Complete the multi word verbs

A. Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box.

boat     bus     dad     exams     football     job     taxi     yellow

 The old man got into the ……boat…… with difficulty.

 You can’t get on the ……………………… without a ticket.

 He congratulated her on passing her ……………………… .

 Alice is bored at work. She’s decided to go for a ……………………… on the farm.

 Look! That’s somebody famous getting out of the ………………………!

 My sister knows everything about ……………………… .

 I talk to my ……………………… about my problems.

 I don’t think purple goes with ……………………… .


2 bus   3 exams   4 job   5 taxi   6 football

7 dad   8 yellow

B. Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings.

 I’m looking forward

 I didn’t agree

 Always believe

 It depends

 Nobody laughs

 I need to learn more

 I’m not waiting

 They come

 in yourself.

b   from a small village.

 about computers.

d   for the bus.

 with everything she said.

 at my jokes.

 to the holidays.

h   on your opinion.


1 g   2 e   3 a   4 h   5 f   6 c   7 d   8 b

C. Underline the correct option.

1   He doesn’t eat very well. His lunch seems to consist of / with cakes and crisps!

2   I won’t put up for / with this behaviour any more.

3   I don’t want to go to the museum – I don’t like looking at / for paintings.

4   I don’t want you to worry for / about anything.

5   I went to the hotel desk and asked for / to my key.

6   She blamed her sister on / for the trouble.

7   I’m thinking in / of going on holiday.

8   When I was in Angola, I learnt a lot about / of the country’s history.

9   Have you heard of / to this actor?

10   She smiled to /at her new friend.

11   She’s always complaining about / of the weather.

12   When he laughs, he reminds me to / of my uncle.


2 with   3 at   4 about   5 for   6 for   7 of

8 about   9 of   10 at   11 about   12 of

D. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

deal with     get off     go through     go up to

know about     look after     look like     run into

suffer from     work on

1   When the president entered the room, the prince immediately ……went up to…… her and shook her hand.

2   At last, the government is ………………………… the transport problems.

3   The man ………………………… the bus at the last stop.

4   We ………………………… their young son on Saturday.

5   I don’t ………………………… anything ………………………… golf.

6   They both ………………………… bad headaches.

7   He’s ………………………… a really bad time at the moment.

8   Everyone thinks my sister ………………………… me. We’ve both got green eyes.

9   My dad ………………………… the new kitchen all weekend.

10   She wasn’t looking where she was going and ………………………… a streetlight.


2 dealing with   3 got off

4 looked after   5 know … about

6 suffer from   7 going through

8 looks like   9 was working on / worked on

10 ran into

E. Make questions by putting the words in the correct order.

1    marriage / in / believe / you / Do

      Do you believe in marriage?

2    What / were / music / listening / to / you


3    What / thinking / you / about /are


4   about / What / you / to / want / do / talk


5    ever / to / famous / Have / spoken / you / person / a


6    smiling / you / are / Who / at


7    you / happened / What / to


8    Who / meal / for / the / paid



2   What music were you listen to?

3   What are you thinking about?

4   What do you want to talk about?

5   Have you ever spoken to a famous person?

6   What happened to you?

8   Who paid for the meal?

F. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning, using the word in brackets in a prepositional verbs.

1    Can anyone think of a better idea? (come)

      Can anyone come up with a better idea?

2    Whose bag is this? (does)


3    Do you have the same opinion as her? (with)


4   Did you find my passport when you were tidying my room? (across)


5   I don’t know whether to choose the black boots or the brown ones. (go)


6   That shirt doesn’t match your jacket. (with)


7   I’ll buy the tickets from him. (pay)


8   We discussed films for hours. (about)



2   Who does this bag belong to?

3   Do you agree with her?

4   Did you come across my passport when you were tidying my room?

5   I don’t know whether to go for the black boots or the brown ones.

6   That shirt doesn’t go with your jacket.

7   I’ll pay him for the tickets.

8   We talked about films for hours.

G. Complete the sentences using prepositional verbs so that they are true for you.

1    I never agree ……with my brother. ……

 I often think …………………………………… .

3    I get on well …………………………………… .

4    I like talking …………………………………… .

5    I always worry …………………………………… .

 I don’t know much …………………………………… .

 I love learning …………………………………… .

 I’m looking forward …………………………………… .

H. Circle the correct option.

1   She’s looking ………… a job at the moment.

      a for     b at     c after

2   He got ………… his bike and rode away.

      a off     b on     c into

3   Nobody could ………… up with a better solution to the problem.

      a put     b come     c get

4   I stayed with a family in London last summer but I didn’t get ………… very well with them.

      a on     b in     c off

5   Who are you …………?

      a talking     b talking of     c talking to


1 a   2 b   3 b   4 a   5 c

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  • 1 Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Multi-word verbs – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice Exercises
    • 1.1 Diagnostic Test
      • 1.1.1 Multi-word Verbs
    • 1.2 Grammar Explanation: Multi-word Verbs
      • 1.2.1 Form and Use
      • 1.2.2 Phrasal Verbs
      • 1.2.3 Prepositional Verbs
      • 1.2.4 Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs
      • 1.2.5 Word List: Common Multi-word Verbs
    • 1.3 Practice Exercise
    • 1.4 Answer Key for Diagnostic Test
    • 1.5 Answer Key for Practice Test

Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Multi-word verbs – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice Exercises

Diagnostic Test

Multi-word Verbs

Rewrite these sentences replacing the underlined words with the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes to word order.


