Complete the following sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets

Английский язык,

вопрос задал suvakov7189,

4 года назад

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 5d.

Exercise 1. Label the pictures with the buildings below.
Упражнение 1. Соотнесите картинки со строениями и названия.


• hall • stable • cottage • greenhouse • manor • shed

Spotlight 11 Workbook 5d

1) greenhouse – парник
2) stable – конюшня
3) cottage – коттедж
4) hall – холл
5) shed – сарай
6) manor – поместье, усадьба

Exercise 2. Complete the gaps with the words below.
Упражнение 2. Вставить слова в пропуски.


• thriving • pasture • fate • tended • estate • ornamental

1) The gardener __ to the roses by the side of the house.
2) They think it was __ that brought them together.
3) The company is __ thanks to the success of its new product.
4) My garden is full of __ plants.
5) From the farmhouse window, the children could see the cattle grazing in the __.
6) Mr. Smith owns a large __ in West Yorkshire.

1) The gardener tended to the roses by the side of the house. – Садовник наклонился к розам сбоку у дома.
2) They think it was fate that brought them together. – Они думают, что их свела сама судьба.
3) The company is thriving thanks to the success of its new product. – Компания процветает благодаря успеху ее нового продукта.
4) My garden is full of ornamental plants. – Мой сад полон декоративных растений.
5) From the farmhouse window, the children could see the cattle grazing in the pasture. – Из окна фермерского дома дети могли видеть скот, пасущийся на пастбище.
6) Mr. Smith owns a large estate in West Yorkshire. – Мистер Смит владеет большим имением в Уэст-Йоркшире.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words In brackets.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слово из скобок так, чтобы оно подходило в контекст.


1) Ben was full of (apprehend) as he opened the envelope with his exam results.
2) Luckily, Betsy doesn’t have any (trouble) students in her class.
3) Many people favour a 20 mph speed limit in (resident) areas.
4) “James will be the best (represent) for our company at the conference,” Sally said to her boss.
5) “Let me know if you require any (assist) filling out the form,” said the bank manager.
6) Queen Elizabeth II of England is a direct (descend) of Queen Victoria.

1) Ben was full of apprehension as he opened the envelope with his exam results. – Бен был полон дурных предчувствий, когда она открыла конверт с результатами экзамена.
2) Luckily, Betsy doesn’t have any troublesome students in her class. – К счастью, у Бетси в классе нет проблемных учащихся.
3) Many people favour a 20 mph speed limit in residential areas. – Многие люди поддерживают ограничение скорости в 20 миль в час в населенных районах.
4) “James will be the best representative for our company at the conference,” Sally said to her boss. – “Джеймс будет самым лучшим представителем нашей компании на конференции”, – Салли сказала своему начальнику.
5) “Let me know if you require any assistance filling out the form,” said the bank manager. – “Дайте знать, если вам понадобится помощь в заполнении этого бланка”, – сказал менеджер банка.
6) Queen Elizabeth II of England is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria. – Королева Англии Елизавета II – это прямой потомок Королевы Виктории.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition below.
Упражнение 4. Вставить правильный предлог.


• from • of • off • for • by • with

1) Sarah just took it __ granted that she would pass the exams.
2) I was surrounded __ so many people at the concert that I could hardly move.
3) Ask the bus driver which stop to get __ at if you aren’t sure.
4) The Great Wall of China is visible __ space.
5) Brian thinks the best croissants outside __ France are made in England.
6) The living room is fitted __ a new carpet.

1) Sarah just took it for granted that she would pass the exams. – Сара посчитала само собой разумеющимся, что она сдаст экзамены.
2) I was surrounded by so many people at the concert that I could hardly move. – На концерте меня окружало столько людей, что я едва мог двигаться.
3) Ask the bus driver which stop to get off at if you aren’t sure. – Спроси водителя автобуса, на какой остановке выходить, если ты не уверен.
4) The Great Wall of China is visible from space. – Великая китайская стена видна из космоса.
5) Brian thinks the best croissants outside of France are made in England. – Брайан думает, что лучшие рогалики за пределами Франции делают в Англии.
6) The living room is fitted with a new carpet. – В жилой комнате есть новый ковер.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the following words/phrases.
Упражнение 5. Вставить в предложения данные слова и фразы.


• gazing • in sight • fell in • emerald • in full view • by hook or by crook

1) The __ forest near the Collin farm is full of pine and oak trees.
2) After some disagreement, he finally __ with her plans.
3) Lisa was determined to get the job __.
4) It wasn’t difficult to locate the inn as the sign was placed __.
5) He looked around for help. Unfortunately, there was no one __.
6) She sat there for hours just __ out the window.

1) The emerald forest near the Collin farm is full of pine and oak trees. – Изумрудный лес рядом с фермой Коллин полон сосен и дубов.
2) After some disagreement, he finally fell in with her plans. – После небольшого спора он наконец согласился с ее планами.
3) Lisa was determined to get the job by hook or by crook. – Лиза была решительно настроена получить эту работу всеми правдами и неправдами.
4) It wasn’t difficult to locate the inn as the sign was placed in full view. – Было нетрудно определить место расположения отеля, так как вывеска была видна как на ладони.
5) He looked around for help. Unfortunately, there was no one in sight. – Он оглянулся в поисках помощи. К несчастью, никого не было видно.
6) She sat there for hours just gazing out the window. – Она сидела там в течение многих часов, просто пристально смотря из окна.


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    Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.
    1) He’s got a friendly…………..(personal)
    2) ………….. is a characteristic a robot must have.(loyal)
    3) To develop a video game, you need knowledge and…………….(create)
    4) In the future, robots may develop.(conscious)
    5) Some people believe that robots will fight humans for world…………. one day.(dominate)

    Автор: Гость

    Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


    1) He’s got a friendly…..(personality)
    2) ………….. is a characteristic a robot must have. (loyalty)
    3) To develop a video game, you need knowledge and …. . (creativity)
    4) In the future, robots may develop. (consciousness)
    5) Some people believe that robots will fight humans for world…………. one day. (domination)

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