Complete the sentence with one word would you like a of coffee

0. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ll switch the kettle on. — Вы хотели бы выпить чашку чая? Я включайте чайник.
1. On a cold evening I like sitting in my warm, cozy living room. — В холодный вечер мне нравится сидеть в своей теплой, уютной гостиной.
2. Oh, no! A gold fountain in the drive! How tasteless! — О, нет! Золотой фонтан на подъезде! Как безвкусно!
3. There’s a lovely spacious kitchen, where the whole family can eat together. – Вот прекрасная просторная кухня, где вся семья может съесть вместе.
4. Wait a minute. Someone is ringing on the doorbell. — Подождите минуту. Кто-то звонит в дверной звонок.
5. Your lawn is very green and well-kept. Do you cut it every week? — Ваш газон очень зеленый и ухоженный. Вы стрижете его каждую неделю?
6. ‘Mum! Where’s my sweater?’ ‘Look in the chest of drawers in your bedroom.’ — ‘Мама! Где мой свитер? » Посмотрите в комоде в своей спальне.
7. I love this room. It’s nice and bright when the sun shines through the window. — Я люблю эту комнату. Она красивая и яркая, когда солнце светит через окно.
8. Why don’t you take the rubbish outside and put it in the dustbin? — Почему вы не выносите мусор на улицу, а складываете его в мусорное ведро?

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Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word. – Дополните предложения одним словом для каждого пропуска. Вы можете увидеть первую букву каждого слова.
0. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ll switch the kettle on. — Вы хотели бы выпить чашку чая? Я включайте чайник.
1. On a cold evening I like sitting in my warm, cozy living room. — В холодный вечер мне нравится сидеть в своей теплой, уютной гостиной.
2. Oh, no! A gold fountain in the drive! How tasteless! — О, нет! Золотой фонтан на подъезде! Как безвкусно!
3. There’s a lovely spacious kitchen, where the whole family can eat together. – Вот прекрасная просторная кухня, где вся семья может съесть вместе.
4. Wait a minute. Someone is ringing on the doorbell. — Подождите минуту. Кто-то звонит в дверной звонок.
5. Your lawn is very green and well-kept. Do you cut it every week? — Ваш газон очень зеленый и ухоженный. Вы стрижете его каждую неделю?
6. ‘Mum! Where’s my sweater?’ ‘Look in the chest of drawers in your bedroom.’ — ‘Мама! Где мой свитер? ” Посмотрите в комоде в своей спальне.
7. I love this room. It’s nice and bright when the sun shines through the window. — Я люблю эту комнату. Она красивая и яркая, когда солнце светит через окно.
8. Why don’t you take the rubbish outside and put it in the dustbin? — Почему вы не выносите мусор на улицу, а складываете его в мусорное ведро?

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2. Complete the sentences with A, AN or SOME: Would you like Would you like Would you like Would you like Would you like Would you like coffee? piece of chocolate? water? envelope for your letter? glass of lemonade? paper to write your note?​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Complete the sentences.

We don’t have (any/some) museums in our town.

We don’t have any museums in our town.

1) The cake is wonderful. Won’t you have (some/any)?
2) Would you like (something/anything) to drink?
3) There is always (anything/something) to do on the farm.
4) (Somebody/Anybody) knows the answer to this question. It is easy.
5) Is there (any/some) coffee in the cupboard?
6) Would you like (any/some) coffee?
7) Do you want (anything/something) sweet?
8) Are there (any/some) chocolates in the box?
9) Can (anybody/somebody) move this bookcase, please? 10) Can I have (any/some) water, please?

ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 3. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения.
У нас нет (любых/каких−то) музеев в нашем городе.
У нас нет никаких музеев в нашем городе.

1) Торт замечательный. У тебя есть (немного / немного)?
2) Хотите (что−нибудь / что−нибудь) пить?
3) Всегда есть (что−нибудь / что−то), что делать на ферме.
4) (Кто−нибудь / Любой) знает ответ на этот вопрос. Это просто.
5) Есть ли (немного / немного) кофе в шкафу?
6) Хотите (какой−нибудь / какой−нибудь) кофе?
7) Хочешь (что−нибудь / что−нибудь) сладкого?
8) Есть ли (какие−нибудь / некоторые) шоколадные конфеты в коробке?
9) Может (кто−нибудь / кто−нибудь) переместить этот книжный шкаф, пожалуйста?
10) Могу ли я иметь (любую / немного) воду, пожалуйста?