  • She repaid the debt punctually. (on time/paid/back/it)
  • ==> __She paid it back on time__
  1. The whole story was invented by Suzy’s brother. (by/him/made/was/up)
  2. Maintain the good work. (up/it/keep)
  3. Make sure you carefully follow the guidelines. (strictly/to/stick)
  4. This tie doesn’t match that shirt ___(it/with/go)
  5. We met my wife’s cousin by chance at the museum. (into/him/ran)
  6. These are the beliefs our movement upholds. (stands/which/for/our movement)
  7. The company won’t tolerate this kind of behaviour. (with/it/put/up)
  8. I revealed the secret to Elizabeth. (it/her/in/let/on)

Eight of the following sentences contain grammatical mistakes or an inappropriate verb or multi-word verb. Tick () the correct sentences and correct the others.


  • They’re a company with which we’ve been dealing for many years.
  • Her Majesty turned up at the ceremony in the dazzling Imperial State Coach. ==> arrived
  1. That division was taken by head office over.
  2. The very first breakout of the disease was reported in Namibia.
  3. Steve was left by his ex-girlfriend out from her wedding invitation list.
  4. It is a condition of receiving this Internet account that you do not give away your confidential PIN number to any third party.
  5. Could you activate the kettle, darling? I’m dying for a cup of tea.
  6. He fell down the floor and hurt himself.
  7. Come on! We’re going to be late!
  8. The plane took off the ground at incredible speed.
  9. The government brought recently in some legislation to deal with the problem.
  10. There are few people for whom he cares so deeply.
  11. They took Clive up on his invitation.
  12. We look forward eagerly to your wedding.

Grammar Explanation: Multi-word Verbs

A common feature of English is the combination of verbs with prepositions and/or adverbs to create multi-word verbs, e.g. to put off, to put out, to put up with. These verbs can be difficult for learners because the meanings often cannot be worked out from the individual words, and there are special rules about the position of objects with these verbs. We sometimes refer to all multi-word verbs as ‘phrasal verbs’, although there are several different types.

Form and Use


Multi-word verbs are formed from a verb, e.g. grow, plus an adverbial particle, e.g. away, back, out, or a prepositional particle, e.g. on, off, up. There are four types of multi-word verb and each type has different rules, for example about the use or position of the object:

Type 1 intransitive phrasal verbs

e.g. take off:

  • The plane took off very late. (There is no object.)
Type 2 transitive phrasal verbs

e.g. put something off :

  • We’re putting the party off / putting off the party because of the awful weather.

(The noun object can go before or after the particle.)

Type 3 prepositional verbs

e.g. cope with something :

  • How does she cope with all those kids? (The object goes after the particle.)
Type 4 phrasal-prepositional verbs

e.g. look forward to something :

  • They’re looking forward to the holidays. (The object goes after the particles.)

Learner dictionaries indicate which type a verb is by showing a noun object with the verb:

put sb/ sth off phr v [T] to arrange to do something at a later time or date, especially because there is a problem, difficulty etc:

  • They’ve put the meeting off till next week.

Multi-word verbs form tenses, and are used in questions and negatives and in the passive voice, in the same way as other verbs:

  • Will you be putting the party off? (future continuous question)
  • The party has been put off until next month. (present perfect passive)

We never separate the verb and particle in the passive form:

 X That story was made by a resentful employee up

 ✓ That story was made up by a resentful employee.

We can sometimes form nouns from multi-word verbs.

  • The car broke down five kilometres from home. (multi-word verb)
  • The breakdown happened five kilometres from home. (noun)

In some cases the order of the verb and particle is reversed in the noun derived from them:

  • The epidemic first broke out in Namibia. (multi-word verb)
  • The first outbreak of the epidemic was in Zaire. (noun)

Formal and Informal Use

Where a multi-word verb has no exact synonym, e.g. grow up, we can use it in formal and informal contexts. However, when there is a single verb with an equivalent meaning, e.g. think about (= consider), the multi-word verb tends to be used in informal contexts while the single verb is more formal. Compare these examples:

  • [The bank will think about your application in due course.]
  • The bank will consider your application in due course. (formal)
  • [Honestly, how can you consider money at a time like this!]
  • Honestly, how can you think about money at a time like this! (informal)


It is sometimes possible to get an idea of the meaning of a multi-word verb from its particle, because some particles are associated with areas of meaning, for example:

on – starting/continuing/progressing, e.g. carry on, take on, get on
out – thoroughness, e.g. work out, see out, mark out
up – completion/finality, e.g. give up, break up, eat up

Note: However, these areas of meaning can be abstract and may not cover all cases.

Phrasal Verbs

Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive phrasal verbs (type 1) consist of a verb plus an adverb. Phrasal verbs usually have a meaning which is different from the meaning of the separate parts:

  • Getting by on my salary isn’t easy! (= managing)
  • Rollerblading never really caught on in England. (= became popular)

As intransitive phrasal verbs have no direct object, they cannot be made passive:

 X My car broke down the engine.

 ✓  My car broke down

Intransitive phrasal verbs are sometimes used in imperatives:

  • Watch out. That floor’s not very solid.
  • Come on! I can’t wait all day!

