Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate form of the word

69 месяцев назад

police (is/are) here? Has anything happened? 2) I tried not to think about what (has/had) been done the day before. 3) Please don’t turn the television (up/down): it’s my favourite piece of music. 4) She was busy at that moment and did not hear what (had been discussed/was being discussed) in the talk show. 5) Don’t be afraid to keep your money in this bank. (It/They) will be safe here. 6) They are showing a new (serial/series) of programmes about the animal world. 7) Nobody knows what the film is like, it (was not/has not been) shot yet. 8) Mass media (is/are) very important in the life of every social community. 9) In my view it is (im-/in-)possible to spend all your free time in front of the TV or the computer. 10) I felt I was being spied (on/for) and I became frightened.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Афанасьева, Михеева ’’English-X’’ UNIT 1 TEST 1


TASK 1. Read the descriptions of paintings (A—F) and match them with the statements (1 — 7). There is one statement you don’t have to use.

  1. This portrait was painted very much against the sitter’s will.

  2. The artist seems to have foreseen his sitter’s fate.

  3. The artist worked on this portrait after the painting had been finished.

  4. This portrait is supposed to show the artist’s relative.

  5. You can see more than one portrait of this person in one and the same place.

  6. The sitter in this famous portrait doesn’t belong to the nobility.

  7. This portrait is supposed to have been inspired by the artist’s relatives.

  1. The picture may be a portrait of Hendrikje Stoffels with Rembrandt lived after the death of his first wife Saskia and who bore him a daughter in 1654. In Rembrandt’s little picture she appears to have lost something in a dark and shallow pool and is cautiously looking for it. Her face and pose seem to express quiet amusement.

  2. She, who was born Margaretha de Geer, was the wife of Jacob Trip, a merchant from Dordrecht. They had been married in 1630 and had at least twelve children. Another head and shoulders portrait of Mrs Trip by Rembrandt is in the National Gallery and is dated 1661. The two larger portraits were probably painted in the same year.

  3. Charles I became King of Great Britain and Ireland in 1625. He ruled without Parliament from 1629 to 1640, and his rule led to civil war and his own subsequent execution. He made an important collection of paintings, patronized Rubens and appointed Van Dyck as his court painter. Van Dyck’s portrait of Charles I on Horseback is believed to show a sense of sadness and melancholy in the King’s facial expression. How could the King be aware of his gloomy future? And how could a court painter take the liberty of portraying his Sovereign as doomed?

  4. Murillo’s self-portrait was probably painted when the artist was in his fifties. The painting was probably produced, according to the inscription, “to fulfill the wishes and prayers of his children” (of which he had nine). Murillo worked most of his life in Seville. His religious pictures were much copied and reproduced in the 19th century.

  5. This brilliant portrait was painted by Lawrence in 1789 when the artist was just twenty, Queen Charlotte forty-five. She was the wife of George III and when the artist was first introduced to her, her Majesty didn’t like the idea of sitting to him, saying that “she had not recovered sufficiently from all the trouble and anxiety she had gone through”. In the previous year the King had become ill for the first time; he was later declared insane. The Queen refused a final sitting for the portrait and the positions of the bracelets and scarf were modelled by another woman. The picture was painted at Windsor, in the background is Eton College Chapel.

  6. This portrait depicts the first Duke of Wellington who defeated Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vittoria in 1813. Goya painted the portrait in August 1812 when Wellington entered Madrid after winning the battle of Salamanca; but two years later the Duke returned the portrait to the artist to have his most recently awarded decorations included. Goya made the required alterations, so the new decorations — military orders and crosses — can be seen on the Duke’s costume.









TASK 2 Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate words.

  1. It was nearly noon and the the objects cast were short.

a) shades b) shadows

  1. Jack considers himself to be a of unsurpassable circum­stances.

a) sacrifice b) victim

  1. Everyone knows about Anthony’s for Anna. He’s been in love with her for years.

a) affection b) affectation

  1. When 1 saw the touching scene, I felt a coming up in my throat.

a) lump b) piece

TASK 3 Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations.