1) The cake is wonderful. Won’t you have some?
2) Would you like something to drink?
3) There is always something to do on the farm.
4) Anybody knows the answer to this question. It is easy.
5) Is there any coffee in the cupboard?
6) Would you like some coffee?
7) Do you want something sweet?
8) Are there **any* chocolates in the box?
9) Can somebody move this bookcase, please?
10) Can I have some water, please?
Перевод ответа
1) Торт замечательный. У вас нет?
2) Хотите что−нибудь выпить?
3) На ферме всегда есть чем заняться.
4) Кто−нибудь знает ответ на этот вопрос. Это просто.
5) Есть ли кофе в шкафу?
6) Хотите кофе?
7) Хочешь чего−нибудь сладкого?
8) Есть ли в коробке шоколадные конфеты?
9) Может кто−нибудь переместить этот книжный шкаф, пожалуйста?
10) Можно мне воды, пожалуйста?


Complete the sentences with a(an) or some. 1. Would you like _____ cup of coffee? — Yes, please. 2. I’m afraid, he has already g

Complete the sentences with a(an) or some.
1. Would you like _____ cup of coffee? — Yes, please.
2. I’m afraid, he has already got ______ information from the Internet.
3. I’ve found ____ money under the chair. Is it your money?
4. Would you like _____ apple or _____ orange?- No, thanks. Just _____ water, please.
5. On Christmas Eve, she left biscuits and ______ milk for Father Christmas.
6. I would like ______ glass of orange juice on the table.

1 ответ:



A,some,some,an,an,some,some,a.по моему так

Читайте также

Fred said, «Is the court building far from here?» —  <em>Fred asked me if the court building was far from there.

sports school

boarding pitch

common points

after school activities

house room

1. we play football after school

2. we have a pitch for doing good work

3. не вижу подходящего ответа к этому варианту (

4. i got six points for doing good work

5. there arent any activities at my school , so i go straight home after class

Exercise 3
1.I like to eat an ice cream.
2.Sam goes to zoo every Sunday.
3.Tom plays football well
4.They speak English well
5.My sister likes to draw dolls
6.Pam plays computer games every day.
Exercise 4
3. doesn’t
4. doesn’t
5. don’t
6. don’t
7. doesn’t
8. don’t
9. doesn’t
10. don’t
11. don’t
12. doesn’t
13. doesn’t

Why not play and do not run the pool what could happen?
why you can not push people into the water?
why not eat before swimming?
what should you always pay attention to?

Составить предложения из данных слов. A)Help,nobody him,can/ B)Piano,she,got,no,has/ C)There,sugar,any,is,in,sugar bowl,the? D)M

Дедешку [2]

Nobody can help him.
She has got no piano.
Is there any sugar in the bowl?
Everybody must do their own work.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: linagoncharova2005


Автор ответа: JavohirKhatamov




lots of





a lot


a lot

Предыдущий вопрос

Следующий вопрос

Интересные вопросы

Предмет: МХК,
автор: binmister674

помогите пожалуйста срочно​

3 года назад

Предмет: История,
автор: 47oy47

Помогите написать введение на контрольную работу по теме «История Древней Вавилонии»

3 года назад

Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: olivia114

Укажите ряд, в котором во всех словах пропущена безударная проверяемая гласная корня.

1) землетр_сение, охл_дить, соб_рать
2) безб_летный, акк_рдеон , к_локольня
3) опов_стить, дв_жение, под_вать
4) п_рина, зап_рать, поод_ль

3 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: котикру2

15.16.17 помогите пожалуйста! )

6 лет назад

Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: шаьалцщ03ц20033в

с подробным решением

6 лет назад

A noun can be countable or uncountable. Compare:
1 Countable
* I eat a banana every day.
* I like bananas.
Banana is a countable noun.
A countable noun can be singular (banana)or plural (bananas).
Countable nouns are things we can count. So we can say ‘one banana’, ‘two bananas’ etc.

