Complete the article with one word in each gap

Do new technologies and the world of art go together? Can we still expect audiences to sit still during a whole film or theatre 1) production? Will they want to go to an art 2) gallery to silently admire (with their mobiles off!) the 3) pictures of Picasso, Monet and many others? Or will they prefer to play interactive games with their eyes 4) wide open to all sorts of screens? It’s a matter of choice, of course. But even if we opt for the ‘old-fashioned’ art, do we still remember how to behave in a proper, ‘old- fashioned’ way?
I have never been much of a theatre 5) goer. Recently though, I decided to see Three Days of Rain (written by an American 6) playwright Richard Greenberg) at the Jacobs Theatre with Julia Roberts starring in the 7) leading role. It might not be a box 8) office success, and you can argue about the quality of Roberts’s acting (this being her first time on 9) stage). But it’s no excuse for the appalling behaviour of several of the people in the audience. From the moment the lights went out, I could hear text messages and people answering their mobiles. Appalling! Don’t you think we should all 10) take up to the dangers that modern technologies bring to contemporary culture?
Технологический прогресс = культурная регрессия?
Сочетаются ли новые технологии и мир искусства? Можем ли мы по-прежнему ожидать, что зрители будут сидеть на месте в течение всего фильма или театрального представления? Будут ли они хотеть пойти в художественную галерею, чтобы тихо любоваться (с выключенными мобильными телефонами!) картинами Пикассо, Моне и многих других? Или они предпочитают играть в интерактивные игры, широко открывая глаза на экраны всех видов? Конечно, это вопрос выбора. Но даже если мы выберем «старомодное» искусство, неужели мы все еще помним, как вести себя правильно, «старомодно»?
Я никогда не был большим поклонником театра (театралом). В последнее время я решил посмотреть «Три дня дождя» (написанный американским драматургом Ричардом Гринбергом) в театре Джейкобса с Джулией Робертс в главной роли. Возможно, это не успех кассовых сборов, и вы можете спорить о качестве игры Робертс (это был ее первый раз на сцене). Но это не повод для ужасающего поведения нескоторых людей в аудитории. С того момента, как погас свет, я слышал текстовые сообщения и людей, которые отвечали на мобильные телефоны. Ужасающе! Разве вы не думаете, что все мы должны взяться за опасности, которые современные технологии привносят в современную культуру?

  • 1. 

    High-tech dining Americans love going out for dinner. In fact the average American family now spends more on going out to eat than it does on groceries. (1) ……………………… We choose restaurants according to the atmosphere, the type of food, the service and, of course, our budget. Soon, there may be another factor that helps us choose a restaurant, and that is technology. We know that high technology is already involved in food preparation and chefs have a wide range of kitchen gadgets to make better dishes, more efficiently. We shall soon be discovering that technology has an importance in the actual dining experience itself. (2) ……………………… These will probably become quite normal in the future. In just a few years, paper menus may well be a thing of the past. We’ll be using the table top as a computer screen, and pictures of the different meals available will appear on our empty plates for us to choose from. (3) ……………………… We’ll be communicating directly with the kitchen and there will be no need for waiters to take our orders. This will reduce the time we have to wait and also reduce the possibility of human error when taking orders. (4) …………………… Technology like this will be good for restaurants that need diners to eat quickly and move on, allowing other people to take their places. It’s easy to see why – because they’ll make more money! (5) ……………………… Getting the correct meal quickly is important, but surely this introduction of high-tech ordering will mean that many waiters will lose their jobs. One restaurant in Germany has already got rid of the need for any waiters at all by putting in a mini roller coaster which delivers meals directly from the kitchen! Another point to consider is that people don’t always want to rush when they go out to eat. Diners want to take their time and enjoy the interaction with waiters. (6) ………………………. And whether we see interactive dining as adventurous and fun or a sad end to a great tradition, it is something that we shall all just have to accept.

  • 2. 

    High-tech dining Americans love going out for dinner. In fact the average American family now spends more on going out to eat than it does on groceries. (1) ……………………… We choose restaurants according to the atmosphere, the type of food, the service and, of course, our budget. Soon, there may be another factor that helps us choose a restaurant, and that is technology. We know that high technology is already involved in food preparation and chefs have a wide range of kitchen gadgets to make better dishes, more efficiently. We shall soon be discovering that technology has an importance in the actual dining experience itself. (2) ……………………… These will probably become quite normal in the future. In just a few years, paper menus may well be a thing of the past. We’ll be using the table top as a computer screen, and pictures of the different meals available will appear on our empty plates for us to choose from. (3) ……………………… We’ll be communicating directly with the kitchen and there will be no need for waiters to take our orders. This will reduce the time we have to wait and also reduce the possibility of human error when taking orders. (4) …………………… Technology like this will be good for restaurants that need diners to eat quickly and move on, allowing other people to take their places. It’s easy to see why – because they’ll make more money! (5) ……………………… Getting the correct meal quickly is important, but surely this introduction of high-tech ordering will mean that many waiters will lose their jobs. One restaurant in Germany has already got rid of the need for any waiters at all by putting in a mini roller coaster which delivers meals directly from the kitchen! Another point to consider is that people don’t always want to rush when they go out to eat. Diners want to take their time and enjoy the interaction with waiters. (6) ………………………. And whether we see interactive dining as adventurous and fun or a sad end to a great tradition, it is something that we shall all just have to accept.

  • 3. 

    A branch of our famous restaurant chain Badger’s will ………………… opening on the 8th of July in Chilworth High Street, and we hope you’ll be there to try our fantastic menu on our opening night. Because we believe that once you’ve tasted our food you ………………… come back again and again. We ………………… offering a free  meal to the first 20 people who come through our doors! ………………… you be one of those people? We’re also ………………… to give a free dessert to all customers in our first week of business. ………………… the time you leave us, you’ll  ………………… eaten some of the finest food in this area. And we think you’ll be surprised by our  reasonable prices. You’ll definitely be able to afford more than one visit!We’ll be waiting for you on the 8th! We guarantee that you ………………… regret coming!

  • 4. 

    Six sentences have been removed from the article.  Choose the best sentences (A–F) to complete the article.  

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 5. 

    Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? 

    There are many factors that influence our  choice of restaurant. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 6. 

    At the moment high technology in cooking is  still a thing of the future. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 7. 

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 8. 

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 9. 

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 10. 

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 11. 

    • A. 

      We’ll also be able to order directly from our tables, tapping in codes on virtual keyboards.

    • B. 

      However, is it necessarily going to be a good thing for us?

    • C. 

      As we have seen, technology is already changing the way that some restaurants operate and experts believe that most of them will have changed dramatically by about 2020.

    • D. 

      How many times have you got the wrong meal because the busy waiter either didn’t write down your order or wrote it down incorrectly?

    • E. 

      Whether it’s a pizza at the local Italian restaurant or fine dining at a top hotel, we all love the experience of going out to eat.

    • F. 

      Some restaurants have already understood the need for this and have introduced some amazing new ideas.

  • 12. 

    These changes will mean that fewer waiters will be needed in the future. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 13. 

    There is already a restaurant in Germany that  uses technology to serve the food. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 14. 

    High-tech ordering will make the dining  experience better for all customers.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 15. 

    The writer thinks that these changes will happen whether we like it or not. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 16. 

    Complete the article with ONE word in each gap. 

    A branch of our famous restaurant chain Badger’s will  ………………… opening on the 8th of July in Chilworth High Street, and we hope you’ll be there to try our fantastic menu on our opening night.

  • 17. 