Transitive Verbs

Transitive phrasal verbs (type 2) consist of a verb + adverb and have a direct object (either a pronoun or a noun):

  • It isn’t true, I made it up. I made up that story.

If the object is a noun, it can either be between the verb and particle, or after the particle:

  • I made a story up. I made up a story.

If the object is a pronoun, we put it between the verb and particle, but not after the particle:

 X I made up it.

 ✓ I made it up.

Note: We can’t put an adverb between the verb and particle or between the particle and object:

 X I paid early back the loan.

 X I paid back early the loan.

 ✓ I paid the loan back early.

Note: We can’t put a relative pronoun immediately before or after the particle.

 X That’s the room which up I did.

 X That’s the room up which I did.

 ✓ That’s the room which I did up.

Some phrasal verbs have a transitive use with one meaning, and an intransitive use with a different meaning. Compare:

  • The plane took off on time. (take off, intransitive = become airborne)
  • The man took off his coat. (take something off, transitive = remove)

Prepositional Verbs

Form and Use

Prepositional verbs (type 3) consist of a verb, e.g. look, plus a preposition, e.g. into, at. for. The combination of the verb and preposition creates a new meaning which can sometimes, but not always, be worked out from the parts:

  • She looked for her missing passport. (= searched, tried to find)
  • Would you mind looking into his complaint? (= investigating, researching)

These verbs are transitive. We put the noun or pronoun object after the preposition, and not between the verb and preposition:

 X We didn’t fall his story for.

 X We didn’t fall it for.

 ✓ We didn’t fall for it/his story

With prepositional verbs (but not phrasal verbs above) we can put an adverb between the verb and preposition. But we cannot put an adverb between the preposition and object:

 X She parted with reluctantly her money.

 ✓ She parted reluctantly with her money.

Special Uses

In formal English we sometimes prefer to avoid a preposition at the end of a sentence. With prepositional verbs (but not phrasal verbs above) we can put the preposition in front of the relative pronouns whom or which:

  • These are the principles (which) our party stands for.
  • ==>These are the principles for which our party stands.
  • That’s the type of client (whom) I’m dealing with.
  • ==> That’s the type of client with whom I’m dealing.

Note: But we cannot put the preposition after whom or which:

 X These are the principles which for our party stands.

Some prepositional verbs are mainly used in the passive form , especially in written English:

  • The marketing strategy is aimed at a target audience of 18 to 25 year olds.

Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs

Form and Use

These verbs (type 4) are formed by combining a verb with an adverb and Form and preposition. The combination creates a new meaning which cannot usually be use understood from the meanings of the individual parts:

  • We look forward to hearing from you. (= anticipate with pleasure)

They are transitive and can be made passive:

  • All her employees looked up to her. (active)
  • She was looked up to by all her employees. (passive)

We can never use a noun or pronoun object between the particles:

 X I can’t put up this treatment/it with any longer.

We cannot usually put a noun or pronoun object immediately after the verb:

X I can’t put this treatment /it up with any longer.

I can’t put up with this treatment/ it any longer.

The exception is when the verb has two objects, e.g. let somebody in on something, take somebody up on something:

  • We let James in on the plan.
  • We took her up on her offer.

Note: We cannot put an adverb before the first particle or after the final particle, but we can use an adverb between the two particles:

 X He stands strongly up for his principles. (verb + adverb + particle)

 X  He stands up for strongly his principle.(particle + particle + adverb)

 ✓  He stands up strongly for his principles. (particle + adverb+ particle)

Word List: Common Multi-word Verbs

These tables include all multi-word verbs which occur at least ten times per million words in the Longman Corpus Network. (Below, sb = somebody and sth = something.)

Type 1: Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

break down (= stop working), catch on (= understand/become popular), come back (= return), come in, come on. fall out (= quarrel), fall through, fit in, get by (= manage/cope), get up, go away, go on (= continue), go out, grow up, look out, pass out (= faint), shut up. sit down, stand up, stay on (= remain), take off, turn up (= arrive), wake up, watch out.

Type 2: Transitive Phrasal Verbs

act sth out {= perform/demonstrate), bottle sth up {= not allow a feeling to show), bring sth in (= introduce), bring sb up (= rear), bring sth up (= mention sth/introduce a topic), carry sth out (= perform/undertake). do sth up (= restore/redecorate). fill sth in/out (= complete in writing), find sth out (= discover), fix sth up (= arrange), give sth away (= reveal), give sth up (= stop), hold sth up (= delay), keep sth up (= maintain), leave sth/sb out, let sth out (= release), look sth up. make sth up (= invent), pay sb back, pick sth up (= collect), point sth out (= highlight/explain), pull sth/sb down (= demolish, demote), put sth away, put sth off (= postpone), put sth on, put sb up (= accommodate), run sb down (= criticise), set sth up (= establish/implement/organise), take sth over, take sth up, throw sth away, turn sthlsb down (= refuse), turn sth/sb out.

Type 3: Prepositional Verbs

call for sb, care for sb, come across sth (= encounter), cope with sth, deal with sth (= manage, handle), fall for sth (= be tricked), feel like sth, get at sb/sth, get over sth (= recover from), get through {= finish successfully), go into sth, go with sth (= match), ead to sth, look after sb/sth, look at sth (= observe), look into sth (= investigate), look like sth (= resemble), look round sth (= visit, etc.), part with sth, pay for sth, rely on sth/sb, run into sb (= meet by chance), see to sth (= organise/manage), send for sb, stand for sth (= represent/mean/tolerate), stick to sth (= persevere/follow), take after sb, talk about sth, think about sth (= consider).