  1. пейзажи и натюрморты

  2. пройти испытание времен

  3. сюжет картины

  4. на переднем плане

  5. чувство пространства

  6. общее впечатление

TASK 4 Use some function words from the box to complete the sentences.

about as by for in of to with

  1. Shelly arranged everything the publication of her thesis.

  2. They couldn’t come an agreement and decided to hold another meeting.

  3. “Ouch,” she gasped pain.

  4. We are trying to come to an arrangement who should pay the money.

  5. Ron stood the shadow so no one could see him.

TASK 5 Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

  1. Whose advice (is/are) usually most helpful to you?

  2. This wallpaper (have/has) been on the walls of the room for and years.

  3. The news of his arrival (have/has) left nobody cold.

  4. The new watch (was/were) the best I ever had.

  5. The pair of jeans /was/were) worn out and dirty.

TASK 6. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. Give two forms where possible.

1. A small minority of electors (to have) voted for this candidate.

2. The best brains in the country (to have) failed to solve this problem.

3. Statistics (to be) ____ the science of using numbers to represent facts and describe situations.

4. The outskirts of our town (to be) ____ becoming more attractive with time.

5. Over hundred species of birds (to have)___ been reported to live in this National Park.

6. His lodgings (to be)___ small but fairly comfortable.

TASK 7. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman, one of the 1.______________________ GREAT

American poets, was born in 1819. He 2.____________ GROW

up in his native Long Island and got his 3.___________ ONE

jobs in Brook­lyn. Whitman had no ambition to “rise in

the world” as it could 4.___________ . The world itself EXPECT

was beautiful and interesting, and it was enough for him

to see it and to live in it. The sea and the countryside, the

crowded streets of great cities gave him 5.____________ GOOD

les­sons than schools or jobs. He began to write po­ems

early in life and in 1855 “Leaves of Grass”, a small volume

of his poetry, 6. __________ . Later he added new poems PUBLISH

to the volume but kept the same title. Whitman’s poetry

makes people 7.__________ life in a new way and love SEE

it 8.__________ . MUCH

Афанасьева, Михеева ’’English-X’’ UNIT 1 TEST 1


TASK 1. Complete the text. Use the appropriate phrases from the list below.

  1. for the right phrase-book

  2. since this was Switzerland

  3. to see her family

  4. across the aisle from me

  5. hearing my story

  6. where we would part

  7. to give it up

Brief Encounter on a Train

When I first saw her in the station, she was boarding the train, shov­ing an enormous brown leather suitcase up the high step with her knee. She wore trousers of brown corduroy and a bright green shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Dark eyes, dark hair, dark complexion, young, mysterious.

She collapsed into a seat A . Then the train continued its five-hour run westward across Switzerland. I moved across the aisle and sat down facing her.

“Wie heißen Sie?” I asked. Her only answer to my question was a smile. Oh, I thought, not German. Italian, of course.

I leant forward and crafted a more careful question. She still didn’t answer. В , I had a final choice: French. The reply, as before, was a Mona Lisa smile.

I leaned back, returned the smile, and tried to look mysterious — a vain attempt, considering my fisherman’s hat, red T-shirt, mustard trousers and running shoes. Just as I was about C , Mona Lisa spoke “Habla Usted espanol?” she asked. Why hadn’t I thought of it! She was Spanish.

I rummaged frantically through my bag D . She turned out to be single, employed in a home for the elderly, and on her way to Spain E .

What we spoke of, exactly, I can’t remember, but the day flew past. I dreaded our arrival in Geneva, F , but by day’s end we were there. We exchanged addresses and said goodbye with great reluctance.

I sometimes think of those days. Occasionally, I describe the details of that spring day to others, taking some liberty with the fact.

My wife especially enjoys G . However she insists that she left Switzerland for Great Britain the following year to marry me despite the way I was dressed that day.









TASK 2 Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate words.

  1. The of the broken news was such that it left all of us speechless.

a) affect b) effect

  1. The in the young people’s relations was obvious: they seemed to be on the threshold of breaking up.

a) disagreement b) discord

  1. I could see that the poor man’s suffering was genuine, not .

a) affected b) discordant

  1. I have just for my brother to come and collect you from the fitness center.

a) arranged b) affected

TASK 3 Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations.

