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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
в английском языке.
2016г., г.о. Электросталь.
Подготовила учитель
английского языка
Соболева Алевтина Владимировна,
МОУ «Гимназия №4» -
2 слайд
Объект контроля?
выявление уровня сформированности навыков оперирования лексическими единицами на основе предложенных текстов.
3 слайд
Задание на словообразование предполагает:
1. Осознание строгого порядка слов в английском языке и умение определять место части речи в предложении.
2. Знание правил словообразования, понимание значения суффиксов и префиксов английского языка.
3. Соотнесение суффиксов с частями речи.
4. Знание особенностей написания слов английского языка. -
4 слайд
Словообразование-образование производных слов в языке.
суффиксы-после корняпрефиксы-
перед корнем
образование нового слова происходит путем соединением двух и более слов в одно составное слово:
week+ end=weekend
образование нового слова происходит путем перехода одной части в другую:
a pocket —> to pocket
work——> to work -
5 слайд
Суффиксы как элементы словообразования
Суффиксы глаголов: -ize/ise.
Суффиксы существительных:
-er/o r, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sion /tion , -ance/ence, -ment, -ity.
Суффиксы прилагательных: -у, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian /an , -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive.
Суффикс наречий: -ly -
6 слайд
Порядок слов часть речи
Read the sentences. Guess which part of speech you should use: Noun Adjective Adverb Verb.
Great Britain lies to the northwest of… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
1. Adjective 2. Adverb 3. Noun 4. Noun -
7 слайд
The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start a new year.
Most of England, Scotland and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic.
Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
The agency is led by its… (11).
5. Adjective 6. Adjective 7. Adjective 8. Adverb 9. Adjective 10. Adverb 11. Noun -
8 слайд
Choose the right word to complete each sentence.
Great Britain lies to the northwest o f… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start a new year.1. A. continental 2. C. annually 3. A. invitation 4. B. opportunity 5. B. logic
9 слайд
Choose the right word to complete each sentence.
Most of England, Scotland and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
The agency is led by its… (11).
6. B. respective 7. B. constitutional 8. B. particularly 9. B. religious 10. A. completely 11. A. administration -
10 слайд
VERBS —Suffixes ise/ize
Применение суффикса -ise или -ize, как правило, определяется американским или британским вариантами английского языка (-ize — американский вариант английского языка, -ise — британский вариант английского языка): organize, organise; recognize, recognise.
Но существуют глаголы, которые имеют закрепленное написание суффиксов, и менять их нельзя:
advertise, formalize, summarize.Suffixes ise/ize используются для образования глаголов на основе прилагательных и существительных и обозначают действия и процессы:
1 модель: NOUN + IZE /ISE
scandal + ize -> scandalize (возмущать, шокировать)2 модель: ADJECTIVE + IZE /ISE
formal + ize -> formalize(оформлять) -
11 слайд
Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below.
12 слайд
Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words above:
1. It is easier to demand an … than to deliver one.
a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
2. Much free television can already be watched … on computers and mobile phones.
a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
3. The cat and the dog live in … in the Jones’ household.
a. harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
4. The waiter … took the dish back to the kitchen and quickly brought Mr. Apple another one.
apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
5. We are happy to clarify this and … for the mistake.
a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
1. Apology, 2. Legally, 3. Harmonize, 4. Apologetically, 5. Apologise, -
13 слайд
6. They tend to … the situation and to hope for the best.
ideal b. idealize c. ideally
7. Even if the referendum itself does little, the vote will be of huge … importance.
symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
8. The paintings reflect the human effort to create a … blend of nature and art.
harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
9. It would be … if students could draw their diagrams on large pieces of construction paper.
a. ideal b. idealize c. ideally
10. W hat I did was perfectly … .
a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
11. Scientists don’t know what all these ancient drawings, called petroglyphs,….
a. symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
6. Idealize, 7. Symbolic, 8. Harmonious, 9. Ideal, 10. Legal, 11. Symbolize. -
14 слайд
Make new sentences using verbs (-ize, -ise) so they mean the same as the first ones.
