Complete the gaps with a word or phrase from the box friend

1. Sheila felt quite awkward when she bumped into her ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend. — Шейла чувствовала себя неловко, когда она натолкнулась на своего бывшего парня с его новой девушкой.
2. It suddenly dawned on me that Kim had been right all along. — Мне вдруг стало ясно, что Ким всегда была права.
3. You look a bit run-down. Maybe you should take some extra vitamins. – Ты выглядишь изможденным. Может быть, вы должны принять некоторые дополнительные витамины.
4. When the police started asking questions, Joe felt compelled to tell the truth. — Когда полиция начала задавать вопросы, Джо был вынужден сказать правду.
5. Do we really have to fill in all these forms? It’s so tiresome. — Нужно ли нам заполнять все эти формы? Это так утомительно.
6. At first I thought this new computer game was fun, but now the novelty has worn off. — Сначала я подумал, что эта новая компьютерная игра была забавной, но теперь новинка стерлась.
7. Cherie seems quiet, but she can be very entertaining when the mood takes her. — Чери кажется тихой, но она может быть очень интересной, когда у нее есть настроение.
8. Paul and his friends gave an alluring performance of the song they had been practising. — Пол и его друзья дали очаровательное представление песни, которую они практиковали.

José Roberto Osornio Ch.




Listen to
the teacher giving students advice for exams and do the exercises to practise
and improve your listening skills.


Match the
vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

advice                                                                                     a.
very worried

2…H.. last
but not least                                                               
b. be attracted to doing something

3…B.. be
tempted to                                                                     c.
a good or full amount of

anxious                                                                                  d.
the act of doing something again

plenty of                                                                               
e. an opinion or recommendation about                                                                                                            what
someone should do

f. a short walk around your small section                                                                                                           of
the city

7…F.. a
stroll around the block                                                  g.
to put something over something so that                                                                                                       you
can’t see it

8…G.. to
cover something up                                                     h.
an expression used before the last thing                                                                                                        in
a list, to say that it is as equally as                                                                                                                    important

 Check your understanding: multiple choice  Circle the best answer to these questions.

1. The
teacher wants the students to …

a. take notes after she has finished speaking.

b. take notes while she is speaking.

c. forget about taking notes.

2. The
teacher suggests eating …

a. sugary snacks.

b. only apples.

c. fruit and cereals.

3. The
teacher suggests finding a study place with a lot of …

a. light.

b. space.

c. books.

4. If
students feel stressed they should …

a. go to bed.

b. go out for a walk.

c. drink some water.

5. Students
are advised to …

a. select the important things to learn.

b. read through everything once.

c. make notes about every topic.

6. The
teacher understands that repeating things can be …

a. difficult.

b. uninteresting.

c. tiring.

7. Students
can do past exam papers …

a. in the library only.

b. at home if they take photocopies.

c. in the after-school study group.

8. The
teacher recommends a break of five minutes every …

a. hour.

b. two hours.

c. thirty minutes.

9. It’s
important to …

a. eat regularly.

b. sleep when you feel tired.

c. keep hydrated.

10. The
teacher is sure that the students will …

a. pass their exams.

b. fail their exams.

c. do their best.


Listen to
the people discussing different problems and do the exercises to practise and
improve your listening skills.


Match the
two parts of the sentence to describe difficult situations. Write a – f next to
the numbers 1 – 6.

1…E.. Your
bus breaks                                                                                                 
a. dies.

2…C….. You
fail                                                                                                               b.
up with her.

3…A.. Your
dog                                                                                                c.
an exam.

4…B.. Your
friend’s boyfriend

breaks                                                                                                                                d.
your phone.

5…F.. You
leave your                                                                                                    e.
down and you are late                                                                                                                                           for

Someone steals                                                                                                
f. keys inside the house.

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

the gaps with a word or phrase from the box.


he failed his exam



her dog got hit by a

the mobile phone he
borrowed got stolen

1. The boy
is telling his ___mum________ that ____he failed his exam____________.

2. The girl
is telling her ___friend____ that _______her dog got hit by a car___.

3. The boy
is telling his ___dad_____ that ____the mobile phone her borrowed got stolen__.

3. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. A — The
boy revised all week for his Economics exam.                                True False

2. A — It
wasn’t an important exam.                                                                         True

3. A — His
mum is worried about the cost of retaking the course.                True False

4. B — The
girl and the dog were playing in the park.                                       
True False

5. B — She
took Bonzo to the vet’s straight away.                                               True False

6. B — She
had only had Bonzo for a short time.                                                 True False

7. C — The
boy was using the phone when someone stole it.                       
True False

8. C — The
boy thinks he would recognise the thief.                                          True False

9. C — The
dad will see if the phone is insured.                                                    True False


Listen to
the conversation about the human body and do the exercises to practise and
improve your listening skills.

