Complete the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets

Complete the gaps (1-13) with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Explain the words/phrases in bold.
Products in supermarkets these days are so 1)……….. (beautiful) presented: bread is wrapped
in a plastic bag, biscuits in cardboard boxes, apples on plastic trays. Have you ever bought a
product simply because you liked the way it looked? Ask yourself what is more important —
the contents or the 2)        (wrap)!
Yes, we do need packaging. It preserves goods, protects them against damage and makes them
3)…. (present) to consumers. But there is a high price to pay. Did you know that anything between
10 — 50 % of the price of food today is down to its packaging? Or that packaging makes up 32% of
the total weight of solid waste? This is bad news as most packaging is not 4)………………………………………………………………………. (recycle), but
dumped in landfills or burnt. This results in more 5)  (pollute), in addition to the pollution caused
by the manufacture and 6)         (transport) of packaging in the first place!
7)….. (thankful), supermarkets are now working to cut back. As packages become smaller and
lighter, less energy is needed to transport them. Lighter packaging means less waste. However, there is
still a long way to go!
So, what’s all this got to do with you, the consumer? Well, don’t buy 8)…………………………………………………….. (produce) simply
because of the way they look! Instead…
* Choose products that use minimal packaging or ‘green’ packaging that is 9)………………………………………………… (reuse) e.g.
glass jars for storing things in, recyclable (look for the recycling symbol!) or biodegradable.
• Avoid individually wrapped foods. Buy in bulk, not in small 10)…………………………………………………………….. (pack)!
• Choose products that come in concentrated form, such as 11)………………………………………………………………… (wash) powders and
fabric softeners, or those that do more than one thing, like shampoo and 12)………………………………………….
(condition) in one.
• Take cloth bags to the supermarket instead of asking for more plastic bags, which take
around 400 years to break down!
• When large products are delivered to your home, ask 13)……………………………………………………………. (manufacture) to take
back the packaging (bubble wrap, boxes, etc) so they can reuse it.

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 9 из раздела Grammar Check, Module 5.

Exercise 1. Complete the gaps with the correct comparative / superlative form of the words in brackets.
Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски правильной сравнительной / превосходной формой слов из скобок.


photographer, sculptor, videographer, installation artist, snacker

Liz Hickok cleverly transforms gigantic city buildings into colourful little mosaic models. Some people say that the jewel-like sculptures look (little) like art and (much) like food. That’s because Ms Hickok’s construction material of choice is Jell-O. a colourful and wobbly dessert made up almost entirely of water. She admits it is (easy) than it looks. Also, she is (interested) in producing art than viewing it; and with each new project, her skills get (good) and better. At 33 years old, she is (young) than many artists and her life is (exciting) than she could ever imagine. Her (late) design is a city in the middle of an earthquake. But, if one of her skylines is missing a monument, it is not due to a natural disaster. Admittedly, she snacks while sculpting…

photographer, sculptor, videographer, installation artist, snacker

Liz Hickok cleverly transforms gigantic city buildings into colourful little mosaic models. Some people say that the jewel-like sculptures look less like art and more like food. That’s because Ms Hickok’s construction material of choice is Jell-O, a colourful and wobbly dessert made up almost entirely of water. She admits it is easier than it looks. Also, she is more interested in producing art than viewing it; and with each new project, her skills get better and better. At 33 years old, she is younger than many artists and her life is more exciting than she could ever imagine. Her latest design is a city in the middle of an earthquake. But, if one of her skylines is missing a monument, it is not due to a natural disaster. Admittedly, she snacks while sculpting…

фотограф, скульптор, видеограф, мастер инсталляций, любитель перекусить

Лиз Хикок мастерки преобразует гигантские городские здания в красочные маленькие мозаичные модели. Многие люди говорят, что ювелирные скульптуры выглядят в меньшей степени как искусство, а в большей степени как еда. Это потому, что мисс Хикок выбрала в качестве строительного материала желатин Jell-O – красочный и дрожащий десерт, почти полностью изготовленный из воды. Она признается в том, что все гораздо проще, чем это выглядит. Также ей интереснее творить искусство, а не созерцать (досл.: смотреть) на него; и с каждым новым проектом ее навыки становятся лучше и лучше. В свои 33 года она моложе многих художников, а ее жизнь более увлекательна, чем она могла когда-либо представить. Ее последний проект – это город посреди вулкана. Но если у силуэта какого-нибудь ее здания не будет хватать колонны, то это не из-за природной катастрофы… Предположительно, она употребила ее в качестве закуски, пока лепила скульптуру…

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант.