Model: The realization that a catastrophe could occur at any time sobered (отрезвлять) them up. — They realized that a catastrophe could occur at any time and it sobered them up.
1. The main characteristic of her writings is an excellent taste.
2 . I gave my old friend a smile o f recognition.
3. He spoke with special emphasis on the subject of civil rights.
4. The owl is the symbol o f wisdom and learning.
5. The specialization of a lot of Portuguese restaurants is seafood. -
15 слайд
Check yourselves
1. That excellent taste characterizes her writings.
2. I recognized my old friend and smiled at him .
3. He emphasized the subject of civil rights in his speech.
4.The owl symbolizes wisdom and learning.
5. A lot o f Portuguese restaurants specialize in seafood. -
16 слайд
Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. Pay attention to the grammar tenses you should use.
1. Our restaurant___________ in one type o f m eat, so look for pictures of the animal you wish to eat before entering.
2. Yesterday he ___________ to his wife and children for losing his temper.
3. We___ just____________for the mistake and we promise that it won’t happen again.
4. H e ___________his company 50 years ago.
5. W e___________in the last meeting that the situation
was hopeless.
6. I’m certain in the future everyone_________ his actions.
1. specializes, 2. apologized, 3. have … apologized, 4. organized, 5. recognized, 6. will criticize.
17 слайд
Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 17-21 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
19 слайд
М.А. Бодоньи Английский язык. Словообразование.- Легион, 2013 год.
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Слайд 1Словообразование
в английском языке.
2016г., г.о. Электросталь.
английского языка
Соболева Алевтина Владимировна,
МОУ «Гимназия №4»
Слайд 2Объект контроля?
выявление уровня сформированности навыков оперирования лексическими единицами на основе предложенных
Слайд 3
Задание на словообразование предполагает:
1. Осознание строгого порядка слов в английском языке
и умение определять место части речи в предложении.
2. Знание правил словообразования, понимание значения суффиксов и префиксов английского языка.
3. Соотнесение суффиксов с частями речи.
4. Знание особенностей написания слов английского языка.
Слайд 4Словообразование-образование производных слов в языке.
суффиксы-после корня
перед корнем
образование нового слова происходит
путем соединением двух и более слов в одно составное слово:
week+ end=weekend
образование нового слова происходит путем перехода одной части в другую:
a pocket —> to pocket
work——> to work
Слайд 5
Суффиксы как элементы словообразования
Суффиксы глаголов: -ize/ise.
Суффиксы существительных:
-er/o r, -ness,
-ist, -ship, -ing, -sion /tion , -ance/ence, -ment, -ity.
Суффиксы прилагательных: -у, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian /an , -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive.
Суффикс наречий: -ly
Слайд 6Порядок слов часть речи
Read the
sentences. Guess which part of speech you should use: Noun Adjective Adverb Verb.
Great Britain lies to the northwest of… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
1. Adjective 2. Adverb 3. Noun 4. Noun
Слайд 7
The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start
a new year.
Most of England, Scotland and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic.
Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
The agency is led by its… (11).
5. Adjective 6. Adjective 7. Adjective 8. Adverb 9. Adjective 10. Adverb 11. Noun
Слайд 8
Choose the right word to complete each sentence.
Great Britain lies to
the northwest o f… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start a new year.
1. A. continental 2. C. annually 3. A. invitation 4. B. opportunity 5. B. logic
Слайд 9
Choose the right word to complete each sentence.
Most of England, Scotland
and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
The agency is led by its… (11).
6. B. respective 7. B. constitutional 8. B. particularly 9. B. religious 10. A. completely 11. A. administration
Слайд 10VERBS —Suffixes ise/ize
Применение суффикса -ise или -ize, как правило, определяется американским
или британским вариантами английского языка (-ize — американский вариант английского языка, -ise — британский вариант английского языка): organize, organise; recognize, recognise.
