Complete the second sentence using the word in bold do not use

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold and other words to complete each sentence. You must not use more than five words including the word in bold. Do not change this word.

1. I’m not busy all tomorrow so I could fit in an appointment then. (little)

I have……… tomorrow so I could fit in an appointment then.

2. Not many people remember that 60s rock band any more. (few)

There are ………. remember that 60s rock band any more.

3. «Have you had any strange dreams» my brother said. (asked)

My brother ……… had any strange dreams.

4. «Try and remember your dream,» said the doctor to Sue. (asked)

The doctor ………. and remember her dream.

5. I’d rather go to the cinema than stay in. (instead)

Let’s go to the cinema …………. in.

6. The invention was an overnight success because it was extremely useful. (so) The invention ………….. it became an overnight success.

7. Because of his hard work, he made a success of his business. (so)

He worked ………… he made a success of his business.

8. «Let’s go out for a Chinese meal,» said the twins. (suggested)

The twins …………. for a Chinese meal.

9. The pilot discovered that the plane’s fuel tanks were empty. (run)

The pilot discovered that the plane ………. fuel.

10. «Why don’t we go over the emergency fire procedure again,» said the supervisor. (running)

The supervisor …………. the emergency fire procedure again.

Complete the second sentence, using the word in bold, so that it means the same as the first sentence. Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence. Write answers only in the space below.

1. The rain began while I was reading a book. (RAIN)

I was reading a book …………………………………………………………………………………. began.

2. Most of the time, Beth gets up at 7:00. (USUALLY)

Beth ……………………………………………. 7:00.

3. Ryan lived in Saudi Arabia when he was a child. (LIVE)

When he was a child, Ryan ………………………………………………………….. in Saudi Arabia.

4. Do you still take French lessons? (STUDYING)

Are ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. French?

5. They started the football match at 8:00 yesterday evening and they finished at 9:30.(PLAYING)

They …………………………………………………………………………… at 8:30 yesterday evening.

На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Progress Check 2.

Ex. 1. Fill in: varied, make, calorie, do, old, wholemeal, concern, disorder, attention, products, ripened, second, consider, confirm, additives.
Вставить слова: varied, make, calorie, do, old, wholemeal, concern, disorder, attention, products, ripened, second, consider, confirm, additives.


1) He asked me to __ his offer.
2) “Can you __ me a favour?” he asked me.
3) I called to __ the reservation.
4) People on a diet should watch their __ intake.
5) Read the labels on food carefully, to check for hidden __ .
6) __ bread is better for you than white.
7) Many people who eat a Mediterranean diet live to an __ age.
8) Anorexia nervosa is an eating __ .
9) Cheese, milk and yoghurt are all dairy __ .
10) Being slim is a great __ to Jane.
11) We eat a __ diet with plenty of vegetables.
12) People with anorexia nervosa require medical __ .
13) “Did you __ your bed this morning?” she asked.
14) Lots of fruit are artificially __ in greenhouses.
15) The cake was great. I asked for a __ helping.

1) He asked me to consider his offer. – Он попросил меня обдумать его предложение.
2) “Can you do me a favour?” he asked me. – “Мог бы ты оказать мне услугу” – он спросил меня.
3) I called to confirm the reservation. – Я позвонил, чтобы подтвердить бронь.
4) People on a diet should watch their calorie intake. – Людям на диете следует следить за потреблением калорий.
5) Read the labels on food carefully, to check for hidden additives. – Тщательно читайте этикетки на продуктах для проверки на скрытые добавки.
6) Wholemeal bread is better for you than white. – Хлеб из непросеянной муки полезнее для вас, чем белый хлеб.
7) Many people who eat a Mediterranean diet live to an old age. – Многие люди, которые придерживаются средиземноморской диеты доживают до преклонных лет.
8) Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. – Анорексия – это расстройство питания.
9) Cheese, milk and yoghurt are all dairy products. – Сыр, молоко и йогурт – это все молочные продукты.
10) Being slim is a great concern to Jane. – Худоба – это большое беспокойство для Джейн.
11) We eat a varied diet with plenty of vegetables. – У нас разнообразное питание с большим количеством овощей.
12) People with anorexia nervosa require medical attention. -Люди с нервной анорексией требуют медицинского внимания.
13) “Did you make your bed this morning?” she asked. – “Ты заправил свою кровать сегодня утром?” – спросила она.
14) Lots of fruit are artificially ripened in greenhouses. – Большое количество фруктов искусственно созревают в парниках.
15) The cake was great. I asked for a second helping. – Торт был отличным. Я попросил добавки.

