Complete the following sentences using the appropriate word from the box

Большой теннис,
широко распространен, гонка на лодках,
любительский, ежегодный, игра на открытом
воздухе, люди среднего возраста,
крупнейшие мировые турниры, охота на
лис, легкая атлетика, велоспорт, иметь
много общего, плавательный бассейн.

b) Find
in the text words and expressions close in meaning to the following:

rest, to
like, every year, tournament, to visit, obligatory, prominent,
almost, remarkable, lately, to differ, outdoor game.

  1. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words from the box below:

originator, boat race, to distinguish, open-air game, spectator,
amateur, spectacular, annually, equestrian, rowing, to attend

  1. A _______
    sport is characterized by the presence of watchers.

  2. _________
    sports are sports in which participants engage largely without

  3. The United
    Kingdom is a ________ of International competitions.

  4. ________
    is a sport in which the boats are propelled by the reaction forces
    on the oar blades as they are pushed against the water.

  5. Every fan
    dreams ________ Word Cup final.

  6. _________
    sports combine the beauty and power of the horse with the skillful
    manipulation of the course by the rider.

  7. Knock-out competitions are
    held _________.

  8. Great Britain was the
    _________ of football, hockey, tennis and other sports.

  9. Football
    is one of the most __________ games.

  10. It is
    necessary to ___________ lawn tennis from table-tennis.

  11. The
    Oxford-Cambridge __________ is a traditional annual rowing race
    between teams from Oxford University and Cambridge University.

  12. Rugby is an ________ played
    with an egg-shaped ball.

  1. Match the following words and expressions with their definitions:


boat race


a person
who watches at a show, game, or other event




the act
of sitting and controlling the movement of an animal (typically a




a race
between rowing crews




a person
who takes part in something




point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived




the sport of operating or
riding in a sailboat




receive pleasure or satisfaction from smth.




a game
played on a large open-air course, in which a small hard ball is
struck with a club into a series of small holes in the ground, the
object being to use the fewest possible strokes to complete the




when one is not working or occupied; free time




a game played with rackets
by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net
that divides the court




sport or pastime of propelling a boat by means of oars




a team
game played with an oval ball that may be kicked, carried, and
passed from hand to hand

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47 месяцев назад

My sister is . . . . . . over the phone. 3. Our relatives are . . . . . . . 4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family. 5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . . 6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do. 7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones. 8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy. 9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . . 10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays. 11. We like our house . . . . . . . 12. Our college group is . . . . . . . a. cleans the rooms b. fond of chatting c. feel at ease d. considerate and helpful e. have my duties about the house f. to be tidy g. a professional h. look after i. supports j. do a lot of work about the house k. to go shopping l. intelligent m. united n. East or West, home is best o. our free time


1. Welcome to my house! Feel at ease.

2. My sister is fond of chatting over the phone.

3. Our relatives are considerate and helpful.

4. My mother is very intelligent, she is the brain of our family.

5. Our parents arrange our free time.

6. My friend supports me in everything I do.

7. In my family the elder children look after the younger ones.

8. All members of our family do a lot of work about the house, so we are always very busy.

9. My favorite pastime is going shopping.

10. Anna seldom cleans the rooms on Sundays.

11. We like our house to be tidy.

12. Our college group is united

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1. Welcome to my house!

. . .

. . .

! 2. My sister is .

. . .

. . over the phone.

3. Our relatives are .

. . .

. . .

4. My mother is very .

. . .

. . , she is the brain of our family.

5. Our parents arrange .

. . .

. . .

6. My friend .

. . .

. . me in everything I do.

7. In my family the elder children .

. . .

. . the younger ones.

8. All members of our family .

. . .

. . , so we are always very busy.

9. My favourite pastime is .

. . .

. . .

10. Anna seldom .

. . .

. . on Sundays.

11. We like our house .

. . .

. . .

12. Our college group is .

. . .

. . .

A. cleans the rooms b.

Fond of chatting c.

Feel at ease d.

Considerate and helpful e.