Но существуют глаголы, которые имеют закрепленное написание суффиксов, и менять их нельзя:
advertise, formalize, summarize.
Suffixes ise/ize используются для образования глаголов на основе прилагательных и существительных и обозначают действия и процессы:
1 модель: NOUN + IZE /ISE
scandal + ize -> scandalize (возмущать, шокировать)
2 модель: ADJECTIVE + IZE /ISE
formal + ize -> formalize(оформлять)
Слайд 11
Complete the following word chains using the words from the table
Слайд 12
Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in
the following sentences. Complete them using words above:
1. It is easier to demand an … than to deliver one.
a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
2. Much free television can already be watched … on computers and mobile phones.
a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
3. The cat and the dog live in … in the Jones’ household.
a. harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
4. The waiter … took the dish back to the kitchen and quickly brought Mr. Apple another one.
apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
5. We are happy to clarify this and … for the mistake.
a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
1. Apology, 2. Legally, 3. Harmonize, 4. Apologetically, 5. Apologise,
Слайд 136. They tend to … the situation and to hope for
the best.
ideal b. idealize c. ideally
7. Even if the referendum itself does little, the vote will be of huge … importance.
symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
8. The paintings reflect the human effort to create a … blend of nature and art.
harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
9. It would be … if students could draw their diagrams on large pieces of construction paper.
a. ideal b. idealize c. ideally
10. W hat I did was perfectly … .
a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
11. Scientists don’t know what all these ancient drawings, called petroglyphs,….
a. symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
6. Idealize, 7. Symbolic, 8. Harmonious, 9. Ideal, 10. Legal, 11. Symbolize.
Слайд 14Make new sentences using verbs (-ize, -ise) so they mean the
same as the first ones.
Model: The realization that a catastrophe could occur at any time sobered (отрезвлять) them up. — They realized that a catastrophe could occur at any time and it sobered them up.
1. The main characteristic of her writings is an excellent taste.
2 . I gave my old friend a smile o f recognition.
3. He spoke with special emphasis on the subject of civil rights.
4. The owl is the symbol o f wisdom and learning.
5. The specialization of a lot of Portuguese restaurants is seafood.
Слайд 15Check yourselves
1. That excellent taste characterizes her writings.
2. I recognized
my old friend and smiled at him .
3. He emphasized the subject of civil rights in his speech.
4.The owl symbolizes wisdom and learning.
5. A lot o f Portuguese restaurants specialize in seafood.
Слайд 16
Use the words given in capitals to form a word that
fits in the space in the text. Pay attention to the grammar tenses you should use.
1. Our restaurant___________ in one type o f m eat, so look for pictures of the animal you wish to eat before entering.
2. Yesterday he ___________ to his wife and children for losing his temper.
3. We___ just____________for the mistake and we promise that it won’t happen again.
4. H e ___________his company 50 years ago.
5. W e___________in the last meeting that the situation
was hopeless.
6. I’m certain in the future everyone_________ his actions.
1. specializes, 2. apologized, 3. have … apologized, 4. organized, 5. recognized, 6. will criticize.
Слайд 17
Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце
строк, обозначенных номерами 17-21 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Слайд 19Литература
М.А. Бодоньи Английский язык. Словообразование.- Легион, 2013
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Achievement |
Admire |
Belief |
Believable |
Consider |
Forgive |
Responsibility |
Respond |
Comparable |
Excitement |
Excite |
Adaptable |
Comprehension |
Comprehend |
Consideration, comparison, admiration, forgiveness, believe,
responsible, comprehensible, excitable, achieve, achievable, adapt,
adaptation, forgivable, compare, considerable, admirable
B. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol-
lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A.