1) Pete is __ helpful person of all.

a. less
b. little
с. the least

2) The more you exercise, the __ you’ll become.

a. fit
b. fitter
с. fittest

3) Emma is not as __ her sister.

a. funny as
b. funnier than
с. funny

4) This T-shirt is __ cheaper than the blue one.

a. much
b. very
с. lot

5) As Ivan grew up, he got taller and __ .

a. the tallest
b. taller
с. tall

6) Tom is __ older than his brother.

a. slightly
b. little
с. by far

1) Pete is the least helpful person of all. – Пит меньше всех готов помочь.

2) The more you exercise, the fitter you’ll become. – Чем больше вы тренируетесь, тем спортивнее вы становитесь.

3) Emma is not as funny as her sister. – Эмма не такая смешная, как ее сестра.

4) This T-shirt is much cheaper than the blue one. – Эта футболка гораздо дешевле, чем голубая.

5) As Ivan grew up, he got taller and taller. – По мере того, как Иван взрослел, он становился все выше и выше.

6) Tom is slightly older than his brother. – Том немного старше своего брата.

Exercise 3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form, adding any necessary words.
Упражнение 3. Поставить прилагательные из скобок в правильную форму, добавляя необходимые слова.


spotlight 9 grammar check module 5

1. Slava is (old) David.
2. David is (tall) as Paul.
3. Slava is (clever) of all.
4. David is (friendly) than Paul.
5. Paul is (handsome) of all.

1. Slava is older than David. – Слава старше, чем Дэвид.
2. David is as tall as Paul. – Дэвид такой же высокий, как Пол.
3. Slava is the cleverest of all. – Слава самый умный из всех.
4. David is less friendly than Paul. – Дэвид менее дружелюбен, чем Пол.
5. Paul is the most handsome (или the handsomest) of all. – Пол – самый симпатичный из всех.

Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.
Упражнение 4. Вычеркните ненужное слово.


1. The armchair is not as more comfortable as the sofa.
2. The more harder you work, the more successful you become.
3. Mark is very much faster than his brother.
4. My new laptop is by far better than my old one.
5. Sue’s husband is much more older than her.
6. As I went on reading the book, it got the less and less exciting.

1. The armchair is not as (more – лишнее слово) comfortable as the sofa. – Кресло не так удобное, как диван.
2. The (more – лишнее слово) harder you work, the more successful you become. – Чем усерднее вы работаете, тем успешнее вы становитесь.
3. Mark is (very – лишнее слово) much faster than his brother. – Марк намного быстрее, чем его брат.
4. My new laptop is (by – лишнее слово) far better than my old one. – Мой новый лэптоп гораздо быстрее, чем мой старый.
5. Sue’s husband is much (more – лишнее слово) older than her. – Муж Сью гораздо старше, чем она.
6. As I went on reading the book, it got (the – лишнее слово) less and less exciting. – По мере того, я читал книгу, она становилась менее и менее интересной.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски правильной формой прилагательного / наречия из скобок.


A: This pink skirt really suits you.
B: Yes and it was (cheap) than I had expected.

A: Could you speak a bit (slowly), please?
B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry.

A: Do you like the cake? I’ve made it myself.
B: Yes. That’s by far (good) cake I’ve ever had.

A: Is your new flat in the city centre?
B: Yes and it’s also (close) to the tube station.

A: I really appreciate your help.
B: Don’t mention it. If you need any (far) help, just call me.

A: This pink skirt really suits you. – Эта розовая юбка действительно тебе идет.
B: Yes and it was cheaper than I had expected. – Да, и она была дешевле, чем я ожидал.

A: Could you speak a bit more slowly, please? – Не мог бы ты говорить суть-чуть помедленнее, пожалуйста?
B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry. – Да, конечно. Прошу прощения.

A: Do you like the cake? I’ve made it myself. – Тебе нравится торт?
B: Yes. That’s by far the best cake I’ve ever had. – Да. Это определенно лучший торт, когда я когда-либо ел.