    Because we believe that once you’ve tasted our food you …………………… come back again and again. 

  • 18. 

    We …………………… offering a free  meal to the first 20 people who come through our doors! 

  • 19. 

    …………………… you be one of those people?

  • 20. 

    We’re also …………………… to give a free dessert to all customers in our first week of business.  

  • 21. 

    …………………… the time you leave us, you’ll  (19) … — … eaten some of the finest food in this area. 

  • 22. 

    (18) … — …  the time you leave us, you’ll ……………………  eaten some of the finest food in this area. 

  • 23. 

    We’ll be waiting for you on the 8th!  We guarantee that you ………………… regret coming! 

11 klass ForwardВербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 11 класса. Unit 9 Give me a clue — Дайте мне подсказку

Read, listen and talk about riddles, mysteries and crime. — Читайте, слушайте и говорите о загадках, тайнах и преступлениях.
Practise impersonal report structures; modals + perfect infinitives referring to the past expressions with live and die. — Практика безличных косвенных структур; модальные глаголы + совершенные инфинитивы, относящиеся к прошлым выражениям со словами жить и умирать.
Focus on problem solving, reaching a decision. — Сосредоточьтесь на решении проблем, достигнув решения.
Write headlines and short articles. — Напишите заголовки и короткие статьи.


Ex. 1 In pairs, look at visuals A-С and the title and answer the questions. Then read the article and check. — В парах посмотрите на визуальные подсказки A-С и заголовок и ответьте на вопросы. Затем прочитайте статью и проверьте.

1. In which aspects of life can DNA be useful? — В каких аспектах жизни ДНК может быть полезной?
2. What kind of information can be obtained from it? — Какую информацию можно получить из нее?

Work it out

Ex. 2 Which sentence, 1 or 2, contains a passive and which a continuous form? Find their equivalents in the article. — Какое предложение, 1 или 2, содержит пассивную и непрерывную форму? Найдите их эквиваленты в статье.
1. Louis XVII was claimed to have been rescued and replaced by an impostor. — Утверждали, что Людовик XVII был спасен и заменен самозванцем.
2. Famous brand names are increasingly thought to be using DNA technology to protect their products. — Считается, что известные торговые марки все чаще используют технологию ДНК для защиты своих продуктов.

Ex. 3 Find the equivalents of sentences 1-4 in the article. Then compare them to sentences a-d and choose the correct form in italics. — Найдите эквиваленты предложений 1-4 в статье. Затем сравните их с предложениями a-d и выберите правильную форму курсивом.

1. It was said that he had died in prison — Было сказано, что он умер в тюрьме
2. They thought that the hairs were from a cat. — Они думали, что волосы были от кошки.
3. It is believed that they identified fake Olympic souvenirs — Считается, что они идентифицировали поддельные олимпийские сувениры
4. They expect that the new technology will ensure the authenticity of sports items — Они ожидают, что новая технология обеспечит подлинность спортивных предметов

a He was said to have died in prison during the French Revolution — Он, как говорили, умер в тюрьме во время Французской революции
b The hairs were thought to be from a cat. — Волосы, как полагали, были от кошки.
с They are believed to have identified fake Olympic souvenirs — Считается, что они идентифицировали поддельные олимпийские сувениры
d The new technology is expected to ensure the authenticity of sports items for years to come. — Ожидается, что новая технология обеспечит подлинность спортивных предметов на долгие годы.

The Mysteries of Life — Тайны жизни

Genetic technology has become a tool of extreme versatility, for DNA provides clues to every mystery life holds: in crime, disease, the past — even human evolution itself.
Генетическая технология стала инструментом крайней универсальности, поскольку ДНК дает ключ к любой тайной жизни: в преступлении, болезни, в прошлом — даже в самой человеческой эволюции.

Scientists have finally solved one of the great mysteries of European history: the fate of Louis XVII. Popularly known as the ‘lost dauphin’, Louis was the son of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.
He was said to have died in prison during the French Revolution, but many people claimed that he had been rescued and replaced by an impostor. Recently, however, DNA was extracted from the preserved heart that was thought to be Louis’s. It matched conclusively to his living relatives, thus disproving claims from those who say they are descendants of the ‘true’ king.

Ученые наконец решили одну из великих загадок европейской истории: судьбу Людовика XVII. Известный как «потерянный дофин», Луи был сыном короля Людовика XVI и королевы Марии Антуанетты.
Говорят, что он умер в тюрьме во время Французской революции, но многие люди утверждали, что он был спасен и заменен самозванцем. Недавно, однако, ДНК была извлечена из сохранившегося сердца, которое считалось Луи. Оно убедительно соответствовало его живым родственникам, тем самым опровергая утверждения тех, кто говорит, что они являются потомками «истинного» короля.

A young mother was found murdered in Canada. Among the suspects was her ex-husband, who was living with his parents nearby. Police found a jacket with bloodstains matching the woman’s blood and several white hairs. The hairs were thought to be from a cat, and a policeman remembered seeing a white cat at the parents’ home. Forensic investigators carried out DNA tests on the cat hair — and the results matched. It is reported to have been the first time that animal DNA was allowed as evidence in Canada, and the man was convicted.

В Канаде была убита молодая мать. Среди подозреваемых был ее бывший муж, который жил рядом с родителями. Полиция нашла пиджак с пятнами крови, соответствующими крови женщины и нескольким белыми волоскам. Волосы, как думали, были от кошки, и полицейский вспомнил, как видел белого кота в доме родителей. Судебные следователи провели тесты ДНК на кошачьих волосах — и результаты совпали. Сообщается, что в первый раз ДНК животного была разрешена в качестве доказательств в Канаде, и этот человек был осужден.

It is thought that famous brand names are increasingly using DNA technology to protect their products from unauthorised copying. In order to reduce the threat of fraud, all official goods for the 2000 Australian Summer Olympic Games were labelled with ink containing DNA taken from an unnamed athlete. A team of ‘logocops’ armed with special DNA scanners was sent out to investigate. They are believed to have identified fake Olympic souvenirs worth millions of pounds. The new technology is expected to ensure the authenticity of sports items for years to come.

Считается, что известные бренды все чаще используют технологию ДНК для защиты своих продуктов от несанкционированного копирования. Чтобы уменьшить угрозу мошенничества, все официальные товары для австралийских летних Олимпийских игр 2000 года были помечены чернилами, содержащими ДНК, взятыми у неназванного спортсмена. Для проведения расследований была отправлена команда «логокопов», вооруженная специальными ДНК-сканерами. Считается, что они идентифицировали поддельные олимпийские сувениры стоимостью в миллионы фунтов. Ожидается, что новая технология обеспечит подлинность спортивных предметов на долгие годы.

Ex. 4 Look at sentences a-d in Exercise 3 and follow the instructions. — Посмотрите на предложения a-d в Упражнении 3 и следуйте инструкциям.

1. Match the sentences to patterns a and b. — Сопоставьте предложения с шаблонами a и b.
(b, d) a subject + passive + infinitive — субъект + пассив + инфинитив
(a, c) b subject + passive + perfect infinitive — субъект + пассив + совершенный инфинитив
2. Which sentence reports a fact/situation that — В каком предложении сообщается о факте / ситуации, которая
(b) a happened at the same time as it was reported? — произошло одновременно с сообщением?
(a, c) b happened before the time it was reported? — произошло до того момента, когда о нем было сообщено?
(d) с is expected to happen in the future? — ожидается в будущем?
3. What verbs can be used to introduce patterns la and lb? – Какие глаголы можно использовать для введения шаблонов la и lb? say — сказать, think — думать, believe — верить, know — знать, claim — требовать, expect — ожидать

Ex. 5 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets. — Дополните текст правильными формами слов в скобках.

