don’t pull ____________ the plug! I haven’t finished my essay.

5   If you put ____________ the headphones, you can listen to your music in the car.

6   It’s the end of the lesson, so you can put ____________ your books now.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1   Next weekend we _______ (play) in a tournament against other schools.

2   _______________ (she / often / go) to fencing classes at the sports centre?

3   I hope _________ (move) to the city next year. The countryside is boring.

4   Lisa! ________ (you / listen) to me?

5   The department store _______________ (open) at eleven o’clock on a Sunday.

6   _______________ (you / fancy / see) that new Bond film with me on Friday? 

3 Match the technology below to the descriptions. There are two words you do not need.

digital radio      games console      HD TV      satellite TV      satnav      smartphone      tablet PC

1  You can use it listen to lots of stations. It tells you the name of the song that’s playing. _______

2   You can use it to receive hundreds of channels of your choice. ­­­­_______

3   It’s a small a computer that fits in your bag, but not in your pocket!  _______

4   You can use it to help you find the way when you’re driving. ________

5   You can use it to send text messages, make calls and surf the Internet. ________

4 Complete the sentences with the words/phrases below. There is one word/phrase you do not need.

create      deactivate      log on      post      update      upload

1    You need to _______ an account to buy things from that website.

2   Can you help me _______ my holiday photos to my web page?

3   I can’t _______ to this website. It keeps blocking my password.

4   Mum told me to _______ my social networking profiles because I was using them too much.

5   I’m going to _______ a message on my blog and see if any friends can help me organise my party.

5 Complete the text with the correct word from the three options.

An auction can be a great place to get a bargain / discount / reduction 1. You can find some really interesting old things for buy / offer / sale 2. You have lots of time to decide which things you want to exchange / purchase / sell 3, and then you can make bids / goods / lots 4 to buy them. Remember to bring a credit card or banknotes / receipt / wallet 5. And if you come to the auction by bike, don’t buy a grand piano!

6 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

Martin Blane is a farmer in Cornwall, in England. One summer, Martin noticed that something strange was happening on his land. He was standing on a bridge and looking at the wheat in his fields when he realised there was a strange picture in the wheat.

‘I looked and saw lots of circles in the wheat. The line of circles went across the field from the gate all the way to the end by the stream. They were very big. Other circles made a kind of picture in the wheat. I thought aliens had come from space.’

During that summer, and all through the 1970s, more strange pictures appeared in wheat fields on farms in the south of England. Nobody knew what these ‘crop circles’ were. Photographs of them appeared in all the newspapers and people thought the subject was gripping. Many thought that aliens had come to Earth and made the pictures.

But then in the 1990s two men admitted to making the crop circles. They made a plan for a picture and then they went out secretly in the night to make their picture in the fields. Some people think they were creative and the crop circles were entertaining, but their actions were illegal. The men were on land that didn’t belong to them. Farmers were angry because their crops were damaged. The two men promised to stop.

However, the crop circles are still appearing. On the Internet, you will find photographs of crop circles on farms in different countries around the world. Some people believe the two men were lying, and the crop circles are really made by aliens.

1   Martin Blane noticed that the animals in his fields were behaving strangely.   ____

2   The big circles went from one end of the field to the other.      _____

3   The media weren’t interested in the crop circles.  _____                                         

4   Everyone was angry because the men damaged farmers’ crops.   ____             

5   People disagree about who makes the crop circles.     _____

7 You have just bought a new MP3 player from an online shop called Unfortunately, the MP3 player doesn’t work properly. Write a formal letter of complaint.

·        Explain what you bought, and when and where you bought it.

·        Say why you are sending it back.

·        Explain the problem and give details.

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Complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap and add your own examples.

1. I love bright colours, such as red and orange. 2. There are some great shops in the shopping centre,

grocery store a computer shop and a sports store

3. I love smart accessories, for pretty belts, ties and a bookshop, have to do all your homework, Geography, Maths, English and Literature,

5. I’d like to have a well-paid job, like such a dentist, a lawyer or a teacher.

Якось так, ​ось переклад: 1. Я люблю яскраві кольори, такі як червоний і оранжевий. 2. У торговому центрі є кілька чудових магазинів,

продуктовий магазин комп’ютерний магазин і спортивний магазин

3. Я люблю розумні аксесуари, гарні пояси, краватки та книжковий магазин,

4. Ви повинні зробити всі свої домашні завдання, географію, математику, англійську мову та літературу,

5. Я хотів би мати добре оплачувану роботу, наприклад, стоматолога, юриста чи вчителя.

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Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given. — Дополните предложения одним словом в каждом пропуске. Первая буква каждого слова дана.

If you’ve got toothache, take a painkiller and go and see a doctor. — Если у вас зубная боль, примите болеутоляющее и обратитесь к врачу.

I’ve got a high temperature, a terrible headache and a sore throat. Maybe I’ve got the flu. — У меня высокая температура, страшная головная боль и боль в горле. Может быть, у меня грипп.

I’ve joined a gym. I do aerobics. I also do weight training to build up my muscles, and I’m going to take up a martial arts like judo or maybe kick boxing. — Я вступил в тренажерный зал. Я занимаюсь аэробикой. Я также занимаюсь силовыми тренировками, чтобы накачать мои мышцы, и я собираюсь заняться боевыми искусствами, такими как дзюдо или, может быть кик-боксинг.

He’s really keen on mountain sports: rock climbing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. — Он действительно увлекается горными видами спорта: скалолазание летом и сноуборд зимой.

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complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Billy: 2 Patty: What’s your favourite book, Billy? favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Patty: What do you think 3 adventure stories? Billy: 14 adventure stories are great. about you, Patty? Patty: In my funny stories are better than adventure stories. Bill: Well, Harry Potter books are adventure stories and they are funny too. 7 Patty: You’re 7​

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