The following prepositional verbs are usually used in the passive:

be aimed at (= intended for), be applied to, be considered as, be derived from, be known as, be regarded as, be used as, be used in

Type 4: Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs

back out of sth, break in on sth, catch up on sth/sb, catch up with sb, check up on sth / sb, come across as sth (= appear to be), come down to sth (= be essentially), come up with sth (= invent), cut down on sth (= reduce), do away with sth, drop in on sb, face up to sth (= confront), get away with sth, get back to sth (= return), get down to sth, get on with sth, get out of sth, give in to sth, go out for sth, go up to sb (= approach), keep away from sb/sth (= avoid), keep up with sb. look down on sb, look forward to sth (= anticipate), look out for sblsth, look up to sb (= admire/respect), make away with sth, move on to sth, put up with sth/sb (= tolerate), run away with sb, run off with sth, stand up for sth (= defend), turn away from sth, walk out on sth/sb

The following phrasal-prepositional verbs are usually used in the passive:

be cut off from, be made up of, be set out in

Also check:

  • Grammar for IELTS
  • IELTS Grammar books
  • English Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdf

Practice Exercise

Q 1.

Underline the most suitable verb in bold in each of these sentences.

  1. Don’t stop now Liz. Continue/ Go on, I’m dying to hear the end of the story!
  2. In a bid to improve diplomatic relations, the Foreign Office has arranged/fixed up a visit by senior embassy staff.
  3. The court sentences you to life imprisonment, with the recommendation that you not be released /let out for a minimum period of twenty years.
  4. Owing to a lack of military support, the United Nations feels unable to maintain /keep up its presence in the war-torn province.
  5. I don’t think your dad trusts me – he’s always observing / looking at me.
  6. You’ve got to make an effort, darling. You’ll never lose weight unless you reduce / cut down on the amount of fatty food you eat.
  7. The government have announced plans to abolish/ do away with the disabled person’s vehicle allowance in the next budget.
  8. My little brother’s always getting bullied at school. He just won’t confront/ face up to the other kids.
  9. The presidential party will arrive / turn up at the palace shortly before luncheon.
  10. My best friend always exaggerates – half the things he says are just invented/ made up!

Q 2.

Rewrite these sentences using an appropriate multi-word verb. You must use a pronoun ( it, him, her, them) to replace the underlined object. In some cases you may have to change the word order. The exercise begins with an example (0).

  • (0) They’ve postponed the housewarming party until Friday.
  • ==> They’ve put it off until Friday
  1. Would you mind organising the removal yourself?
  2. I met Steve and Terri quite by chance at the supermarket this morning.
  3. I’ve arranged the meeting for ten o’clock tomorrow.
  4. You’re always criticising your colleagues.
  5. I’m sure the police will investigate the burglary.
  6. The builders undertook the job very professionally.
  7. Could you collect the children from school tonight?
  8. Has Perry recovered from the flu yet?
  9. She really resembles her parents, doesn’t she?
  10. Would you highlight the advantages for me?

Q 3.

What are the people saying in the pictures on the next page? Write a short sentence for each situation using multi-word verbs and a suitable pronoun (it, them, you, etc.). All the multi-word verbs you need can be formed from the verbs in brackets and the particles in the box. The first one has been done as an example (0).

with after at down off out up (x2)

Q 4.

Rewrite the parts of the sentences in brackets with the words in the correct order.

  • (0) Don’t (tomorrow/put/until/off/it); do it now.
  • ==> Don’t put it off until tomorrow

1. Thanks for the invitation; (looking/to/I’m/it/forward).

2. The evil witch (frog/prince/the/into/turned/handsome/a).

3. I won’t have any sugar thank you; (it/I’ve/up/given).

4.There isn’t a death penalty any longer; (away/they’ve/it/done/with).

5. He’s the footballer (million/a/team/manager/for/the/paid/whom/dollars).

6. I have a small trust fund; (by/it/my/was/set/grandfather/up).

Q 5.    

Read the magazine article below. Then use the information in the text to complete the informal summary on the next page. Use no more than three words for each gap (1-18), including the word in brackets. The words you need are all multi-word verbs and do not occur in the newspaper article. The exercise begins with an example (0).

When Anger is Healthy

Everyone knows that not allowing oneself to show feelings of anger and resentment can be very unhealthy, leading to stress and long-term feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness. But how do we release our anger without looking foolish or petulant?

The first thing to learn is that expressing your anger and losing your temper arc not the same thing at all. One is natural and healthy, the other is destructive and dangerous. We usually admire those who can express their anger calmly, and see them as ‘firm but fair’ or mature and self-confident. While those who lose their temper appear to be immature, childish, selfish and aggressive.

Mandy Dickson is a psychologist who has established a successful one-day anger workshop that helps ordinary people to learn about and manage their anger. The seminar is not intended for criminals or the mentally ill, but for those ordinary people who feel powerless to control their own tempers.

