Complete the gaps with words formed from the word in capital letters

Помогите с английским, вот сто еадо сделать:
Complete the gaps 11-20 with words formed from the words in CAPITAL letters. Write the answers in the table below.

I was coming home at about three o’clock on a black winter night, when

suddenly I saw two people. The (11) ____________ was a short man who ONE

(12) _________ along the street, and (13) ___________ was a little girl WALK / TWO

who (14) __________ as fast as she could. RUN

Well, the two crashed into each other and the child (15) _________ down. FALL

But the man calmly walked on and left the (16) ____________ child CRY

on the ground.

I ran after the man and brought (17) ________ back. There was already HE

a small crowd around the child.

The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very cruel look, which

(18) __________ me feel sick. MAKE

The child’s family then (19 )_______ and also the doctor. I had taken a violent ARRIVE

dislike to the short man. So had the child’s family – that was only (20)______.

Всероссийская  олимпиада  школьников. Школьный этап. 2014-2015 уч.год

Английский язык. Задания для участника  9-11  классы

Время выполнения -90 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 43балла

LISTENING – 7 баллов

Listen to the interview and for questions A8-A14, choose the answer (1, 2 or 3) which  you think fits best according to the text. Write the appropriate number (1, 2 or 3) in boxes A8-A14 on your answer sheet.

A8. Catherine mainly gets inspired for her novels from

        1) things that happen in her personal life.

        2) unimportant new stories.

        3) major events in the local area.

A9. The example of the shopping centre shows that, before writing, Catherine

        1) interviews a lot of people.

        2) does a lot of background research.

        3) imagines a complete story.

A10. Catherine says her characters

        1) can be identified by the people they’re based on.

        2) are exact copies of people she has known.

        3) are only loosely based on real people.

A11. Catherine is more likely to create a character based on a real person’s

        1) history.

        2) appearance.

        3) view of the world.

A12. There is a chance that

        1) Catherine will give a talk about making films.

        2) a company will buy the film rights to Fire at Dawn.

        3) there will be a film version of Fire at Dawn.

A13. Catherine does not want

        1) to be involved in making the film.

        2) someone else to write the screenplay.

        3) the plot to be altered in a major way.

A14. Catherine believes that

        1) the stories in the book and film should be the same.

        2) film and literature are extremely different media.

        3) films based on books are usually annoying.

READING -13 баллов

Match headings A-H to texts 1-7 choose the best heading A-H. There is one heading you will not need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.




D. TWO TYPES                                H. HOME ALONE

  1. In Britain? Most families are “nuclear families”. This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grand parents, too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the “extended family” is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live closer to the parents and children – sometimes even in the same building – and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.
  2. Most teenagers say at some point; “When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now.” When they do actually become parents however, they soon realize that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.
  3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the differences between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.
  4. The English phrases “a chip off the old block” and “like father, like son” (or “like mother, like daughter”) are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behavior or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket, too, you might say. “Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?”
  5. “Latchkey kids” are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA, These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents’ return.
  6. The idea of “quality time” is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.
  7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all the families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counselor, or a trusted family friend

Read the text and complete gaps 8-13 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

What time is it? To answer that question today, all we have to do is look at a watch or clock. It wasn’t always that simple, however. For thousand of years, people have wanted an accurate way of telling the time, (8)____________________________.

We know that the ancient Egyptians had sundials, (9)______________________. It is thought they also had a way of measuring time using running water. The ancient Chinese also developed non-mechanical ways to measure the passing time.

The first mechanical clock appeared around the 9th century. This did not have hands as modern clocks do, (10)_______________________.

The first reasonably accurate clocks were developed in Italy in the 13th century.

Unlike modern clocks, they did not tell the time to the nearest minute; rather, they announced when an hour had passed. Table clocks became popular in the 1500s. They usually only had one hand, which had four possible positions each hour, (11) _________________________.

In 1657 the pendulum clock was invented. Although Galileo came up with a similar idea first, it is Christian Huygens (12)_________________________. Since then, сlocks have become more and more dependable. Today, each of us carries a mobile phone or wears a watch (13)___________________.

  1. but rang a bell to tell the time
  2. who is generally considered to be an inventor
  3. allowing you to tell the time to the nearest fifteen minutes
  4. which requires sunlight to work
  5. where the first clocks were developed
  6. apart from looking at the position of the sun
  7. which can be relied on to be accurate

USE OF ENGLISH- 13 баллов

For questions 1-7, read  the  text  and  write  the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

Animal Helpers

Animals can be pets, but they can also be much more. Ever since dogs first

(1)_____________ humans on the hunt, animals have worked with people.        JOIN

Dogs, of course, work with people in different ways, such as

(2)___________ sheep on farms.                                                        CONTROL

They (3)____________ to help blind people find their way around.                TRAIN

There are (4)__________ of other animals that help people, including horses,        LOT

camels and elephants. In the past, horses were an important means of transport

in Europe and (5)____________ both people and goods.                                 CARRY

Cars soon replaced horses for most jobs because they could go faster

and (6) ______________.                                                                FAR

In Asia today, as in the past, elephants (7)___________ to transport                USE

heavy loads in areas where cars cannot go.

