Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the word

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. She was a kind and ………………… woman. (cheer)

2. The rich man was not very ……………….. (mercy)

3. I want to visit all ………………… places in India. (interest)

4. Several important ………………….. concepts originated in India. (mathematics)

5. The big home was not …………………. to us. (afford)

6. The leaves on the ivy branch were very ………………….. (notice)

7. The soldiers fought ………………….. (courage)

8. The sweeper found him lying ……………….. in his room in wet clothes and shoes. (help)

9. We are …………………. with your work. (impression)

10. Everybody seeks attention and …………………. (appreciate)


1. She was a kind and cheerful woman.

2. The rich man was not very merciful.

3. I want to visit all interesting places in India.

4. Several important mathematical concepts originated in India.

5. The big home was not affordable to us.

6. The leaves on the ivy branch were very noticeable.

7. The soldiers fought courageously.

8. The sweeper found him lying helpless in his room in wet clothes and shoes.

9. We are impressed with your work.

10. Everybody seeks attention and appreciation.

1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to

2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can

3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t

4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could

5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to
c) needn’t

6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must
b) should
c) need to

8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must

9. You … smoke so much.
a) would
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should

2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.

3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.
2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it?
3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you?
4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments.
5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.

Правильные ответы:

1. Закончите следующие предложения, используя наиболее подходящие формы глаголов.

1. c | 2. a | 3. c | 4. a | 5. b | 6. a | 7. b | 8. c | 9. c | 10. b

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. You must stop smoking.
2. The party was great. You should have come.
3. You can solve this problem.
4. You ought to visit your sick friend.
5. You ought to have visited your sick friend, but you didn’t.
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. I had to do that.
8. I don’t know why we hurried. We needn’t have hurried.
9. I’d like to go with you.
10. You may do everything you want.
11. Olga needs to pay more attention to her English classes.
12. I’m not sure but he may be wrong.
13. He was allowed to borrow his father’s car last Friday.
14. I can count to fifty in Spanish.

3. В каждом предложении есть ошибка. Исправьте ошибки.

1. may — must
2. must — can
3. would — can
4. can to play — can play
5. didn’t can — couldn’t


Exercise 1.Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. I ……………….. John tomorrow. a) see b) am seeing c) will see

2. What ……………………. this evening? a) will you do b) are you doing c) do you do

3. . I ……………………. you tonight. a) am phoning b) will phone с) phone

4. The train …………………….. at half past six tomorrow morning. a) is leaving b) leaves c) will leave

5. I ………………….. probably ………. home late tonight. a) will come b) am coming c) come

6. Nobody …………………… what happened to her. a) is ever knowing b) will ever know c) knows

7. I …………………….. you if you say that word again. a) am hitting b) will hit c) am going to hit

9. ‘-You can have it for $100.’ ‘-OK. I ……………………. it.’ a) am buying b) will buy c) am going to buy

Exercise 2. Use Pr. Cont, Pr.Simple, be going to or Future Simple.

1. You must be hungry. I __________ you a sandwich. (make)

2. Your bag looks heavy. I __________ it for you. (carry)

3. Look! That driver is going the wrong way! He __________ an accident. (cause)

4. – Mrs Smith phoned while you were out. — Thanks for telling me. I __________ her back in a few minutes. (call)

5. — I was going to make salad, but we’re out of tomatoes. -No problem. I __________ to the shop. (go)

6. I expect the president __________ us of his decision at the meeting. (inform)

7. We __________ to a Japanese restaurant tomorrow night. (go) Would you like to join us?

8. There is a lot of work to do yet. I __________ the report by Monday. (finish/probably)

9.- Why are you buying so much meat? -I ________ my friends to have dinner. (invite)

10. – There’s someone at the door, but I’m washing the dishes at the moment. — OK. I __________ who it is.(see)

11. Hurry up! The concert _________ in 20 minutes. (start)

1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to

2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can

3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 

4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could

5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to 
c) needn’t

6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must 
b) should
c) need to

8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must

9. You … smoke so much.
a) would 
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should

2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.

3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.
2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it?
3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you?
4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments.
5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.

Правильные ответы:

1. Закончите следующие предложения, используя наиболее подходящие формы глаголов.