Have my duties about the house f.

To be tidy g.

A professional h.

Look after i.

Supports j.

Do a lot of work about the house k.

To go shopping l.

Intelligent m.

United n.

East or West, home is best o.

Our free time.

На этой странице находится вопрос Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
и похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, которые можно найти с помощью
простой в использовании поисковой системы. Уровень сложности вопроса
соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В комментариях,
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ними можно обсудить тему вопроса в режиме on-line. Если ни один из
предложенных ответов не устраивает, сформулируйте новый вопрос в поисковой
строке, расположенной вверху, и нажмите кнопку.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
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  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
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  • Бизнес и финансы
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  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1. Welcome to my house! . . . . . . !
2. My sister is . . . . . . over the phone.
3. Our relatives are . . . . . . .
4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family.
5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . .
6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do.
7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones.
8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy.
9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . .
10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays.
11. We like our house . . . . . . .
12. Our college group is . . . . . . .

a. cleans the rooms
b. fond of chatting
c. feel at ease
d. considerate and helpful
e. have my duties about the house
f. to be tidy
g. a professional
h. look after
i. supports
j. do a lot of work about the house
k. to go shopping
l. intelligent
m. united
n. East or West, home is best
o. our free time<span>


1 ответ:



1) c
2) b
3) d
4) l
5) o
6) i
7) h
8) j
9) k
10) a
11) f
12) m
e, g и n не пригодились

Читайте также

Галылэо Галилэи ливд эт а тайм оф Рэнэйсанс эн аутстэндин пэриод ин мэнкайндс хистори. Галилэи уознт онли э сайнтист профэсор оф физикс энд мэфимэтикс эт пиза юниверсити энд Падуа Юниверсити бат олсо э критик оф офишл вьюс ин сайнс. Хи дискаврэд зэ бэйсик лоус оф комлэкс фомс оф моушн. Галилеи из фэймоус нот онли фо хис эстаблишмэнт оф фандумьэнтал консепшнс оф кинемэтикс энд динамикс сач эс спид энд аксэльэрэйшнс бат олсо фо зэ эстаблишмэнт оф дженерал принципэлс оф клэсикл михэникс . Уи ноу Галилэи эс зэ фаундэр оф зэ мап оф зэ ворлд э мап зэт из констэнтли гроуинг энд бикаминг мо экюрэйт. Риэл ворлд фэйм кейм то Галилэо онли ин сикстин тэн(1610) уэн хи констрактыд зэ фёст тьэлэскоуп ин зэ ворлд. Уиз зыс инстумент хи дискавэрд сэйтлайтс оф Юпитэр. зэ фэйзыс оф Винус энд зэ спотс ин зэ Сан. Хи миашард зэ хай оф зэ маунтэйнс он зэ муун уиз грэйт аккюрэси энд прувд зэт зэ Милки Уэй уознт милки сплит бай зэ Мадонна бат э джиджэнтик конгломирэйшн оф старс. Я В ДЕВЯТОМ КЛАССЕ!!!!

Задание 3
anger — гнев
sadness — грусть
happiness — счастье
pride — гордость
jealousy — зависть
embarrassment — смущение

второе не могу, но думаю там в таком порядке: loss, along, split, have, fallen

1. In September in New Delhi, India’s capital, will host an international exhibition. She will tell visitors about the achievements of industry and agriculture, and the successes that are made in different countries of the world in the field of science and art. 2. I need to contact the firm «Brawndy & K» as soon as possible. 3. This year the company is going to present to the world market a new model of computer. 4. Concerts Bolshoi Theatre has always enjoyed great success. 5. Pictures of the young artist caught the attention of many visitors

Я еду с родителями в горы, мы устраиваем пикник по дороге закупив продукты.Обычно праздники я праздную с родителями.Иногда вместо гор мы едем в развлекательный центр или сидим дома и встречаем гостей.Я очень люблю праздники.


1 —, a 2 a 3 a, — 4 —, a 5 a 6 — 7 a 8 the … the 9 a 10 —


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