I. Manypeople Striveforan… in business.
A. achievement b. achieve c. achievable
Adjectives ∣ 113 ∣ |
2. Her honesty in all that she does is truly… . |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. admiration b. admire c. admirable |
3. Do you… you could bear that patiently? |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. belief b. believe c. believable |
4. In a week the student can learn to write it with some little facility and to read it with… ease. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. consideration b. consider c. considerable |
5. In reality, the student spent over an hour in my office begging me for… . |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. forgiveness b. forgive c. forgivable |
6. Did she think that circumstances and not her own choice were… for her state of feeling? |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. responsibility b. respond c. responsible |
7. 1 know nothing to… with it, for he is a man of warmth. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3.. Adjective |
A. comparison b. compare c. comparable |
8. But all this series of nervous disturbances left her in a very impressible and… condition. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. excitement b. excite c. excitable |
9. Jane was not… to changes in her work contract. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. adaptation b. adapt c. adaptable
10. Although some of the earliest art remains… to us now, there is much which remains obscure.
A. comprehension b. comprehend c. comprehensible
137. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text.
One of the most important things a student should do is to take part in scientific projects. He can make himselfmore(1) by participating in confer- VISION (1) ences and workshops and publishing papers on his/her
Work. Attending conferences is(2). Students VALUE (2) should know some(3) recommendations for NOTABILITY (3) preparing the talk. They should make this impression
As positive as(4). It is(5) to use POSSIBILITY (4) appropriate examples and pictures and to make sure REASON (5) that the slides are(6). Besides, it is impor — READ (6) tant to give(7) examples. SUIT (7)
Suffix —Ive
Модель образования:
позволяет образовать относительные прилагательные
Creative — творческий
Native — родной
138. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes.
1. destruct |
A. generative |
2. act |
B. destructive |
3. correct |
C. active |
4. addict |
D. productive |
5. decorate |
E. appreciative |
6. initiate |
F. corrective |
7. generate |
G. addictive |
8. Create
9. appreciate
10. product
139. A. Read the following words. Pay attention to their meaning. Answer the questions below.
Decisive, active, aggressive, attentive, possessive, interrogative, affirmative, sensitive, respective, passive, creative, legislative, persuasive, conservative, administrative, talkative, cooperative, elective, narrative, intensive, exclusive, executive
1. Which of these adjectives can be used to describe people’s behavior?
2. Which of these adjectives are linguistic terms?
3. Which of these adjectives can be used to describe traits of character?
4. Which of these adjectives can be used to describe political systems?
5. Which of these adjectives can be used to describe a personal speech?
B. Find their related words from the table.
Aggression, decision, act, attention, passivity, possess, interrogation, affirm, sense, respect, create, legislate, cooperate, talk, persuade, conserve, administrate, elect, narrate, execute, intense, exclusion
140. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix — ive?
С. guilt-
С. decept-
C. pare nt-
C. object-
С. correct — d. expens — d. insist — d. initiat — d. resent — d. exhaust-
141. Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below.
Related words |
Adjective (-ive) |
Select |
Legislate |
Progress |
Compare |
Communicate |
Relate |
Generate |
D |
G |
P |
R |
O |
G |
R |
E |
S |
S |
I |
V |
E |
F |
I |
P |
K |
H |
Y |
D |
I |
A |
E |
S |
U |
O |
P |
G |
D |
O |
P |
L |
E |
G |
I |
S |
L |
A |
T |
I |
V |
E |
B |
N |
O |
P |
Y |
A |
B |
I |
E |
I |
S |
O |
V |
N |
E |
C |
O |
M |
M |
U |
N |
I |
C |
A |
T |
1 |
V |
E |
V |
U |
F |
O |
D |
N |
M |
T |
T |
X |
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A |
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A |
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1 |
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L |
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1 |
V |
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X |
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I |
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I |
S |
B |
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I |
O |
D |
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P |
A |
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V |
B |
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I |
P |
D |
T |
N |
O |
A |
D |
N |
Y |
M |
E |
142. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Appreciation |
Appreciative |
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Conclude |
Destruction |
Indicate |
Inclusion |
Inclusive |
Offence |
Offensive |
Persuade |
Communication |
Persuasion, offend, destruct, conclusion, destructive, communicative,
compete, indicative, indication, persuasive, communicate, include,
selection, appreciate, competitive, conclusive
8. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A.
