1 Заполните диалог, используя следующие пары слов.
1 A: Не могли бы вы, пожалуйста, уменьшить громкость музыки немного? Она очень громкая!
B: Не волнуйтесь, я собираюсь выходить сейчас, поэтому я выключу ее.
2 A: Как вы думаете, должна ли я написать второй припев этой песни еще раз?
B: Не полностью, только последнее слово в первой строчке. Остальное хорошо.
3 A: какую песню Марк исполняет на соревнованиях завтра? Which song is Mark singing at the competition tomorrow?
B: Ту, что он напевал последние 3 дня!
4 A: Брэд играл на гитаре тематический мотив из Розовой Пантеры все утро!
В: Я знаю. Он говорит, он любит эту мелодию.
5 A: Ты не слышал, как Карла готовилась к сегодняшнему вечернему концерту?
B: Да. У нее невероятный голос! Я могу слушать ее весь день!
1 turn… down, turn… off
2 verse, line
3 singing, humming
4 tune, melody
5 hear, listen
1 Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs.
1 A: Can you please turn your music down a bit? It’s very loud!
B: Don’t worry, I’m going out now, so I’ll turn it off.
2 A: Do you think I should write the second verse of this song again?
B: Not all of it, just the last word in the first line. The rest of it is fine.
3 A: Which song is Mark singing at the competition tomorrow?
B: The one he’s been humming for the last three days!
4 A: Brad’sbeenplay1ngthetheme tune to The Pink Panther on his guitar all morning!
В: I know. He says he loves the melody.
5 A: Did you hear Karla practising for tonight’s concert?
B: Yes. She has the most incredible voice! I could listen to her all day!
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Вопрос от пользователя
Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs.
1 A: Can you please turn your music down a bit? It’s very loud!
B: Don’t worry, I’m going out now, so I’ll turn it off.
2 A: Do you think I should write the second verse of this song again?
B: Not all of it, just the last word in the first line. The rest of it is fine.
3 A: Which song is Mark singing at the competition tomorrow?
B: The one he’s been humming for the last three days!
4 A: Brad’sbeenplay1ngthetheme tune to The Pink Panther on his guitar all morning!
В: I know. He says he loves the melody.
5 A: Did you hear Karla practising for tonight’s concert?
B: Yes. She has the most incredible voice! I could listen to her all day!
Ответ от эксперта
1 turn… down, turn… off
2 verse, line
3 singing, humming
4 tune, melody
5 hear, listen
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Контрольная работа по 5 модулю к УМК Spotlight 9. Время на выполнение теста ограничено (30 мин)
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Match the two columns.
Варианты ответов
- guest
- anonymous
- still
- difficulties
- artist
- creativity
Вопрос 2
Complete the sentence with the word below.
Joshua’s work is sure to ………….. the judges at the art competition. The first prize is his!
Варианты ответов
- impress
- remove
- host
Вопрос 3
Complete the sentence with the word below.
Photographer Sam Kabula will ………… a new photography show on Channel 4 this summer
Варианты ответов
- impress
- remove
- host
Вопрос 4
Complete the sentence with the word below.
A teen spray-painted some graffity on my garage door and it took me two hours to ……….. it!
Варианты ответов
- impress
- remove
- host
Вопрос 5
Complete the sentence with the word below.
Does this painting ………….. the artist’s sister at a very young age?
Варианты ответов
- host
- portray
- add
Вопрос 6
Complete the sentence with the word below.
This wall painting by a famous artist will ………… great value to the house, when they decide to sell it.
Варианты ответов
- host
- portray
- add
Вопрос 7
Choose the odd word out.
lawyer ——— director ——— author ——— playwright
Вопрос 8
Choose the odd word out.
action ———— folk ———— comedy ———— thriller
Вопрос 9
Choose the odd word out.
tune ——— melody ——— composer ——— song
Вопрос 10
Choose the odd word out.
dull ———— creative ———- unimaginative ———— boring
Вопрос 11
Choose the odd word out.
merchant ———— trader ———- moneylender ———— photographer
Вопрос 12
Complete the sentence with verb derived from the word in bold in its correct forms.