The first thing Mandy explains is that anger is a natural and normal feeling, and that feeling angry about something is nothing to be ashamed of. But we need to recognise anger when we feel it, and to investigate its true causes. Once we know the real cause of anger we can confront it and begin to do something positive about it. Mandy asks participants to complete a questionnaire about things that make them angry. By comparing these ‘triggers’ people often discover that the true causes of anger are other feelings, especially fear, disappointment and grief. But because it is not socially acceptable in our culture to openly demonstrate these feelings, we express them as anger. This is particularly true for men who, even in these enlightened times, are expected to hide any feelings of inadequacy or fear and be strong and stoical in all situations.

Having recognised the causes of anger, the first step is to learn how to avoid anger-inducing situations. The next step is to learn how to express one’s feelings calmly and firmly. Mandy believes that when we are angry we want other people to understand our anger and sympathise with it. But we often fall into the trap of expressing anger by criticising those around us, when what we really want is their support and empathy. One of the most common causes of anger is when other people fail to behave in a way you expect them to. But as Mandy explains, human beings are not telepathic, they cannot be expected to automatically anticipate other people’s desires and wishes. So an essential tool in reducing the occurrence of anger-inducing situations is to always explain exactly what you want and expect from those around you. It is all essentially a question of communication.

We know (0)_bottling up_(bottle) anger can be unhealthy. But how do we (1)__(let) our anger without seeming foolish? Expressing anger and losing your temper are different things. One is healthy, the other dangerous. We (2)___(look) people who express anger calmly, but those who lose their temper (3)__(come) immature and aggressive. Mandy Dickson has (4)___(set) a one-day anger workshop which helps people learn about and (5)___(deal) their anger. It is (6)__(aim) ordinary people who don’t feel able to control their tempers. She (7)___(point) that anger is natural and nothing to be ashamed of, but we should recognise it and (8)___(look) its true causes. Then we can (9)___(face) it, and begin to do something positive. Participants (10)___(fill) a questionnaire about things that make them angry. They compare their responses and often (11)____(find) that the causes are other feelings such as fear or grief. But in our culture it isn’t acceptable to (12)___(act) these feelings in public. Men, in particular, are supposed to (13)____(cover) these feelings.

Once we know the causes of anger, we must learn how to (14)___(keep) situations which will induce them. When we are angry we want other people to understand us, but we often make the mistake of (15) ___(run) those around us. Anger is often caused by the feeling that you have been (16)___(let) by other people. But we can’t always expect other people to know our feelings. So the most important way to (17) ____(cut) the number of anger-producing situations is to tell people exactly how we feel. It really all (18)____(come) communication.

Q 6.

Rewrite John’s half of this unnatural telephone conversation in a more natural, informal style. Use the multi-word verbs in the box to replace the underlined verbs and phrases. Replace nouns with pronouns where possible and make any other necessary changes, as in this example:

JOHN: (0) I’ve just demolished the conservatory.   ==> …. I’ve just pulled it down…..

do sth up take sth off
put up with sb look forward to sth
stay up sit down
get on with sb take sth up
put sb up finish sth off
turn sth into sth sort sth out
look down on sb turn sth down
put sth up pull sth down

DAVE: John, it’s Dave. How are things?

JOHN: Sorry, I can’t hear you. (1) I’ll just reduce the volume on the radio. That’s better.

DAVE: How are things? Still working on the house?

JOHN: Yes. (2) We’ve completed the work on the kitchen and (3) we’re renovating the dining room. (4) We’re transforming the room into a second bedroom. (5) I’ve just mounted the wallpaper but I’ve been having trouble getting it (6) to remain vertically attached.

DAVE: I know what you mean. I hate wallpapering.

JOHN: (7) And it’s all got to be organised and ready by Saturday. Jane’s mother is coming and we’re (8) providing accommodation for her for a few days.

DAVE: I thought you didn’t like her.

JOHN: (9) We don’t interact in a friendly way with each other but (10) I can tolerate her for a few days.

DAVE: Why do you dislike her so much?

JOHN: (11) I’m sure she regards me as inferior to her. And she’s so lazy, I mean she comes in, (12) removes her coat, (13) assumes a seated position and expects us to wait on her hand and foot!

DAVE: I see what you mean. Sounds like a nightmare.

JOHN: (14) Mm. I think I might commence gardening as a hobby – just to get me out of the house!

DAVE: Good idea. Well, I’d better let you get on. And don’t forget about our party on Friday.

JOHN: (15) Of course not. I’m anticipating the party with pleasure.

Answer Key for Diagnostic Test

  1. was made up by him.
  2. Keep it up.
  3. stick strictly to
  4. go with it.
  5. ran into him
  6. which our movement stands for./ for which our movement stands.
  7. put up with it.
  8. let her in on it.
  9. by head office over ==> over by head office
  10. breakout  ==> outbreak
  11. left by his ex- girlfriend out ==> left out by his ex-girlfriend
  12. not give away ==> not reveal (give away is an inappropriate verb in a formal context)
  13. activate   ==>  turn on/switch on (activate is an inappropriate verb in an informal context)
  14. down the floor and ==> down (on the floor) and
  15. took off the ground at incredible speed ==> took off (from the ground) at incredible speed.
  16. brought recently in ==> recently brought in

Answer Key for Practice Test

Q 1.

  1. Go on
  2. arranged
  3. released
  4. maintain
  5. looking at
  6. cut down on
  7. abolish
  8. face up to
  9. arrive
  10. made up

Q 2.