Complete gaps 8-13 with words formed from the words in CAPITAL letters. Write the answers on your answer sheet. 

The discovery of the island of Mauritius in 1505 was the beginning

of the end for the dodo. The dodo was a large bird which was

(8)______________ of flying and so spent its entire life on the ground.                   CAPABLE

When people first spotted the bird in 1598, it seemed to have no fear

of humans and was quite (9)____________.                                                FRIEND

This was because it had always lived on an island where it had no

(10)__________________ enemies.                                                        NATURE

The people on the island didn’t find the dodo (11) ____________ to eat,                TASTE

but the cats and the dogs that arrived with the people did. The dodo was

completely (12)___________ and by the 1690s it had died out on the island.        HELP

The story of the dodo’s (13)________________ is just one example                 APPEAR

of man’s effect on the environment.

WRITING – 10 баллов

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Christine, who writes:

I’ve had an argument with my best friend, Linda, and we’re not talking to each other. I’m really upset about it. What kind of things do you argue with your best friend about? How do you make up after an argument? What do you think I should say to Linda?

Oh, and I visited our local sports centre yesterday, which was interesting!

Write a letter to Christine. In your letter:

  • answer her questions
  • ask 3 questions about the sports centre

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Write the letter on your answer sheet.

ANSWER SHEET                   БЛАНК  ОТВЕТОВ               9-11 классы


Общее кол-во баллов________________






































Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing


Общее количество  слов______________

Всероссийская  олимпиада  школьников. Школьный этап. 2014-2015

Английский язык. Задания для участника  9-11  классы

Время выполнения -90 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 43балла


Listen to the
interview and for questions A8-A14, choose the answer (1, 2 or 3) which  you
think fits best according to the text.
Write the
appropriate number (1, 2 or 3) in boxes A8-A14 on your answer sheet.

A8. Catherine mainly gets inspired for
her novels from

                1) things that happen in
her personal life.

                2) unimportant new

                3) major events in the
local area.

A9. The example of the shopping centre
shows that, before writing, Catherine

                1) interviews a lot of

                2) does a lot of
background research.

                3) imagines a complete

A10. Catherine says her characters

                1) can be identified by
the people they’re based on.

                2) are exact copies of
people she has known.

                3) are only loosely
based on real people.

A11. Catherine is more likely to create
a character based on a real person’s

                1) history.

                2) appearance.

                3) view of the world.

A12. There is a chance that

                1) Catherine will give a
talk about making films.

                2) a company will buy
the film rights to Fire at Dawn.

                3) there will be a film
version of Fire at Dawn.

A13. Catherine does not want

                1) to be involved in
making the film.

                2) someone else to write
the screenplay.

                3) the plot to be
altered in a major way.

A14. Catherine believes that

                1) the stories in the
book and film should be the same.

                2) film and literature
are extremely different media.

                3) films based on books
are usually annoying.

READING -13 баллов

Match headings A-H to texts 1-7
choose the best heading A-H. There is one heading you will not need to use.
Write the answers on your answer sheet.

A. UNUSUAL RELATIONSHIPS                     E.


C. DIFFICULT PERIODS                                 G.

D. TWO TYPES                                                  H.

Britain? Most families are “nuclear families”. This means that the family
consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and
grand parents, too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children
and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the “extended family”
is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live
closer to the parents and children – sometimes even in the same building – and
everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.

teenagers say at some point; “When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children
much more freedom than I have now.” When they do actually become parents
however, they soon realize that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is
not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children
saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they
were young.

does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel
safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and
warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the differences
between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education.
Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the
importance of things such as family, religion and society.

English phrases “a chip off the old block” and “like father, like son” (or
“like mother, like daughter”) are used to show the similarities between a
parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behavior
or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric
becomes interested in cricket, too, you might say. “Eric’s a chip off the old
block, isn’t he?”

kids” are a major problem in many countries, including Britain
and the USA, These are children whose parents are still at work when they come
home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents
aren’t there to help with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their
own before their parents’ return.

idea of “quality time” is based on an understanding that the amount of time a
parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also
important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing
problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of
watching a movie together in silence.

work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at
times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is
taking exams at school. These are times when all the families can find
themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going
through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the
family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counselor, or a trusted
family friend

Read the text and complete gaps
8-13 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to

Write the answers on your answer sheet.