Kennewick Man
When two boys found the skeleton of Kennewick Man in 1995, it 1) was thought to be the remains of a murdered man, but 2) later was discovered to have been over 9,000 years old. Then a legal battle over the remains delayed further analysis for years. Scientists 3) were reported to be extremely anxious about this. It was the oldest complete skeleton 4) found in North America, and 5) was expected to provide crucial information about the mysterious origins of the first Americans. Scientists finally gained access to Kennewick Man in 2005 and have made important discoveries. He 6) was understood to be about 1.7 m tall and 7) to have died around the age of forty. Most interestingly, he 8) was said to have been buried. Further analysis and DNA tests 9) are expected to determine not only his diet, but whether he was from Polynesia, not Northeast Asia.

Кенневикский человек
Когда в 1995 году два мальчика нашли скелет Кенневикского человека, он считался останками убитого человека, но позже обнаружили, что ему было более 9 000 лет. Тогда юридическая битва за остатки задерживала дальнейший анализ в течение многих лет. Сообщалось, что ученые очень беспокоятся об этом. Это был самый старый полный скелет, найденный в Северной Америке, и, как ожидается, предоставит важную информацию о таинственном происхождении первых американцев. Ученые, наконец, получили доступ к Кенневикскому человеку в 2005 году и сделали важные открытия. Поняли, что он был около 1,7 м в высоту и умер в возрасте около сорока лет. Самое интересное, что он, как говорили, был похоронен. Ожидается, что дальнейший анализ и тесты ДНК определят не только его диету, но и то, был ли он из Полинезии, а не из Северо-Восточной Азии.

Ex. 6 Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same. — Перепишите предложения так, чтобы они имели в виду то же самое.

1. Scientists now believe that Beethoven died of lead poisoning. — Ученые теперь считают, что Бетховен умер от отравления свинцом.
Beethoven is believed to have died of lead poisoning. — Считается, что Бетховен умер от отравления свинцом.
2. It was reported that fruit found at the crime scene had led police to the murderer. — Сообщалось, что фрукт, обнаруженный на месте преступления, привел полицию к убийце.
Fruit found at the crime scene was reported to have been led police to the murderer. — Сообщалось, что фрукт, найденный на месте преступления, привел полицию к убийце.
3. It is said that US Super Bowl organisers are using DNA marking in their footballs. — Говорят, что американские организаторы Суперкубка используют ДНК-маркировку на своих футбольных мячах.
US Super Bowl organisers are said to be using DNA marking in their footballs. — Устроители Суперкубка США, как говорят, используют ДНК-маркировку на своих футбольных мячах.
4. Archaeologists expect that the frozen mummy will provide vital information about Inca civilisation. — Археологи ожидают, что замороженная мумия предоставит жизненно важную информацию о цивилизации инков.
The frozen mummy is expected to provide vital information about Inca civilisation. — Ожидается, что замороженная мумия предоставит жизненно важную информацию о цивилизации инков.
5. Geneticists claim that a local Bristol man is a descendant of a 9,000-year-old skeleton. — Генетики утверждают, что местный бристольский человек является потомком 9000летнего скелета.
A local Bristol man is claimed to be a descendant of a 9,000-year-old skeleton. — Местный бристольский человек, как утверждается, является потомком 9000летнего скелета.
6. Many people at the time alleged Mozart had been poisoned. — Многие люди в то время предполагали, что Моцарт был отравлен.
Mozart was alleged to have been poisoned. — Моцарт якобы был отравлен.

Ex. 7 Listen to two news items and write down five more statements using the patterns from Exercise 4. Then rewrite them using It is + a reporting verb. — Прослушайте два новостных материала и запишите еще пять выражений, используя шаблоны из упражнения 4. Затем перепишите их, используя It is + косвенный глагол.

1. Paintings worth over forty million pounds are reported to have been stolen. — Картины стоимостью более сорока миллионов фунтов, как сообщается, были украдены.
It is reported that paintings worth over forty million pounds have been stolen. — Сообщается, что картины стоимостью более 40 миллионов фунтов были украдены.
2. Thieves are thought to have broken in during the night. — Воры, как полагают, вломились ночью.
It is thought that the thieves have broken in during the night. — Считается, что воры вломились ночью.
3. Police have not yet established how they entered the gallery which is said to have the most sophisticated alarm system in the country. — Полиция еще не установила, как они вошли в галерею, которая, как говорят, имеет самую сложную систему сигнализации в стране.
It is said that police have not yet established how they entered the gallery which has the most sophisticated alarm system in the country. — Говорят, что полиция еще не установила, как они вошли в галерею с самой сложной системой сигнализации в стране.
4. Thousands of people all over the world are now believed to be searching for the ancestors via the Internet. — В настоящее время считается, что тысячи людей во всем мире ищут предков через Интернет.
It is believed that thousands of people all over the world are searching for the ancestors via the Internet. — Считается, что тысячи людей во всем мире ищут предков через Интернет.
5. Dozens of websites are thought to be selling private DNA tests to satisfy growing demand. — Десятки сайтов, как полагают, продают частные тесты ДНК, чтобы удовлетворить растущий спрос.
It is thought that dozens of websites are selling private DNA tests to satisfy growing demand. — Считается, что десятки сайтов продают частные тесты ДНК, чтобы удовлетворить растущий спрос.

Ex. 8 In groups, look at the photo above and discuss at least two possible uses of DNA in the areas below. — В группах посмотрите на фотографию выше и обсудите как минимум два возможных использования ДНК в нижеуказанных областях.
• health and medicine — здоровье и медицина
• crime detection — выявление преступлений
• famous historical figures — знаменитые исторические фигуры
• our ancestors — наши предки


Ex. 1 In pairs, read the list of situations and answer questions 1-3. — В парах прочитайте список ситуаций и ответьте на вопросы 1-3.

• You strike up a conversation with someone and discover you have a friend in common. — Вы встречаетесь с кем-то и обнаруживаете, что у вас есть общий друг.
• You think about someone, and shortly afterwards they phone or email you. — Вы думаете о ком-то, а вскоре после этого они звонят или пишут по электронной почте.
• You go shopping alone and buy the same clothes as a close friend. — Вы ходите по магазинам в одиночку и покупаете ту же одежду, что и близкий друг.
• Twin brothers have girlfriends with the same name. — У братьев-близнецов есть подруги с одинаковым именем.
1. Have you experienced any of these coincidences or others like it? If so, how and when? — Испытывали ли вы что-либо из этих совпадений или других подобных? Если да, то как и когда?
2. Which was, or would be, the strangest or most unusual for you? Why? — Что было или было бы самым странным или необычным для вас? Почему?
3. Do you think coincidences happen for a reason, or are purely chance events? Why? — Считаете ли вы, что совпадения происходят по какой-то причине или являются чисто случайными событиями? Почему?

Ex. 2 Read the blurb on the back of the novel and look at the sketch. What’s the central plot of the book? — Прочтите рекламный блок на обратной стороне романа и посмотрите на эскиз. Каков центральный сюжет книги?