The foreign actor is difficult to understand because he ……….. (pronounce) many English words.
Варианты ответов
- dispronounse
- dispronounses
- mispronounse
- mispronounses
Вопрос 13
Complete the sentence with verb derived from the word in bold in its correct forms.
Citizens of the town worked together to ………… (build) the cinema that a fire had burnt down.
Варианты ответов
- rebiuld
- overbuild
- building
Вопрос 14
Complete the sentence with verb derived from the word in bold in its correct forms.
My art teacher asked me to ……… (do) my drawing because I had made some mistakes.
Варианты ответов
- overdo
- redo
- underdo
Вопрос 15
Complete the sentence with verb derived from the word in bold in its correct forms.
I know you ………… (like) Henry, but it was veru rude of you to tell him that he’s a bad photographer.
Варианты ответов
- dislike
- mislike
- overlike
Вопрос 16
Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs.
A: Can you please ……….. your music ……. a bit? It’s very loud!
B: Don’t worry, I’m going out now, so I’ll ………. it ……… .
Варианты ответов
- turn off, turn down
- turn down, turn off
- turn down, turn down
Вопрос 17
Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs.
A: Do you think I should write the second ………… of this song again?
B: Not all of it, just the last word in the first …………. . The rest of it is fine.
Варианты ответов
- line, line
- line, verse
- verse, line
Вопрос 18
Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs.
A: Did you …………….. Karla practising for tonight’s concert?
B: Yes. She has the most incredible voice! I could …………….. to her all day!
Варианты ответов
- hear, listen
- hear, hear
- listen, hear
Вопрос 19
Put the adjective in the correct form (comparative or superlative) to complete the sentence.
This is by far …… (bad) concert I’ve ever been to. It is far too crowded and the sound is terrible!
Вопрос 20
Put the adjective in the correct form (comparative or superlative) to complete the sentence.
Jake has started his school exams, so now he has much …………. (little) time to spend on his favourite hobbies.
Вопрос 21
Put the adverb in the correct form (comparative or superlative) to complete the sentence.
You may find it difficult now, but with a little more practise, you’ll be able to paint landscapes ………… (easily).
Вопрос 22
Put the adverb in the correct form (comparative or superlative) to complete the sentence.
Out of all Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, the Mona Lisa is probably the one people know ………………… (many).
Вопрос 23
Put the adverb in the correct form (comparative or superlative) to complete the sentence.
Can you try to describe the picture a little ……………… (accurately)? I’m still not sure which one you’re talking about.
Вопрос 24
Choose the correct answer.
The Four Seasons is Vivaldi’s …………. famous work.
Варианты ответов
- the most
- very
- little
Вопрос 25
Choose the correct answer.
A kiln gets ……………… than a household oven.
Варианты ответов
- much hotter
- more hot
- hottest
Вопрос 26
Choose the correct answer.
Penny doesn’t think photography is as ………….. as sculpture.
Варианты ответов
- exciting
- more exciting
- the most exciting
Вопрос 27
Choose the correct answer.
The new artist is becoming …………. popular with teenage audiences.
Варианты ответов
- the most
- the more and the more
- more and more
Вопрос 28
Choose the correct preposition.
A: Why are you so late?
B: I nearly ran ………… a dog on my way, so I stopped to check if it was allright.
Варианты ответов
- into
- over
- out
Вопрос 29
Choose the correct preposition.
I think we should run ………….. scene three one more time.
Варианты ответов
- into
- through
- away
Вопрос 30
Choose the correct preposition.
A: Did you finish that landscape you were painting?
B: No, I ran ……………. of blue and green, and didn’t have time to go and get some.
Варианты ответов
- out
- away
- over
Вопрос 31
Choose the correct preposition.
A: Have you seen Bill recently?
B: Yes, actually. I ran …………… him yesterday at the library.
Варианты ответов
- over
- out
- into
Фразовый глагол TURN: варианты употребления, упражнение с ответами.