1. c | 2. a | 3. c | 4. a | 5. b | 6. a | 7. b | 8. c | 9. c | 10. b

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. You must stop smoking.
2. The party was great. You should have come.
3. You can solve this problem.
4. You ought to visit your sick friend.
5. You ought to have visited your sick friend, but you didn’t.
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. I had to do that.
8. I don’t know why we hurried. We needn’t have hurried.
9. I’d like to go with you.
10. You may do everything you want.
11. Olga needs to pay more attention to her English classes.
12. I’m not sure but he may be wrong.
13. He was allowed to borrow his father’s car last Friday.
14. I can count to fifty in Spanish.

3. В каждом предложении есть ошибка. Исправьте ошибки.

1. may — must can to play-can play did not can –couldn’t/
2. must — ca

Этап урока

Ход урока

Режим работы

1.Организационный момент


1. Introduction. Today we are having a grammar lesson. It will be devoted to modal verbs in the English language.

Let’s begin our lesson with the revision of the modal verb that you know well and use every day at our lessons.



2. Начало урока

Warming up

Students name the modal verb with the most common examples:

— May I come in? / May I go out?
— Can I ask you a question?
— Must we do this exercise now?
— Etc.


3. Основная часть


Individual work


Summing up the lesson

Home assignment

Saying good-bye

Let us think! What modal meanings we express when we use these modal verbs?

(учащиеся догадываются о модальных значениях перечисленных модальных глаголов из ситуаций, в которых они используются, и называют значения способности, возможности, обязательности или вероятности в зависимости от приведенного примера). Учитель также предлагает учащимся выполнить упражнение 2 (стр.279) и сформулировать правила употребления модальных глаголов в английском языке

And now let us summarize all our knowledge in one table that will help us work afterwards: Students study the table and the examples

And now let us practice what we have just learned. Students do exercises (Ex. 3,4,5 p.280-282) individually, in pairs and in class. (Students give their translation and their understanding of the sentences).

Today we have discussed modal verbs and their equivalents, we have also touched upon their modal meanings in different sentences. If you have questions, you may ask me. Students usually want to know about the frequency of usage of the modal verbs in English. It is necessary to say that modal verbs are widely used in different situations in English because of the variety of modal meanings. Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write the home assignment for the next lesson.

(The teacher gives the home assignment and finishes the lesson).

Thank you for you work and attention see you tomorrow, children!


St ↔T
St ↔T

T ↔Cl
T↔St1, T ↔St2





Modal verbs do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive.
There are twelve modal verbs in English. They are can (could),may (might), must (to be to, to have to), should, ought to, shall, will (would), need, dare.

Modal verb and its equivalent

Modal meanings


To be able to

1. physical or mental ability
2. possibility
3. permission
4. prohibition (in negative sentences = нельзя, не надо)
5. strong doubt
6. reproach or surprise (with perfect infinitive)

1. I can skate. Soon he will be able tospeak English quite fluently.
2. Everybody can make a mistake. The railways could be improved. The sea canbe rough.
3. You can go now!
Can I ask you a question?
4. You cannot do that!
5. He can’t be working at this time!
6. You could have told me about it!

You can’t have spent all the money, I’ve given you a lot!

Collocations with can:
I can’t help laughing.
We cannot but hope he is right.
One cannot but wonder.

To be allowed to

1. permission
2. possibility
3. prohibition
(in negative sentences = не смей!!!)
4. uncertainty
5. reproach or uncertainty (with perfect infinitive)

1. May I go out? Might I interfere?
(might is more polite)
2. You may find all these books in our library.
3. You may not touch this!
4. He might be at home, but I am not sure.
5. You might have helped me.
They might have gone on holiday.

To be to
To have to

1. obligation or necessity
2. prohibition
(in negative sentences)
3. near certainty
(a past action with the perfect infinitive)

1. You must do your home work!
You were toread this book. 
What am I to do?
What is to become of me?
Where am I to go?
(necessity or obligation arising out of an arrangement or plan)
Will I have to go there alone?
(obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances)
2. You must not cross the street here!
3. She must be packing for the trip now.
They must have gone home by now. 