  1. Would you mind seeing to it/sorting it out yourself?
  2. I ran into them at the supermarket this morning.
  3. I’ve fixed it up for ten o’clock tomorrow.
  4. You’re always running them down.
  5. I’m sure the police will look into it.
  6. The builders carried it out very professionally.
  7. Could you pick them up from school tonight?
  8. Has Perry got over it yet?
  9. She really looks like them/takes after them, doesn’t she?
  10. Would you point them out for me?

Q 3. (Suggested Answers)

  1. He takes after you.
  2. Put it down!
  3. Please take it off.
  4. It doesn’t go with it.
  5. Pick it up!
  6. Drink it up.
  7. Look at them!

Q 4.

  1. I’m looking forward to it
  2. turned the handsome prince into a frog/turned the frog into a handsome prince
  3. I’ve given it up
  4. they’ve done away with it
  5. for whom the team manager paid a million dollars
  6. it was set up by my grandfather

Q 5.    

  1. let out
  2. look up to
  3. come across as
  4. set up
  5. deal with
  6. aimed at
  7. points out
  8. look into
  9. face up to
  10. fill in/fill out
  11. find out
  12. act out
  13. cover up
  14. keep away from
  15. running down
  16. let down
  17. cut down
  18. comes down to

Q 6.

  1. I’ll just turn the radio down
  2. We’ve finished off the kitchen
  3. We’re doing up the dining room
  4. We’re turning it into a second bedroom
  5. I’ve just put the wallpaper up
  6. stay up
  7. sorted out
  8. putting her up
  9. get on with each other
  10. put up with her
  11. looks down on me
  12. takes her coat off
  13. sits down
  14. I think I might take up gardening
  15. looking forward to it

a. My sister is a very good
judge of character. She can ___ people immediately if they try to
deceive or trick her.

b. He escaped from the country by ___ as a tourist.

c. I lent him some money
because he seemed an honest person, but after that I never saw him
again. I soon realized I___.

d. Don’t ___ his appearance.
He may look nice but he’s completely untrustworthy.

e. When I first met him he ___ as a very indecisive person who didn’t
know his own mind.

f. The salesman ___ buying a new washing-machine, although my old one
was fine.

g. The robber told him to ___ the keys to the safe.

h. The robbers laughed when
the bank manager said: “You won’t ___ this. The police will catch
you one day”.

3.5. One of the sentences below is correct. All the others have one mistake in them. Change the sentences so that they are all correct.

a. No, you can’t have the money. I refuse to hand over.

b. She came across to be a very decisive person.

c. They got away several serious crimes.

d. He passed off himself as a policeman.

e. You should have seen him through immediately.

f. I was never taken in by his lies.

g. He talked me into sign the cheque.

h. I never go with first impressions.

3.6. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Use the multi-word verbs in brackets.

  • Do you ever base your
    judgement of people on first impressions? Why?/Why not? (go

  • What impression do you
    think you give of yourself when you meet someone for the first time?
    across as)

  • What do you think is the
    best way to avoid being tricked or deceived by people? (take
    someone in)

  • Has someone ever persuaded
    you to do something that you regretted later? If so, what was it?
    someone into)

  • Imagine you could pretend
    to be someone else for a whole day. Who would you choose to be? Why?
    off as)

Work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the following

a. Once bitten, twice shy.

b. Appearances can be deceptive.

c. Honesty is the best policy.

  • How would you express
    the same ideas in your own language? Do you agree that Honesty is
    the best policy? Why?


Work in pairs. Plan
and write a leaflet giving people advice on how to deal with doorstep
salesmen. Warn them of the dangers and give at least five «Golden
Rules» to follow. Remember to use the multi-word verbs and
expressions you have learnt in this unit.


Use the
multi-word verbs and expressions you have learnt in this unit to
write a story which ends with the following words
“It was only
then he realized that he had been completely taken in”.

Speech practice.

  • Appearances are often deceptive. Do you agree?

IV. “it takes all sorts” (Phrasal verbs and idioms)

in pairs. Discuss the questions below.

– What
do you understand by the expression It
takes all sorts to make a world

– Describe someone you
consider to be strange or eccentric.

Listen to
descriptions of three people. Make notes on what is strange about
them. Then compare your notes with your partner.

a) _____________________

b) _____________________

c) _____________________

Match the multi-word verbs with their definitions.

1. to be getting on for

a. to begin to do sth as a
regular habit

2. to take to doing sth

b. to be noticeable,

3. to liven (sth) up

to defend oneself against the attacks or demands of someone more

4. to go on about sb / sth

to try to impress people by making one’s abilities very
obvious, usually from pride or vanity

5. to pick on sb

e. to select someone
repeatedly for criticism, punishment or blame

6. to stand up to sb

f. to be nearly a certain
age or time, to be growing old

7. to show off

g. to make sth more
interesting, exciting and lively

8. to stand out

to stop participating in a course of study, a competition or

9. to drop out (of sth)

to keep talking about the same thing, usually to an annoying

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1. Чем обычные глаголы отличаются от multi-word verbs?

1.1. Multi-word verbs: prepositional verbs

1.2. Multi-word verbs: phrasal verbs

1.2.1. Transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs

1.3. Multi-word verbs: phrasal-prepositional verbs

2. Multi-word verbs: формальная или неформальная речь?

Чем обычные глаголы отличаются от multi-word verbs?