Isabel Dalhousie, the charming, well- intentioned editor of a philosophy journal in The Sunday Philosophy Club, is back in Alexander McCall Smith’s new book, Friends, Lovers, Chocolate.
Isabel’s inability to ignore people in need inevitably involves her in unusual situations. By chance she meets Ian, a psychologist, who recently had a heart transplant. Ian tells her about a serious problem, which might prevent his recovery. He’s been having disturbing visions of an unfamiliar face — a face he thinks his new heart might remember …
Isabel is intrigued and finds herself involved in a dangerous investigation. But she still has time to think about the things that possess her — like love and friendship and, of course, chocolate …

Изабель Далхаузи, очаровательный, благонамеренный редактор журнала философии в Воскресном философском клубе, возвращается в новую книгу Александра Макколла Смита «Друзья, возлюбленные, шоколад».
Изабелла неспособна игнорировать людей, которые в ней нуждаются, неизбежно вовлекающих ее в необычные ситуации. Случайно она встречает Яна, психолога, у которого недавно была пересадка сердца. Ян рассказывает ей о серьезной проблеме, которая может помешать его выздоровлению. У него были тревожные видения незнакомого лица — лица, которое, по его мнению, может вспомнить его новое сердце …
Изабель заинтригована и оказывается вовлеченной в опасное расследование. Но у нее еще есть время подумать о том, что ей принадлежит — любовь и дружба, и, конечно же, шоколад …

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate
‘What are you getting involved in now?’
Over the next few minutes, Isabel told him about her chance meeting with Ian and about their conversation at the Scottish Arts Club. Jamie was interested — she could tell that — although he, like Isabel herself, seemed incredulous when she mentioned cellular memory.
‘There’s a rational explanation for these things,’ he said when she had finished talking. ‘There always is. And I just don’t see how anything other than brain cells could store memory- I just don’t. And that’s on the strength of my school biology course. It’s that basic.’
‘But that’s exactly the problem,’ retorted Isabel. ‘We’re all stuck with the same tried and trusted ideas. If we refused to entertain the possibility of something radically different, then we’d never make any progress — ever. We’d still be thinking that the sun revolved round the earth.’
Jamie affected surprise. ‘Isabel, don’t start challenging that now!’
Isabel accepted his scepticism good-naturedly.
‘I should point out that I’m completely agnostic on all this,’ she said. ‘All I’m doing is tiying to keep an open mind.’
‘And where does this take you?’ asked Jamie.
‘So what if the cells in the transplanted heart or whatever think they remember a face. So what?’
Isabel looked about her, for no reason other than that she felt a slight twinge of fear. That was in itself irrational, but she felt it.
‘The face that he remembers could be the face of the driver who killed the donor,’ she said. ‘It could have been imprinted in memory – whatever sort of memory — after he’d been knocked down and the driver came and looked down at him.’
Jamie’s lip curled. ‘Really, Isabel!’
‘Yes,’ she said quickly. ‘Really. And if it is the face of the driver, then we may have a description of the person responsible for the death.’
Jamie thought for a moment. It was now obvious to him what Isabel had been doing in the library. (отрывок из текста)

Друзья, Возлюбленные, Шоколад
«Чем вы сейчас занимаетесь?»
В течение следующих нескольких минут Изабель рассказала ему о своей случайной встрече с Яном и об их разговоре в Шотландском художественном клубе. Джейми заинтересовался — она могла это сказать, хотя он, как и сама Изабель, казался недоверчивым, когда она упоминала о клеточной памяти.
«Есть разумное объяснение этому, — сказал он, когда она закончила говорить. «Всегда есть. И я просто не понимаю, как что-то, кроме клеток мозга, может хранить память — я просто не могу понять. И это зависит от курса моей школьной биологии. Это основа».
«Но это точно проблема», — возразила Изабель. «Мы все застряли в тех же проверенных и надежных идеях. Если бы мы отказались воспринимать возможность чего-то радикального, то мы бы никогда не достигли никакого прогресса. Мы бы все еще думали, что солнце вращается вокруг земли».
Джейми почувствовал удивление. «Изабель, не начинай сейчас бросать вызов!»
Изабель доброжелательно восприняла его скептицизм.
«Я должна указать, что я совершенно не способна на это», — сказала она. «Все, что я делаю, это пытаюсь сохранить открытый разум».
«И куда это приведет тебя?» спросил Джейми.
«Что если клетки в пересаженном сердце или что-то еще думают, что они помнят лицо. И что?»
Изабель огляделась по сторонам, потому что не имела ничего другого, кроме легкого приступа страха. Это было само по себе иррационально, но она это чувствовала.
«Лицо, которое он помнит, могло быть лицом водителя, который убил донора», — сказала она. «Его можно было запечатлеть в памяти — какой бы эта память ни была, после того, как он был сбит, и водитель подошел и посмотрел на него».
Губы Джейми скривились. «Действительно, Изабель!»
«Да», быстро сказала она. «В самом деле. И если это лицо водителя, то у нас может быть описание лица, ответственного за смерть».
Джейми задумался. Теперь ему стало очевидно, что Изабель делала в библиотеке. «Вы нашли сообщение об аварии?» — спросил он. «Вы знаете, кто был донором?»
«Я так думаю, — сказала Изабель. «Мы знаем, что донор был молодым человеком. Именно столько знает Ян. Поэтому я сопоставила все и пришла к выводу, что внезапная насильственная смерть в тот день, когда они вызвали Яна на его пересадку, вероятно, предоставит личность донора. И это было. В этом нет ничего блестящего. Все это довольно очевидно.
Но так ли? Она решила, что она слишком много допускает и слишком легко. Возможно, были и другие инциденты, другие молодые люди, которые могли быть донорами, но нет. Эдинбург не был очень большим местом. Было бы маловероятно, что двое молодых людей умерли внезапной смертью той ночью. Ее предположение, по ее мнению, было разумным.

Ex. 3 Listen and read Part 1 of the extract. Complete sentences 1 -9 with Isabel, Jamie, Ian or the donor. — Прослушайте и прочитайте Часть 1 отрывка. Дополните предложения 1 -9 именами Изабел, Джейми, Ян или донор.

1. Isabel was willing to consider theories that have not been scientifically proved. — Изабель была готова рассмотреть теории, которые не были научно доказаны.
2. The donor might’ve died in a car accident. — Донор мог погибнуть в автомобильной катастрофе.
3. Ian was troubled by strange visions. — Ян был встревожен странными видениями.
4. Jamie was sceptical about the idea that heart cells can remember events and images. — Джейми скептически относился к идее о том, что клетки сердца могут запоминать события и изображения.
5. Ian had a heart transplant. — У Яна была пересадка сердца.
6. Isabel had been doing some research before this conversation took place. — Изабель проводила некоторые исследования до того, как этот разговор состоялся.
7. The donor might’ve seen the face of the driver before he died. — До того, как он умер, донор видел лицо водителя.
8. Ian knew the heart donor was young. — Ян знал, что донор сердца был молод.
9. Isabel believed the person who’d died in the accident was the heart donor. — Изабель считала, что человек, который погиб в результате несчастного случая, был донором сердца.

Ex. 4 Vocabulary. Match 1-5 with a-e to make phrases from the extract. – Лексика. Сопоставьте 1-5 с a-e, чтобы сделать фразы из отрывка.

d-1. tried and trusted – опробованный и проверенный
a-2. entertain the possibility – рассматривать возможность
e-3. keep an open mind — держать открытый разум
c-4. a twingle of fear – приступ страха
b-5. put two and two together — догадаться

Ex. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrases from Exercise 4. — Дополните предложения правильными формами фраз из упражнения 4.

