Complete the puzzle what is the extra word

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Complete the puzzle. What is extra word ?
1 When i was a child, I rode to school on this.
2 i don’t like reading when I travel by ____
3 Did you watch the interesting programme on ______ last night?
4 I forgot my _____, so I couldn’t take any photographs.
5 A pilot flies a ______ .
6 Most office, bank, hotels, and school have them now, but they didn’t twenty-five years ago.
7 100 years ago people didn’t have one of these in their kitchen to keep food cold.
8 Alexander Graham Bell invented this.
9 Most people now have automatic _____ machines for cleaning their clothes.
10 Mary Anderson invited windscreen ______ .

P.S. Это кроссворд.

2 ответа:



1 bicycle
2 train
3 television
4 camera
5 plane
6 guardsman
7 fridge
8 telephone
9 washing (по смыслу подходит, по буквам нет)
10 wiper



<span>1 When i was a child, I rode to school on this. Bicycle.
2 i don’t like reading when I travel by train.
3 Did you watch the interesting programme on television last night?
4 I forgot my camera, so I couldn’t take any photographs.
5 A pilot flies a plane.
6 Most office, bank, hotels, and school have them now, but they didn’t twenty-five years ago. Computer.
7 100 years ago people didn’t have one of these in their kitchen to keep food cold. Fridge.
8 Alexander Graham Bell invented this. Telephone.
9 Most people now have automatic washing machines for cleaning their clothes.
10 Mary Anderson invited windscreen wiper.

Читайте также

1. Seven
2. Six
3. six

<span>1. Carol used to travel a lot but now she does not.
2. When I (came) home yesterday evening, the dinner was ready.
3. I (was thinking) of you as you (walked) into the room.
4. The children never (ride) their bikes on the road.
5. My elder brother often (used) to help me with my homework.
6. Where did you find my keys? I (lost) them two days ago.
7. It was O’K in the beginning but then everything went wrong.
8. I am trying to concentrate but it’s not easy with all this noise.
9. They </span><span><span>were arguing </span>about something all day. It sounded serious.
10. While I was </span><span><span>reading </span>a book to my son he fell asleep,</span>

1. the
2. the
3. the, the
4. an, the
5. a, the
6. the
7. the
8. a
9. the
10. a

The problem is not solved —
even kill!
Think, think, head
Think, think, head,
I’ll give you a candy,
On the birthday I will present
A new beret.
Think think —
in which I ask!
I’ll wash you with soap!
I’ll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
And then how to give the top of the head!

1. I met his friend last night.

2. Whose stamps are these? They are his.  

3. Her swimsuit is so stylish!

4. Their hamster lives in a big cage.

5. Whose bottle is this? It’s hers.


Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today.



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2 Complete the puzzle with words for furniture and rooms. M 1 1 2w 3 AIR R E M R 4 0 SK С В B. R M + Р 7 P. A 18 H G M H I


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