Complete the questions with the missing word how often do you a barbecue


Give the correct phrase to its meaning:
to talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way

to gossip about someone


Name 3 forms of the verb:



Complete the phrase with 1 word:
— ______ to meet you, David!

PLEASED to meet you, David!


give the correct phrase to its meaning:

to begin to feel romantic love for someone

to fall in love


Name 3 forms of the verb:



Complete the dialogue with 1  word:

— Would you like a drink?

-I’d ______ orange juice

— Would you like a drink?

-I’d LOVE orange juice


give the correct phrase to its meaning:
to agree to marry

 to get engaged


Put the words into correct order to get the sentence: see/did/you/your/when/best friend/last?

When did you last see your best friend?


Put the words into correct order to get the phrase:

— from/Where/you/come/exactly/do?

Where do you exactly come from?


give the correct phrase to its meaning:

to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or doing

to interrupt someone


Put the words into correct order to get the sentence:

Monday/ my sister/ I/ the day/ with/on/ spent

I spent the day with my sister on Monday


Find  ad correct mistakes:

— Pleased to meeting you

Pleased to meet you


Complete the questions with the missing words:
1. How often do you _____ a barbecue?

2.What do you usually do when you have time___ work?

3. How do you usually ____ time with your family?

4. Where is your favourite place to ____ out?

1. How often do you HAVE a barbecue?

2.What do you usually  when you have time OFF work?

3. How do you usually SPEND time with your family?

4. Where is your favourite place to EAT out?


Find 5 mistakes in the text:

I met Layla at a market. She was selling bread. We started chatting and got well on. At the time I didn’t  keep a girlfriend, so I asked her on a date. We went to a restaurant. We soon fell to love and I proposed at her. A week later we became married.

I met Layla at a market. She was selling bread. We started chatting and GOT ON WELL. At the time I didn’t  HAVE a girlfriend, so I asked her on a date. We went to a restaurant. We soon fell IN love and I proposed TO her. A week later we GOT married.


Find and correct mistakes:

 I love a coffee, thanks you

I’d love a coffee, thank you

Click to zoom

Complete the questions with these question words WHO WHERE WHY HOW often WHAT WHEN 1.

. is your favorite singer?

2. do you like him / her?

3. instrument do you play?

4. do you buy music — at a shop or on the Internet ?

5. . do you listen to music — during the day or in the evening?

На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос
Complete the questions with these question words WHO WHERE WHY HOW often WHAT WHEN 1?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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Complete the questions with the correct form of be, have or do. 1 Where _________they going?
2 What time_______you get up?
3 _____ you got Maths tomorrow?
4 What ______ your sister studying?
5 How often____ she play tennis?
6 How many legs ______ an octopus got?
7 ______ you like dancing?
8 Where_____ tigers live?​ Срочно пожалуйста!!!

0 голосов

Complete the questionnaire with the words below.

How What When Where Who

1.____do you get up on Sunday motnings?

2.____do you relax?

3.____programmes do you watch on TV?

4.____do you live?

5.____do you live with?


02 Май, 18


(48 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

оставил комментарий

02 Май, 18


(48 баллов)

1.____do you get up on Sunday mornings?

оставил комментарий

02 Май, 18


(48 баллов)


2 Ответы

0 голосов


02 Май, 18


(331 баллов)

Лучший ответ

1) When

2) How

3) What

4) Where

5) Who

0 голосов


02 Май, 18


(54 баллов)

1. When
2. How
3. What
4. Where
5. Who

Пожалуйста, помогите! Срочно!!!!! Даю 50 баллов!

1 Write questions for the underlined answers.

1 How many children have they got?

Theyve got three children.

2 ?

He lives near the new city hospital.

3 ?

We went to her party last Saturday.

4 ?

I usually go on holiday twice a year.

5 ?

She goes out with friends on Friday nights.

6 ?

There are twenty-four students in my class.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He last saw them when he was in Mexico in 2013. (see / be)

2 We to stay up all night but asleep after a few hours. (decide / fall)

3 I my degree last year and then around Canada for six weeks. (finish / travel)

4 She shopping on Thursday but she much. (go / not get)

5 He at her and then her get into the taxi. (smile / help)

6 I was very happy when they they my food. (say / like)


3 Match 18 with a)h).

1 We always go b

2 Did they spend

3 My sister and I didnt play

4 How often do you eat

5 He loves spending

6 Are you good at playing

7 I had some

8 When did we last have

a) out with friends?

b) shopping on Saturday afternoons.

c) time with his cousins.

d) time off last month.

e) sports?

f) a musical instrument when we were children.

g) a barbecue?

h) much money on holiday?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

accept ask fall get get get on

have meet propose

1 Where did you get married?

2 She (not) a boyfriend when she was at high school but she had one at university.

3 They on a course at university.

4 Tina always very well with her husbands mother.

5 How many times you in love?

6 Janice and Paul engaged yesterday.

7 He to her on Valentines Day!

8 When he her to marry him, she .

5 Underline the correct alternative.

1 Its rude to interrupt/gossip/say someone else when they are talking.

2 He only says/tells/talks about himself. Its boring.

3 What do you talk/speak/say when somebody gives you a present?

4 They always tell/gossip/say about other people behind their backs. Its not very nice.

5 I had/did/мейд an interesting conversation with Adam yesterday.

6 My dad is always saying/speaking/telling jokes. Hes very funny to be with.


6 Tick the correct response, a) or b).

1 Would you like to go out?

a) Id love to see a film b) Pleased to meet you.

2 Did you see the match?

a) Yes, it was great. b) Yes, its lovely.

3 Ill see you later.

a) Yes, its lovely. b) Yes, see you soon.

4 Cathy, this is Anthony.

a) Nice to meet you. b) Id love to, thank you.

5 Nice day, isnt it?

a) Yes, it was terrible. b) Yes, its lovely.

6 Where are you from?

a) Pleased to meet you. b) I come from Madrid.


2.2. Put the verb into correct form  

1. Julie doesn`t (not/ drink) drink tea very often.

2. What time do the banks close (the banks / close) here?

3. I`ve got a computer, but I don`t use ( not/ use) it much.

4. «Where does Ricardo come( Ricardo/ come)  from? «From Cuba.»

5.»What do you do ( you / do) ?» «I am an electrician.»

6. It takes ( take) me an hour to get to work. How long does it take ( it/ take)  you?

7.Look at this sentence. What does this word mean( this word / mean)?

8.David isn`t very fit. He doesn`t do ( not / do) any sport.

2.3. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometime you need the negative:

1. The earth goes round the sun.

2. Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. Bees makes honey.

5. Vegetarian don»t eat meat.

6. An atheist doesn’t believe in God.

7. An interpreter translates from one language into another.

8. Liars are people who doesn’t tell the truth.

9. The river Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

2.4. You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.

1. You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you play tennis?

2. Perhaps Lisa’s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

Does your sister play tennis too?

3. You know that Lisa reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.

Which newspaper do you read every day?

4. You know that Lisa’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lisa.

What does your brother do?

5. You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you go to the cinema?

6. You don’t know where Lisa’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

Where do your grandparents live?

2.5. Complete using the following:

I apologise; I insist; I promise; I recommend; I suggest  

1. Mr Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.

2. I won’t tell anybody what you said. I promise.

3. (In a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. I insist.

4. I apologise for what I did. It won’t happen again.

5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. I recommend it.

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