1. When she heard footsteps behind her, she couldn’t help feeling a twingle of fear. — Когда она услышала шаги позади нее, она не могла не почувствовать приступ страха.
2. I’m not sure whether I like him or not. I keep an open mind at the moment. — Я не уверен, нравится мне он или нет. В настоящий момент я держу разум открытым.
3. Ann’s not a very adventurous cook. She always sticks to the same tried and trusted recipes. — Энн не очень авантюрный повар. Она всегда придерживается тех же опробованных и проверенных рецептов.
4. He loved his home town and had never even entertained the possibility of living abroad. — Он любил свой родной город и никогда даже не рассматривал возможность жить за границей.
5. After she’d seen him with the same girl for the third time, she put two and two together. — После того, как она увидела его с той же девушкой в третий раз, она догадалась.

Ex. 6 Before you look at Part 2, discuss these questions. — Прежде чем взглянуть на часть 2, обсудите эти вопросы.

• Are Isabel’s assumptions about the identity of the donor reasonable? Why?/Why not? — Являются ли предположения Изабеллы об идентичности донора разумными? Почему, почему нет?
• Will Jamie support Isabel in her investigations? Why?/Why not? — Будет ли Джейми поддерживать Изабель в своих расследованиях? Почему, почему нет?
• What will Isabel do next? Why? — Что Изабель сделает дальше? Почему?

Ex. 7 Listen and read Part 2 of the extract on page 96. Are the statements true or false? Were your predictions correct? — Послушайте и прочитайте часть 2 отрывка на стр. 96. Являются ли утверждения истинными или ложными? Были ли правильные прогнозы?

T-1. Jamie had become involved in Isabel’s investigations before. — Раньше Джейми принимал участие в расследованиях Изабель.
T-2. Isabel had already assumed that Jamie would want to help her. — Изабель уже предположила, что Джейми захочет ей помочь.
F-3. Neither of them knew if the police had identified the driver. — Никто из них не знал, узнала ли полиция водителя.
T-4. Ian had described the face of the man he kept imagining to Isabel. — Ян описал Изабель лицо человека, которого он все время представлял.
F-5. Isabel believed that the police would act on the information she had. — Изабель считала, что полиция будет действовать по информации, которую она имела.
T-6. She felt obliged to take responsibility for the problems of people she met. — Она чувствовала себя обязанной взять на себя ответственность за проблемы людей, с которыми она встречалась.
T-7. Isabel believed that justice must be done. — Изабель считала, что должна восторжествовать.

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate
Rather against his better judgement, Jamie felt himself being drawn in. He could not resist Isabel, he had decided. There was something about her that fascinated him: the intellectual curiosity, the style, the verve.
‘So?’ he said. ‘So who is he? And what do we do?’
We do, he thought. I should’ve said you do, but once again, I’ve played straight into Isabel’s hands. I’m trapped. In nets of golden wires.
Isabel was oblivious of Jamie’s struggle with himself. She had invited him to meet her to discuss what she had found out; she had not asked him to join her in her inquiry. Of course, if he wished to do so, then that would be very 75 helpful, but she had not asked him.
‘Well,’ she began, ‘we now know who that unfortunate young man was and where he lived. We know that the police appealed for information.’
‘And that’s it,’ said Jamie. ‘We … you don’t know whether they ever found the driver.’ Isabel conceded that this remained unknown. But now, at least, they had a description of the person who might have been responsible.
‘But what do you do with that?’ asked Jamie.
‘Go to the police? What would you tell them? That somebody else is having visions of a face and here’s a drawing?’ He laughed. ‘You can imagine the reception you’d get.’
Isabel thought about this. She had not imagined going to the police — just yet. Jamie was right in thinking that it would be difficult to convince them to take her seriously and that they would be unlikely to pursue the matter further; unless, of course, the push came from the family of the victim. If they could be persuaded to do something about it, then the police could hardly refuse a request from them, at least to consider Ian’s story.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Jamie. ‘Why are you doing this, Isabel?’ he asked mildly. ‘What’s the point?’
(отрывок из текста)

Друзья, Возлюбленные, Шоколад
Скорее против своего лучшего суждения, Джейми, оказался втянут в это. Он не мог устоять перед Изабеллой, решил он. В ней было что-то интересное: интеллектуальное любопытство, стиль, живость и яркость. «Итак?» — сказал он. «Итак, кто он? И что мы будем делать?
Мы будем делать, подумал он. Я должен был сказать, что ты будешь делать, но еще раз я сыграл прямо на руку Изабелле. Я в ловушке. В сетке из золотых проводов.
Изабель не обращала внимания на борьбу Джейми с самим собой. Она пригласила его встретиться с ней, чтобы обсудить, что она узнала; Она не просила его присоединиться к ней в ее расследовании. Конечно, если бы он этого хотел, то это было бы очень полезно, но она не просила его.
«Ну, — начала она, — теперь мы знаем, кто этот несчастный молодой человек и где он живет. Мы знаем, что полиция обратилась за информацией.
«И все, — сказал Джейми. «Мы … ты не знаешь, нашли ли они водителя». Изабель признала, что это осталось неизвестным. Но теперь, по крайней мере, у них было описание человека, который мог быть ответственным.
«Но что ты сделаешь с этим?» — спросил Джейми.
«Пойдешь в полицию? Что бы ты им сказала? Что у кого-то еще видения лица, а вот рисунок?» Он рассмеялся. «Вы можете представить себе прием, который вы получите».
Изабель подумала об этом. Она даже не представляла, как идти в полицию. Джейми был прав, думая, что будет трудно убедить их серьезно относиться к ней, и что они вряд ли будут продолжать заниматься этим вопросом; Если, конечно, толчок не пришел из семьи жертвы. Если бы их можно было убедить что-то предпринять, тогда полиция вряд ли могла бы отказаться от просьбы от них, по крайней мере, рассмотреть историю Яна.
Ее мысли были прерваны Джеймсом. «Почему ты это делаешь, Изабель?» — спросил он мягко. «В чем смысл?»
Она посмотрела на него. Это был ее долг, не так ли? Если бы это была действительно информация о том, кто несет ответственность за дорожно-транспортный инцидент, то, конечно же, она обязана что-то сделать с этим — любой гражданин будет иметь эту обязанность просто потому, что он или она был гражданином. И было больше, чем это. Слушая рассказ Яна, она почувствовала, что с ним и его ситуацией втянута в нравственные отношения. У Изабель были твердые взгляды на нравственную близость и вытекающие из нее обязательства.
Мы не можем выбирать ситуации, в которых мы вовлечены в этой жизни; Мы попадаем в них, нравится нам это или нет. Если кто-то сталкивается с необходимостью другого, из-за того, кем он является, или где кто-то оказывается, чтобы найти себя, и он может помочь, тогда нужно это сделать. Это было так просто.
Она пожала плечами. «Дело в том, что я должна это сделать», — сказала она. «Я не могу уйти от этого. Этого водителя нужно призвать к ответственности. И Ян должен знать, почему он видит это лицо. В каждом случае решение заключается в раскрытии истины».

Ex. 8 Vocabulary. Complete the table. Some of the words are in the text. Then complete sentences 1-6 with the correct words from the table. – Лексика. Заполните таблицу. Некоторые из слов находятся в тексте. Затем дополните предложения 1-6 правильными словами из таблицы.