What time is it? To answer that question
today, all we have to do is look at a watch or clock. It wasn’t always that
simple, however. For thousand of years, people have wanted an accurate way of
telling the time, (8)____________________________.

We know that the ancient Egyptians had
sundials, (9)______________________. It is thought they also had a way
of measuring time using running water. The ancient Chinese also developed
non-mechanical ways to measure the passing time.

The first mechanical clock appeared
around the 9th century. This did not have hands as modern clocks do,

The first reasonably accurate clocks
were developed in Italy in the 13th century.

Unlike modern clocks, they did not tell
the time to the nearest minute; rather, they announced when an hour had passed.
Table clocks became popular in the 1500s. They usually only had one hand, which
had four possible positions each hour, (11) _________________________.

In 1657 the pendulum clock was invented.
Although Galileo came up with a similar idea first, it is Christian Huygens (12)_________________________.
Since then,
сlocks have
become more and more dependable. Today, each of us carries a mobile phone or
wears a watch (13)___________________.

rang a bell to tell the time

is generally considered to be an inventor

you to tell the time to the nearest fifteen minutes

requires sunlight to work

the first clocks were developed

from looking at the position of the sun

can be relied on to be accurate

USE OF ENGLISH- 13 баллов

For questions 1-7, read  the  text
 and  write  the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.
the answers on your answer sheet.

Animal Helpers

Animals can be pets, but they can also
be much more. Ever since dogs first

(1)_____________ humans on the
hunt, animals have worked with people.         JOIN

Dogs, of course, work with people in
different ways, such as

(2)___________ sheep on farms.                                                                                                  CONTROL

They (3)____________ to help
blind people find their way around.                         TRAIN

There are (4)__________ of other
animals that help people, including horses,    LOT

camels and elephants. In the past,
horses were an important means of transport

in Europe and (5)____________
both people and goods.                                                        CARRY

Cars soon replaced horses for most jobs
because they could go faster

and (6) ______________.                                                                                                              FAR

In Asia today, as in the past, elephants
(7)___________ to transport                     USE

heavy loads in areas where cars cannot

Complete gaps 8-13 with words
formed from the words in CAPITAL letters
. Write the
answers on your answer sheet.

The discovery of the island
of Mauritius in 1505 was the beginning

of the end for the dodo. The dodo was a
large bird which was

(8)______________ of flying and
so spent its entire life on the ground.                                 CAPABLE

When people first spotted the bird in
1598, it seemed to have no fear

of humans and was quite (9)____________.                                                                               FRIEND

This was because it had always lived on
an island where it had no

(10)__________________ enemies.                                                                                                            NATURE

The people on the island didn’t find the
dodo (11) ____________ to eat,                              TASTE

but the cats and the dogs that arrived
with the people did. The dodo was

completely (12)___________ and by
the 1690s it had died out on the island.       HELP

The story of the dodo’s (13)________________
is just one example                      APPEAR

of man’s effect on the environment.

WRITING – 10 баллов

You have received a letter from your
English-speaking pen friend Christine, who writes:

I’ve had an argument with my best
friend, Linda, and we’re not talking to each other. I’m really upset about it.
What kind of things do you argue with your best friend about? How do you make
up after an argument? What do you think I should say to Linda?

Oh, and I visited our local sports
centre yesterday, which was interesting!

Write a letter to Christine. In your

her questions

3 questions about the sports centre

Write 100-120 words. Remember the
rules of letter writing. Write the letter on your answer sheet.

ANSWER SHEET                  
БЛАНК  ОТВЕТОВ               9-11 классы


кол-во баллов________________






































Write 100-120 words. Remember the
rules of letter writing

Общее количество  слов______________


Общее количество 

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Задания к олимпиаде по английскому языку для 7-11 классов с аудио приложениями

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«Задания Англ.яз 9 класс»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников. Школьный этап.

2018-2019 уч.год

Английский язык. Задания для участника 9 класс

Время выполнения -120 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 55баллов

Task 1 

LISTENING – 7 баллов

Listen to the interview and for questions A8-A14, choose the answer (1, 2 or 3) which you think fits best according to the text. Write the appropriate number (1, 2 or 3) in boxes A8-A14 on your answer sheet.

A8. Catherine mainly gets inspired for her novels from

1) things that happen in her personal life.

2) unimportant new stories.

3) major events in the local area.

A9. The example of the shopping centre shows that, before writing, Catherine

1) interviews a lot of people.

2) does a lot of background research.

3) imagines a complete story.

A10. Catherine says her characters

1) can be identified by the people they’re based on.

2) are exact copies of people she has known.

3) are only loosely based on real people.

A11. Catherine is more likely to create a character based on a real person’s

1) history.

2) appearance.

3) view of the world.

A12. There is a chance that

1) Catherine will give a talk about making films.

