Complete the crossword puzzle with words from this unit another word for freight

Let us Start by knowing the duties in Logistics:

Wikipedia defines Logistics as:

Logistics is the management of the flow of materials and services between the point of origin and the point of use in order to meet the requirements of customers or corporations. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging, and often security. Logistics is a channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility. Today the complexity of production logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation software, but is constantly changing. This can involve anything from consumer goods such as food, to IT materials, to aeropsace and defense equipement.

Now, Make the list of all the different areas of logistics you can think of by completing the diagram below:


Five people give their definition of Logistics. Complete the sentences using the words from the box:

Provide   Storage  Support  Distribution  Delivery  Maintenance

  1. Logistics means that you manage the procurement movemete of goods and  _ _ _ _ _ _ of the inverntory.
  2. It means the ___ ___ ___ of the goods the customer needs at the right time, in the right place, and of the right quality.
  3. My definition of logistics is this: it’s to plan, organize, and manage operations that  ___ ___ ___ services and goods.
  4. Logistics – that’s purchasing, maintenance, ___ ___ ___, and replacement of material and staff.
  5. Logistics is the planning and ___ ___ ___ of operations such as warehousing, inventory, transport, procurement, supply and ___ ___ ___.

Listening to the Recording and Chek your answer.

Verb Noun
to provide
to Support
to maintain

Now, complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the table.

  1. In my job I oversee the ___ ___ ____ of vehicles and machinery.
  2. Do they also ___ ___ ___ parcels and packages on Sundays?
  3. Goods are normally bought in the ___ ___ ___ department.
  4. We ___ ___ ___ a 24-hour delivery service.
  5. This company only ___ ___ ___ goods by road
  6. we ___ ___ ___ all our goods in the warehouse.

Match the definition (a-f) with the words (1-6) below.

1. Carrier                                                   _ _

2. freight forwarder                                _ _

3. Supplier                                                 _ _

4. haulage contractor/haulier            _ _

5. Courier                                                   _ _

6. Consignee                                              _ _

(a) company whic carries goods by road
(b) person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for  care.
(c) company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages
(d) company that transports or conveys goods
(e) company which supplies parts or services to another company; also called vendor
(f) person or business that arranges documentation and travel facilities for companies dispatching goods to customers

Observe the video where in the screen the fill in the gaps will appear, then listen to the three people describing the jobs in logistics:  a warehouse manager, a freight forwarder, and a shipping operation manager. Match each job to the correct person.

<YouTube vedios>


It is better to download this video, as it is in YouTube, the screen and the video quality is not enough to read the text. To download the video the links are:

Now, Listen this video again complete the sentences.

<YouTube vedios>


It is better to download this video, as it is in YouTube, the screen and the video quality is not enough to read the text. To download the video the links are:

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Mach the verbs (used in Englsih for Logistics) (1-8) with the activities (a-h) to make phrases from the recordings. Then listen again to check if necessary.

1. book               _ _

2. consolidate  _ _

3. deal               _ _

4. keep              _ _

5. make             _ _

6. use                 _ _

7. check            _ _

8. take care     _ _

(a) A number of shipments under one bill of lading
(b) booking reservation
(c) that health and safety standards are maintained
(d) modern computer system
(e) spacer on a ship, train,  lorry, or plane
(f) where to put them in the warehouse
(g) an eye to the budget
(h) with all the necessary documentation


Work with a partner to describe two differnt jobs. the phrases in the box will help you.

describing two different jobs

Replace the underlined verbs with the words from the box that have the same meaning.

Key to replace with some words which are used in Business Engslih and English for Logistics

We supply software for the car industry.                                                     _ _ _ _ _

I often advise clients on the most suitable transport method.                _ _ _ _ _

In my job, I have to make sure that passengers arrive on schedule.    _ _ _ _ _

My job is to supervise incoming goods.                                                          _ _ _ _ _

I also plan the transport of goods.                                                                    _ _ _ _ _

I instruct staff.                                                                                                      _ _ _ _ _

Complete the form with your own job details. Use complete sentences and expressions from this unit.

describing own jobs in English from Logistics business

talking in English about regular Logistic activities

Put the words in the Right order. Use the correct form of the verb.

an excellent/provide/delivery service/my company.

you/ how much/ handle/ cargo/ per year?

to other countries/ not ship/ we/ chemical products.

responsible for/ be/ the warehouse manager/ also/ vehicles and machinery.

to foreign companies/ car parts/ this vendor/ supply?

usually / arrange / for companies/ a freight forwarder/ documentation.