Adjective – noun – verb — Прилагательное — существительное — глагол
judgemental — judgement – judge – преднамеренный — суждение — судить
conclusive – conclusion – conclude — окончательный — заключение — заключать
rational – rationale – rationalize — рациональное — обоснование — рационализировать
assumed – assumption – assume — предполагаемый — предположение — предполагать
conceding – concession – concede – уступающий — уступка — уступать
oblivious – oblivion – забывающий – забвение, забывчивость

1. She instinctively made the conclusion that he was telling the truth. — Она инстинктивно сделала вывод, что он говорит правду.
2. The results of the tests were oblivious. There was no doubt about it. — Результаты тестов были не замечены. В этом не было никаких сомнений.
3. I try not to make judgement about people until I get to know them better. — Я стараюсь не судить о людях, пока я не узнаю их лучше.
4. In the end, I was forced to assume that he was right. — В конце концов, я был вынужден предположить, что он был прав.
5. We were conceded of the fact that she was deeply hurt by our remarks. – Мы признали факт, что она была глубоко ранена нашими замечаниями.
6. I just don’t understand the rationale behind his behavior. — Я просто не понимаю причины его поведения.

Ex. 9 Vocabulary. In the extracts, find the words that match definitions a-h. – Лексика. В отрывках найдите слова, соответствующие определениям a-h.

a unable to believe something — incredulous — не в силах во что-то верить — недоверчивый
b reply quickly and angrily — retorted — ответ быстро и сердито – парировала, резко возражать
с move one’s lip upwardly showing scepticism – curle — двигать своей губой вверх, демонстрируя скептицизм — кривить
d energy and excitement — verve — энергия и волнение — живость и яркость
e completely unaware of — oblivious — полностью не осознавая — забывая
f admit reluctantly that something is true – concede — неохотно признают, что что-то истинно — уступать
g nearness in distance or time — proximity — близость в расстоянии или времени — близость
h move one’s shoulders upwardly showing you don’t know or care – shrug — двигать своими плечами вверх, показывая, что вы не знаете или не заботитесь — пожимать плечами

Ex. 10 Discuss your opinions in groups. — Обсудите ваши мнения в группах.

• Whose point of view do you sympathise with more — Jamie’s or Isabel’s? — С какой точкой зрения вы согласны больше — Джейми или Изабель?
• What would you do in her place? — Что бы вы сделали на ее месте?
• Do you ever find yourself in a dilemma? In what way? — Вы когда-нибудь сталкивались с дилеммой? В каком смысле?
• Do you find it easy to make up your mind about things or people? Why?/Why not? — Считаете ли вы легкомысленно думать о вещах или людях? Почему, почему нет?

A) WOULDN’T BE SEEN DEAD WEARING THOSE BOOTS! – Я скорее умру, чем надену те ботинки!
B) ERNIE’S THE LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY. YES, HE’S LARGER THAN LIFE! – Эрни душа компании. Да, он потрясающий!
C) I’M NOT GIVING YOU THE MONEY! YOU’RE DEAD RIGHT. I’LL TAKE IT AFTER I’VE SHOT YOU! – Я не даю вам деньги! Вы чертовски правы. Я возьму их, после того, как застрелю вас.
D) PASS ME THAT KNIFE, PLEASE. YOU’LL DO THAT OVER MY DEAD BODY. – Передайте мне тот нож, пожалуйста. Вы сделаете это, только через мой труп.
E) LOOKING FOR SOMETHING, DEAR? I CAN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME REMEMBER WHERE I PUT MY HAT! – Что-то ищешь, дорогой? Я не могу вспомнить, куда я положил свою шляпу!


Ex. 1 In pairs, look at the cartoons and answer the questions. — В парах посмотрите мультфильмы и ответьте на вопросы.

• What do the underlined expressions mean? Do you have similar ones in your language? — Что означают подчеркнутые выражения? У вас есть похожие в вашем языке?
• Which cartoon do you like best? Why? — Какой мультфильм вам больше нравится? Почему?

Ex. 2 Lines a-e each finish five different dialogues. Listen and match the dialogues you hear to the correct lines. Justify your choice. — Строки a-e заканчивают пять разных диалогов. Слушайте и сопоставляйте диалоги, которые вы слышите, с правильными строками. Обоснуйте свой выбор.

3-a I wouldn’t be seen dead with him! – Я скорее умру, чем пойду с ним!
4-b Over my dead body! – Только через мой труп!
2-с I’m dead tired tonight. — Я сегодня чертовски устал.
5-d You mean larger than life? He’s sure to be the life and soul of the party. — Вы имеете в виду потрясающий? Он обязательно будет душой компании.
1-e But I couldn’t for the life of me remember his name! – Но я не могу вспомнить его имя!

Ex. 3 Which sentences a-g follow on from sentences 1-7? — Какие предложения a-g следуют за предложениями 1-7?

e-1. Have you bought the newspaper? — I’m dying to check the answers to yesterday’s crossword. — Вы купили газету? — Я умираю, как хочу проверить ответы на вчерашний кроссворд.
c-2. I knew I shouldn’t have gone there. — I nearly died of boredom. — Я знал, что не должен был идти туда. — Я чуть не умер от скуки.
g-3. I’ve just heard that Bob wore two different- coloured shoes to school. — I nearly died laughing. — Я только что слышал, что Боб надел две разноцветные туфли в школу. — Я чуть не умер от смеха.
a-4. I’ve never worked so hard in my life. — I’m dying for a holiday. — Я никогда не работал так усердно в своей жизни. – Я страсть как хочу в отпуск.
f-5. I’ve just had a pay rise! — Let’s go out and live it up! – Мне только что подняли зарплату! – Пойдем погуляем и отметим!
b-6. She really should look for a job nearer home. — She’s been living out of a suitcase for the last six months. — Ей действительно нужно искать работу ближе к дому. — В течение последних шести месяцев она живет на чемоданах.
d-7. That hat is to die for! — But look at the price. I’d probably live to regret it! – За эту шляпу можно и умереть! — Но посмотри на цену. Я бы, наверное, пожалел об этом!

Ex. 4 Write a sentence to follow on from sentences 1-6. Use the underlined expressions from Exercise 3. Then compare your answers in pairs. — Напишите предложение, которое следует за предложениями 1-6. Используйте подчеркнутые выражения из упражнения 3. Затем сравните свои ответы парами.

1. I wouldn’t buy that jacket if I were you. – The price is too high. I’d probably live to regret it! — Я бы не купил этот куртку, на вашем месте. — Цена слишком высокая. Я бы, наверное, пожалел об этом!
2. That new comedian at the club is brilliant. – I nearly died laughing. — Этот новый комик в клубе блестящий. — Я чуть не умер от смеха.
3. He’s just spent six months backpacking around Asia. – I think, it was very difficult to live out of a suitcase. — Он провел шесть месяцев, занимаясь альпинизмом в Азии. — Мне кажется, было очень трудно жить на чемоданах.
4. I heard they’ve got a new CD out. – I’m dying to listen to it with you. — Я слышал, что у них появился новый диск. — Я умираю, как хочу послушать его с тобой.
5. Take my advice and don’t go to see it. – I nearly died of boredom. — Примите мой совет и не ходите смотреть это. — Я чуть не умер от скуки.
6. The exams are over! Now we can relax. – Let’s go out and live it up! — Экзамены закончены! Теперь мы можем расслабиться. — Пойдем погуляем и отметим это!

Ex. 5 Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles below. Use a dictionary to help you. — Дополните фразовые глаголы правильными предлогами ниже. Используйте словарь, чтобы помочь вам.