2) a company will buy the film rights to Fire at Dawn.

3) there will be a film version of Fire at Dawn.

A13. Catherine does not want

1) to be involved in making the film.

2) someone else to write the screenplay.

3) the plot to be altered in a major way.

A14. Catherine believes that

1) the stories in the book and film should be the same.

2) film and literature are extremely different media.

3) films based on books are usually annoying.

Task 2 — 8 баллов

Write T if it is true or F if it is false.

                                    Global call Communications

Global call Communications has grown from a telecommunications solutions provider for local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area to a truly global corporation providing telecommunications solutions for clients both large and small. Established to fill a significant market gap for simple communication solutions, the company first expanded to most major North American cities before becoming a major multinational player.

Presently, the company is extending operations to include voice over IP, as well as high-speed cable Internet access. Global call Communications’ team includes more than 40,000 specialists worldwide in more than 20 countries on three continents. Next year will see the deployment of a third generation wireless communications network in Asian countries.

The future looks bright for Global call Communications. By the next year the company will be servicing more than 15 million households and businesses globally. Global call Communications will have become a household word. We look forward to serving clients and are planning to do everything in our power to make sure that your communication future is unlimited and simple.

1. The company began by offering computer software solutions to local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area._______

2. The company was founded on an approach to providing simple communication solutions._____

3. The company is expanding operations at the moment._____

4. Worldwide communications employs more than 40,000 specialists._____

5. The company expects to be servicing more than 50 million customers worldwide by 2005.____

6.  The company intends to cover the whole world.____

7.  The company thinks it will never fail.____

8.  The company promises to do its best to guarantee its restricted services.___

Task  3 – 25 баллов

Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Ronald and Mary 1________ (drive) along a quite country road in Southern England. They 2________ (be) on the way to West berry. It 3_______ (be) nearly midnight. ‘Ron! Look over there! There 4_______ (be) something in the sky. What 5______ (be) it? — ‘I   6________   (not know) what it  7 ______(be). It  8______ (be) probably a plane.’ –‘I 9__________ (not think) so, it 10______(be) too big an too bright.’-‘Oh, no!’-‘What’s matter?’ – ‘The engine 11____________ (stop)’.- ‘Why  12______it______(stop)?’- ‘I 13_________ (not know). I must 14 _________ (find) a garage.15________ (be) there one near here?’- ‘Yes,  there 16______ (be) one in the next village.  I 17__________ (not be) sure if it 18 _______ (be) open. It 19 ______   (be) very late.’

        Suddenly there 20______ _(be) a loud noise and a big bright silver object 21 _______________________(fly low over their car.) It 22_____________ (stop) in mid-air, 23 ___________ (loom) round, then 24 ____________ (fly) straight up into sky and 25________________(disappear).

Task 4 – 5 баллов

 Change the word in brackets to complete the sentence.

1.  There was a … to find the best book.       (COMPETE)               ___________

2.  Flowers …  bees.                                       (ATTRACTIVE)      __________      

3.  That … is by Picasso.                       (PAINT)                  __________        

4.  We must make a … about where to go.      (DECIDE)               ___________

5.  How many … holidays do you have?     (NATION)                _________        

Task 5

WRITING 10 баллов

Time: 40 minutes

You have entered a detective story competition. Write a story that begins with the following words:

He (She) woke quite suddenly to the sound of someone opening the back door of the house. …

Write 100-120 words. Try to make your writing interesting.


Просмотр содержимого документа

«Задания Англ.яз.-Шк.олимп.10-11кл., Бланк ответов»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников. Школьный этап. 2018-2019 уч.год

Английский язык. Задания для участника 10-11 классы

Время выполнения -120 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 43балла

LISTENING – 7 баллов

Listen to the interview and for questions A8-A14, choose the answer (1, 2 or 3) which you think fits best according to the text. Write the appropriate number (1, 2 or 3) in boxes A8-A14 on your answer sheet.

A8. Catherine mainly gets inspired for her novels from

1) things that happen in her personal life.

2) unimportant new stories.

3) major events in the local area.

A9. The example of the shopping centre shows that, before writing, Catherine

1) interviews a lot of people.

2) does a lot of background research.

3) imagines a complete story.

A10. Catherine says her characters

1) can be identified by the people they’re based on.

2) are exact copies of people she has known.

3) are only loosely based on real people.

A11. Catherine is more likely to create a character based on a real person’s

1) history.

2) appearance.

3) view of the world.

A12. There is a chance that

1) Catherine will give a talk about making films.

2) a company will buy the film rights to Fire at Dawn.

3) there will be a film version of Fire at Dawn.

A13. Catherine does not want

1) to be involved in making the film.

2) someone else to write the screenplay.

3) the plot to be altered in a major way.