People told me over and over how much more… they were of life, how they wanted to learn. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. appreciation b. appreciate c. appreciative
2. We offer a large… of over 20 tennis skirts, tennis dresses, tennis shirts. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. selection b. select c. selective
3. They faced tough. a good cause. |
. but in the end they knew it was for |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. competition b. compete c. competitive
4. The blood tests made a… diagnosis. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. conclusion b. conclude c. conclusive
5. The… from the war was massive and was hard to repair. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. destruction b. destruct c. destructive |
6. When a traffic light turns red, it… the motorist must stop. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. indication b. indicates c. indicative |
7. The shy child sought… in play activities but didn’t know how to join the group. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. inclusion b. include c. inclusive |
8. There was something… in their proposale. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. offence b. offend c. offensive |
9. It is not impossible to write a brilliant… essay on social injustice. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. persuasion b. persuade c. persuasive |
10. The language course is based on a highly… method in small groups. |
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective |
A. communication b. communicate c. communicative
143. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text.
Bright colors are considered(1). If you examine the correlation between color and mood, you’ll discover that bright colors tend to be more energetic and(2). In fact, bright colors provide(3) atmosphere. Neutral colors
Are considered(4). They tend to be calm, PASSIVITY (4)
(5) and even provoke(6) be — SENSE (5)
Havior. AGGRESSION (6)
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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах.
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Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк? Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.
Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью.
Размещено 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от gumbabble301
Ответ на вопрос
Ответ на вопрос дан
ПепперRobin Hood lives in Sherwood Forest; loyal to King Richard; honest.
Sheriff of Nottingham lives in Nottingham Castle; loyal to Prince John; evil.
Ответ на вопрос
Ответ на вопрос дан
gumbabble301А как ты не зная текста можешь дать ответ?но все равно большое спасибо
Ответ на вопрос
Ответ на вопрос дан
ПепперКак можно не знать текста Дюма о Робин Гуде?
Не тот ответ на вопрос, который вам нужен?
Найди верный ответ
Самые новые вопросы
Математика — 2 года назад
Сколько здесь прямоугольников
История — 3 года назад
Какое управление было в древнейшем риме? как звали первого и последнего из царей рима?
Литература — 3 года назад
Уроки французского ответе на вопрос : расскажите о герое по следующему примерному плану: 1.почему мальчик оказался в райцентре ? 2.как он чувствовал себя на новом месте? 3.почему он не убежал в деревню? 4.какие отношения сложились у него с товарищами? 5.почему он ввязался в игру за деньги? 6.как характеризуют его отношения с учительницей ? ответе на эти вопросы пожалуйста ! сочините сочинение пожалуйста
Русский язык — 3 года назад
Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили
Русский язык — 3 года назад
Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума
Русский язык — 3 года назад
помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2)
Физика — 3 года назад
Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно
Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.
1. Лексика. Заполнить диаграммы, используя слова из вставки и добавляя некоторые слова, которые подходят в каждую группу.
Крикет, езда на велосипеде, дзюдо, хоккей, гимнастика, регби, парусный спорт
катание на коньках, плавание, настольный теннис, гиревой спорт, борьба
Do: gymnastics, judo, weightlifting, wresting, cheerleading, athletics, boxing
Заниматься: гимнастикой, дзюдо, гиревым спортом, борьбой, черлиндингом, атлетикой, боксом
Play: cricket, rugby, hockey, table tennis, football, tennis, golf
Играть: в крикет, в регби, в хоккей, в настольный теннис, в футбол, в теннис, гольф
Go: swimming, sailing, boxing, skiing, skating, figure skating, synchronized swimming, weightlifting, wrestling
Идти: плавать, заниматься парусным спортом, заниматься боксом, заниматься горнолыжным спортом, заниматься катанием на коньках, заниматься фигурным катанием, заниматься синхронным плаванием, заниматься гиревым спортом, заниматься борьбой
2. Словообразование.