1. necessity (in questions and negative sentences)
2. absence of necessity (in negative sentences)

1. Need we do the exercises now?
2. You need not have brought your friend here! ( with perfect infinitive – зря, незачем было)

Ought to

1. moral duty or obligation
2. advice
3. reproach or criticism
( with perfect infinitive)

1. You should be careful talking to him. (следует)
2. You ought to see a doctor.
3. You should have stayed at home!


1. promise, oath or strong intention
2. threat or warning
3. a suggestion or offer

1. It shall be done as you wish.
2. That day shall come.
3. Shall we begin?

 And now let us practice what we have just learned.

I. Give the modal meaning of the verbs:

  1. He cannot speak German.

  2. He might be in his office.

  3. You may go home now.

  4. Could you show me the way to the supermarket?

  5. You ought to take more exercise.

  6. She should not have told you that.

  7. You don’t have to apologize.

  8. I could not find my socks.

  9. She must have left her bag on the train.

  10. You need not buy any bread, we have got plenty.

  11. We can go to the beach if you like.

  12. You should consult with the doctor.

  13. You must not make any noise.

  14. You may retake the exam later.

  15. You must have any form of identification.

II. Change the following sentences using the equivalents of the modal verbs and the Past or Future Simple Tense:

  1. You must practice you reading every day.

  2. She can translate this article without a dictionary.

  3. The doctor must examine the child.

  4. I may stay out late at weekends.

  5. He can’t join the party, he is busy.

  6. We must be there at five o’clock.

  7. You can’t take the dog to the shop.

III. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb as in the example:

Example: It is not possible that he has finished already.
He can’t have finished already.

  1. It was not necessary for you to give him a present.

  2. I advise you to stop eating chocolate.

  3. I insist on you doing your homework.

  4. It was wrong of him to kick this dog.

  5. It is possible that she has already phoned him.

  6. I will take the dog out if you like.

  7. Will you let me speak to John, please?

  8. It is possible that he is lying.

  9. He was not able to write until he was eight.

  10. Talking is not permitted during the test.

  11. It would be a good idea for you to give up smoking.

  12. I am sure that she has gone home.

  13. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that.

  14. It is not possible for me to come to the party tonight.

  15. He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week.

  16. It is not possible that you have spent all the money.

 I’ve given you a lot.

  1. I advise you to consult the doctor.

  2. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom.

  3. Dogs are prohibited here.

  4. Were you able to speak Spanish last year?


Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами

1. Choose the correct form of the verb:

She ________________ that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

А) made him promise
Б) made him promised

В) promised to make

2. Choose the correct form of the verb:

My tooth still hurts. I have to get a dentist ___________ soon.

А) look at it
Б) to look at it
В) to get it looked at it

3. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.

А) can’t
Б) couldn’t have
В) hasn’t been able to

4. Choose the correct form of the verb:

I will not ______________ with this!

А) make you get away
Б) let you get away
В) get you get away

5. Choose the correct word:

Please have him ________ me by seven.

А) to call
Б) call
В) have called

6. Choose the most appropriate answer:

Allow me ________ you.

А) helping
Б) to help
В) help

7. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.

А) could
Б) am able to
В) can

8. Choose the correct form of the verb:

I ______________ a couple of days ago.

А) had my bike to be fixed
Б) had my bike fix
В) had my bike fixed

9. Choose the most appropriate answer:

I didn’t mean ________ you. Please forgive me.

А) to hurt
Б) hurt
В) hurting

10. Choose the most appropriate answer:

Don’t forget _________ some bread. We don’t have any left.

А) buy
Б) buying

В) to buy

11. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.

А) were to
Б) had to

В) could

12. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.

А) couldn’t, could
Б) can, was able
В) can, couldn’t

Ответы к олимпиаде по английскому языку 11 класс

Номер задания Правильный ответ
1 А
2 Б
3 В
4 Б
5 Б
6 Б
7 А
8 В
9 А
10 В
11 А
12 В

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку 11 класс

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: ila533334


Автор ответа: Selestina317
















Автор ответа: Lil666Unicorn


1. couple

2. voyage

3. quiet

4. altogether

5. travels

6. rather

7. except

8. sick

9. waiting

10. quite

11. journey

12. together

Предыдущий вопрос

Следующий вопрос

Интересные вопросы

Предмет: Математика,
автор: al3196370

Номер 1236 , 1237 помогите пожалуйста дам 40 баллов

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Предмет: Литература,
автор: Annushka090

Иван Федорович шпонька и его тетушка, краткое содержание, обезательно 5 предложений, своё!!! Не из интернета!!!!!

