Complete the gaps in the text with the word which

Task 1

Match the words with their opposites. Then write a sentence with each word combination.

1. huge

A. patiently

2. unimportant

B. ability

3. impatiently

C. valuable

4. excluded

D. significant

5. inability

E. ugly

6. beautiful

F. private

7. responsible

G. included

8. public

H. irresponsible

9. worthless

I. tiny

Task 3

Complete the text with the given words.

landscapes, watercolours, exhibition, skilled, drawings, still lifes, portraits, oils, display, techniques

Last weekend, my friend Larry and I went to an art 1. _______________. There were a variety of paintings and 2. _______________ on 3. _______________. There were true-to-life 4. _______________ of famous people, beautiful 5. _______________ of waterfalls and valleys, and also 6. _______________. For landscapes, most artists used 7. _______________, but some of them worked in 8. _______________. 9. _______________ artists use interesting 10. _______________ to show the shadows.

Task 4

Fill in the gaps with comparatives and superlatives.

By far, this drawing is _________________ (valuable) in my collection.
This gallery is _________________ (busy) one I’ve ever been to!
The colours on this painting are _________________ (warm) than on that one.
That was the _________________ (bad) technique I’ve ever seen.
Lorna is _________________ (talented) sculptor I’ve seen. She makes sculptures out of clay.
The lines in Picasso’s pictures were drawn much _________________ (accurately) than I expected.
Which of these two vases do you find _________________ (good)?
I think that painting with watercolours must be _________________ (difficult) than painting with oils.
You should study _________________ (carefully) to improve your skills.
This picture is _______________ (great) I’ve ever seen.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Перевод задания
Прочтите текст и заполните пробелы правильным словом.
Еда и приемы пищи в Англии
Завтрак: с 7.00 до 9.00.
Обед: с 12.00 до 13.30.
Ужин: с 18:30 до 20:00.
Типичный английский завтрак состоит из 1) _ миски хлопьев, ломтика тоста, апельсинового сока и чашки кофе. A 2) _ детей завтракают миской каши.
Большинство детей в школе и люди на работе едят упакованный ланч. 3) _ состоит из бутерброда, пачки чипсов, фруктов и напитка.
Типичная английская еда на ужин − мясо с овощами. Овощи, такие как картофель, морковь, горох, капуста 4) _ лук очень популярны 5) _ Англия.

A. some

B. a

C. an


A. much

B. many

C. lot


A. It

B. These

C. Those


A. and

B. or

C. but


A. at

B. on

C. in

1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A, 4 – A, 5 – C.
Meals & Mealtimes in England

Breakfast: Between
7.00 and 9.00 am

Lunch: Between
12.00 and 1.30 pm

Dinner: Between
6.30 and 8.00 pm

A typical English breakfast consists of
1) a bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. A 2) lot of children have a bowl of cereal.

Most children at school and people at work have a packed lunch.
3) It consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, fruit and a drink.

A typical English meal for dinner is meat with vegetables. Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages
4) and onions are very popular 5) in England.

Перевод ответа
Еда и приемы пищи в Англии
Завтрак: с 7.00 до 9.00.
Обед: с 12.00 до 13.30.
Ужин: с 18:30 до 20:00.
Типичный английский завтрак состоит из 1) миски хлопьев, ломтика тоста, апельсинового сока и чашки кофе. 2) Многие дети завтракают миской каши.
Большинство детей в школе и люди на работе едят упакованный ланч. 3) Он состоит из бутерброда, пачки чипсов, фруктов и напитка.
Типичная английская еда на ужин − мясо с овощами. Овощи, такие как картофель, морковь, горох, капуста 4) и лук очень популярны 5) в Англии.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the gaps in the text with a word derived from the words in brackets. Compare with your partner. Listen and check.

Ответ от эксперта

1 drasticallyрезко
2 anyoneлюбой
3 everyoneвсе
4 livingпроживающий
5 actionдействие
6 carefulосторожно
7 immediatelyнемедленно
8 includingв том числе
9 survivalвыживание
10 anythingничто
11 extinctionвымирание
12 beautifulкрасивый
13 someoneкто-либо
14 generationsпоколения

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Always walk on rough/abandoned/well-litstreets at night to be safe.

You can find posh/run-down/fully-furnished houses in rough In of cities with high crime.

He had city furniture, so he rented a abandoned/fully-furnished/ office house.

Wealthy people usually / in a big posh/ squat/ run-down house.

The council is in to renovate this old abandoned/ posh/ fully-furnished building and turn it into a youth centre.

In the industrial part of the city there are a lot of well-lit/ disused/ posh warehouses because businesses have moved away.

A office/ squat/ residential is a house where people live illegally.

In the business district there are a lot of huge run-down/ disused/ office buildings.

I live in a quiet residential/ disused/ abandoned area in the suburbs of a big city.

The shops in my town are located in a rough/pedestrianised/ squat area where cars arent allowed.

There is often a lot of crime and poverty in a well-lit/ posh/ rough neighbourhood, in a town or city.

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