Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets

1 thrilling(захватывающая)
2 amazing(удивительное)
3 famous(знаменитых)
4 unusual(необычных)
5 thoroughly(совершенно/как следует)
6 performance(выступление)
7 educational(образовательные)
8 exhibition(экспозиция/выставка)

hop on and off: get on and off easily, usually without having to buy a new ticket (садиться и сходить: входить и выходить легко, обычно без необходимости покупать новый билет)
great value for money: worth more than the price (разумное использование средств: стоит больше, чем цена)
bird’s eye view: the view of something when you are looking down on it from a height (вид с высоты птичьего полета: вид на что-то, когда вы смотрите вниз с высоты)
the experience of a lifetime: something you do that is unforgettable (нечто незабываемое: сделать что-то незабываемое)
millennium: a period of a thousand years, e.g. 1000-1999; the celebration at the end of a thousand year period (тысячелетие: срок в тысячу лет, например 1000-1999; празднование в конце тысячелетнего периода истории)
served many purposes: has been used for many different things (подошел/сгодился: использовался для многих разных вещей)
medieval: the historical period which lasted from the end of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance (средневековый: исторический период, который длился с конца Римской империи до эпохи Возрождения)
fortress: a building like a castle (крепость: здание подобное замку)
scared out of your wits: to be extremely frightened or terrified (испуганный до потери сознания: быть сильно напуганным или в ужасе)
faint-hearted: if someone is faint-hearted, they are not very confident and are afraid to do things that might be dangerous (трусливый, нерешительный: если кто-то трусливый/нерешительный, то он не очень уверен и боится сделать то, что может быть опасно)

Complete the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in brackets. Explain the words in bold.
Sail to Liberty and Ellis Islands in New York City’s harbour and see the world’s most symbolic monument to freedom and the 1)……….. (history) gateway to America!
Ellis Island
Between 1892 and 1954, more than 12 million, mainly passengers sailing third-class from
Russia, Italy, Ireland and many other 2)    (Europe) countries, passed through the
immigration station on Ellis Island in search of democracy, freedom and opportunity. In fact, about 50% of Americans have at least one ancestor who entered the USA through Ellis Island! Here, each would-be immigrant had to meet strict health and legal
3)…. (require) before they were allowed to begin their new lives as American citizens.
Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty
For millions of 4)…………………………………………………….. (immigrate), the Statue of Liberty was the first 5)……………………….. (see) they had of
their new homeland as they sailed into New York Harbour. Given to America as a gift from the French in 1884, it stands 93m tall and depicts a woman dressed in a loose-fitting robe escaping
6)….. (oppress), symbolised by the shackles1 which lie at her feet. In her right hand she holds a
torch, representing liberty, and in her left she holds a tablet reading “July 4th, 1776” — the date
of the 7). (declare) of American Independence. She wears a crown with seven sun-like
rays on her head, representing the seven continents and seas of the world. On your tour of Liberty Island, take a look inside ‘Lady Liberty’ and visit the museum to see a life-size
replica of the statue’s face and foot. Don’t miss the 8)       (fame) inscription by
Emma Lazarus which has come to symbolize the statue’s message of hope for those coming to America or searching for freedom around the world!

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Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

1. Can you…this skirt? (SHORT)
2. We should…everyone to buy fresh local produce. (COURAGE)
3. I like…lettuce. (CRISP)
4. They grow a…of fruit. (VARY)
5. The situation may… . (WORSE)

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1 Can you shorten this skirt?
2 We should encourage everyone to buy fresh local produce.
3 I like crispy lettuce.
4 They grow a variety of fruit.
5 The situation may worsen

  • Комментариев (0)

1 Fill the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets :

a) (BORE) The play was so _______, we felt ________ all the two hours of it.

B) (SURPRISE) It’s so ___________ to see you here, I think mum will get even more ___________.

C) (EXHAUST) This week was ____________, so much work to do.

I feel _________ and need some rest.

D) (RELAX) This business trip was not a _____________ experience, but in the evening we always went to nice restaurants – that was rather ___________________.

E) (SATISFY) It’s always ____________ to know that you’ve passed your exams well, and your parents are ______________, too.

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  • Complete the dialogue with the correct words the first letter of each word is given
  • Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold
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  • Complete the gaps with the correct word below
  • Complete the dialogue with the correct word and the correct answer