  1. палитра художника

  2. настоящий шедевр

  3. историческое полотно

  4. преобладающие цвета

  5. настроение момента

  6. яркие светящиеся краски

TASK 4 Use some function words from the box to complete the sentences.

about as by for in of to with

  1. What is depicted the foreground the painting?

  2. Thomas Gainsborough had a real talent a colourist.

  3. The landscape is dominated a group of tall trees.

  4. I’m sure all his portraits will stand the test time.

  5. He heard a gasp fear in the darkness.

TASK 5 Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

  1. The stairs (is/are) very steep. Walk carefully!

  2. Mathematics (have/has) always been one of the main school sub­jects. …

  3. The money (was/were) just enough to pay the house rent.

  4. The clothes (was/were) bought in a good shop.

  5. The information you’ve found (is/are) extremely valuable.

TASK 6. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. Give two forms where possible.

1. As far as I know, the staff (to be) ____ not happy about the new office rules.

2. Mathematics (to include)____ arithmetic, algebra and geometry.

3. The customs (to be) ____ situated further to the left, over there.

4. The crowd in front of the palace (to be) ____ getting more and more excited.

5. The police (to be)_____ called to deal with the problem.

6. The document should be written in plain English so that the public (to understand) .

TASK 7. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman, one of the 1.______________________ GREAT

American poets, was born in 1819. He 2.____________ GROW

up in his native Long Island and got his 3.___________ ONE

jobs in Brook­lyn. Whitman had no ambition to “rise in

the world” as it could 4.___________ . The world itself EXPECT

was beautiful and interesting, and it was enough for him

to see it and to live in it. The sea and the countryside, the

crowded streets of great cities gave him 5.____________ GOOD

les­sons than schools or jobs. He began to write po­ems

early in life and in 1855 “Leaves of Grass”, a small volume

of his poetry, 6. __________ . Later he added new poems PUBLISH

to the volume but kept the same title. Whitman’s poetry

makes people 7.__________ life in a new way and love SEE

it 8.__________ . MUCH

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) The central (character/characteristic) of the play is a scientist who is working on a difficult problem. 2) My friend (connected/wondered) why I hadn’t phoned him. 3) My parents and I love to (receive/refuse) friends in our house. 4) If you can’t find your seat in the theatre, ask (the dramatist/an usher) to help you. 5) Our seats were (on/in) the gallery, rather far from the stage. 6) Hold (on/up) a minute, I’m nearly ready. 7) My friend is very much (alike/like) me: we both like the same things. 8) The scenery of the play (was/were) fantastic. 9) When I told father about my problem, he (previously/willingly) offered his help. 10) He couldn’t decide what to do for a long time and (at/in) the end became a music teacher.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 10. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы завершить предложения.
1) Центральный (персонаж / характеристика) пьесы − ученый, работающий над сложной проблемой. 2) Мой друг (подключился / поинтересовался), почему я не позвонил ему. 3) Мы с родителями любим (принимать / отказываться) друзей в нашем доме. 4) Если вы не можете найти свое место в театре, попросите (драматурга / билетера) вам помочь. 5) Наши места были (on/in) галерке, довольно далеко от сцены. 6) Держите (on/up) минуту, я почти готов. 7) Мой друг очень (похожий / как) я: мы оба любим одно и то же. 8) Декорации спектакля (was / were) фантастическими. 9) Когда я рассказал отцу о своей проблеме, он (ранее / охотно) предложил свою помощь. 10) Он долго не мог решить, что делать и (at/in) конце стал учителем музыки.

1) The central (character/characteristic) of the play is a scientist who is working on a difficult problem. 2) My friend (connected/wondered) why I hadn’t phoned him. 3) My parents and I love to (receive/refuse) friends in our house. 4) If you can’t find your seat in the theatre, ask (the dramatist/an usher) to help you. 5) Our seats were (on/in) the gallery, rather far from the stage. 6) Hold (on/up) a minute, I’m nearly ready. 7) My friend is very much (alike/like) me: we both like the same things. 8) The scenery of the play (was/were) fantastic. 9) When I told father about my problem, he (previously/willingly) offered his help. 10) He couldn’t decide what to do for a long time and (at/in) the end became a music teacher.