A: Is your new flat in the city centre? – Твоя новая квартира в центре города?
B: Yes and it’s also close to the tube station. – Да, и она близко к станции метро.

A: I really appreciate your help. – Я на самом деле высоко ценю вашу помощь.
B: Don’t mention it. If you need any further help, just call me. – Не стоит! Если вам нужна будет еще помощь, то просто позвоните мне.

Exercise 6. Think of famous singers, actors, etc. in your country. Use the following adjectives to compare them.
Упражнение 6. Вспомните известных певцов, актеров и т.п. вашей страны. Сравните их, используя следующие прилагательные.


• young
• talented
• handsome
• famous
• friendly
• successful

I think Dima Bilan is younger than …

I think Brad Pitt is younger than George Clooney. – Я думаю, что Брэд Питт моложе, чем Джордж Клуни.
I think Celine Dion is more talented than Beyonce. – Я думаю, что Селин Дион более талантлива, чем Бионсе.
I think Matt Damon is more handsome than Ben Affleck. – Я думаю, что Мэтт Дэймон симпатичнее, чем Бен Аффлек.
I think Richard Gere is more famous than Edward Norton. – Я думаю, что Ричард Гир более знаменит, чем Эвард Нортон.
I think Julia Roberts is friendlier than Cameron Diaz. – Я думаю, что Джулия Робертс более дружелюбна, чем Кэмерон Диаз.
I think Owen Wilson is more successful than Matt Dillon. – Я думаю, что Оуэн Уилсон более успешен, чем Мэтт Диллон.

Exercise 7. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 7. Подчеркните правильное слово.


1. Teachers need to be very / completely patient with students.
2. It would be fairly / totally irresponsible of you to leave the children on their own in the park in the evening.
3. The essay that Mike wrote was interesting and fairly / extremely well written.
4. Josh is a(n) rather / absolutely likeable little boy.
5. I really enjoyed the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, as it is totally / extremely fast-paced and imaginative.
6. After a warm day yesterday, the snowfall today was completely / fairly unexpected.

1. Teachers need to be very patient with students. – Учителям надо быть очень терпеливыми к студентам.
2. It would be totally irresponsible of you to leave the children on their own in the park in the evening. – Это было бы безответственным с вашей стороны оставить детей самих по себе в парке вечером.
3. The essay that Mike wrote was interesting and extremely well written. – Эссе, которое написал Марк, было интересным и чрезвычайно хорошо написанным.
4. Josh is a rather likeable little boy. – Джош весьма симпатичный молодой мальчик.
5. I really enjoyed the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, as it is extremely fast-paced and imaginative. – Мне действительно понравился новый фильм о Джеймсе Бонде “Квант милосердия”, так как он чрезвычайно динамичный и образный.
6. After a warm day yesterday, the snowfall today was completely unexpected. – После вчерашнего теплого дня снегопад сегодня был совершенно неожиданным.

Exercise 8. Daniel and Susan saw these two films last night. Use the adverbs in the box to say what they thought of each film. Then think of a film you’ve recently seen and describe it to your partner using the adverbs in the list.
Упражнение 8. Даниель и Сьюзан посмотрели прошлым вечером эти два фильма. Используйте наречия, чтобы выразить их мысли о фильмах. Затем вспомните какой-нибудь недавно просмотренный фильм и опишите его с использованием данный наречий.



totally (****)
rather (**)
extremely (***)
slightly (*)

spotlight 9 grammar check 5 exercise 8


Plot: extremely imaginative
Сюжет: крайне художественный (образный)

Characters: rather mysterious
Герои: весьма загадочные

Ending: totally predictable
Концовка: абсолютно предсказуема


Plot: rather imaginative
Сюжет: весьма художественный (образный)0

Characters: extremely mysterious
Герои: чрезвычайно загадочные

Ending: slightly predictable
Концовка: слегка предсказуема

Вариант своего фильма:
Pirates of the Caribbean is a totally action-packed film with a rather unusual plot. The characters are extremely interesting, especially Captain Jack Sparrow. The ending was extremely unusual with lots of surprises.

“Пираты Карибского моря” – это фильм, абсолютно насыщенный событиями с весьма необычным сюжетом. Герои чрезвычайно интересны, особенно Капитан Джек Воробей. Концовка была чрезвычайно необычная со многими сюрпризами.

