Complete the sentences choosing the right word and changing its form if necessary

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Complete the sentences choosing the right word.
Example: You can (hard / hardly) know his name. − You can hardly know his name.
1. Get up! It’s (near / nearly) eight.
2. Last month all the players trained (hard / hardly).
3. It’s too (слишком) (late / lately). Let’s speak about the exams tomorrow.
4. We have been proud of our sportsmen (late / lately).
5. She was tired and could (hard / hardly) keep her eyes open.
6. There is a new swimming pool (near / nearly) our school.
7. Does she think (high / highly) of your pictures?
8. Look! The bird is flying (high / highly) in the sky.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 7 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. Keeping fit. Номер №21


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения, выбирая правильное слово.
Пример: Вы можете (трудно / едва ли) узнать его имя. − Вы едва ли можете узнать его имя.
1. Вставай! Сейчас (около / почти) восемь.
2. В прошлом месяце тренировались все игроки (усердно / едва).
3. Это слишком (слишком) (поздно / в последнее время). Поговорим об экзаменах завтра.
4. Мы гордимся нашими спортсменами (поздно / в последнее время).
5. Она устала и могла (тяжело / с трудом) держать глаза открытыми.
6. Есть новый бассейн (около / почти) нашей школы.
7. Она думает (высоко / очень хорошо) о ваших картинах?
8. Смотри! Птица летит (высоко / чрезвычайно) в небе.

1. Get up! It’s nearly eight.
2. Last month all the players trained hard.
3. It’s too late. Let’s speak about the exams tomorrow.
4. We have been proud of our sportsmen lately.
5. She was tired and could hardly keep her eyes open.
6. There is a new swimming pool near our school.
7. Does she think highly of your pictures?
8. Look! The bird is flying high in the sky.

Перевод ответа
1. Вставай! Уже почти восемь.
2. В прошлом месяце все игроки усиленно тренировались.
3. Слишком поздно. Поговорим об экзаменах завтра.
4. В последнее время мы гордимся своими спортсменами.
5. Она устала и с трудом могла держать глаза открытыми.
6. Рядом с нашей школой есть новый бассейн.
7. Она высокого мнения о ваших фотографиях?
8. Смотри! Птица летит высоко в небе.

Помогите пожалуйста.
Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the _______ (SCHOLAR)?
Do you think that you pay enough _______ (ATTEND) in class?
Could you tell me what the _______ (SOLVE) to number seven is?
My dad said Id better spend more time on my _______ (STUDY).
I would like to know what qualifications _______.(TEACH) require in your country.
Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad _______ (BEHAVE).
I did six hours of _______ (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!
Please send photocopies of all your _______ (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.
Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.
Being unable to read
It seems 1) _______ (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent 2) _______ (EDUCATE).There is such an emphasis on 3) _______ (ACADEMY) achievement these days that its easy to forget what a problem 4) _______ (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be 5) _______ (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel like a complete 6) _______ (FAIL). Someone who cant read is often 7) _______ (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem 8) _______ (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a 9) _______ (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an 10) _______ (IMPROVE) quality of life.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Scholarship.
2. Attention.
3. Solution.
4. Studying.
5. For Teaching.
6. Behaviour.
7. Revision.
8. Certificates.

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Опубликовано 13.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complete the sentences. Choose the right words. 1) I cant see Paul. Where is he? — I think he has (been/ gone) to visit his friend Sam. 2) Have you (been/gone) to your home town this year? — Yes, I have. Ive just come back.
3) If Mary has (been/gone) out, you can ask Alice to help you with your lessons. 4) I know you have never (been/gone) to a disco, may I invite you?
5) Alec has (been/gone) to this picture gallery many times, he really enjoys painting.
6) Jay has just (been/gone) to the park, she will be back in the evening.
Помогите пожалуйста… И еще нужен перевод предложений этих! :3. Очень нужно!!!!))))

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Gone. Я не вижу Пола. Где он? Я думаю, он пошел навестить своего друга Сэма.
2. Been. Ты был на своей родине в этом году? Да, я только что вернулся.
3. Gone. Если Мэри вышла, ты можешь попросить Алису помочь тебе с твоими уроками.
4. Been. Я знаю, что ты никогда не был на дискотеке. Можно мне тебя пригласить?
5. Been. Алэк был на этой галерее много раз. Ему очень нравятся картины.
6. Gone. Джей только что ушла в парк, она вернется вечером.

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the list. Change their form if necessary.

To have no worries about something; in one’s own eyes; a hall of residence; read through one’s meals; to adhere to something; to be at one with somebody; to go out; to make friends; to find one’s way to somebody.; to get rid of something; to need somebody’s company; beside the point; to be on one’s guard; on three counts; no end to something; the concern of somebody.

1. A communicative person … with other people very quickly and feels at ease in any company.

2. It is important … a definite style when choosing clothes; otherwise one risks looking strange.

3. Police ask people … when strangers approach them, try to make contact with them or ask favours of them.

4. Sharing a room with other people, one has … all bad habits: smoking, scattering things here and there, coming late.

5. Having passed the exam, she grew …. The exam was very difficult and being through with it meant success.

6. The teacher tried… a little boy in primary school; she spoke with him, made him speak and play too, but he remained aloof and constrained.

7. The child seemed not … ; he liked to stay all by himself, with no companions to play with.

8. Most British students live either in … or share flats with other students.

9. In the evening most British students …. They go to pubs, discos or just walk around with their friends.

10. Doctors do not recommend…. It may lead to indigestion.

11. The athlete’s physical power was almost…. It was his mental discipline that really made him a champion.

12. There was … her friend’s advice: she always had new ideas and poured them out incessantly.

13. Her success rested …: she was President of Students’ Society, she had only excellent marks and she won a scholarship from the British Council.

14. Hurrying up to the university in the morning, she … all the rest of the students: she was an integral part of this moving mass.

15. His constant failures soon became … every lecturer. Nobody knew what to do in a situation like this.

16. She … domestic chores: her mother and grandmother did everything in the house

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  • Complete the questions and answers use one word only in each gap