Перевод ответа
1) Центральный персонаж пьесы − ученый, работающий над сложной проблемой. 2) Мой друг поинтересовался, почему я не позвонил ему. 3) Мы с родителями любим принимать друзей в нашем доме. 4) Если вы не можете найти свое место в театре, попросите билетера вам помочь. 5) Наши места были на галерке, довольно далеко от сцены. 6) Подождите минуту, я почти готов. 7) Мой друг совсем как я: мы оба любим одно и то же. 8) Декорации спектакля были фантастическими. 9) Когда я рассказал отцу о своей проблеме, он охотно предложил свою помощь. 10) Он долго не мог решить, что делать и в конце концов стал учителем музыки.

Test 9


the appropriate forms of the words to complete the sentences

police (have/has) helped us to get home in their car.

news (was/were) perfect.

colour (is/are) Helen’s hair?

(an/-) important information!

money (have/has) been given to me as a birthday present.

information (have/has) arrived. But (it is/they are) absolutely useless.

the necessary preposition from the box.

On, off, up, down, over, into

brother turns…the TV as soon as he comes home.

told you that the music is too loud and asked you to turn it…

in fairy tales mice can be turned …horses.

you turn the radio…, dear?

may turn…the page and read the question again.

page, the picture you are looking for is there.

these sentences using passive form of the verbs.

Internet can (to use) in many ways.

BBC (to found) in the nineteen twenties.

can’t get inside. The floors (to wash).

letter just (to receive).

new project already (to finish).

about 10 o’clock her favourite comedy (to broadcast).

letter just (to send).

information (to give) yesterday in the Evening News.

the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (active or

1)    English
(to speak) all over the world.

2)    When I
was young, such problems never (to discuss) in front of the children.

3)    People
(to hear) Mr. Nelson’s voice but he (to see) nowhere.

4) The plan (to show) to the director at the end of tomorrow’s meeting

Test 9


the appropriate forms of the words to complete the sentences

situation was becoming dangerous and the police (was/were) called.

don’t think (this/these) news (is/are) good.

hair (is/are) long and beautiful.

information (has/have) just arrived.

(is/are) the money?

you listened to (a/the) news today?

the necessary preposition from the box.

On, off, up, down, over, into

washing machine before you leave home.

11 o’clock, time to turn…the computer and go to bed.

should teach me to turn…and …the new dishwasher.

I turn the picture…, I saw the painter’s name on the back.

you can’t hear the music well, turn it…

turn the second…: I’m trying to read.

these sentences using passive form of the verbs.

BBC (to know) as the best non-commercial television and radio system.

the future new stations (to build) in Russia.

new bridge (to build) across the river now.

problem already (to discuss).

just (to serve) the dinner.

problems often (to discuss) on television.

new site of our school (to create) now.

money can (to save) by using less water, gas and electricity.

the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (active or

a.      Beautiful
flowers (to plant) here next spring.

b.     Boris
always (to speak) English in class.

c.      He
usually never (to forget) to say thank you.

d.     My
father’s car (to wash) yesterday evening.

