Complete the sentences about the pictures with one word in each gap can


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    Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word. – Дополните предложения одним словом для каждого пропуска. Вы можете увидеть первую букву каждого слова.
    0. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ll switch the kettle on. — Вы хотели бы выпить чашку чая? Я включайте чайник.
    1. On a cold evening I like sitting in my warm, cozy living room. — В холодный вечер мне нравится сидеть в своей теплой, уютной гостиной.
    2. Oh, no! A gold fountain in the drive! How tasteless! — О, нет! Золотой фонтан на подъезде! Как безвкусно!
    3. There’s a lovely spacious kitchen, where the whole family can eat together. – Вот прекрасная просторная кухня, где вся семья может съесть вместе.
    4. Wait a minute. Someone is ringing on the doorbell. — Подождите минуту. Кто-то звонит в дверной звонок.
    5. Your lawn is very green and well-kept. Do you cut it every week? — Ваш газон очень зеленый и ухоженный. Вы стрижете его каждую неделю?
    6. ‘Mum! Where’s my sweater?’ ‘Look in the chest of drawers in your bedroom.’ — ‘Мама! Где мой свитер? ” Посмотрите в комоде в своей спальне.
    7. I love this room. It’s nice and bright when the sun shines through the window. — Я люблю эту комнату. Она красивая и яркая, когда солнце светит через окно.
    8. Why don’t you take the rubbish outside and put it in the dustbin? — Почему вы не выносите мусор на улицу, а складываете его в мусорное ведро?

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    Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


    march • • • life • • • • • • • feel • • return

    1 Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a bright idea!

    2 Why don’t you take part in the cooking contest? I’m sure you’ll be the winner!

    3 If you see a spider, make sure you don’t kill it; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.

    4 We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a strong tradition in my family.

    5 Over the years, this organisation has raised a lot of money for different local charities.

    6 The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks display began.

    7 Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience return as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.

    8 It’s amazing how the town residents have transformed the local square into an open-air theatre for next week’s music festival.

    9 The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful street parade.

    10 Take a spare change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night



    complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Billy: 2 Patty: What’s your favourite book, Billy? favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Patty: What do you think 3 adventure stories? Billy: 14 adventure stories are great. about you, Patty? Patty: In my funny stories are better than adventure stories. Bill: Well, Harry Potter books are adventure stories and they are funny too. 7 Patty: You’re 7​

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