Ex. 2. Put the verbs into the correct tense.
Поставить глаголы в правильное время.


A: You should (call) me last night. I waited for an hour.
B: I’m so sorry. You’re right. I ought (call).

A: He can’t (be) at work yesterday.
B: You’re right. We would (see) him.

A: You don’t need (do) the washing-up. I have already done it.
B: Thanks. You shouldn’t (do) it.

A: I’m not allowed (eat) foods rich in fat.
B: You ought (not/have) that cake then.

A: I was supposed (cook) dinner tonight, but I was tired, so we had sandwiches.
B: You should (order) a takeaway.

A: You should have called me last night. I waited for an hour. – Тебе следовало позвонить мне прошлым вечером. Я прождал час.
B: I’m so sorry. You’re right. I ought to have called. – Прости. ТЫ прав. Мне следовало позвонить.

A: He can’t have been at work yesterday. – Он не мог быть на работе вчера.
B: You’re right. We would have seen him. – Ты прав. Мы бы увидели его.

A: You don’t need to do the washing-up. I have already done it. – Тебе не надо мыть посуду. Я уже сделал это.
B: Thanks. You shouldn’t have done it. – Спасибо. Тебе не следовало это делать.

A: I’m not allowed to eat foods rich in fat. – Мне нельзя есть пищу богатую жирами.
B: You ought not to have that cake then. – Тогда тебе не надо есть этот торт.

A: I was supposed to cook dinner tonight, but I was tired, so we had sandwiches. – Сегодня вечером я должен был приготовить обед, но я был уставшим, поэтому мы съели сэндвичи.
B: You should have ordered a takeaway. – Вам следовало заказать еду из кафе.

Ex. 3. Change into reported speech using: deny, suggest, apologise, invite, beg.
Переделать в косвенную речь, используя глаголы: deny, suggest, apologise, invite, beg.


1) “Would you like to come out to dinner?”
2) “I didn’t eat the last piece of cake!”
3) “Please, please help me with my homework!”
4) “I’m really sorry I broke the plate.”
5) “Why don’t we go to a restaurant?”

1) He invites me to come out to dinner. – Он приглашает меня куда-нибудь сходить пообедать.
2) He denies having eaten the last piece of cake. – Он отрицал то, что съел последний кусок торта.
3) He begs my help with his homework. – Он просит моей помощи со своим домашним заданием.
4) He apologises for having broken the plate. – Он извиняется за то, что разбил тарелку.
5) He suggests going to a restaurant. – Он предлагает сходить в ресторан.

Ex. 4. Fill in the correct particle.
Вставить правильную частицу.


1) Education alone is not enough to bring __ changes in people’s diets.
2) It took him quite some time to get __ the shock of the accident.
3) After she fainted, it took the medic some time to bring her __ .
4) I picked __ a nasty virus while on holiday.
5) Long dark winter nights really get me __ .

1) Education alone is not enough to bring about changes in people’s diets. – Одного только образования не достаточно, чтобы привнести изменения в питание людей.
2) It took him quite some time to get over the shock of the accident. – У него ушло некоторое время на то, чтобы оправиться от шока в результате несчастного случая.
3) After she fainted, it took the medic some time to bring her round. – После того, как она упала в обморок, у медика ушло некоторое время на то, чтобы привести ее в чувство.
4) I picked up a nasty virus while on holiday. – Я подхватил ужасный вирус, пока был на отдыхе.
5) Long dark winter nights really get me down. – Долгие мрачные зимние ночи по-настоящему угнетают меня.