Examples of nouns usually countable:
* There’s a beach near here.
* Ann was singing a song.
* Have you got a ten-pound note?
* It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident.
* There are no batteries in the radio.
* We haven’t got enough cups.
2 Uncountable
* I eat rice every day.
* I like rice.
Rice is an uncountable noun. An uncountable noun has only one form (rice).
Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. We cannot say ‘one rice’, ‘two rices’ etc.

Examples of nouns usually uncountable:
* There’s sand in my shoes.
* Ann was listening to (some) music.
* Have you got any money?
* It wasn’t your fault. It was bad luck.
* There is no electricity in this house.
* We haven’t got enough cups.
* We haven’t got enough water.

1 You can use a/an with singular countable nouns:
a beach a student an umbrella
You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my etc.):
* I want a banana. (not ‘I want banana’)
* There’s been an accident. (not ‘There’s been accident’)

You can use plural countable nouns alone:
* I like bananas. (= bananas in general)
* Accident can be prevented.

2 You cannot normally use a/an with uncountable nouns. We do not say ‘a sand’ or ‘a music’. But you can often use a … of:
a bowl of rice a drop of water a piece of music a game of tennis etc.

You can use uncountable nouns alone (without the/my/some etc.):
* I eat rice every day.
* There’s blood on your shirt.
* Can you hear music?

1 You can use some and any plural countable nouns:
* We sang some songs.
* Did you buy any apples?

We use many and few with plural countable nouns:
* We didn’t take many photographs.
* I have a few jobs to do.

2 You can use some and any with uncountable nouns:
* We listened to some music.
* Did you buy any apple juice?

We use much and little with uncountable nouns:
* We didn’t do much shopping.
* I have a little work to do.

68.1 Some of these sentences need a/an. Correct the sentences which are wrong. If the sentence is already correct, put ‘RIGHT’.
1. Jim goes everywhere by bike. He hasn’t got car.
a car
2. Ann was listening to music when I arrived. RIGHT.
3. We went to very nice restaurant last weekend.
4. I clean my teeth with toothpaste.
5. I use toothbrush to clean my teeth.
6. Can you tell me if there’s bank near here?
7. My brother works for insurance company in London.
8. I don’t like violence.
9. Can you smell paint?
10. We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station soon.
11. I wonder if you can help me. I have problem.
12. John has got interview for job tomorrow.
13. Liz doesn’t usually wear jewellery but yesterday she was wearing necklace.
14. I think volleyball is very good game.

68.2 Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Use a/an where necessary.
accident biscuit blood coat decision electricity key letter moment question sugar
1. It wasn’t your fault. It was _an accident._
2. Listen! Can you hear _music?_
3. I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t have —.
4. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing —?
5. Do you take — in your coffee?
6. Are you hungry? Would you like — with your coffee?
7. Our lives would be very difficult without —.
8. I didn’t phone them. I wrote — instead.
9. The heart pumps — through the body.
10. Excuse me, but can I ask you —?
11. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait. — please?
12. We can’t delay much longer. We have to make — soon.

68.3 Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (-s).
air country day friend meat language letter patience people photograph queue space
1. I had my camera but I didn’t take many _photographs._
2. There are seven — in a week.
3. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat —.
4. Outside the cinema there was — of people waiting to see the film.
5. I’m not very good at writing —.
6. Last night I went out with some — of mine.
7. There were very few — in the shops today. They were almost empty.
8. I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh —.
9. George always wants things quickly. He’s got no —.
10. Do you speak any foreign —?
11. Jane travels a lot. She has been to many —.
12. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got much —.


3 a very nice restaurant

4 right

5 a toothbrush

6 a bank

7 an insurance company

8 right

9 right

10 a petrol station

11 a problem

12 an interview for a job

13 a necklace

14 a very good game


3 a key

4 a coat

5 sugar

6 a biscuit

7 electricity

8 a letter

9 blood

10 a question

11 a moment

12 a decision


2 days 3 meat

4 a queue 5 letters

6 friends 7 people

8 air 9 patience

10 language 11 countries

12 space

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  • Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold you can use two to five
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold do not use
  • Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first using the word