1. Hundreds of species are thought to be dying out every day. — Считается, что сотни видов вымирают каждый день.
2. Once the press find out his secret, he’ll never live it down. — Как только пресса узнает его секрет, он никогда не заставит забыть это.
3. We had a terrible storm last night, but it soon died down. — У нас была ужасная буря прошлой ночью, но вскоре она затихла.
4. I know you hate your job, but you’ll have to live off it for the time being. — Я знаю, что вы ненавидите свою работу, но пока вам придется жить на что-то.
5. When our excitement finally died away, we realised what the million-pound win meant. — Когда наше волнение окончательно исчезло, мы поняли, что означало миллионная победа.
6. My boss is so demanding, I can never live up to his expectations. — Мой босс настолько требовательный, что я никогда не смогу оправдать его ожидания.
7. Students who go to university usually have to live with (without) their parents. — Студенты, которые ходят в университет, обычно должны жить со своими (без) родителями.

Ex. 6 In groups, discuss your answers to each prompt. Then compare your answers with other groups. — В группах обсудите свои ответы на каждую подсказку. Затем сравните свои ответы с другими группами.

Something or someone — Что-то или кто-то
• you can never remember for the life of you — вы никогда не помните где это
• you might live to regret — вы можете пожалеть об этом
• that makes you die of boredom — это заставляет вас умереть от скуки
• you’re dying to do or to have — вы умираете, как хотите что-то сделать или иметь
• you might find hard to live down — вам может показаться, трудным заставить забыть что-либо
• you find difficult to live with — вам трудно жить с
• you find difficult to live up to — вам трудно оправдать ожидания

1) Bob and Carol and Romeo and Juliet all live in the same house. Bob and Carol go out to a movie, and when they return, Romeo is lying dead on the floor of the living room. There is some broken glass and spilt water around him. It is obvious that Juliet killed him, but she is not severely punished. Why is that?

Боб и Кэрол, Ромео и Джульетта живут в одном доме. Боб и Кэрол пошли в кино, и когда они вернулись, Ромео лежал мертвым на полу гостиной. Там было разбитое стекло и пролитая вода. Очевидно, Джульетта убила его, но ее не сурово наказали. Почему это? (Ромео – рыба, Джульетта – собака)

2) A man walked into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The barman took out a gun and pointed it at him. The man said ‘Thank you’ and walked out. Why?

Человек вошел в бар и попросил стакан воды. Бармен достал пистолет и указал на него. Мужчина сказал «Спасибо» и вышел. Почему? — У этого человека была икота. Бармен понял это по его разговору и достал ружье для того, чтобы напугать этого человека. Это сработало. Икота прошла, поэтому человек был благодарен бармену (и ему больше не нужна была вода).


Ex. 1 In pairs, discuss which of these games and puzzles you have tried. — В парах обсудите, какие из этих игр и головоломок вы пробовали.
sudoku – судоку, word squares – словесные квадраты, hangman – виселица, crosswords – кроссворды, battleships – морской бой, noughts and crosses – крестики нолики, spot the difference – найдите отличия, riddles — загадки

Ex. 2 Read riddles 1 and 2. Which riddle does each picture illustrate? In pairs, discuss possible solutions to the riddles. — Прочитайте загадки 1 и 2. Какую загадку иллюстрирует каждая фотография? В парах обсудите возможные решения загадок.

Ex. 3 Listen to two students trying to solve riddle 2. What possible solutions do they give? Do you think they’re plausible? Why? — Послушайте двух учеников, пытающихся решить загадку 2. Какие возможные решения они дают? Вы думаете, что они правдоподобны? Почему?

Ex. 4 Think Back! Look at the underlined modals + perfect infinitives referring to the past in sentences a-g and match them to definitions 1-3. – Вспомните! Посмотрите на подчеркнутые модальные глаголы + совершенные инфинитивы, относящиеся к прошлому в предложениях a-g и сопоставив их с определениями 1-3.

3-a The barman can’t have liked the look of the man. — Бармену не понравился внешний вид мужчины.
3-b No, it couldn’t have been that. It’s too obvious. — Нет, это не могло быть так. Это слишком очевидно.
1-с The man must’ve been thirsty or he wouldn’t have asked for some water. — Человек, должно быть, испытывал жажду, или он не просил бы воды.
2-d He might’ve just walked across the desert and was dying for a drink. — Он мог только что пройти через пустыню и умирал, так хотел пить.
2-e The barman could’ve been scared, so he took out his gun. — Бармен мог испугаться, поэтому он достал пистолет.
2-f The barman may have recognised him from the newspapers. — Бармен, возможно, узнал его из газет.
2-g He might not have known his photo was in the papers. — Возможно, он не знал, что его фотография была в газетах.

1. You are almost certain that something happened. — Вы почти уверены, что что-то произошло.
2. You think it’s possible that something happened/didn’t happen. — Вы думаете, что возможно, что что-то произошло / не произошло.
3. You are almost certain that something did not happen. — Вы почти уверены, что этого не случилось.

Ex. 5 Listen and repeat the sentences, paying attention to the contracted forms. — Послушайте и повторите предложения, обращая внимание на сокращения.

Ex. 6 Discuss how the modals change the meaning in each sentence. Then listen to the solution to riddle 2 and choose the correct modals. Were your ideas in Exercise 2 similar? — Обсудите, как модальные глаголы меняют смысл в каждом предложении. Затем послушайте решение загадки 2 и выберите правильные модальные глаголы. Были ли ваши идеи в упражнении 2 похожими?

1. The barman could have been playing a joke on him. — Бармен мог подшутить над ним.
2. The barman might have been insulted by the man in some way. — Бармен, возможно, был оскорблен человеком каким-то образом.
3. They may have been working in the same place. — Возможно, они работали в одном и том же месте.
4. The man could have helped him — but he refused. — Человек мог помочь ему, но он отказался.
5. The man couldn’t have been threatened because he said ‘thank you’. — Человеку не угрожали, потому что он сказал «спасибо».
6. The barman could have wanted just to scare him. — Бармен мог просто напугать его.

Work it out

Ex. 7 Look at the sentences in Exercise 6 and follow the instructions. — Посмотрите на предложения в Упражнении 6 и следуйте инструкциям.

1. Find two passive and two continuous infinitives used with modals referring to the past. — Найдите два пассивных и два непрерывных инфинитива, используемые с модальными глаголами, относящимися к прошлому.
2. Look at two different uses of could in sentences 4 and 6. Which could means that it was possible for something to happen but it didn’t? — Посмотрите на два разных варианта использования в предложениях 4 и 6. Что может означать, что что-то возможно произошло, но это не так?
3. In which sentence, 4 or 6, can we replace could with might and may? — В каком предложении, 4 или 6, мы можем заменить could словами might и may?

Mind the trap! – Избегайте ловушки!
We use needn’t have + perfect infinitive to say that something was done but it wasn’t necessary. — Мы используем не обязательно have + совершенный инфинитив, чтобы сказать, что что-то было сделано, но это было необязательно.
We use didn’t need + simple infinitive to say that something wasn’t necessary and it wasn’t done. — Нам не нужно + простой инфинитив, чтобы сказать, что что-то не нужно, и это не было сделано.
He needn’t have pointed a gun at him. (but he did it) — Ему не нужно было наставлять на него пистолет. (Но он это сделал)
That’s why he didn’t need to drink the water, (and he didn’t) — Вот почему ему не нужно было пить воду (и он этого не сделал)

Ex. 8 Rewrite the sentences using modals + perfect infinitives, referring to the past. Sometimes more than one modal is possible. — Перепишите предложения с использованием модальных глаголов + совершенные инфинитивы, ссылаясь на прошлое. Иногда возможно более одного модального глагола.