Work with a partner. Follow the steps below to practise this dialogue.

A. Ask B what he/she does.

B. Respond. Tell A where you work.

A. Ask B to give you some details about the job.

B. Tell A about your main activities. Then ask A about his/her job.

A. Respond. Describe your job activities.

Complete the crossword puzzle with words from this unit.


4 Another word for freight.

5. What you store in the warehouse.

6 Work closely together with somebody.


1 Another word for organize.

2 To give information about the price

3 Another word for supervise

5 Send goods.

chapter one puzzle

Read the Article (China’s Booming Export Business) and answer the questions.

transport logistics, logistics for international business, english comprehension for international business, english for imporot business, english for export business

Over to you:

Do you know any other countries with considerable export growth rates?

How does logistics play an important role in a country’s economy?

What do you know about the logistics industry in your country?

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Clear Puzzle


  1. 4. to bring together or unite things that were separate
  2. 5. the business of transporting goods by road or railway
  3. 6. To give information about the price
  1. 1. word for supervise
  2. 2. Work closely together with somebody
  3. 3. What you store in a warehouse
  4. 4. Another word for freight

Открытый урок по учебной дисциплине «английский язык» для студентов 3 курса очного отделения специальности «Организация перевозок и управление на автомобильном транспорте» по теме: «Introduction to logistics»

Преподаватель: Котерева О.С.

План урока.

Тип урока: комбинированный (используется технология коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения, информационно-коммуникативная технология, репродуктивная технология).

Цель урока:

  1. формирование межкультурной компетенции;

  2. развитие и совершенствование, проверка уровня умений и навыков

монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Введение в логистику»;

  1. совершенствование и проверка умений и навыков аудирования, чтение с извлечением необходимой информации по данной теме;

Основная цель – формирование коммуникативной компетенции, все остальные цели реализуются в процессе осуществления этой главной цели.

Задачи урока.

— развитие у учащихся социокультурной компетенции, помогающей ориентироваться в достижениях культуры и коммуникативных нормах общения, в выборе культурно приемлемых форм взаимодействия с людьми из англоязычных стран в условиях межкультурного общения;

— создание условий для культурного творчества при культуроведческом обогащении речевой практики студентов.

Оборудование: Проектор, презентация Power point «Introduction to logistics» аудиозапись, раздаточный материал (рабочие листы).


T: Good morning, students. Today our first lesson for the theme «Introduction to logistics”. As you know this subject is very important for people who is going to work in the logistics industry and who need English to communicate in a variety of situations with colleagues, clients, and business partners.

You can see the importance of this theme and listen to the information about it. And can do some tasks. Sometimes you can also be a freight forwarder, a warehouse manager! But first let’s see what you know about logistics. Please, make a list of all the different areas of logistics you can think of by completing the diagram below. For example, transport(ation), warehousing, container and so on.

T: Well, I am glad that you know so much about logistics.

Основная часть
I.Речевая зарядка
T: So, five people give their definition of logistics. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
Приложение №1

And now listen to the recording and check your answers.

T: Very good. Now we know what logistics is.

II.Развитие навыков письменной речи
T: Well, we continue our introduction to logistics. And now I offer you to match the definitions (a-f) with the words (1-6) below.
Приложение №2

III.Развитие навыков аудирования
T: Very nice. Let’s go on. Listen to three people describing their jobs in logistics: a freight forwarder, a warehouse manager and a shipping operations manager. Match each job to the correct person.

Well, and now listen again and complete the sentences.

Приложение №3

IV. Развитие навыков устной речи
T: Now, I want you to work with a partner to describe two different jobs. The phrases in the box will help you.

Приложение №4

Very good.

V. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Now, I want you to work with a partner. Follow the steps below to practice this dialogue.