Ex. 5. Complete gaps 1-5 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
Преобразуйте слово так, чтобы оно подошло в контекст.


1) You should increase your __DAY__ intake of fruit.
2) I have __COMPLETE__ removed junk food from my diet.
3) __DEVELOP__ countries have good standards of health care.
4) Some people believe that wearing fur is __MORAL__ .
5) The amount of charity work he does is __ADMIRE__ .

1) You should increase your daily intake of fruit. – Тебе следует повысить ежедневное потребление фруктов.
2) I have completely removed junk food from my diet. – Я полностью убрал неполезную еду из своей диеты.
3) Developed countries have good standards of health care. – У развитых стран высокий уровень здравоохранения.
4) Some people believe that wearing fur is immoral. – Некоторые люди считают, что ношение меха является аморальным.
5) The amount of charity work he does is admirable. – Количество благотворительной работы, которую он делает, восхитительно.

Ex. 6. Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two to five words.
Завершите второе предложение, добавив в него от двух до пяти слов, включая данное.


1) I bought some milk because we may run out of it later.
case I bought some milk __ later.

2) Although it had good reviews, I was disappointed with the new restaurant.
despite I was disappointed with the new restaurant __ reviews.

3) Greek and Turkish cooking are alike in a number of ways.
similar Greek cooking is very __ cooking.

4) He’s in charge of ten employees.
responsible He’s __ employees.

5) I’ve been in search of a good Indian restaurant for ages.
looking I’ve been __ Indian restaurant for ages.

1) I bought some milk because we may run out of it later.
I bought some milk in case we run out later. – Я купил молока на тот случай, если оно закончится позднее.

2) Although it had good reviews, I was disappointed with the new restaurant.
I was disappointed with the new restaurant despite the good reviews. – Я ssk разочарован новым рестораном несмотря на хорошие обзоры.

3) Greek and Turkish cooking are alike in a number of ways.
Greek cooking is very similar to Turkish cooking. – Греческая кухня очень похожа на турецкую.

4) He’s in charge of ten employees.
He’s responsible for ten employees. – Он отвечает за десять работников.

5) I’ve been in search of a good Indian restaurant for ages.
I’ve been looking for a good Indian restaurant for ages. – Я уже сто лет ищу какой-нибудь хороший индийский ресторан.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Do not change the word in bold. — Нужно заполнить пропуски, использовав данное слово и сохранив смысл первого предложения.

1 Every morning Pete checks his emails .


Pete always checks his emails in the morning.

(каждое утро = всегда)

2 What plans does she have for next summer?


What’s she going to do next summer?

(конструкция to be going to используется, когда нужно сказать о планах)

3 The screen on my new computer is really big.


My new computer has got a really big screen.

(have got = have)

4 There is a meeting at school tomorrow. (HAVING)

They are having a meeting at school tomorrow.

(речь о запланированном заранее собрании)

Voronezh is a beautiful city. In Voronezh a lot of beautiful places. There are many beautiful. I live in Voronezh and i realy like here.

Как дела Дон? Всё отлично спасибо

Did the students write a dictation last week? Общий
Who wrote a dictation last week? Вопрос к подлежащему
What did the students write last week? Специальный
Did the students write a dictation or an essay last week? Альтернативный
The students wrote a dictation last week,didn’t they? Разделительный


Hi, Max.  

I am very glad to hear from you again. I haven’t written to you for ages because I was busy at school.

You ask me about my future profession. Well, after finishing school I am going to enter the Polytechnic Institute because I want to be engaged in architecture in the future. I want to know much more about characteristics of urban and landscape construction , I’ll learn how to work with inventories to be able to make assessment of the urban development areas. This is a very serious and difficult profession.  

But my parents disagree with me. They are shocked. They require that I enter the Medical University and become a dentist. I can’t convince them that medicine is not for me. So while we have a little war at home, but I think I will win it, because my granny supports me.

Tell me, what your plans for the future are. I would like to know what results you have at school and  what Institute you are going to enter.

It’s all for me for today.

Write soon.

I am always pleased with your letters.  

Best regards to your family and friends.  



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