1) Заполните таблицу словами, используя суффиксы ниже.
Суффиксы существительных:
-ment, -ing, -ence, -cy, -tion
Суффиксы прилагательных:
-ing, -ed, -ive
Суффиксы наречий:
2) Что необходимо для того, чтобы стать хорошим серфером? Завершите предложения, используя слова из таблицы на странице 49.
0) Если Вы хотите хорошо заниматься серфингом, Вы должны усердно тренироваться.
1) Необходимо координировать свои движения и движения океана.
2) Научиться сохранять равновесие на доске не так сложно.
3) Физическое развитие очень важно.
4) Вы должны быть дисциплинированными и точными.
5) Вы должны точно и терпеливо проделывать то, что говорит Вам тренер.
6) Необходимо участвовать в разных соревнованиях.
1) Coordinate (координировать);
2) balance (сохранять равновесие);
3) development (развитие);
4) disciplined, accurate (дисциплинированный, точный);
5) accurately, patiently (точно, терпеливо);
6) competitions (соревнования)
1. Vocabulary. Complete the diagrams with the words from the box and add some other words that fit to each group.
cricket cycling judo hockey gymnastics rugby sailing
skating swimming table tennis weightlifting wrestling
2. Word building.
1) Complete the table with the words using the suffixes below.
noun suffixes:
-ment, -ing, -ence, -cy, -tion
adjective suffixes:
-ing, -ed, -ive
adverb suffix:
2) What is necessary to do to become a good surfer? Complete the sentences with the words from the table on page 49.
0) If you want to surf well, you should train hard.
1) It is necessary to coordinate your movement and the movements of the ocean.
2) To learn to balance on the board is not so difficult.
3) Physical development is very important.
4) You have to be disciplined and accurate.
5) You should accurately and patiently do everything your coach tells you to do.
6) It is necessary to take part in different competitions.
На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 8 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Решебник ГДЗ English», которая была написана автором/авторами: Кузовлев. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.
application, experience, interview, section, CV.
thought it would be quite easy to find a job when I left school but
it’s been really difficult. I look through the job (1) ….. in the
local paper every week but everybody seems to want people with lots
of (2)…. And I didn’t do very well at school. I’ve sent my
(3)….. to dozens of companies in the local area but nobody has got
back to me. I must have filled in at least thirty (4)….. forms and
I’ve only had one reply. I went for an (5) ….. last week but it
didn’t go very well – they said they wanted someone with more
(6)…. But I’ve never had a job! Sometimes I wonder if I ‘ll
ever find anything.
Use the correct forms of the verbs to complete these sentences:
send it off findgo
into fill in apply for
I left university six months
ago and I still ……. a job. It’s more difficult than I thought
it would be. -
I’ve ….. a part-time
job. I hope I get it – it’s four afternoons a week. -
I’m not really sure what I
want to do when I leave school. I might …. banking like my Dad. -
I’ve ….. the application
form and ….., so now I,ve just got to wait until I hear from
them. -
I can’t believe it.
They’ve ….. me that job in New York. They want me to start next
Use the words to complete the adverts:
Local hotel ….. cleaner
Monday – Friday. 9 a.m. – 1p.m. Good ….. of pay. Tel: 01345
876 545
Full-time ….. in busy car
hire company. To start immediately. Computer skills essential. …..
according to age and experience.
Busby’s on 01267 435 985.
Sales assistant
The successful ….. must be
hardworking, responsible and honest. Previous ….. is an advantage
but full ….. will be given.
….. to: Mr P Dale, Tel.
01274 768 231.
….. position for three
months to replace nurse on maternity …. .
Fill in the collocations.
Take on, living, get/have,
offered, work.
I’d love to (1)….. a job
in journalism, but it’s not easy without qualifications. Since I
have to earn a (2)….. somehow, I’ll have to get a (3)…..
wherever I can find it. I’ve been (4)….. some part-time work
editing a typescript for a book, but I’m not sure I want to (5)…..
it … .
