Complete the following sentences with the correct word derived from the given words

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6 Vocabulary Practice.

Exercise 1. Fill in: take your pick, efficient, mate, peaks, whistling, breed, drilling, conveyed.
Упражнение 1. Вставить take your pick, efficient, mate, peaks, whistling, breed, drilling, conveyed.


1) Consumers want to buy __ heating systems that are also environmentally friendly.
2) “__ . They’re all delicious!” said the baker proudly.
3) A male pigeon helps its __ guard the nest.
4) To get her attention, Bob put his lips together and started __ .
5) High mountain __ are often covered with snow.
6) __ for oil at sea destroys marine habitats and threatens aquatic life.
7) Her look __ a lot of anger.
8) Snakes __ during spring.

1) Consumers want to buy efficient heating systems that are also environmentally friendly. – Потребители хотят покупать эффективные обогревательные системы, которые не вредят окружающей среде.
2) “Take your pick. They’re all delicious!” said the baker proudly. – “Берите. Они вкусные!” – гордо сказал пекарь.
3) A male pigeon helps its mate guard the nest. – Голубь-самец помогает своей самке охранять гнездо.
4) To get her attention, Bob put his lips together and started whistling. – Боб сложил губы и начал свистеть, чтобы привлечь ее внимание.
5) High mountain peaks are often covered with snow. Высокие горные вершины часто покрыты снегом.
6) Drilling for oil at sea destroys marine habitats and threatens aquatic life. – Бурение морского дна для добычи нефти разрушает морскую среду обитания и угрожает акватической жизни.
7) Her look conveyed a lot of anger. – По ее взгляду было понятно, что она рассержена. (Досл.: Ее взгляд нес много гнева.)
8) Snakes breed during spring. – Змеи размножаются во время весны.

Exercise 2. Match to form collocations. Use them to complete the following sentences.
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите слова и используйте полученные сочетания в предложениях.


1) air
2) sound
3) smoke
4) awarded
5) sea
6) modern

a) a medal
b) signals
с) mammal
d) technology
e) waves
f) mail

1) The __ gave birth to its young cub near the shore.
2) Advances in __ have made our lives easier.
3) I sent the parcel by __ so it should be with you in a few days.
4) The young man was __ for his bravery.
5) The shipwrecked boys made __ to alert rescuers.
6) To locate objects in the dark, bats produce __ and listen for echoes.

1) air mail – воздушная почта
2) sound waves – звуковые волны
3) smоke signals – дымовые сигналы
4) awarded a medal – награжденный медалью
5) sea mammal – морское млекопитающее
6) modern technology – современная технология

1) The sea mammal gave birth to its young cub near the shore. – Это морское млекопитающее родило своего малыша возле берега.
2) Advances in modern technology have made our lives easier. – Прогресс в современной технологии сделал нашу жизнь легче.
3) I sent the parcel by air mail so it should be with you in a few days. – Я отослал посылку по авиапочте, так что она должна быть у тебя через несколько дней.
4) The young man was awarded a medal for his bravery. – Молодого человека наградили медалью за его храбрость.
5) The shipwrecked boys made smоke signals to alert rescuers. – Мальчики, потерпевшие кораблекрушение, подавали дымовые сигналы, чтобы предупредить спасателей.
6) To locate objects in the dark, bats produce sound waves and listen for echoes. – Для определения местоположения объектов в темноте летучие мыши издают звуковые волны и слушают эхо.

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слово таким образом, чтобы оно подходило в контекст.


1) Many countries protect sites of __HISTORY__ and cultural significance.
2) Some military __OPERATE__ involve the testing of new machinery or explosives.
3) __ENVIRONMENT__ fear that the recent oil spill will kill the majority of marine life in the area.
4) International __AGREE__ need to be signed in order to protect endangered species around the globe.
5) Please pack up all the sports __EQUIP__ before you leave.
6) China’s __POPULATE__ increases by about 10 million a year.
7) The __ISLAND__ greeted the tourists with Hawaiian flower necklaces as they got off the cruise ship.
8) This man claims to be a direct __DESCEND__ of Isaac Newton.

1) Many countries protect sites of historical and cultural significance. – Многие страны защищают места исторической и культурной значимости.
2) Some military operations involve the testing of new machinery or explosives. – Некоторые военные операции включают в себя тестирование новых машин и взрывчaтки.
3) Environmentalists fear that the recent oil spill will kill the majority of marine life in the area.
4) International agreements need to be signed in order to protect endangered species around the globe.
5) Please pack up all the sports equipment before you leave.
6) China’s population increases by about 10 million a year.
7) The islanders greeted the tourists with Hawaiian flower necklaces as they got off the cruise ship.
8) This man claims to be a direct descendant of Isaac Newton.

Exercise 4. Fill in: invasions, occupation, intense, stranded, fainty drastic, revive, fluently.
Упражнение 4. Вставить invasions, occupation, intense, stranded, fainty drastic, revive, fluently.


1) The sound of the engine grew __ as the car sped off into the distance.
2) Don’t make any __ decisions. Wait until you have calmed down.
3) Alexander the Great was in power during the Macedonian __ of Persia.
4) Several well-known science fiction movies are about alien __ .
5) The shipwrecked survivors were __ on the desert island for ten days before they were rescued.
6) Fortunately, efforts to __ the extinct language were successful.
7) Mr. Brown is a translator who can speak four languages __ .
8) Nick suddenly felt an __ pain in his chest.

1) The sound of the engine grew faint as the car sped off into the distance. – Звук машины становился слабее, когда она устремилась в даль.
2) Don’t make any drastic decisions. Wait until you have calmed down. – Не принимай резких решений. Подожди, пока успокоишься.
3) Alexander the Great was in power during the Macedonian occupation of Persia. – Александр Великий был у власти во время македонской оккупации Персии.
4) Several well-known science fiction movies are about alien invasions. – Несколько хорошо известных научно-фантастических фильмов посвящены вторжению инопланетян.
5) The shipwrecked survivors were stranded on the desert island for ten days before they were rescued. – Потерпевшие кораблекрушение находились на необитаемом острове в течение десяти дней, пока их не спасли.
6) Fortunately, efforts to revive the extinct language were successful. – К счастью, усилия по оживлению мертвых языков привели к успеху.
7) Mr. Brown is a translator who can speak four languages fluently. – Мистер Браун – это переводчик, который может говорить на четырех языках бегло.
8) Nick suddenly felt an intense pain in his chest. – Ник внезапно почувствовал сильную боль в груди.


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    • 0

    Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.
    1. I haven’t written his phone number down but I’ve … it.
    2. Mark has bought an old house which he is going to … .
    3. Derek refused to … for his rude behavior.
    4. She … with him when he lost his job.


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    • 0


    Memory — memorize(d)       Память — запомнить (я запомнил)

    Modern — modernize         Современный — модернизировать

    Apology — appologize       Извинения — извиняться

    Sympathy — sympasize(d)  Сочувствие-сочувствовать (она сочувствовала)

    1. I haven’t written his phone number down but I’ve memorized it.

    2. Mark has bought an old house which he is going to modernize.

    3. Derek refused to appologize for his rude behavior.

    4. She sympasized with him when he lost his job.

    • Комментариев (0)

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