A14. Catherine believes that

1) the stories in the book and film should be the same.

2) film and literature are extremely different media.

3) films based on books are usually annoying.

READING -13 баллов

Match headings A-H to texts 1-7 choose the best heading A-H. There is one heading you will not need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.





  1. In Britain? Most families are “nuclear families”. This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grand parents, too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the “extended family” is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live closer to the parents and children – sometimes even in the same building – and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.

  2. Most teenagers say at some point; “When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now.” When they do actually become parents however, they soon realize that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.

  3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the differences between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.

  4. The English phrases “a chip off the old block” and “like father, like son” (or “like mother, like daughter”) are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behavior or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket, too, you might say. “Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?”

  5. “Latchkey kids” are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA, These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents’ return.

  6. The idea of “quality time” is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.

  7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all the families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counselor, or a trusted family friend

Read the text and complete gaps 8-13 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

What time is it? To answer that question today, all we have to do is look at a watch or clock. It wasn’t always that simple, however. For thousand of years, people have wanted an accurate way of telling the time, (8)____________________________.

We know that the ancient Egyptians had sundials, (9)______________________. It is thought they also had a way of measuring time using running water. The ancient Chinese also developed non-mechanical ways to measure the passing time.

The first mechanical clock appeared around the 9th century. This did not have hands as modern clocks do, (10)_______________________.

The first reasonably accurate clocks were developed in Italy in the 13th century.

Unlike modern clocks, they did not tell the time to the nearest minute; rather, they announced when an hour had passed. Table clocks became popular in the 1500s. They usually only had one hand, which had four possible positions each hour, (11) _________________________.

In 1657 the pendulum clock was invented. Although Galileo came up with a similar idea first, it is Christian Huygens (12)_________________________. Since then, сlocks have become more and more dependable. Today, each of us carries a mobile phone or wears a watch (13)___________________.

  1. but rang a bell to tell the time

  2. who is generally considered to be an inventor

  3. allowing you to tell the time to the nearest fifteen minutes

  4. which requires sunlight to work

  5. where the first clocks were developed

  6. apart from looking at the position of the sun

  7. which can be relied on to be accurate

USE OF ENGLISH- 13 баллов

For questions 1-7, read the text and write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

Animal Helpers

Animals can be pets, but they can also be much more. Ever since dogs first

(1)_____________ humans on the hunt, animals have worked with people. JOIN

Dogs, of course, work with people in different ways, such as

(2)___________ sheep on farms. CONTROL

They (3)____________ to help blind people find their way around. TRAIN

There are (4)__________ of other animals that help people, including horses, LOT

camels and elephants. In the past, horses were an important means of transport

in Europe and (5)____________ both people and goods. CARRY

Cars soon replaced horses for most jobs because they could go faster

and (6) ______________. FAR

In Asia today, as in the past, elephants (7)___________ to transport USE

heavy loads in areas where cars cannot go.

Complete gaps 8-13 with words formed from the words in CAPITAL letters. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

The discovery of the island of Mauritius in 1505 was the beginning

of the end for the dodo. The dodo was a large bird which was

(8)______________ of flying and so spent its entire life on the ground. CAPABLE

When people first spotted the bird in 1598, it seemed to have no fear

of humans and was quite (9)____________. FRIEND

This was because it had always lived on an island where it had no

(10)__________________ enemies. NATURE

The people on the island didn’t find the dodo (11) ____________ to eat, TASTE

but the cats and the dogs that arrived with the people did. The dodo was

completely (12)___________ and by the 1690s it had died out on the island. HELP

The story of the dodo’s (13)________________ is just one example APPEAR

of man’s effect on the environment.

WRITING – 10 баллов

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Christine, who writes:

I’ve had an argument with my best friend, Linda, and we’re not talking to each other. I’m really upset about it. What kind of things do you argue with your best friend about? How do you make up after an argument? What do you think I should say to Linda?

Oh, and I visited our local sports centre yesterday, which was interesting!

Write a letter to Christine. In your letter:

  • answer her questions

  • ask 3 questions about the sports centre

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Write the letter on your answer sheet.



Общее кол-во баллов________________






































Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing


Общее количество слов______________


Просмотр содержимого документа

«Задания шк.этапа олимп. -7-8 кл., Бланк ответов»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников. Школьный этап. 2018-2019 уч.год

Английский язык. Задания для участника 7-8 классы

Время выполнения– 60 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 30 баллов

LISTENING -10 балов


Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Emma took her exams yesterday.

  2. Emma’s mother lives in Oxford.

  3. Her parents do not live together.

  4. Emma has got a brother and a sister.

  5. Her brother is twelve years younger than Emma.

  6. Emma’s brother likes to play football.

  7. He doesn’t go to school yet.

  8. Emma’s father lives in Edinburgh.

  9. They often spend holidays together with their father.

  10. Emma is fond of pop music.

READING- 6 баллов

Read the article about the history of coffee drinking and circle the correct answer, a, b or c.

