Complete the conversation with one word in each space

Sebastian: So, Brendan … Why don’t you 1) tell us what you think? — Итак, Брендан … Почему бы тебе не сказать нам, что ты думаешь?
Brendan: It was better than I expected. — Это было лучше, чем я ожидал.
Kelly: Are you 2) saying that you enjoyed the opera? – Ты говоришь, что тебе понравилась опера?
Brendan: Well, I’m not going to buy a season ticket, but it was alright, I suppose. — Ну, я не собираюсь покупать абонемент, но все было хорошо, я полагаю.
Sebastian: I’m sorry, I didn’t 3) get that. Could you say it again? — Извини, я не понял. Не мог бы ты повторить это?
Brendan: Well, yeah, I kind of enjoyed it, but the second act was a bit hard to believe. Do you 4) see what I mean? — Ну, да, мне это понравилось, но второму акту было немного сложно поверить. Ты понимаешь, что я имею в виду?
Kelly: Not really. — Не совсем.
Brendan: Well, 5) what I mean is why didn’t he tell her the truth? — Ну, я имею в виду, почему он не сказал ей правду?
Sebastian: She won’t let him. She keeps asking … — Она не позволит ему. Она продолжает спрашивать
Brendan: That’s a good 6) point, but … — Это хорошая точка зрения, но
Sebastian: Hold on! 7) let me finish! She keeps asking questions, and he doesn’t want to hurt her. — Подожди! Позволь мне закончить! Она продолжает задавать вопросы, и он не хочет причинять ей боль.
Brendan: Yeah, I suppose it makes sense. — Да, я полагаю, это имеет смысл.
Kelly: Do you 8) know what I think? — Ты знаешь, что я думаю?
Sebastian: What? — Что?
Kelly: Madame Butterfly has got a new fan. — У мадам Баттерфляй появился новый веер. (или поклонник?)


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    вопрос задал erkeberikbolqyzy,

    8 месяцев назад


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    Ответил nemishatanko



    2 think

    3 sure

    4 remember

    5 right

    6 doing

    7 studying

    8 holidays

    9  where

    10 know


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    7 месяцев назад

    7. Расстояние от точки С до прямой MP равно 12 см. Найдите расстояние от точки С до прямой АВ, если СВ=ВР.
    a) 24 см
    b) 12 см
    c) 6 см
    d) 4 см…

    7 месяцев назад

    Построить ми мажор TSD с обращениями в, ми мажоре си бемоль мажор 3 последование ,интервалы с обращениями в фа #вниз…

    8 месяцев назад

    Помогите пожалуйста! (Извиняюсь за качество)…

    8 месяцев назад

    ребят помогите, кто шарит​…

    6 лет назад

    найди 5% числа 400 и результат увеличеть на 40%…

    6 лет назад

    В классе 40 учеников . Сколько девочек в классе ,если 3/4 числа мальчиков равны 50% девочек ?

    4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first

    1. They work for a company that sells computers.
    They work for a company which … (sells computers).
    2. Jack only played tennis in the past but now he plays rugby.
    Jack didn’t … rugby.
    3. The car was too small for six people.
    The car wasn’t big …
    4. It was the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
    It was the least …
    5. Mr. Jones was the man who helped her getthe job.
    The man that …
    6. She went to the library because she wanted to borrow a book.
    She wanted to borrow a …

    5. Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

    1. He lost his job so he always was late.
    He lost his job because he was always late
    2. They never use to like watching sport but they love do it now.

    3. The better time for me to study is at the night.

    4. The film is about man which saved the world.

    5. Did she used to ride a bicycle when she was child?

    6. Why is he more happier than he use to be?

    6. Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c)

    1 We (b) to play in the street when I was young.
    a) use b) used c) didn’t used
    2. He’s studying … he wants to pass his exams.
    a) so b) to c) because
    3. She sent him a letter … contained her address.
    a) which b) where c) who
    4 Do we have … time to go to the bank?
    a) too much b) enough c) very
    5 What is … country you have visited?
    a) greener b) greenes tc) the greenest
    6 It’s hot and our food is covered in … flies.
    a) the b) an c) —

    7. Underline the correct alternative

    1. She’s thinking about/to changing her job.
    She’s thinking about changing her job.
    2 Paul gave back/up an extremely well-paid job to work with children from poorfamilies.
    3. If they’re bored with their work, they should look on/for new opportunities.
    4. We used to dream with/about moving to ahot country and now we are.
    5. He’s the multi-billionaire who invested on/in software ten years ago.
    6. You should give all those old books away. They take up/out too much space.

