Complete the second sentence with the word in capitals so it has

Complete the second sentence using the word in
capitals so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Do
not change the word in capitals.
0 We moved here when I was born and I’m 18 now.
I’ve have lived here for 18 years.
1 We last saw Kim at lunchtime.
We haven’t______ lunchtime.
2 The last time Rick cleaned his bike was two months ago.
Rick hasn’t__________two months.
3 Rita bought this coat ages ago.
Rita__________this coat for ages.
4 It hasn’t rained for a week.
The last time it ____ a week ago.
5 John got his phone for his birthday.
John has ______ his birthday.
6 When did you become friends with Tim?
How long ______ friends with Tim?
7 I first met Martin three months ago.
I ________ for three months.
8 Ben left school six months ago.
It’s _______ Ben left school

Task 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in capitals. You must use between two and five words including the word given. (1 point for each correct answer – 8 points max) 1. Mark is three years older than his sister. HAS Mark ______ sister. 2. There is very little milk in the fridge. HARDLY There is _____ milk in the fridge. 3. I don’t like playing computer games very much. KEEN I’m ____ computer games. 4. You can’t have a banana. There are none here. ANY There ________, so you can’t have one. 5. I didn’t know the answer. My friend didn’t know the answer. US _____ knew the answer. 6. It’s a good idea to read this book. WORTH ______ reading. 7. I don’t want to watch this film today. FEEL I ____ this film today. 8. I want to complain about the quality of the food. A I want to _____ about the quality of the food.



1. Mark has got a three-year-younger sister.
2. There is hardly any milk in the fridge.
3. I am not keen on playing computer games.
4. There
arent any bananas here, so you can’t have one.
5. Neither of us knew the answer.
6. This boor is worth reading.
7. I dont feel like watching this film today.
8. I want to
make a complaint about the quality of the food.


Отв. дан
2018-11-03 10:40:24

Дополните второе предложение таким образом, чтобы оно имело тот же смысл, что и первое предложение. Используйте слово выделенное жирным шрифтом и другие слова, чтобы закончить каждое предложение.
1. I am sure that I will fail my exams. I won’t pass my exams. — Я уверен, что я провалю свои экзамены. Я не сдам мои экзамены.
2. I like swimming better than playing basketball. I don’t prefer playing basketball. — Я люблю плавать больше, чем играть в баскетбол. Я не предпочитаю играть в баскетбол.
3. I will go for a walk if it is sunny. If it rains I won’t go for a walk. — Я пойду на прогулку, если будет солнечно. Если пойдет дождь, я не пойду на прогулку.
4. It is quite likely that I will get the job. I’ll probably get the job. — Вполне вероятно, что я получу эту работу. Я, вероятно, получу работу.
5. Steve doesn’t like working hard. Steve isn’t keen on working hard. — Стив не любит работать усердно. Стив не горит желанием работать усердно.

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold and other words to complete each sentence. – Дополните второе предложение таким образом, чтобы оно имело такой же смысл, что и первое предложение. Используйте слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом и другие слова, чтобы закончить каждое предложение.
1. I haven’t had a worse day in my life. It was the worst day of my life. — У меня не было хуже дня в моей жизни. Это был худший день в моей жизни.
2. Maggie is prettier than Kate. Kate is not as pretty as Maggie. — Мэгги красивее, чем Кейт. Кейт не так хороша, как Мэгги.
3. There’s only a little money in the drawer. There isn’t much money in the drawer. – В ящике всего немного денег. Не так много денег в ящике.
4. My flat isn’t big enough to invite people for dinner. My flat is too small to invite people for dinner. — Моя квартира не является достаточно большой, чтобы пригласить людей на ужин. Моя квартира слишком мала, чтобы пригласить людей на ужин.
5. There isn’t one cafe in this part of town. There isn’t any cafe in this part of town. — В этой части города нет ни одного кафе. В этой части города нет кафе.

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Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком! Я в нем слаба
Task 1. Fill in the blanks 1-4 with the right form of the word given in capitals on the same line.
(1 point for each correct answer – 4 points max)
Man vs Machine
In 1997 then the world chess champion Garry Kasparov played
against IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer. After six games, the world-
famous Kasparov (1)____(LOSE) 2.5 to 3.5 to the computer. In
February 2003, Kasparov restored human reputation by
(2)____ (FINISH)equal against the Israeli-built supercomputer Deep
Junior. Kasparov ended the game with the score 2 – 2 against US X3D
Fritz supercomputer in November 2003, the (3)____(GOOD)
computer in the world at that time. Thus, Kasparov proved that the
human brain can keep up with the (4)____(LATE) developments in LATE
computing (at least in chess).
Task 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using
the word in capitals. You must use between two and five words including the word given.
(1 point for each correct answer – 8 points max)
1. Mark is three years older than his sister.
Mark ______ sister.
2. There is very little milk in the fridge.
There is _____ milk in the fridge.
3. I don’t like playing computer games very much.
I’m ____ computer games.
4. You can’t have a banana. There are none here.
There ________, so you can’t have one.
5. I didn’t know the answer. My friend didn’t know the answer.
_____ knew the answer.
6. It’s a good idea to read this book.
______ reading.
7. I don’t want to watch this film today.
I ____ this film today.
8. I want to complain about the quality of the food.
I want to _____ about the quality of the food.
Task 3. Write indirect questions. Use the questions and the phrases in brackets to help you.
(2 points for each correct sentence – 8 points max)
1. When did Shakespeare live? (Can anyone tell me …)
2. Have you read “Julius Caesar”? (I wonder …)
3. Why did he write about the ancient Rome? (Have you any idea)
4. Is it really about the ancient Rome? (Are you sure…)

Автор: Гость



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We believe that the government has prepared a plan.

government is believed to
prepared a plan

  1. We
    are thinking of getting someone to paint the outside of the house.

  2. People
    say that Mrs Turner was having business difficulties. BEEN

  3. Your
    hair needs cutting. GET

  4. The
    police towed away Alan’s car. GOT

  5. Jill’s
    parents are making her study hard. MADE

Rewrite each sentence so that it ends with the word underlined,

Another company has taken over our company.Our
company has been taken over.