Time for coffee

The story of coffee drinking is one of the greatest and most fascinating in history. Millions of coffee drinkers worldwide cannot imagine life without a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning. Coffee is a natural stimulant which makes us feel more awake, alert and ready to concentrate.

The qualities of mocca, as coffee was once known, were first discovered in Ethiopia more than one thousand years ago. However, it was not Africans but Turks and Arabs who actively encouraged coffee drinking. The habit of coffee drinking quickly spread throughout the Arab world, where coffee won a reputation as the wine of Islam.

Coffee was first grown in Yemen. It was popular with Turks who served the drink to visiting Italian merchants. In 1615 traders from Venice brought coffee to Europe, where it was originally sold as a medicine. By the end of the sixteenth century coffee was drunk in major European cities from Paris to London. Now, around the world there are different methods of preparing coffee, for example, in Turkey coffee is traditionally boiled three times while Italians are the inventors of espresso and cappuccino.

We drink coffee because of its aroma, taste and stimulating effect. However, extensive consumption of coffee may be harmful to our health, for instance, it may increase ones blood pressure or make ones heart beat irregularly. Fortunately, new brands of coffee have been appearing on the market recently. As they do not contain substances harmful to health, many people will not have to give up their coffee-drinking habits.

1 Coffee was discovered

a in Europe.

b in Africa.

c in Asia.

2 Coffee drinking was popularized by

a the Ethiopians.

b the Italians.

c the Turks.

3 Coffee was first grown

a in Italy.

b in Turkey.

c in Yemen.

4 In Europe, coffee was popular as

a a medicine.

b the wine of Islam.

c a natural stimulant.

5 By the end of the sixteenth century people drank coffee

a in northern Europe.

b in the most important European cities.

c in Paris and London only.

6 New brands of coffee

a are as harmful as the original mocca.

b are less harmful than regular coffee.

c may influence our concentration ability.

USE OF ENGLISH -14 баллов

Task 1

Choose the right variant

1. I __________ 50 years old in 2030.

A is B am C will be D am being

2 There aren’t __________ students in the class today.

A much B some C many D none

3 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ green apples please?

A a few B less C a bit D a little

4 Sorry, we have __________ green apples.

A no B none C any D nothing

5 Sorry, I __________ here on Thursday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is B ’m C ’ll be D won’t be

6 __________ my brothers live in the U.S.A.

A Neither B Both C Any D None

7 When it rains we __________ inside.

A go B went C are going D goes

8 What __________ you do if there is a blackout?

A shall B will C are D have

9 If you throw a stone into the water, it __________.

A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking

Task 2

Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.

Example: 0 __beautifully__


I have a Dutch friend who speaks English (0)… . I have BEAUTY

always wondered how the Dutch manage to learn languages so (1) … . SUCCESS

The Dutch, like the Germans, often speak English (2) … WELL

than some native speakers or at least they seem

to speak the language more (3) … CORRECT

than some English people. If you want to speak English (4) … FLUENCY

with a reasonable accent, you should listen to tapes as frequently as possible.

There are no magic solutions but you (5) … SIMPLICITY

have to work hard at the new language.



Общее количество баллов_____________

LISTENING-10 баллов











READING-6 баллов







USE OF ENGLISH-14 баллов

Task 1 Task 2















Общее количество слов_______________________


Просмотр содержимого документа

«Ключи- Англ. яз. 10-11»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников 2018-2019

Школьный этап, английский язык, 10-11 классы


Общий максимальный балл — 43 балла

LISTENING— 7баллов















READING— 20 баллов



























USE OF ENGLISH — 13 баллов










are trained
















are used

WRITING – 10 баллов

(см. дополнительные критерии оценивания)

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С1* «Личное письмо»


Критерии оценивания

3 балла

2 балла

1 балл

0 баллов


Решение коммуни­кативной задачи

Задание выполнено пол­ностью: даны полные ответы на три задан­ных вопроса. Правильно выбрано об­ращение, за­вершающая фраза и под­пись.

Есть благодарность, упо­минание о предыду­щих контак­тах , выражена надежда на будущие контакты

Задание выполнено: даны ответы на три задан­ных вопроса, НО на один воп­рос  дан не­пол­ный ответ.

Есть 1–2 на­рушения в стилевом оформлении письма И/ИЛИ от­сутствует благодар­ность, упо­минание о предыдущих /будущих контактах

Задание выполнено частично: даны ответы на заданные вопросы, НО на два воп­роса даны неполные от­веты ИЛИ ответ на один вопрос отсутствует.

