Complete the dialogue with the correct words the first letter of each word is given

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct words. The first letter of each word is given. 1 Fiona Erik is nothing like his brother, is he? Gayle No, the difference is really S 2 Husband This washing machine looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Wife I don’t really care about its appearance, to be honest. As long as it’s f then that’s the main thing. 3 Customer That was absolutely delicious. Thank you. You’ve obviously got a top chef! He’s not really one for cooking Waiter C dishes. He likes to experiment and come up with new creations. 4 Man You do this every time we have an argument. I think you’re being really e Wife You’re the one behaving like a teenager! 5 Design teacher That’s a very i use of colours you’ve got there, Kazumi. Design student Thanks. I was trying to do something a bit different.​

Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда и заработай денег! Ответы проходят модерацию. Минимум 100 символов.

пожалуйста помогите !!! 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter of each word has been given. 1 It was a bright day in July, but inside the Son Doong C_ _ _ it was very dark and cold. 2 It’s a s_ _ _ _ climb to the top of Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands, but the view is worth it. 3 Angel Falls, on the Guaja River in Venezuela, is the highest w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the world. 4 During the day, the temperature in the Sahara d_ _ _ _ _ can reach 50°C, but at night it sometimes falls to below 0°C. 5 The beautiful White C_ _ _ _s of Dover are very high and it’s dangerous to walk too close to the edge. 6 The edges of Lake Como in Italy are s_ _ _ _ _ _ , but it’s quite deep in the middle. 7 Over 1,500 people lost their lives in the early morning of 15 April 1912 when the Titanic sank in the i_ _ waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. 8 You can collect seashells from the s_ _ _ _ in the Maldives, but you can’t take coral pieces. Mark: ___ / 8

9 просмотров14.10.2022Английский язык




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3 Complete the dialogue with sports and sports equipment words. The first letter of each word has been given. Ann The

школьные вопросы

Egor изменил статус на опубликованный 14.10.2022


  • Активность
  • Голоса
  • Новизна
  • Старшинство



Опубликовано 14.10.2022


1 — surfing
2 — wetsuit
3 — volleyball
4 — goggles
5 — aquabike.

Egor изменил статус на опубликованный 14.10.2022


There are normally three school terms in Britain: autumn, spring and summer terms.

The school usually have a five-day holiday halfway through each term. Sometimes schools take their pupils on trips at half-term. Holidays can vary from region to region. The schools usually have ten days at Christmas, ten days at Easter and six weeks in summer from the end of July to the beginning of September.

Students can eat lunch in the school canteen. In recent years more and more students have decided to bring their own lunch (packed lunch) rather than eat in the canteen. All pupils enjoy discussing how awful school food is.

Есть правило трех школьных условиях в Великобритании: осень, весна и лето условиях.

Школа, как правило, пять-дневный отпуск в середине каждого семестра. Иногда школы принимают учеников на экскурсии в половине срока. Отдых может варьироваться от региона к региону. В школах обычно есть десять дней на Рождество, десять дней на Пасху и шесть недель в летний период с конца июля до начала сентября.

Студенты могут пообедать в школьной столовой. В последние годы все больше и больше студентов решили внести свой обед (сухой паек), а не едят в столовой. Все ученики нравится обсуждать, как ужасная еда школе.

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  • Complete the dialogue with the correct word and the correct answer
  • Complete the dialogue with the appropriate word or phrase
  • Complete the gaps with the correct question word
  • Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap use too enough and as
  • Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap are there fish