Below you will read some extracts from job advertisements. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the following box. Use each item once only.
competitive ability clear contact experience |
new 200-seat restaurant is opening in May and we are looking for
waiters, waitresses and
1)……… .
If you are a friendly and 2)……… person who is not afraid of
3)……… r
we have the job and
hours to 4)………
more information, 5)……… Helen at 443621.
6) …….. for a 7) …….. Typing and shorthand between 80 and
120 wpm. We will give…….. to applicants who have experience
of using word processors and computers.
want a positive person who is 9)………to work hard and can use
their own 10)………You
must be lively and have a good sense of humour and a 11)………
speaking voice.
will receive 12)…. to
enable you to inform 13)……… of the benefits of advertising
with us.
resume to:
14) …….. will have had 15) ….. of book-keeping and banking
position calls for VDU and secretarial 16)
….. plus the 17) …….. to work as part of a 18) ……..
19) ….. salary is offered as well as a company 20)……. .
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Choosing the words
Choose the correct answer.
The actual/aware answer to this question is very simple.
I have an anticipation/bar that everything is going to be OK.
There is a hidden passage behind the faint/arch.
My sister is afraid of flicker/darkness.
The light in this room is too dim/apparently.
The exact deepness/convey of this crack is still unknown.
Spelling the words
Fill in the gaps.
Everything seems unrecognisable in the
People usually turn on the
in the evening.
I heard your
when I was downstairs. What were you talking about?
It is very uncomfortable to ride a horse without a
The main
of this theory is very simple.
My grandpa was a wonderful
. He used to tell wonderful stories.
Matching the words
Match the words with their meanings.
рассказчик, повествователь
шепот, приглушенный голос
Completing the table
Complete the table with the words below.
Brass |
Be |
Starting |
Time |
Twinkling |
Loud |
Choosing the words
Match the pictures and the words.
Single answer
Choose the correct answer.
Look at you, you are very
. You need to eat something.
is a person who knows history very well.
figures are very expensive.
I need a
to make a scientific experiment.
I thought I saw an
of my mother in the darkness.
You should use a
to attach this part.
Crossing out
Cross the odd ONE out.
Luminous, light, flicker, intellect
Tap, starting lever, narrator, quartz rod
Leap, outline, hop, spin
Drop, hazy, dim, greyness
Ivory, quartz, brass, aware
Completing the table
Complete the table with the words below.
a |
drop |
a |
rail |
a |
rod |
a |
lever |
Single answer
Choose the right answer.
I can’t find a
to fix the table.
The system is
. It works fine.
Turn on the
, I can’t see a thing.
in my university has the latest equipment.
I have recently seen a very scary
My mother is a
. She works at the national museum.
Filling the gaps
Complete the text.
I was not when I it happened.
Each of water is important in the dessert.
I saw a brass on the staircase.
Google is creating an artificial .
There are many statues in this palace.
This river is wide in spring.
Choosing the words
Choose the right answer.
There is a luminous/motion sign with the number of the house on the door.
My record leap/murmur is 120 cm.
I have never ridden a horse without a historian/saddle.
According to the motto of the sportswear company, “Motion/headlong is life”.
It is hard to take pictures in the merge/dim light.
I hate greyness/convey of this city.
Completing the table
Fill in the words to make the phrases.
actual |
brass |
flickering |
quartz |
starting |
be |
Matching the phrases
Match the phrases to get the sentences.
of this problem is really simple.
devoted to the mother of the leader of the band.
Filling the gaps
Choose the right answer.
Yesterday I a very interesting movie. The story tells us about an old man whose is «Doctor» and about a teenager whose name is Marty. Doctor invents a time machine which looks like a real car and wants to test it, but goes wrong and Marty realises that he is in the past. The film itself is called «Back to the future.» I watching this film if you want to have some and if you are a fan of science fiction.