Имеется более 2-х на­рушений в стилевом оформлении письма и в соблюдении норм вежли­вости

Задание не выполнено: отсутствуют ответы на два вопроса ИЛИ текст письма не соответству­ет требуе­мо­му объему


Организа­ция текста

Текст логич­но выстроен и разделен на абзацы; правильно использова­ны языко­вые средства для передачи логической связи; оформ­ление текста соот­ветствует нор­мам письменного этикета

Текст в ос­новном ло­гично выст­роен, НО име­ются недостатки
(1–2) при использова­нии средств логической связи И/ИЛИ деле­нии на абза­цы.

ИЛИ имеют­ся отдельные нарушения в структурном оформлении текста пись­ма

Текст выст­роен нело­гично; допу­щены мно­го­численные ошибки в струк­турном оформле­нии текста пись­ма ИЛИ оформ­ление текста не соответст­вует нормам письмен­ного этикета, при­нятого в стра­не изучаемого языка


Лексико-граммати­ческое оформление текста

Использова­ны разно­об­раз­ная лек­сика и грам­матические структуры, соответству­ющие по­став­ленной коммуника­тивной зада­че (допус­ка­ется не бо­лее 2-х язы­ковых оши­бок, не за­труд­няющих понимание)

Имеются языковые ошибки,  не затрудня­ющие пони­мание (до­пус­кается не более 4-х не­грубых  язы­ковых оши­бок) ИЛИ языковые ошибки от­сутствуют, но использу­ются лекси­ческие еди­ни­цы и грам­матические структуры только  эле­ментарного уровня

Имеются языковые ошибки,  не затрудня­ющие пони­ма­ние (до­пус­кается не более 5 не­грубых  язы­ковых оши­бок) И/ИЛИ допущены языковые ошибки, которые затрудняют понимание (не более
12 грубых ошибок)

Допущены многочис­ленные язы­ко­вые ошиб­ки, которые затрудняют понимание текста.


Орфогра­фия и пунк­туация

Орфографи­ческие и пунктуаци­онные ошиб­ки практи­чески отсут­ст­вуют (до­пускается не более 2-х, не затрудня­ющих пони­мание текста)

Допущенные орфографи­ческие и пунктуаци­онные ошиб­ки не затруд­няют пони­мание (допу­скается не более 34  ошибок)

Допущены многочис­лен­ные орфо­графи­ческие и пунк­туаци­онные ошиб­ки и/или до­пущены ошибки, кото­рые затрудняют понимание текста

 *1. Задание С1 (личное письмо) оценивается по критериям К1–К4 ГИА (максимальное количество баллов – 10).

2. При получении учащимся 0 баллов по критерию «Содержание»  задание С1 оценивается в 0 баллов. 

3. Если объём письма менее 90 слов, то задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

Если объём более 132 слов, то проверке подлежат только 120 слов, т.е. та часть личного письма, которая соответствует требуемому объёму.

4. При определении соответствия объема представленной работы требованиям считаются все слова, начиная с первого слова по последнее, включая вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли, частицы. В личном письме адрес, дата, подпись также подлежат подсчету.

При этом: − стяженные (краткие) формы (например, Iveits, doesntwasnt) считаются как одно слово;

− числительные, выраженные цифрами (например, 5; 29; 2010, 123204) считаются как одно слово;

− числительные, выраженные словами (например, twentyone), считаются как одно слово;

− сложные слова (например, popsinger, Englishspeaking, thirtytwo) считаются как одно слово;

− сокращения (например, UK, e-mail, TV) считаются как одно слово.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Ключи. Англ. яз. 7-8 класс»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников 2018-19 уч.год. Школьный этап

Английский язык, 7-8 классы

Время выполнения– 60 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 30 баллов

КЛЮЧИ 7-8 классы



10 баллов

  1. F

  2. T

  3. T

  4. F

  5. F

  6. T

  7. F

  8. F

  9. T

  10. T


6 баллов














14 баллов

Task 1

9 баллов



















Task 2

5 баллов

1 successfully

2 better

3 correctly

4 fluently

5 simply

WRITING 13 баллов

(см. критерии оценивания)

Критерии оценивания письменного сообщения в 7-8 классах

Учащимся предлагается написать сообщение о спортивном мероприятии, которое они недавно посетили или увидели, объемом 90-100слов. Предлагается на выбор 4 мероприятия, а также ряд вопросов, на которые необходимо ответить в сообщении, и слова-связки. Жанр письменной работы проверяет навыки продуктивного письма, умение грамотно и последовательно формулировать свои мысли на определенную тему, а также предполагает умение использовать знания основных принципов написания работ подобного рода.