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Предмет: Українська література,
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Предмет: Физика,
автор: KalashnikovAlex

Заряженное тело массой m=10мг и зарядом q=2мкКл движется в электрическом поле с ускорением а=20м/с2. Чему равна напряженность электрического поля?

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Предмет: Литература,
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6 лет назад



Размещено 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от laslnagy195

  1. Ответ на вопрос

    Ответ на вопрос дан

    развёрнутый вопрос
    не понятно

  2. Ответ на вопрос

    Ответ на вопрос дан

    Что это такое может есть более развернутый ответ

Не тот ответ на вопрос, который вам нужен?

Найди верный ответ

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 2 года назад

Сколько здесь прямоугольников


История — 3 года назад

Какое управление было в древнейшем риме? как звали первого и последнего из царей рима?


Литература — 3 года назад

Уроки французского ответе на вопрос : расскажите о герое по следующему примерному плану: 1.почему мальчик оказался в райцентре ? 2.как он чувствовал себя на новом месте? 3.почему он не убежал в деревню? 4.какие отношения сложились у него с товарищами? 5.почему он ввязался в игру за деньги? 6.как характеризуют его отношения с учительницей ? ответе на эти вопросы пожалуйста ! сочините сочинение пожалуйста


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума


Русский язык — 3 года назад

помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) ​

Аккаунт удален

Физика — 3 года назад

Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно


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Here are some verb phrases with DO and MAKE:

DO means to carry out a specific action

Do one’s best/worst
Do a lot of damage
Do exercise
Do harm
Do a crossword
Do (the) housework
Do research
Do the, etc. shopping
Do a subject at school
Do badly/well
Do (also make) a translation
Do a favour
Do an examination
Do homework
Do one’s hair
Do someone a good turn
Do one’s duty
Do repairs
Do business
Do sth for a living
Do lessons
Do miracles
Do right/wrong
Do a service
Do a job
Do the washing-up, etc.

MAKE means to create, manufacture, prepare

Make an attempt, effort
Make a cake, pizza
Make coffee/tea
Make one’s way back/home
Make an excuse
Make a loss
Make fun of sb/sth
Make a mess
Make a mistake
Make the most (of something)
Make money
Make progress
Make an excuse
Make an offer
Make marks on the wall
Make the beds
Make a profit
Make a bargain/agreement
Make a compliment
Make a will
Make arrangements
Make peace/war
Make preparations
Make a speech
Make trouble
Make a discovery, etc.

Phrasal Verb

Do away with sb/sth
Do sb out of sth
Do without sth/sb
Do sth up
Do up sth
Could do with sth
Do with sth

Make away with sth
Make for somewhere

Make of sth
Make off (with sth)
Make out sth
Make sth out
Make up sth


abolish, get rid of sb/sth
cheat sb
manage to live without sb/sth
fasten, tie sth
repair, redecorate sth
need, want sth
have a connection with sth

steal sth
move towards somewhere

understand, interpret sth
steal sth and) leave quickly
be only just able to
hear, see, understand sth
invent an excuse, etc.

1. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate
form of do or make.

1) Her job has something to _____ with marketing.

2) Girls _____ up half of the students in the school.

3) You’ll have to _____ without your dinner if you don’t get back
in time.

4) She sits in front of the mirror for ages _____ herself up.

5) The government have decided to _____ away with the old tax law.

6) When the bell rang, the students _____ for the door.

7) Let’s _____ the store room into an extra kitchen, shall we?

8) Speak louder – I can’t _____ out what you’re saying.

9) _____ up your coat – it’s cold.

10) I was _____ out of ten pounds in the shop this morning.

11) They mugged the old lady and _____ off with her handbag.

12) If you _____ your best to explain the problem, I’m sure she’ll

13) What did the robbers _____ off with?

14) It’s about time you _____ some exercise – you’re getting a
bit overweight.

15) I don’t know what to _____ of Christina’s odd behaviour lately.

16) I could have _____ with more help.

17) I don’t believe him – he’s _____ it up!

18) How many times a week do you _____ the shopping?

19) You must _____ a decision now.

20) To _____ a fortune you have to _____ a lot of hard work.

21) I _____ an appointment to see the optician.

22) After he _____ his homework, he found he _____ a mistake.