  1. We
    are dealing with your complaint.

  2. We
    have not accounted for all the missing passengers.

  3. I
    must insist that you keep to the rules.

  4. We
    will frown upon any attempts to cheat in the exam.

  5. The
    youngest complained that people were picking on him.

Choose the most appropriate word underlined.

The busy shopping street was thronged by/withpeople.

  1. The
    price of excursions is included in/with the cost of the holiday.

  2. The
    room was crammed by/with furniture of all descriptions.

  3. Two
    of the climbers were injured by/with falling rocks.

  4. The
    bank was quickly surrounded from/with armed police.

  5. The
    stadium was packed from/with cheering fans.

Put a suitable preposition in each space.

The tree had been decorated with
coloured balls.

  1. The
    answers have been included……………….. the book.

  2. The
    victim was struck from behind……………….. a heavy object.

  3. The
    house was built………………. money that David borrowed from
    the bank.

  4. When
    the accident happened. Sue was struck……………….. flying

  5. When
    I left the casino, my pockets were crammed………………..

Tick the correct lines or cross out the words which should not be

of New Fairdene Sports Centre

Gulliver Sports Centre, which has been 

rebuilt, was been
reopened yesterday been

  1. by
    the Minister for Sport. The building it was

  2. originally
    used to as a market, but was sold

  3. to
    Fairdene Council in 1981, and it then converted

  4. into
    a sports hall. Local schools were played football

  5. and
    basketball indoors, and keep fit classes were held

  6. there.
    In 1990 the hall was damaged when by the fire

  7. which
    was broke out in the heating system. The hall

  8. could
    not be used, and remained empty while discussions

  9. continued
    about its future. It was then and decided that

  10. the
    hall would to be rebuilt, and an appeal for money

  11. was
    launched. Two years ago a local businessman offered

  12. to
    pay for the building work, and plans were drawn up.

  13. the
    new hall is includes a swimming pool, running track

  14. and
    other sports facilities which can be used by anyone

  15. in
    the Fairdene area. The Minister was made a speech

which he congratulated everyone involved.

Unit 8. Reported speech Test Your Grammar

Report the following

  1. Al
    Capone: “I’ve been accused of every death except the casualty
    list of the World War.”

  2. Pablo
    Picasso: “Age only matters when one is ageing. Now that I have
    arrived at a great age, I might as well be twenty.”

  3. Jean-Paul
    Sartre: “ The world could get along very well without literature;
    it could get even better without man.”

  4. Albert
    Einstein: “I know why there are so many people who love chopping
    wood. In this activity one immediately sees the results.”

  5. Groucho
    Marx: “Please accept my resignation. I don’t want to belong to
    any club that will accept me as a member.”

to Think of

Read the following sentences paying attention to the elements in
bold type and then fill in the chart below

  1. Tom
    invited Ann to come to the party the
    next day

  2. He
    remarked that it was not as foggy that
    as it had been the day

  3. She
    wasn’t sure if that
    job would give her any chances of promotion.

  4. I
    saw Mary wearing a fantastic new jacket. She explained she had
    bought that
    jacket in London three
    weeks before.

  5. I
    met Jim yesterday. He complained he was very busy at
    the moment
    and couldn’t help me.

  6. Alison’s
    mother told us that Alison had been studying for her chemistry test
    the previous night.



these, that


day, that night



the moment

days ago

Look at these sentences, paying attention to the usage of tenses
and adverbs of time and place. Match the sentences (1-7) with the
explanations (a-e)

  1. Senator
    Jones told us that counseling is not an answer for everybody

  2. The
    negotiator said he is still working on the details of a tentative

  3. He
    proved that intelligent life in the Universe does not exist.

  4. An
    hour ago he said he would come here tonight.

  5. The
    article in the newspaper claimed that the Universe is expanding.

  6. He
    asked me when the earliest train to Manchester leaves.

  7. The
    students had to be explained how the computer works.

  1. an
    existing fact

  2. general

  3. same
    place and time

  4. regular

  5. the
    reported action is still in progress

Report the sentences in the right column, paying attention to the
usage of modal verbs. Then match the reported sentences with the
explanations (a-i).




Dot. I can speak French.

I may arrive.

shall with a future reference becomes would

Ron. I shall speak to him.

mustn’t (=prohibition) does not change, or becomes could not”

Meg. Shall I speak to him?

modal “present becomes “conditional” or past

Sam. I must have fainted .

I couldn’t have said that.

I needn’t have done that.

I ought to have helped her.

(=necessity in the past) does not change, or becomes “had to”

Lee. I should go to the dentist.

perfect modal forms do not change.

Paul. I must catch an early train.

I must speak to you.

should (= it’s advisable) does not change

Bill. I must leave tomorrow.

I must work till late.

must (=deduction or possibility)
does not change

Phil. John must be a fool.

shall in offers and suggestions becomes should

Jean. I mustn’t eat meat.

They must give up.

“must” (= necessity in the future) doesn’t change, or
becomes “would have to”


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  • Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold you can use two to five
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same
  • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold do not use
  • Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first using the word