    8. Match 1–6 to a)–f) to make compound nouns.
    1 photocopying f a)store
    2 mountain b)features
    3 window c) card
    4 credit d) shopping
    5 department e) range
    6 geographical f) room

    9. Complete the text with the words in the box
    (abroad. coins. go. making. national. outdoors. playing. scenery. travel. treasure)

    I spend a lot of time 1abroad for work and 2… around a lot as an actor. Lastyear I spent a month in a 3… park in Costa Rica for a film we were 4 …. there. I was 5 … the part ofa young woman who lives in a 6 …. rainforest. In the film, she finds a box of 7 …. which is full of gold 8 … and she uses this to help hervillage. There were no hotels there, so weslept 9 … in tents. It was an amazingplace and the 10 …. was beautiful. Ididn’t want to 11 …. home!

    10. Choose the best response, a), b) or c)

    1 A: Which animal is the largest in the world?
    B: 1 c)

    a) Perhaps it’s running the fastest?
    b) Actually, no it can’t be.
    c) It might be the blue whal

    2. A: Can I help you?
    B: No, thanks. 2 …

    a) I look for a coat
    b) I’m just looking.
    c) Can I have a look?

    3. A: Does the shirt fit OK?
    B: Yes, it’s fine 3 …

    a) I’ll take it.
    b) I’m sorry.
    c) Here’s your receipt.

    4. A: Where’s the bookshop, please?
    B: 4…

    a) I think you have to go to the welfare office.
    b) It’s next to the welfare office.
    c) It opens at 10.

    5 A: You want the lecture theatre? I’ll take you there.
    B: 5….

    a) Follow me. Thank you.
    b) Yes, that’s right.
    c) Thank you. That’s very kind

    6. A: What’s the world’s largest lake?
    B: The largest lake? 6 …

    a) It might be.
    b) Mmm. Let me think.
    c) Maybe it’s in Russia.

    11. Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.

    A: Are you looking for anything 1in particular?
    B: Yes, do you 2_______ those things for hanging pictures on the wall?
    A: What? Picture hooks?
    B: Yes, that’s it! 3____ I have six, please?
    A: Yes, certainly. 4_____ you are.
    B: These are 5______. Do you have them ina larger 6____ ?
    A: Sorry, we don’t.
    B: Is there another shop 7_____ I might find some?
    A: I’m not sure. 8_____ Smart’s sell them.
    B: Smart’s? Is it near here?
    A: Yes. Go out of the shop and 9the first left.
    B: Thank you so much

    Вопрос посетителя

    Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. Then listen and check. — Завершите разговор одним словом в каждом пропуске. Затем слушайте и проверяйте.
    Young people’s Holiday in Wales

    Ответ эксперта

    Young people’s Holiday in Wales – каникулы молодежи в Уэльсе
    Historic tours, adventure sports and nighttime entertainment. — Исторические туры, приключенческие виды спорта и ночные развлечения.
    Call Mrs. S Brown for details 01823 34535 — За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь к г-же С. Браун 01823 34535
    A Good morning, I l) wonder if I could speak to Mrs Brown, please. — Доброе утро, интересно, могу ли я поговорить с миссис Браун, пожалуйста.
    В One moment, please … – Минутку, пожалуйста.
    С This is Mrs Brown. Who’s speaking? — Это миссис Браун. Кто говорит?
    A Good morning 2) my name’s Bob Futcher. — Доброе утро. Меня зовут Боб Фетчер.
    С How can I help you, Mr Futcher? — Как я могу вам помочь, мистер Фетчер?
    A I’m 3) phoning about your holiday to Wales. 4) Would it be possible for you to tell me when the holiday is? – Я звоню по поводу каникул в Уэльсе. Не могли бы вы рассказать мне, когда будут каникулы?
    С Certainly, June 10th until June 17th. — Конечно, с 10 июня по 17 июня.
    A And, 5) would you mind telling me what the total price is, please? — И не могли бы вы рассказать мне, какая общая цена, пожалуйста?
    С It’s 5250 pounds altogether with transport, hotel, meals and a tour guide. — 5250 фунтов вместе с транспортом, гостиницей, питанием и экскурсоводом.
    A Thank you. 6) Could you tell me how I can book a place? — Благодарю вас. Не могли бы вы рассказать мне, как я могу забронировать место?
    С Of course. Our website is or you can go to any Waleshol travel agent’s. — Конечно. Наш веб-сайт или вы можете обратиться в любое туристическое агентство Waleshol.
    A 7) Thank you very much for your help. — Большое спасибо за вашу помощь.
    С Not at all. Please call again if you need any further information. — Не за что. Пожалуйста, позвоните еще раз, если вам нужна дополнительная информация.

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