При оценке письменного сообщения учитываются следующие критерии:

К1решение коммуникативной задачи, наличие ответов на все поставленные в задании вопросы, использование не менее 4-х предложенных слов-связок (максимум 4 балла);

К2 -организация текста, последовательность изложения (максимум 2 балла);

К3-правильное лексическое оформление письменной речи (максимум 2 балла);

К4-правильное использование грамматики (максимум 3 балла);

К5 -соблюдение правил орфографии ( максимум 2 балла).

Максимальное количество баллов за письменное сообщение– 13 баллов.


Просмотр содержимого документа

«7-8 текст для аудирования»




— Hello, Emma! Thank you agreeing to do this interview. Especially, as I believe, you are studying for your exams at the moment.

— Yes, I am. But I’m happy to do the interview.

— Now, the questions. First of all, where do you come from?

— Oxford in England.

— And where do you live?

— At home with my mother. You see, my parents are divorced.

— Oh, I’m sorry about that. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

— Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother.

— Is he older than you?

— No, he’s younger. He’s 12.

— And what’s he doing at the moment?

— Well, he is either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always does after school.

— And where does your father live?

— He lives in Scotland near Edinburgh.

— How often do you see him?

— Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him.

— Now, a final question, Emma. What do you do in your free time?

— I listen to music. Especially pop music.

— That’s great, Emma. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very much!

Просмотр содержимого документа

«9-11 текст для аудирования»

Текст для аудирования

Presenter: And with me in the studio today I’m joined by the very well-known writer Catherine Collarton. Catherine, you’ve written over twenty hugely successful novels. Where do you get your inspiration? Are they based on your own life at all?

Writer: I wish my life was that interesting! Actually, what usually gets me started on a new story is something I read about in a newspaper or hear on the news. It’s usually something really small and insignificant, like someone breaking their leg in a climbing accident, or a new shopping centre being built in the local area.

Presenter: And how does that lead to a complete novel?

Writer: Well, it gets my imagination going. Let’s take the shopping centre example. I’d probably start thinking: I bet there are people who don’t want it built. Maybe they’re planning to knock-down a theatre, and some people would rather they didn’t do that. And that keeps going, from one thing to another, until finally I’ve got a whole plot worked out.

Presenter: And what about the characters? Do you get those from stories in the news too?

Writer: No, not really. I’ve said this before and I think it’s true: all my characters are based in some way on people I’ve met.

Presenter: So, can they recognize themselves in your books?

Writer: Well, some of them try! But generally I don’t think so. You see, when I say they’re ‘based on’ people I know, that’s not to say I copy them exactly. I might have a character who’s a criminal in the story – does really bad things — but that doesn’t mean the person I’ve based them on is a criminal.

Presenter: I see. So, in what sense are they based on real people?

Writer: I take some of the physical characteristics of a real person — what they look like, how they speak — and put them in a totally different place and time, often with a different outlook on life too. And, as I say, that means they’re actually quite difficult to spot!

Presenter: Let’s come on to your latest book, Fire at Dawn. Now, it’s been number one in the paperback charts for several months, it’s been translated into, I think, over sixty different languages, and there’s talk

it’s going to be made into a movie. Is that right?

Writer: Well, nothing’s definite, but it’s looking hopeful, yes. A company’s bought the rights. That means they can turn it into a movie if they want to. It doesn’t mean they definitely will.

Presenter: And would you be involved in that at all?

Writer: To a certain extent. I wouldn’t actually write the screenplay, but I’ve made sure I’m allowed to approve it. I won’t let them get away with changing the ending, or anything like that!

Presenter: Why do films do that so often?

Writer: I don’t know. It’s really annoying when they do that, isn’t it? Some people say that film and literature are so different that an ending that’s good in a book often doesn’t work on film. I’m not convinced. And if you do have to change a book so much to make it work on film, why bother trying to make the film in the first place? Do it the same way the book does, that’s what I say!

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Ключи Англ. яз 9 класс»

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников 2018-2019

Школьный этап, английский язык, 9 класс


Общий максимальный балл — 55 баллов

LISTENING— 7баллов















TASK 2— 8 баллов

1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False

  TASK 3- 25 баллов

1 were driving 2 were 3 was 4 is 5 is 6 don’t know 7 is 8 is 9 don’t think 10 is 11 has stopped 12 has …  stopped 13 don’t know 14 find 15 is 16 is 17 am not 18 is 19 is 20 was 21 flew 22 stopped 23 loomed 24 flew 25 disappeared

Task4 — 5 баллов

  1. competition

  1. attract

  2. painting

  1. decision

  2. national

Task5 –WRITING- 10 баллов

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Complete the gaps with the words from the word list
  • Complete the gaps with the word that derives from the words in bold
  • Complete the gaps with the right word перевод
  • Complete the gaps with the right word i felt p when the man
  • Complete the gaps with the right word 6 класс