Между английским и русским языками есть много отличий в произношении, лексике и грамматике. Особенностью русского языка является то, что он характеризуется большим количеством суффиксов и приставок, позволяющих образовывать новые лексические единицы. Например, от слова «ходить» таким образом можно образовать производные слова «выходить», «отходить», «входить», «заходить», «переходить», «подходить», «сходить». А каким же будет ответ английского языка в этом морфологическом баттле? Здесь он продемонстрирует так называемые фразовые глаголы, входящие в группу multi-word verbs. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, какие типы многословных глаголов есть и какие особенности их употребления.

Итак, multi-word verbs включают:

  • prepositional verbs (предложные глаголы); 
  • phrasal verbs (фразовые глаголы); 
  • phrasal-prepositional verbs (фразово-предложные глаголы). 

Обычно они состоят из двух, а иногда из трех слов. Если prepositional verbs не вызывают затруднений с переводом, то фразовые глаголы могут вводить в заблуждение. Их особенность в том, что они могут иметь много значений, а изменение частицы или предлога может существенно изменить значение в контексте. Поэтому преподаватели рекомендуют изучать такие слова группами и в контексте, а не методом сухого заучивания.

Все о multi-word verbs в английском языке

Для примера рассмотрим несколько интересных multi-word verbs, образованных от простых глаголов put (класть), let (разрешать), pass (передавать), которые тебе точно известны.

  • You shouldn’t have to put up with this nonsense. – Ты не должен мириться с этой чепухой.

  • Don’t let me down. – Не подведи меня.

  • It was so stuffy inside that she passed out. – Внутри было так душно, что она потеряла сознание.

Иногда трудно сказать, сколько значений имеет конкретный фразовый глагол, и запомнить все возможные переводы. Ведь кроме того, что сам глагол может иметь разные значения, его сочетание с частицами и предлогами образует множество новых фраз. Ярким примером могут служить такие глаголы как get и set.

  • The film is about a government investigator determined to get at the truth when his friend disappears. – Фильм рассказывает о государственном следователе, который намерен докопаться до правды, когда его друг исчезает.

  • I’ll get you back for this. – Я отомщу тебе за это.

  • This situation is getting me down. – Эта ситуация меня удручает.

  • Get in the car. – Садись в машину.

  • Let’s get down to work. – Приступаем к работе.

  • We’ve finally got over the problem. – Наконец-то мы преодолели проблему.

  • Cars pulled into the side of the road to let the ambulance get by. – Машины останавливались на обочинах, чтобы дать проехать карете скорой помощи.

Как видим, значения простого глагола и этого же глагола с предлогом значительно отличаются. Поэтому нужно обязательно ознакомиться с целым предложением или ситуацией, чтобы сделать правильный перевод выражения. 

Multi-word verbs: prepositional verbs

Prepositional verbs или предложные глаголы состоят из глагола и предлога, который присоединяет существительное, выполняющее функцию приложения. При переводе на русский здесь нет особых проблем, часто здесь предлоги переводятся буквально. Рассмотрим примеры таких multi-word verbs.

agree with

соглашаться с

I agree with you.

apologise for

извиняться за

He apologised for being late.

believe in

верить в

She doesn’t believe in herself.

deal with

иметь дело с, решать

I have to deal with this problem immediately.

insist on

настаивать на

I insist on consulting a lawyer.

look after

ухаживать за

I’m currently looking after my niece.

pay for

платить за

How much did you pay for your phone?

Однако в английском языке есть некоторые глаголы, которые употребляются вообще без предлога или частицы, но на русский мы переведем их именно с предлогом. 

  • Do TV programs influence children’s behaviour? – Телепрограммы оказывают влияние на поведение детей?

  • The economy has entered a period of recession. – Экономика вошла в период рецессии.

А может быть и наоборот:

  • I love listening to music. – Я люблю слушать музыку.

Multi-word verbs: phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs или фразовые глаголы состоят из главного глагола и частицы, изменяющей его значение. 

  • Children grow up very quickly. – Дети растут очень быстро.

  • We woke up early in the morning. – Мы проснулись рано утром.

  • Why are you bringing that argument up now? – Почему вы приводите этот аргумент сейчас?

  • I’ve decided to call off the meeting. – Я решил отменить встречу.

На примере глагола come рассмотрим, как частица может менять его значение.

come across

казаться, производить впечатлени

He comes across as a confident person.

come down


House prices have come down recently.

come in


Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?

come out


Would you like to come out for a drink sometime?

come up


A beggar came up to me and asked for money.

Следует обратить внимание, что у одного и того же фразового глагола может быть разный перевод. К примеру, глагол come up может употребляться в следующих контекстах:

  • A lot of people came up to her and started asking questions. – Многие подошли к ней и начали задавать вопросы.

  • If the subject of payment comes up, try to change the subject. – Если зайдет вопрос об оплате, попробуйте сменить тему.

  • A position has come up in the HR department. – Появилась вакансия в отделе кадров.

  • The sun has come up. – Солнце взошло.

Или глагол take off:

  • The prices took off last month. – Цены взлетели в прошлом месяце.

  • The plane took off at 5:15. – Самолет взлетел в 5:15.

  • I came in and took off my coat. – Я вошел и снял пальто.

Или, к примеру, глагол go off:

  • I used to enjoy tennis, but I’ve gone off it a bit now. – Раньше я любил теннис, но сейчас немного отошел от него.