Exercise 9. Read the interview and put the verbs brackets into the correct form.
Упражнение 9. Прочитайте интервью и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.


Interviewer: On the show Lost, Sawyer enjoys reading. Do you read a lot of books as well?
Josh: I must admit, I prefer (exercise) to (read).
Interviewer: You look fit, you must read a lot!
Josh: True, but I would rather (spend) more time with my family than at the gym.
Interviewer: Hawaii is a paradise. Could it be your permanent home?
Josh: Hollywood is where the business is, so I’d have to say that I would prefer (live) in California rather than (live) in Hawaii. However, I would sooner (surf) the Hawaiian waves than (have) a successful shopping trip on California’s Rodeo Drive.

Interviewer: On the show Lost, Sawyer enjoys reading. Do you read a lot of books as well?
Интервьюер: На шоу “Потерянный” Сойер наслаждается чтением. Вы также читаете много книг?
Josh: I must admit, I prefer exercising to reading.
Джош: Я должен признать, что предпочитаю физические упражнения чтению.
Interviewer: You look fit, you must read a lot!
Интервьюер: Вы выглядите спортивно, должно быть вы много читаете!
Josh: True, but I would rather spend more time with my family than at the gym.
Джош: Верно, но я скорее проведу больше времени с моей семьей, чем в спортзале.
Interviewer: Hawaii is a paradise. Could it be your permanent home?
Интервьюер: Гавайи – это рай. Могли бы они стать вашим постоянным домом?
Josh: Hollywood is where the business is, so I’d have to say that I would prefer to live in California rather than live in Hawaii. However, I would sooner surf the Hawaiian waves than have a successful shopping trip on California’s Rodeo Drive.
Джош: Голливуд – это центр бизнеса, поэтому я должен сказать, что я бы предпочел жить в Калифорнии, а не в на Гавайский островах. Хотя я бы скорее посёрфил на Гавайских волнах, чем отправился бы в шоппинг-тур на Родео-Драйв в Калифорнии.

Exercise 10. Ask and answer questions using would rather, prefer or would prefer and the prompts below. The choice of answers is yours.
Упражнение 10. Задайте вопросы, используя would rather, prefer или would prefer. Выбор ответа на ваше усмотрение.


1) football or basketball?
2) to have a salad or cheeseburger for dinner?
3) listening to music or watching TV?
4) have lunch at home or eat out today?
5) see a romantic comedy or see a horror film?
6) to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight?

1) football or basketball?
A: Do you prefer football or basketball? – Ты предпочитаешь футбол или баскетбол?
В: I prefer football to basketball. – Я предпочитаю футбол баскетболу.

2) to have a salad or cheeseburger for dinner?
A: Would you rather have a salad or a cheeseburger for dinner? – Ты бы предпочел на обед салат или чизбургер?
B: I would rather have a salad than a cheeseburger for dinner. – Я бы предпочитаю салат, а не чизбургер.

3) listening to music or watching TV?
A: Do you prefer listening to music or watching TV? – Ты предпочитаешь слушать музыку или смотреть телевизор?
B: I prefer listening to music than watching TV. – Я предпочитаю слушать музыку, а не смотреть телевизор.

4) have lunch at home or eat out today?
A: Would you rather have lunch at home or eat out today? – Ты бы лучше пообедала дома или где-нибудь сегодня?
B: I would rather have lunch at home than eat out at today. – Я бы лучше пообедала дома, а не где-нибудь сегодня.

5) see a romantic comedy or see a horror film?
A: Would you rather see a romantic comedy or see a horror film? – Ты бы лучше посмотрел романтическую комедию или фильм ужасов?
B: I would rather see a horror film than see a romantic comedy. – Я бы лучше посмотрел фильм ужасов, а не романтическую комедию.

6) to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight?
A: Would you prefer to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight? – Ты бы предпочел пойти в кино или в театр сегодня вечером?
B: I would prefer to go to the theatre than go to the cinema tonight. – Я бы предпочел пойти в театр, а не в кино сегодня вечером.