23) This drug can _____ miracles for people with back problems.

24) They _____ a lot of changes in the town centre recently.

25) You _____ the right thing by telling the police.

26) He _____ an archaeological discovery.

27) After being ill for two weeks, he is now _____ an excellent

28) She _____ a lot of research in the field of medicine.

29) I _____ an arrangement to meet him at the cinema yesterday.

30) It is important that you _____ exercise in order to keep fit.

31) All that smoking _____ you harm.

32) He _____ an excuse and left the office in a hurry.

33) I always tried _____ my best, but she was never satisfied.

34) He _____ some research into ancient religions at the moment.

35) If you don’t _____ an effort, you won’t _____ any progress.

2. Put the following words and phrases under the correct
heading DO or MAKE.

a journey, progress, business, harm, a speech, one’s best, a will, a
mistake, fun of someone, the garden, a good job, a complaint, the shopping, arrangements,
a favour, a bargain, the washing-up, repairs, the beds, a fuss, one’s duty, someone a
good turn, an exercise, a nuisance of oneself, an effort, one’s hair, an impression,
one’s homework, an examination, a profit, an appointment, badly, coffee, a difference, a
dress, a living, marks on the wall, a phone call, a profit, a suggestion, well, a loss,
Maths, money, Physics, some work, French, sth for a living, the dishes, a decision, a
crossword, changes, an excuse, damage to, an experiment, a fortune, a joke, sure, trouble,
lessons, research, preparations, a success of sth

3. Fill in the gaps in the following text with one suitable word.
Overdoing it.

“OK, you can _____(1) your shirt up now,” said Doctor Hymes. He had
just given me a thorough check-up and was _____(2) detailed notes on a big sheet of paper.

“What do you _____(3) of it all, doctor?” I asked anxiously.

“Well, the first thing is that you could _____(4) with a good rest.
You’ve been overdoing it a bit, haven’t you?” I admitted. I had been _____(5) a lot
of overtime recently. I had taken a lot on and had _____(6) a bit of a mess of it all and
was suffering from stress. He agreed that that probably had a lot to _____(7) with it. I
had also _____(8) the mistake of starting to smoke again; in fact my diet was now largely
_____(9) up of coffee and cigarettes. The doctor then reminded me that coffee did a lot of
_____(10) to our nervous system and, of course, cigarettes _____(11) a lot of damage to
the whole system. He said I should try and _____(12) without coffee for a few days and
make a serious _____(13) to cut out smoking altogether.

“And make _____(14) you have a proper meal every day,” he warned.
His last piece of advice was that I should find time to _____(15) some jogging every day.
I promised him I’d _____(16) my best.


1. 1. do; 2. make /made; 3. do; 4. making; 5. do; 6. made; 7.
make; 8. make; 9. Do; 10. done; 11. made; 12. do; 13. make; 14. did; 15. make; 16. done;
17. making; 18. do; 19. make; 20. make, do; 21. made/have to make/’ll make; 22. had
done, had made; 23. do; 24. have made; 25. did/have done; 26. made/has made; 27. making;
28. does/did/has done; 29. made; 30. do; 31. is doing/does/did; 32. made; 33. to do; 34.
is doing; 35. make, make

2. Make: a journey, progress, a speech, a will, a
mistake, fun of someone, a complaint, arrangements, a bargain, the beds, a fuss, a
nuisance of oneself, an effort, an impression, a profit, an appointment, coffee, a
difference, a dress, a living, marks on the wall, a phone call, a profit, a suggestion, a
loss, money, a decision, changes, an excuse, a fortune, a joke, sure, trouble,
preparations, a success of sth

Do: business, harm, one’s best, the garden, a good job, the
shopping, a favour, the washing-up, repairs, one’s duty, someone a good turn, an
exercise, one’s hair, one’s homework, an examination, badly, well, Maths, Physics,
some work, French, sth for a living, the dishes, a crossword, damage to, an experiment,
lessons, research

3. 1. do; 2. making; 3. make; 4. do; 5. doing; 6. made; 7. do;
8. made; 9. made; 10. harm; 11. do; 12. do; 13. effort; 14. sure; 15. do; 16. do

Compiled by Elena Kisunko,
Moscow, School No. 651,
Elena Muslanova,
Moscow, Lyceum No. 1537

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