Помогите решить даю 60 баллов Vocabulary test3. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate variants.1. This court mainly deals with criminal____________.a) sentences b) trials2. To achieve success one ____________confidence.a) demands b) requires3. Jesus Christ is believed to have had twelve____________.a) disciples , b) pupils4. That day we had a ____________of strawberries and cream.a) feast b) meal5. He still ____________committing the terrible crime.a) denies b) deserves6. My client is ____________compensation for wrongful imprisonment.a) looking for b) seeking7. The hotel is a perfect place for a relaxing beach____________.a) feast b) holiday8. Two more nuclear power stations were built ____________widespread opposition.a) in spite b) despite4. Complete the phrasal verbs with the appropriate function words.1. The monarch’s orders were immediately carried ____________________.2. You are the only person who can carry ____________________this unusually hard job.3. When he died, his son carried ____________________his work and soon published the book.4. It was just his courage that carried him ____________________in that difficult situation.5. Turn right at the corner and carry ____________________across the square.6. The results of the investigation will be made public as soon as we carry it ____________________.7. Don’t mind us. Just carry ____________________with what you’re doing.8. If we can’t carry ____________________everything we are supposed to do, we’ll have to ask for help.5. Use the function words from the box to complete the to of by on 1. We know that a group of people are ____________________trial for bank robbery.2. This volcano has always been a menace ____________________the population of the village. 3. I’m sure that Jack is innocent ____________________the crime.4. A lamb was offered in sacrifice ____________________God.5. The latest events have confirmed me ____________________my position.6. Do you really believe ____________________ghosts?7. He went out in spite ____________________his father’s orders that he must stay at home.8. Is the government aware ____________________the problem?9. The child is a real trial ____________________his parents.10. Today’s church service will be led ____________________a visiting priest.

  • 0

Exercise 12
Complete the following sentences choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the list. Change the
form of the words if necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian (не обязательно).
to be lined
to be full of
to be covered
to be pinned up
to lie in heaps
to be concealed
to be lost beneath
to stand open
to be pasted
to lead
to be arranged
to be tiled
to be separated
to be painted
to be papered
1. If the floor … … one can easily hear footsteps on it.
2. Other walls … … with white bookshelves from which books overflow to the floor.
3. The door between the office and a small dark room at the back always … … .
4. The floors downstairs … … with Indian carpets.
5. The walls …… with pictures of aircrafts.
6. A staircase … from the ground floor to the first floor.
7. The notice … … … and became the centre of attention.
8. A typewriter, some writing paper, pens and pencils — everything … carefully … on top of the
9. The walls in the sitting-room … … but not painted, which made the room look a lot cosier.
10. The room … … … dark expensive furniture. Oriental car pets, smart lamps, everything first-class.
11. The incident…… and nobody ever learned anything.
12. A sick child … nearly … … the heap of blankets.
13. Books, papers, manuscripts, stacks of letters … … … all around the study.
14. The dining room … … from the rest of the house by a narrow passage.
15. As the tiny house …… green, it was almost lost on the green background of the garden.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. If the floor is tiled one can easily hear footsteps on it.
2. Other walls were lined with white bookshelves from which books overflow to the floor.
3. The door between the office and a small dark room at the back always
stands open.
4. The floors downstairs
were covered with Indian carpets.
5. The walls were pasted with pictures of aircrafts.
6. A staircase
lead to from the ground floor to the first floor.
7. The notice
was pinned up and became the centre of attention.
8. A typewriter, some writing paper, pens and pencils — everything was carefully
arranged  on top of the bookcase.
9. The walls in the sitting-room
were papered but not painted, which made the room look a lot cosier.
10. The room
was full of dark expensive furniture. Oriental carpets, smart lamps, everything first-class.
11. The incident
was concealed and nobody ever learned anything.
12. A sick child was
nearly lost beneath the heap of blankets.
13. Books, papers, manuscripts, stacks of letters were
lying in heaps all around the study.
14. The dining room was
separated from the rest of the house by a narrow passage.
15. As the tiny house
was painted green, it was almost lost on the green background of the garden.

  • Комментариев (0)

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1) The situation was becoming dangerous and the police (was / were) called.

2) Have you listened to (a / the) news today?

3) She turned (on / off) the shower and the water stopped running.

4) She lay sleepless in her bed turning (over / down) now and then.

5) The news (is / are) good and (it / they) (has / have) come just in time.

6) She lives on the money that (is / are) given to her by her parents.

7) The advice (was / were) good but John couldn’t follow (it / them).

8) The information (has / have) arrived.

(It / They) (is / are) absolutely useless.

9) What have you done to your hair?

Why (is / are) (it / they) purple?

10) His knowledge (is / are) deep enough.

He will be able to do the test.

11) You will never be able to turn this metal (in / into) gold.

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  • Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold you can use two to five
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold do not use
  • Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first using the word