Complete the email with one word in each gap hi beth how are you

8 Questions


By Natalia_gulyaeva | Updated: Mar 21, 2022

| Attempts: 447





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Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    Complete the email with one word in each gap.
    Hi Beth,
    How are you? I started my holiday job last week. I (1) ……………………… at the farm shop for three mornings. It was good fun. Then I went shopping! I bought lots of DVDs, but I (2) ……………………… buy the new Keira Knightley DVD because I borrowed it from Jason. He was (3) ……………………… at the farm last week too, but outdoors.
    (4) ……………………… you get the summer job you wanted? I phoned you this morning, but there was no answer. Maybe you(5) ……………………… sleeping.
    Last weekend, I (6) ……………………… to a concert with Susanna. We bought the tickets a long time ago. It (7) ……………………… amazing!(8) ……………………… did you go last weekend? I phoned you then as well, but you weren’t at home.
    Call me soon!
    1) [Blank]

  • 2. 


  • 3. 


  • 4. 


  • 5. 


  • 6. 


  • 7. 


  • 8. 


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7 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Britt,
How are you? (1) ……………………… you working hard for your exams? (2) ……………………… are lots of books on my desk at the moment but I’m having a break. I’ve got maths (3) ……………………… the morning and then English. I love English, but I (4) ……………………… study all evening! I want to be an English teacher, but I think maths is important too. What do you think?
We’ve got a new English teacher. She’s English, but she (5) ……………………… here in Poland. She’s really nice, but she doesn’t speak Polish very (6) ……………………… . We have to do a lot of homework for her class.
I haven’t got time to write a long email now. I (7) ……………………… do my homework and look at my maths for tomorrow’s exam. No TV tonight!
(8) ……………………… you come to the cinema on Saturday? I want to have fun after all this work!
Write soon.

Остались вопросы?

Hi Sophie,
I hope you’re enjoying your trip. We’re all fine. Dad’s retired now. I don’t know if he’s happy, though. He’s become a news addict. He gets up at 7 a.m., goes to the 1) news agents and buys two different papers. I just read the 2) headlines, but he reads everything. Even the 3) gossip column! He’s even started talking about working part-time as a 4) journalist! And then he spends the rest of the day watching TV! Especially the 24-hour news 5) channel! He never watches anything I like. No 6) commercial series, 7) soap operas or 8) game shows.
Nothing fun at all. If I have to watch another nature 9) documentary, I’ll go mad!
Привет Софи,
Я надеюсь, что ты получишь удовольствие от поездки. Мы все прекрасно. Теперь папа ушел в отставку. Хотя, я не знаю, счастлив ли он. Он стал зависимым от новостей. Он встает в 7 часов утра, идет в газетный киоск и покупает две различных газеты. Я читаю только заголовки, но он читает все. Даже колонку сплетен! Он даже начал говорить о работе на неполный рабочий день в качестве журналиста! А потом он проводит остаток дня перед телевизором! Особенно он смотрит 24 -х часовой новостной канал! Он никогда не смотрит все, что я люблю. Не коммерческие сериалы, телесериалы или игровые шоу.
Ничего веселого совсем. Если мне придется смотреть другой документальный фильм о природе, я сойду с ума!


Hi Beth,
(1) __________ you have a good holiday? I phoned you several times this morning, but you
(2) __________ answer, so I think you were in bed. I’m sure the plane arrived late last night. I can’t wait to talk to you! What was the hotel like? Did you meet (3) __________ interesting people? How much did you spend?!
Last week here was quite boring really. I didn’t (3) __________ anything interesting. I worked at the farm shop for three mornings and then I spent all the money in one afternoon! I didn’t buy the new George Clooney DVD, but I borrowed it from Jason. You can watch it with me tomorrow. I didn’t go online because there were some problems with our computer. So I couldn’t send you an email, but I (5) __________ a couple of text messages. Did you get them? Also – I didn’t do any schoolwork! It’s the holidays!
Phone me soon and tell me what you did in Ireland!


Complete the email with one word in each gap. break • fun • inform • move • scare Total / 20 Hi Jenny, How are you? I’m not very

Complete the email with one word in each gap.
break • fun • inform • move • scare


/ 20

Hi Jenny,
How are you? I’m not very well I’m afraid! Do you remember that I had an accident on my bike two years (1) ………………………? Well, I’ve had a bad back (2) ……………………… then. Sometimes it’s OK, but recently it has started hurting quite badly again. In fact, it’s a lot (3) ……………………… than it was before. I took (4) ……………………… painkillers, but they didn’t help, so my mum took me to the doctor yesterday. He said that I shouldn’t (5) ……………………… any exercise for a week! It was an order! For me, that’s
(6) ……………………… long time. I play tennis on Fridays and go to
(7) ……………………… gym every Tuesday. My mum is
(8) ……………………… to make an appointment for me to see a special doctor. I have to (9) ……………………… better for the start of next term. I’m in (10) ……………………… school football team!
See you soon!

1 ответ:




Hi Jenny,

How are you? I’m not very well I’m afraid! Do you remember that I had an accident on my bike two years (1) …ago……………………? Well, I’ve had a bad back (2) .since…………………….. then. Sometimes it’s OK, but recently it has started hurting quite badly again. In fact, it’s a lot (3) …worse…………………… than it was before. I took (4) ……some………………… painkillers, but they didn’t help, so my mum took me to the doctor yesterday. He said that I shouldn’t (5) ……………………. any exercise for a week! It was an order! For me, that’s

(6) …(quite) a…………………… long time. I play tennis on Fridays and go to

(7) …the…………………… gym every Tuesday. My mum is

(8) ….planning………………….. to make an appointment for me to see a special doctor. I have to (9) ……get………………… better for the start of next term. I’m in (10) ………the……………… school football team!

See you soon!



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