  1. Ask B what he/she does.

  2. Respond. Tell A where you work.

  1. Ask B to give you some details about the job.

  2. Tell A about your main job activities. Then ask A about his/her job.

  1. Respond. Describe your job activities.

V. Самостоятельная работа.
And the next task for you is connected with unit. Please, complete the crossword puzzle with words from this unit.
Приложение №5

VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
T: Well, we have already done a lot of tasks. And now I invite you to complete the form with your own job details. Use complete sentences and expressions from this unit. But don’t forget that when we talking about general facts and describing what we normally do, we use the present simple. We use the verb do to make questions and negative statements.

Приложение №6

Подведение итогов урока. Выводы. Решение проблемы, поставленной на уроке.
T: Well, students. Let’s do the conclusion. Today we have learnt a lot. We talked and listened about logistics. You have done a lot of exercises tests; you have listened to the people describing their and worked together a lot. You were industrious and worked hard. I’m satisfied with your activity and your results in work. Many thanks for your hard work. The following marks will be …
The lesson is over.

Список использованных источников
1. Marion Grussendorf “English for logistics”.



Приложение №1







  1. Logistics means that you manage the procurement and movement of goods and the ________ of inventory.

  2. It means the ________ of the goods the customer needs at the right time, in the right place, and of the right quality.

  3. My definition of logistics is this: it’s to plan, organize and manage operations that ________ services and goods.

  4. Logistics – that’s the purchasing, maintenance, ________, and replacement of material and staff.

  5. Logistics is the planning and ________ of operations such as warehousing, inventory, transport, procurement, supply, and ________.

Приложение №2

  1. carrier

  2. freight forwarder

  3. supplier

  4. haulage contractor/ haulier

  5. courier

  6. consignee

  1. company which carries goods by road

  2. person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care

  3. company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages

  4. company that transports or conveys goods

  5. company which supplies parts or services to another company; also called vendor

  6. person or business that arranges documentation and travel facilities for companies dispatching goods to customers

Приложение №3

Person 1

  1. My job is to ________ the transport of goods either by sea, air, road, or rail.

  2. An important part of the job is ________ with customer requests about the most suitable mode of transport.

  3. My responsibilities also include _________ good shipping rates with shipping lines and transport companies.

  4. I ________ customs clearance on behalf of my clients.

Person 2

  1. In my job I have to ________ that the cargo is not damaged onboard the ship or while loading or unloading.

  2. I ________ customers on shipping rates and prepare quotations for our sales office.

Person 3

  1. Another part of my job is to _______ with departments such as transport and production.

  2. Apart from that, I ________ that vehicles, machines, and other kind of equipment are maintained to a high level.

Приложение №4



What do you do?

What’s your line of work?

What does your job involve?

Describing jobs

I work for a major shipping company.

I work in the regional depot.

Describing responsibilities

I’m responsible for…

In my job I have to …

My job involves…


You work for or at a company.

You work in an area or a department.

You are responsible for or in charge of something.

Here are some useful verbs for describing key job responsibilities:

to advise to oversee

to prepare to provide or supply

to train to ensure

to manage to review

to estimate to liaise with

to monitor to organize

to carry out

Приложение №5


4 Another word for freight.

5 What you store in the warehouse.

6 Work closely together with somebody.


1 Another word for organize.

2 To give information about the price.

3 Another word for supervise.

5 Send goods.

Приложение №6

Job profile: ____________________________

Company: I work for___________________________

Job title: _____________________________

Main responsibilities: _____________________________


3-5 key activities: _____________________________



‘FREIGHT’ is a 7 letter
starting with F and ending with T

All Solutions for FREIGHT

Clue Answer





























Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FREIGHT

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word freight will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

freight 2 letter words

freight 3 letter words

freight 4 letter words

freight 5 letter words

freight 6 letter words

freight 7 letter words

freight 8 letter words

freight 9 letter words

freight 10 letter words

freight 11 letter words

freight 12 letter words

freight 13 letter words

freight 14 letter words

freight 15 letter words

freight 16 letter words

freight 17 letter words

freight 18 letter words

freight 21 letter words

Top answer for FREIGHT crossword clue from newspapers

Definition of freight

  • load with goods for transportation; the charge for transporting something by common carrier; «we pay the freight»; «the freight rate is usually cheaper»; transport commercially as cargo; transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates

Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «freight».