После фразового глагола TURN всего следуют слова:
– back
– down
– into
– on
– off
– up
– over
Выберите правильное слово для вставки.
1. I love this song! Turn it ____ and let’s dance!
2. Don’t turn ____ that job, Adam – it’s a great opportunity!
3. He’s usually rather quiet, but at carnivals he turns ____ a real party animal!
4. Once I leave my house, I never turn ____ . It’s very bad luck, you know.
5. Jessica is at her office now. I don’t know when she turns ____ .
6. Turn the lights ____ and I’ll bring in the birthday cake and candles.
7. Did Jack turn ____ at the concert in the end?
8. Let’s turn ____ the air conditioning. It’s really hot.
9. Turn ____ the radio, Simon. It’s too loud.
10. I can hardly hear the TV. Can you turn it ____ ?
11. I’m sure Emily will turn ____ his invitation.
12. Turn ____ the lights before you go.
13. I don’t like this programme. Can you turn it ____ to the news, please?
14. He turned ____ the envelope and read the return address.
15. You need to turn ____ on time at the cinema or you’ll miss the start of the film.
16. I asked John to come to the cinema with me but he turned me ____ .
17. Turn ____ the radio, please. It’s too loud.
18. Please don’t turn ____ the computer when you finish as Dad would like to use it.
19. Do you mind if I turn the TV ____ ? I want to see what’s on the other channels.
turn back – возвращаться
turn down – убавлять, отказываться
turn into – становиться
turn on – включить
turn off – выключать
turn up – прибавлять, увеличивать звук; появляться
turn over – менять каналы, перевернуть
1. I love this song! Turn it up and let’s dance! – Я люблю эту песню! Прибавь звук и давай танцевать!
2. Don’t turn down that job, Adam – it’s a great opportunity! – Не отказывайся от этой работы, Адам. Это хорошая возможность!
3. He’s usually rather quiet, but at carnivals he turns into a real party animal! – Обычно он очень спокоен, но на карнавалах он превращается в настоящего тусовщика.
4. Once I leave my house, I never turn back. It’s very bad luck, you know. – Когда я выхожу из дома, то никогда не возвращаюсь. Вы же знаете, что это плохая примета.
5. Jessica is at her office now. I don’t know when she turns back. – Джессика сейчас в своем офисе. Я не знаю, когда она возвращается.
6. Turn the lights off and I’ll bring in the birthday cake and candles. – Выключи свет, и я принесу праздничный торт и свечи.
7. Did Jack turn up at the concert in the end? – В конце концов, Джек появился на концерте?
8. Let’s turn off the air conditioning. It’s really hot. – Давай выключим кондиционер. Реально жарко.
9. Turn down the radio, Simon. It’s too loud. – Убавь радио, Саймон. Слишком громко.
10. I can hardly hear the TV. Can you turn it up? – Мне едва слышно телевизор. Ты можешь прибавить звук?
11. I’m sure Emily will turn down his invitation. – Я уверен, что Эмили откажется от его приглашения.
12. Turn off the lights before you go. – Выключай свет, перед тем как уходить.
13. I don’t like this programme. Can you turn it over to the news, please? – Мне не нравится эта программа. Ты можешь переключиться на новости, пожалуйста?
14. He turned over the envelope and read the return address. – Он перевернул конверт и прочитал обратный адрес.
15. You need to turn up on time at the cinema or you’ll miss the start of the film. – Тебе нужно появиться вовремя в кинотеатре, иначе ты пропустишь начало фильма.
16. I asked John to come to the cinema with me but he turned me down. – Я попросил Джона пойти в кино со мной, но он отказался.
17. Turn down the radio, please. It’s too loud. – Выключи радио, пожалуйста. Слишком громко.
18. Please don’t turn off the computer when you finish as Dad would like to use it. – Пожалуйста, не выключай компьютер, когда закончишь, потому что им воспользуется папа.
19. Do you mind if I turn the TV over? I want to see what’s on the other channels. – Ты не возражаешь, если я переключу? Я хочу посмотреть, что идет по другим каналам.