- 1) Do
- 2) Did
- 3) will
- 4) Does
- 5) are
- 6) Was
- 7) didn’t
- 9) Has
1) Do you often remember your dreams?
- Often — сигнал Present Simple. Общие вопросы в этом времени начинаются с do (местоимения I, you, we, they) либо does (местоимения he, she, it). Местоимение you => пропущено do.
2) Did you listen to the match on the radio last night?
- Last night — сигнал Past Simple. Общие вопросы в этом времени начинаются с did => пропущено did.
3) Who do you think will win the election next year?
- Next year — сигнал Future Simple, конструкция will + V => пропущено will.
4) Does your brother like rock music?
- Вопрос о предпочтениях брата => время Present Simple. Общие вопросы в этом времени начинаются с do (местоимения I, you, we, they) либо does (местоимения he, she, it). Brother = he => пропущено does.
5) What are you going to watch on TV tonight?
- Конструкция to be going to V, не хватает to be.
- Спряжения to be в настоящем простом времени: am (местоимение I); is (местоимения he, she, it); are (местоимения I, you, we, they).
- Местоимение you => пропущено are.
6) Was it snowing when you left?
- When и Past Simple после него указывают на прерванное действие, тогда в первой части будет Past Continuous (was/were + Ving).
- Спряжения to be в прошедшем простом времени: was (местоимения I, he, she, it); were (местоимения you, we, they).
- Ving дано (snowing), местоимение it => пропущено was.
7) Were you at the party last night? I didn’t see you.
- Last night — сигнал Past Simple.
- Пропущено отрицание, т.к. если бы ответ был положительным, было бы saw.
- Отрицания в этом времени строятся с помощью конструкции didn’t V. V дано (see) => пропущено didn’t.
Have you been to the supermarket?
- Been указывает на время группы Perfect.
- Общие вопросы в Present Perfect строятся по схеме have/has + подлежащее + V3 (Past Participle) + <…>?
- Has используется с местоимениями he, she, it, have — с местоимениями I, you, we, they.
- Местоимение you => пропущено have.
9) Has the film finished yet?
- Yet — сигнал Present Perfect.
- Общие вопросы в Present Perfect строятся по схеме have/has + подлежащее + V3 (Past Participle) + <…>?
- Has используется с местоимениями he, she, it, have — с местоимениями I, you, we, they.
- The film = it => пропущено has.
Интересные вопросы
Вставьте пропущенные слова.
Пример: Where did you have lunch yesterday?
1)….. you often remember your dreams?
2)When …… your mother coming to stay? This or next Sunday?
3)….. you see the football match last night?
4)Whom …… you phoning last night?
5)Who …… you think …… win next president elections?
6)……. your best friend like classical music?
7)What ……. you going to cook tonight?
it raining when you left?
8)….. it raining when you left?
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Самые новые вопросы
1)Write a word from the box in each gap. There are some words you won’t use and you will use some words more than once.
Excuse me. Can I try that dress (1) _____?
Of course.Just take your coat (2) ______ and i’ll hang it (3) _____ for you.
Here you are. I’ll leave my T-shirt (4) ______ and put the dress (5) ______ over that. There. How’s that?
Let me just do it (6) ______ at the back. Is it comfortable?
Yes, it’s great. I’ll take it!
2)Read the information and write a word or short phrase in each gap.
Rick: 14 years old, 1.45 m tall, very short hair
Dennis: 13 years old, 1.5 m tall, very long hair
Polly: 12 years old, 1.35 m tall, medium-length hair
1)Dennis is older _______ Polly, but ______ than Rick.
2)Polly is the _______ of the three, and Rick is _______ .
3)Rick is _______ Dennis, but he’s ______ Polly.
4)Dennis is the _______ of the three, and Polly is _______ .
5)Polly’ hair is ______ Rick’s, but Dennis.
6)Dennis’ hair is ______ of the three, and Rick’s is _______ .
Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb.
Пример — Where did you have lunch yesterday?
1. ___ you often remember your dreams? (Present Simple)
2. When ___ your mother coming to stay? This or next Sunday? (Present Continuous)
3. ___ you see the football match last night? (Past Simple)
4. Whom ___ you phoning last night? (Past Continuous)
5. Who ___ (Present Simple) you think ___ (Future Simple) win next president elections?
6. ___ your best friend like classical music? (Present Simple)
7. What ___ you going to cook tonight? (Future Simple)
8. ___ it raining when you left? (Past Continuous)
Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb. Пример — Where did you have lunch yesterday? 1. ___ you often remember your dreams? (Present …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.
Искать другие ответы
Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb. Пример — Where did you have lunch yesterday? 1. ___ you often remember your dreams? (Present Simple) 2. When ___ your mother coming to stay? This or next Sunday? (Present Continuous) 3.
Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb. Пример — Where did you have lunch yesterday? 1. ___ you often remember your dream
Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb.
Пример — Where did you have lunch yesterday?
1. ___ you often remember your dreams? (Present Simple)
2. When ___ your mother coming to stay? This or next Sunday? (Present Continuous)
3. ___ you see the football match last night? (Past Simple)
4. Whom ___ you phoning last night? (Past Continuous)
5. Who ___ (Present Simple) you think ___ (Future Simple) win next president elections?
6. ___ your best friend like classical music? (Present Simple)
7. What ___ you going to cook tonight? (Future Simple)
8. ___ it raining when you left? (Past Continuous)
1 ответ:
1) DO
2) Are
3) Did
4) Were
5) Do, will win
6) Does
7) Will
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Expert solutions
Do you often remember your dreams?
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Terms in this set (9)
Do you often remember your dreams?
Did you listen to the match on the radio last night?
Who do you think will win the election next year?
Does your brother like rock music?
What are you going to watch on tv tonight?
Was it snowing when you left?
Were you at the party last night? I did not see you.
Have you been to the supermarket?
Has the film finished yet?
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S1: I only remember a few of my dreams. I know if they were good or bad, but I don’t always remember the details. I rarely have nightmares.(Я помню только несколько из моих снов. Я знаю, они были хорошие и плохие, но я не помню, всегда деталей. Мне редко снятся кошмары).
S2: I dream about people I don’t know and places I have never been.(Я мечтаю о людях, которых я не знаю и местах, в которых я не был).
S3: I have the same dream over and over about taking a Maths test. I feel very nervous and anxious.(У меня тот же сон снова и снова о сдаче теста по Математике. Я чувствую себя очень нервно и тревожно).
S4: I do think dreams have meanings. They express what we are feeling or experiencing at a certain time in our lives.(Я думаю, сны имеют значения. Они выражают то, что мы чувствуем или испытываем в определенный момент времени в нашей жизни).
S5: I have seen a few books that talk about what dreams mean. The film «Field of Dreams» is about a man who dreams about people.(Я видел несколько книг, которые говорят о том, что сны имеют значение. Фильм «Поле чудес» о человеке, который мечтает о людях).