We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «freight». There will also be a
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The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to

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If your word «freight» has any anagrams, you can find them with our anagram solver or at this

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Regards, The Crossword Solver Team

More clues you might be interested in

  1. marked accent
  2. bad
  3. euphoria
  4. chapter
  5. ejects
  6. the connective tissue forming a sheath around a single bundle of nerve fibres
  7. electronics
  8. hint (of colour)
  9. leaning or inclined to one side
  10. war
  11. select
  12. bad guy
  13. the new world
  14. authoritarian
  15. strident
  16. pork leg
  17. contact sport
  18. extremely impressive or daunting
  19. killer whales
  20. sieve
  21. dastardly
  22. gymnast’s costume
  23. cast a spell on
  24. period of enforced isolation
  25. hover
  26. women’s garment
  27. kidnapped person
  28. revived
  29. twosome
  30. big wave

Score for FREIGHT

FREIGHT is an official word in Scrabble with 14 points.


  1. warped
  2. accommodate
  3. pinpoint
  4. linked
  5. notify
  6. navigate
  7. vigorously
  8. GPS
  9. mayday
  10. monitor
  11. sipped
  12. perish
  13. severity
  14. stray
  15. tasks


См. вложение.

По горизонтали:

1) Distorted; badly mistaken (искаженный, сильно ошибающийся)

  • WARPED (искривленный)
  • «Much of the public has a warped sense of risk.»

4) Connected; joined (соединенный, связный)

  • LINKED (взаимосвязанный)
  • «Vehicles in platoons traveling on the automated lanes would be temporarily linked into communications networks.»

6) Find the way to a destination; plot a course (находить дорогу к месту назначения, положить курс)

  • NAVIGATE (ориентироваться)
  • «One of the most convenient aspects of smart cars is their ability to navigate

10) Observe; watch (наблюдать, смотреть)

  • MONITOR (следить)
  • «Every car produced today has at least one computer for monitoring fuel consumption and pollution controls.»

11) Drank slowly (медленно пили)

  • SIPPED (потягивали, прихлебывали)
  • «The drivers sat back and sipped their lattes.»

13) Seriousness (серьезность)

  • SEVERITY (степень тяжести)
  • «To deploy airbags with the minimum necessary force, sensors determine an occupant’s weight and size and the severity of impact.»

14) Wander; drift; move away from the correct course (блуждать, смещаться, сойти с правильного курса)

  • STRAY (отклоняться)
  • «These 15 systems beep or war drivers with a voice signal if the vehicle gets too close to an object or another vehicle or if it strays out of its lane.»

15) Jobs; responsibilities (работы, обязанности)

  • TASKS (задания)
  • «When it comes to simple tasks — changing channels on the radio or opening the trunk — voice controls work well enough.»

По вертикали:

2) Handle; take care of (справляться, заботиться)

  • ACCOMMODATE (вмещать)
  • «One expert has said that the typical highway lane today can handle 2,000 vehicles per hour but estimated that an intelligent highway lane could accommodate up to 6,000 vehicles, depending on the number of entrances and exits.»
  • *Вероятнее всего, при составлении кроссворда была допущена ошибка в количестве букв.

3) Find the exact location of something (находить точное расположение чего-либо)

  • PINPOINT (точно указывать)
  • «Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units.»

5) Inform; warn (информировать, предупреждать)

  • NOTIFY (уведомлять)
  • «Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units.»

7) Forcefully; energetically (настойчиво, энергично)

  • VIGOROUSLY (интенсивно, активно)
  • «This system should reduce the number of children hurt by airbags that open too vigorously

8) Global Positioning System (глобальная позиционирующая система)

  • GPS (ГПС)
  • «Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units.»

9) Emergency call for help; SOS (экстренный вызов помощи, СОС)

  • MAYDAY (сигнал бедствия)
  • «This «mayday system» can save precious minutes and many lives.»

12) Die; pass away (умереть, скончаться)

  • PERISH (погибнуть)
  • «Around the world, it is believed that between 800,000 and 1.15 million perish in automobile accidents annually.»


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