Complete the questions with a word from the box is her name

Дано ответов: 2

1 — Which

2 — When

3 — What

4 — Who

5 — How

6 — Why


(36 баллов)

23 Май, 20







1.My mom is a teacher. (учитель)

2.Her name is Olga

3.She is 35 years old (ей 25 лет)

4.She has got black hair (черные волосы) and brown eyes (карие глаза)

5.She can cook very well (очень хорошо готовит)

6.She is very nice


(2.6k баллов)

23 Май, 20


6 Complete the questions with a word from the box. 9 Who Are How When Is Where Where a are you feeling? their friend good b at basketball? с d is our teacher? is her friend from? they from Canada? is your birthday? e 7 Match the answer prompts below to the​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

1.Choose the right pronoun: Put … salt on your meat
A) any
B) some
C) a
D) few
E) a few

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple:Rosa ___ (be) an Italian expat. She ___ (be) from Rome and ___ (live) in Brighton, a town in England. She ___ (work) in a
hospital. She ___ (live) with an English family. The family ___ (not speak) Italian.
A) is, is, lives, works, lives, doesn’t speak
B) is, was, lives, worked, lived, didn’t speak
C) is, is, live, work, live, don’t speak

4. Choose the right variant: Do you have ___ curtains?
A) some
B) any
C) much

5. Complete with his her theirShe’s the tour guide. ___ name is Valerie. Sam isn’t at the party. He is in ___ room. They are from America. ___ names are
Herband Hannah.
A) their, his, her
B) his, her, their
C) her, his, their

6. Madonna is very famous. Everybody knows _________.
A) them
B) it
C) her

7. Choose the right variant: Пенсионный возраст для женщин в Британии 60/ Британияда әйелдердің зейнеттік жасы 60.
A) The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain.
B) The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain.
C) The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain.
D) The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain.

8. Choose the right variant: Did ____ exciting happen?
A) any
B) something
C) anything

9. Choose the right variant:Is … absent today?
A) anywhere
B) anybody
C) some
D) nobody
E) somebody

10. Complete the questions with a question word from the box.
1) …. is he from? Brighton, England.
2) …. does he live with? With his parents.
3) …. does he live at home? Because he likes it.
4) …. old is he? Thirty-seven.
5) … is his name? Andy.

A) who;
B) why;
C) what;
D) how;
E) where;
F) when.

11. Match phrases 1-4 with definitions a-e.
1) get on with somebody;
2) look up to somebody;
3) be in touch with somebody;
4) fall out with somebody.

A) argue and stop being friendly with somebody;
B) have a good relationship;
C) respect somebody;
D) be in communication with somebody;
E) gradually have a less close relationship with somebody.

1 Complete the questions with the words from the box.
Are How Is What When Where Who
What is your name?
My name’s Joe
you American?
Yes, I am.
are you from in the USA?
I’m from Seattle, in Washington State.
that your car?
No, it isn’t. I can’t drive.
is that girl?
That’s my sister, Clara.
old are you?
I’m 17.
is your birthday?
In May. On the seventeenth.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete these questions with the words {are, do, does,’s} 1. What … your name? 2. Who … work for? 3. Where … you from? 4. What … ÏT»stand for? 5. What … their name?

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Войцеховская Варвара Алексеевна

Учитель английского языка

Данная разработка рассчитана на обучающихся 8 класса, на первое занятие, работа предназначена для выявления сильных и слабых сторон ученика. надеюсь что она поможет учителям в подготовке к урокам. в работе 10 занятий, где можно раскрыть словарный запас ученика, освоенные времена.



Содержимое разработки

Входная контрольная работа

(УМК «Английский язык» Ю.А.Комарова) 8 класс

  1. Complete the fact file with the correct form of the verbs be, have got, can or There isThere are.

  1. Dublin …the capital of the Republic of Ireland.

  2. about four million people in Ireland.

  3. Ireland ….three major rivers – the Shannon, the Erne and the Boyne.

  4. .a famous university in Dublin – Trinity College.

  5. You ….use euros in Ireland.

  1. Complete the questions with a word from the box. Use each word only once.

  1. the capital city of your country?

  2. ..many people are there in your country?

  3. .exactly is the highest mountain in your country?

  4. .is the head of state in your country?

  5. is your country famous?

  1. Write true answers for the questions in exercise 2.

  1. …………………………………….

  2. ……………………………………

  3. …………………………………..

  4. …………………………………..

  5. ………………………………….

  1. Read Sinead’s profile and complete the questions.

Name — Sinead

Age – 16

Address – Hope Street, Dublin

Family – two sisters

Favourite subject – German

Languages – English, German, French

Free time – swimming, basketball

Pen friend – Angelle Beaudet

  1. What ………….name?

  2. How ……………. she?

  3. Where ………….live?

  4. How ……………got?

  5. What…………subject?

  6. What ……..speak?

  7. What …… in her free time?

  8. Who ……penfriend?

  1. Write answers to the questions in exercise 4.

  1. ………………….

  2. ………………….

  3. …………………

  4. ………………….

  5. …………………

  6. ………………….

  7. ………………….

  8. ………………….

  1. Order the words to make sentences.

  1. alwaysSheshoppinggoesSundayson

  2. FrenchwatchesHarryinfilmsnever

  3. sometimesworkstheSueeveningin

  4. outusuallyDanthegoesatweekend

  5. Samanthalateoftenschoolisfor

  1. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. Jenny plays football once a month. She alwayssometimesnever plays football.

  2. Penny thinks football is stupid. She usuallysometimesnever watches it.

  3. Jack goes to the cinema three times a week. He oftenneveralways goes to the cinema.

  4. Emma works in a café every Saturday. She alwaysusuallyoften works there.

  5. Patrick gets up at 9 o’clock on Sundays, but on other days he gets up at 8. He sometimesalwaysusually gets up at 8.

  6. Nick cooks breakfast every day. He alwaysoftennever cooks breakfast.

  1. Correct the sentences.

  1. Simon enjoy playing tennis. _________________

  2. They is doing their homework. _______________

  3. Paul don’t lives in the city centre. ____________

  4. Rebecca have no got any money. ___________

  5. What do you doing? ____________________

  1. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words in bold with pronouns.

  1. Chris likes Mr.Spencer.

  2. Sam and Jane often go out with me and Tom on Friday evenings.

  3. Jenny lives with Mrs Hughes and Mrs Hughes’ brother.

  4. I don’t like Fiona and William or Fiona and William’s dog!

  1. How old is your car?

  2. John and I work with Miss Watson.

  1. Match the topics with the examples.

  1. Countries a. Russian, English

  2. Families b. play video games, watch films

  3. Possessions c. football, swimming

  4. Languages d. Scotland, England

  5. Hobbies e. PE, Geography

  6. Subjects f. parents, children

  7. Sports g. camera, money

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