  • The lights went off in several villages because of the storm. – Из-за непогоды в нескольких селах исчез свет.

  • The bomb went off at midday. – Бомба сработала в полдень.

  • That meat looks like it’s gone off. – Кажется, мясо испортилось.

  • She really went off on Richard as soon as he got home. – Она действительно набросилась на Ричарда, как только он вернулся домой.

Transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs

Фразовые глаголы в свою очередь делятся на переходные (transitive) и непереходные (intransitive).

Переходные глаголы принимают приложение, которое может идти между глаголом и частицей или после частицы.

  • We had put off the meeting for a week (put off – фразовый глагол, the meeting – приложение).

  • I gave up smoking three years ago (gave up – фразовый глагол, smoking – приложение).

  • He turned down the offer (turned down – фразовый глагол, the offer – приложение).

Также переходные глаголы можно разделить на еще одну условную подкатегорию. В зависимости от того, можно ли поставить приложение между глаголом и частицей, фразовый глагол может быть separable или inseparable. В нижеприведенном сравнении глагол turn off – separable или разделенный:

  • Please turn off the air conditioning.
  • Please turn the air conditioning off.

Интересно, что приложение, функцию которого выполняет местоимение, может быть только между глаголом и частицей. Например:

✓ Throw away these toys.
✓ Throw these toys away.
✓ Throw them away.
Х Throw away them.

Все о multi-word verbs в английском языке - 2

Непереходные фразовые глаголы используются без приложения. Вот несколько примеров с переводом таких multi-word verbs.

  • The computer broke down. – Компьютер сломался.

  • The company has closed down. – Компания закрылась.

  • Suddenly, I passed out. – Вдруг я потерял сознание.

  • Can you speak up, please? – Пожалуйста, вы можете говорить погромче?

  • I’m going back next month. – Я возвращаюсь в следующем месяце.

Некоторые фразовые глаголы могут быть одновременно и переходными, и непереходными. Например, фразовый глагол look up в первом примере непереходной и не требует приложения, а во втором предложении – переходной, после него должно идти приложение и его значение отличается.

  1. Don’t look up! – Не смотри вверх!
  2. I’ve always looked up to my uncle! – Я всегда восхищался своим дядей!

Multi-word verbs: phrasal-prepositional verbs

Фразово-предложные глаголы состоят из главного глагола, частицы и предлога. Рассмотрим такой пример. 

  • We’ve run out of petrol. – У нас закончился бензин.

В этом предложении run – главный глагол, out – частица, образующая новое значение глагола, of – предлог, присоединяющий приложение.

И еще несколько примеров наиболее распространенных multi-word verbs с переводом.

come up with


He’s come up with an interesting idea. – У него появилась интересная идея.

cut down on

снизить, уменьшить

I’m trying to cut down on sugar. – Я пытаюсь снизить потребление сахара.

get down to


Let’s get down to work. – Приступим к работе.

grow out of

вырасти из

Kids grow out of shoes within three or six months. – Дети вырастают из обуви в течение трех-шести месяцев.

get on with 


I get on well with my colleagues. – У меня хорошие отношения с коллегами.

look down on

смотреть свысока

She looks down on others. – Она смотрит свысока на других.

look up to

уважать, восхищаться

I’ve always looked up to my father. – Я всегда восхищался своим отцом.

look forward to


I’m looking forward to your answer. – Я жду вашего ответа.

put up with

мириться с

I will never put up with this kind of behaviour. – Я никогда не смирюсь с таким поведением.

talk out of


In the end, I talked them out of leaving. – В конце концов я отговорил их уходить.

Не всегда глагол, за которым следует предлог, является фразово-предложным. В приведенном ниже примере wake up – это просто фразовый глагол, предлог at используется для обозначения времени, а предлог about переводится как «приблизительно», «примерно».

  • I usually wake up at about 9 o’clock. – Я обычно просыпаюсь примерно в 9 часов.

  • I grew up in a small town. – Я вырос в маленьком городе.

Multi-word verbs: формальная или неформальная речь?

Самый распространенный запрос в изучении английского – это овладение именно разговорным языком. И поэтому на курсах обойти тему multi-word verbs не удастся, они очень распространены именно в неформальном общении. Если же ты готовишься к экзамену, пишешь научную работу или официальное письмо потенциальному работодателю, то лучше проверить регистр того или иного фразового глагола.

  1. More informal for ‘do it’:
    – Can I ask you a question?
    – Yeah, sure. Fire away!
    – Могу ли я задать вопрос?
    – Да, конечно. Давай!

  2. More informal for ‘invite’:
    You should ask her out sometime. – Ты должен пригласить ее как-нибудь.

  3. More informal for ‘interrupting’:
    He kept on butting in with silly comments. – Он продолжал вмешиваться со своими глупыми комментариями.

  4. More informal for ‘spend time’:
    Do you want to hang out at my place? – Ты хочешь потусить / зависнуть у меня?

  5. More informal for ‘criticise’:
    Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that? – Тебе действительно надо было так унижать меня перед всеми?

  6. More informal for ‘talk non-stop’:
    He’s always harping on about how much money he earns. – Он постоянно подчеркивает, сколько денег зарабатывает.

  7. More informal for ‘makes me’:
    Every time I think about it, it sets me off laughing. – Каждый раз, когда я думаю об этом, у меня начинается смех.

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