Do the
preparation exercise before you listen. Then do the other exercises to check
your understanding.


Match the
vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–d next to the numbers 1–4.

1……D. cells
Very tiny creatures that live on plants or animals.

b. The smallest part of a chemical element.

3…A. mites                                                       
c. The simplest and smallest forms of life. They live in air,                                                                          water, soil, as
well as in humans and animals (dead or                                                                                  alive).
They are often the cause of disease.

4……B. atom                                                      d.
The smallest part of an animal or plant that can work

All plants and animals are made of these.

1. Check
your understanding: multiple choice

Do this
exercise while you listen. Circle the best option to complete these sentences.

1. Only
about one tenth of the cells in your body are …

a. alive.                b. really you.                    c. bacteria.

2. Bacteria
are mostly …

a. really helpful.                              b. bad for humans.                        c. neither good or bad.

3. Animals
need bacteria to …

a. fight
diseases.                             b.
provide energy.                         c. digest food.

4. You have
… cells in your body.

a. 7
million                         b. 7
trillion                         c. 7 octillion

5. Most of
the atoms are …

a. tiny cubes.                     b. not used.                                      c. empty space.

6. You
probably have mites in your …

a. hair.                                  b. ears.                                                c. eyelashes.

7. Mites
are very small creatures that are about …

a. 3
millimetres long.                     b. a third of a millimetre long.      c. 0.03 millimetres long.

8. Mites
eat …

a. dead skin.                     
b. your eyelashes.                         c.
tiny insects.

2. Check your understanding: gap fill typing

Do this
exercise while you listen. Complete the sentences with a word or words.

1. Only one
tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are ____bacteria_______.

2. An
experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria ______died_____ or had
to have a


3. There
are ____7___________ octillion cells in the human body.

4. Most of
the atoms in the human body are just empty _____space_______.

5. Without
the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring _____150___ of

either side.

6. You
would be much too small to ___see________.

7. Mites
are really small creatures, like ____insects_____.

8. They live
in eyelashes and _____eyebrows______.

9. Only
about _______50____ per cent of people have mites.

10. Mites
eat dead ____skin________.

must mustn’t (x2) have to don’t have to (x2) had to didn’t have to

1. You __________ smoke in the library.

2. It’s free to get in: you _____________ pay.

3. I missed my train and I ______________ wait half an hour for the next one.

4. It’s not a direct flight to New Zealand: you ______________ change planes at Bangkok.

5. There were only two people in front of me in the queue so I ____________ wait long.

6. Don’t cry, Jessica – you ____________play with John if you don’t want to.

7. Children ___________walk on the railway line.

8. I ___________ remember to post this letter.


Exercise 10. What advice would you give in the following situations? Use should.

1 Alan had a terrible quarrel with his wife at the weekend. It was his fault.

What do you think he should do? I think __he should apologize to his wife.________

2 Lane watches videos every night. She never goes out with her friends.

What advice do you give? I think _______________________________________________

3 David and Paula haven’t got much money. But they go out every night and spend money. At

the end of the month they can’t pay their gas and electricity bills. What advice would you


I don’t think ________________________________________________________________

4 Joseph is very intelligent, but he wants to leave school and get a job. His parents think he

should go to university. What do you think?

I think _____________________________________________________________________

5 Maria told me some interesting news last night, but she said, “Please, don’t tell anyone.” Now

Claire has asked me about Maria’s news. What do you think I should do?

I don’t think ________________________________________________________________

Картограммы и картодиаграммы Картограммы и картодиаграммы применяются для изображения географической характеристики изучаемых явлений…

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2 Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
can could doesn’t have to . had to . must should
1 Andy
2 I think he
3 He
4 Andy
5 You
6 Michelle
miss two competitions when he sprained his ankle last
buy a new costume if he gets into the final.
pay for the ticket to London as his dancing club will pay.
also dance really well to
very dedicated if you have a hobby like ballroom dancing.
dance really well when she was a baby too.
pop music.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

so many, too, much, many, enough, too much, so, such

как будет правильно

скажите пожалуйста

очень срочно нужно



это то?

too точно правильно

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  • Complete the gaps with a word from the box перевод
  • Complete the definitions with the given word
  • Complete the gaps with a word from the box they got
  • Complete the definitions with the adjectives from the word list
  • Complete the gaps with a word from the box one word is extra