Read and complete the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets.
About us
ChildLine is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline that children and young people in the UK can call when they feel they have nowhere else to turn. Our 1,400 1)……..(train) counsellors comfort, advise and protect children with a wide range of problems such as bullying, serious family problems and worries about friends. For over 20 years, we 2)……..(save) children’s lives, helping homeless young people 3)……..(live) on the streets to find shelter, and simply giving hope to those who 4)……..(think) no one cared.
Facts & Figures
•    Every day, 5)……..(many) than 4,500 children and young people call ChildLine.
•    ChildLine has counselled around two million children and young people since 1986.
•    ChildLine receives almost three times as many calls from girls as from boys.
•    22% of callers are aged 5-11, 60% are aged 12-15 & 18% are aged 16-18.
•    About 550 teens per year call because of 6)……..(press) from exams.
Get Involved
Help beat bullying: Sadly, bullying is the 7)……..(common) problem that children call ChildLine about. We can send you an anti-bullying pack full of great activities, tips and ideas. Or why not fundraise for us during anti-bullying week and help us to raise money to answer calls from a further 1,000 children every day?
Start a peer support scheme: Young people can help each other! We can help you set up a ‘peer support scheme’ at your school and train volunteer pupils in 8)……..(listen), empathy1 and problem-solving skills.
Help us take more calls: Only around half of the young people who call us every day get through. You can help by making a 9)……..(donate) or even volunteering as a childline counsellor yourself.

Страница 94

1. Write the seasons. What season is it now? — Напишите названия времен года. Какое сейчас время года?

  1. summer; — лето
  2. winter;  — зима
  3. spring; — весна
  4. autumn. — осень

2. Circle the odd word out. — Обведите лишнее слово

  1. leaves; — листья
  2. shorts; — шорты
  3. caps; — кепка
  4. Alaska. — Аляска

3. Complete the gaps with the correct word. — Заполните пропуски правильным словом.

  1. A: What is the weather like in Edinburgh today?  — Какая погода сегодня в Эдинбурге?
    B: It’s very hot and sunny. — Очень жарко и солнечно.
  2. A: How do I look in this jumper? — Как я выгляжу в этом джемпере?
    B: You look lovely. It suits you perfectly. — Прекрасно. Он отлично идет тебе.

4. Write sentences using the present simple and present continuous. — Запишите предложения, используя Present Simple или Present Continuous.

  1. She usually wears trainers, but today she is wearing high heels. — Она обычно носит кроссовки, но сегодня она одела туфли на высоком каблуке.
  2. He usually watches TV, but today he is reading a book. — Он обычно смотрит телевизор, но сегодня он читает книгу.
  3. They usually wear blue shirts, but today they are wearing green ones. — Они обычно надевают синие рубашки, но сегодня они надели зеленые.
  4. We usually go swimming, but today we’re having a picnic. — Мы обычно ходим купаться, но сегодня у нас пикник.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. — Закончите предложения, используя правильную форму глагола в скобках.

  1. I don’t want to go out tonight as I am studying for a test at the moment. — Я сегодня вечером не хочу никуда выходить, поскольку я учу сейчас тест.
  2. My brother plays football every Sunday but this Sunday he is going camping. — Мой брат играет в футбол каждое воскресенье, но в это воскресенье он идет в поход.
  3. Rose is talking to that French tourist at the moment. She speaks French well. — Роза разговаривает с вон тем французским туристом сейчас. Она хорошо говорит по-французски.
  4. Tom is watching a film on television now. He doesn’t often do this. — Том смотрит сейчас фильм по телевизору. Он не часто делает это.

6. Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. — Используйте подсказки, чтобы закончить диалог.

A: Good morning, madam. How can I help you? — Доброе утро, мадам. Чем могу помочь?

B: I’m looking for a skirt, please. — Я ищу юбку.

A: The skirts are here. What size are you? — Юбки вот тут. Какой у вас размер?

B: I’m a 12. I like this one. How much is it? — 12. Мне нравится вот эта. Сколько она стоит?

A: It’s £45. — 45 фунтов.

B: Thanks, I’ll take it. — Спасибо, я беру её.


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  • Complete the dialogue with a word or phrase from the box
  • Complete the gaps with one word have you been to italy
  • Complete the dialogue using the words one word is extra
  • Complete the gaps with one word doctor
  • Complete the descriptions with word in exercise 1