1. It wasn’t necessary for me to go to the meeting because it was cancelled. — Мне не нужно было идти на собрание, потому что оно было отменено.
I didn’t need to go to the meeting because it was cancelled. — Мне не нужно было идти на собрание, потому что оно было отменено.
2. I’m sure the accident was caused by speeding. — Я уверен, что авария была вызвана превышением скорости.
The accident must have been caused by speeding. — Авария должно быть была вызвана превышением скорости.
3. Perhaps she was having a shower when you called. — Возможно, она принимала душ, когда вы позвонили.
She could’ve been having a shower when you called. — Когда ты позвонил, она могла принимать душ.
4. It was possible for him to post the letter yesterday, but he forgot. – Для него было возможно отправить письмо вчера, но он забыл.
He could’ve posted the letter yesterday, but he forgot. — Он мог вчера отправить письмо, но он забыл.
5. I cooked a lot of food for the party, but it wasn’t necessary because nobody was very hungry. — Я приготовил много еды для вечеринки, но это не было необходимо, потому что никто не был очень голоден.
I needn’t have cooked a lot of food for the party because nobody was very hungry. — Мне не нужно было готовить много еды для вечеринки, потому что никто не был очень голоден.
6. It’s almost certain that he wasn’t murdered — it was probably suicide. — Почти наверняка он не был убит — возможно, это было самоубийство.
He can’t have been murdered, it might have been suicide. – Он не мог быть убит, это возможно было самоубийство.
7. Maybe the TV wasn’t working yesterday. — Может быть, телевизор вчера не работал.
The TV may not have been working yesterday. — Возможно, телевизор не работал вчера. —

Ex. 9 Read the riddle and discuss what the solution might be. Use modals + perfect infinitives referring to the past. — Прочитайте загадку и обсудите, какое решение может быть. Используйте модальные глаголы + совершенные инфинитивы, относящиеся к прошлому.

A man was found dead in the middle of a field. He was holding a broken match. What happened? — Человек был найден мертвым посреди поля. У него была сломанная спичка. Что случилось?

он с друзьями летел на воздушном шаре…но так как этот шар вот-вот столкнулся бы со скалами.. они решили голосовать кто будет прыгать…они взяли спички и стали играть тот кто вытянет короткую спичку, тот и будет прыгать…вот ему она досталась и он спрыгнул…и разбился!

Ex. 10 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs below. Then listen and check. Was your solution to the riddle correct? — Дополните предложения правильными формами глаголов ниже. Затем слушайте и проверяйте. Правильно ли было ваше решение этой загадки?

1. He might have been testing the bomb there. — Он, возможно, тестировал там бомбу.
2. He could have been kidnaped, and they were going to shoot him. — Его возможно похитили, и они собирались его застрелить.
3. Yes, but they needn’t have taken him to a field to shoot him. — Да, но им не нудно было везти его на поле, чтобы застрелить его.
4. It might have been an accident or he may have been murdered. — Возможно, это был несчастный случай или он, возможно, был убит.
5. He could have been stabbed or strangled! – Он мог быть заколот или задушен!
6. He might have been training to be a parachutist, and his parachute didn’t open! — Возможно, он тренировался, чтобы быть парашютистом, и его парашют не раскрылся!
7. So he may have been pushed from the plane! – Или он мог быть вытолкнут из самолета!
8. The match could have been broken in two pieces, and he only had half of it! – Спичка могла быть разломана на две части и у него была только половина!
9. The balloon could have been damaged by a bird, or it was too heavy. — Воздушный шар мог быть поврежден птицей, или он был слишком тяжелым.
10. They might have been approaching some mountains and were going to crash. — Они, возможно, приближались к горам и собирались рухнуть.

Ex. 11 Read the situations and write down at least two things you might say in each one, using modals + perfect infinitives, referring to the past. Compare your answers in groups. — Прочитайте ситуации и запишите, по крайней мере, две вещи, которые вы можете сказать в каждом из них, используя модальные глаголы + совершенные инфинитивы, ссылаясь на прошлое. Сравните свои ответы в группах.

1. You get home and find the house is in a terrible mess. — Вы возвращаетесь домой, и находите дом в ужасном беспорядке.
2. You spent all day preparing a presentation for school the next day. The teacher was ill, and the class was cancelled. — Вы целый день готовили презентацию для школы на следующий день. Учитель заболел, и урок был отменен.
3. You phone a friend, but nobody answers, which is strange because there’s always someone at home at that time. — Вы звоните другу, но никто не отвечает, что странно, потому что в это время всегда кто-то есть дома.

Ex. 12 Work in groups of three to solve riddle 1 in Exercise 2. Remember you can use the picture to help you. Students A and C, look at page 136. Student B, look at page 139. — Работа в группах по три для решения загадки 1 в упражнении 2. Помните, что вы можете использовать картинку, чтобы помочь вам. Студенты A и C, посмотрите на странице 136. Студент B, посмотрите на стр. 139.

Riddle 1: Students A and С
Discuss possible explanations for riddle 1. You can ask Student В for help using questions with Yes/No answers, but you will lose one point, from a total of 10, for each question. — Обсудите возможные объяснения загадки 1. Вы можете попросить ученика В помочь с помощью вопросов с ответами «Да / Нет», но вы потеряете один балл из 10, за каждый вопрос.

Riddle 1 Student В
Read riddle 1 and the solution below. Students A and С will try to solve the riddle. They can ask you for help using questions with Yes/No answers. They lose one point for each question, from a total of 10.
Solution: Romeo was a goldfish. His bowl was knocked over and broken by Juliet the dog (who you can see in the picture). Although Bob and Carol are not happy about what happened to Romeo, Juliet can’t be punished severely for what she did.

Прочитайте загадку 1 и решение ниже. Студенты A и С попытаются разгадать загадку. Они могут попросить вас о помощи, используя вопросы с ответами «Да / Нет». Они теряют по одному баллу за каждый вопрос, из общего числа 10.
Решение: Ромео был золотой рыбой. Его аквариум была сбит и разбит Джульеттой собакой (которую вы можете видеть на картинке). Хотя Боб и Кэрол недовольны тем, что случилось с Ромео, Джульетта не может быть строго наказана за то, что она сделала.


Ex. 1 In pairs, look at the picture and answer the questions. — В парах посмотрите изображение и ответьте на вопросы.

• What do you know about these people? — Что вы знаете об этих людях?
• What sort of personality do you think they have/had? Use the words below. Justify your opinions. – Какая у них личность, по вашему мнению? Используйте приведенные ниже слова. Обоснуйте свое мнение.
strong-willed — волевой
charismatic — харизматичный
outspoken — откровенный
argumentative — аргументированный
short-tempered — несдержанный
innovative — инновационный
manipulative — манипулятивный
quick-witted — сообразительный
inscrutable — непостижимый
a good conversationalist — хороший собеседник
astute — проницательный
witty — остроумный

Ex. 2 Look at how the people are seated. Is the seating plan a good one? Why?/Why not? — Посмотрите, как люди сидят. Хороший ли план рассадки? Почему, почему нет?

Ex. 3 Listen to three people discussing the seating plan. Complete sentences 1-6 with the correct famous person’s name. — Послушайте трех человек, которые обсуждают план посадочных мест. Дополните предложения 1-6 правильным именем знаменитого человека.

1. Socrates was said not to care about his/her appearance. – Говорят, Сократ не заботился о своей внешности.
2. Napoleon can talk about intelligent, amusing and interesting things. — Наполеон может говорить об умных, забавных и интересных вещах.
3. Jane Austen lived a sheltered life in a rural area. — Джейн Остин жила защищенной жизнью в сельской местности.
4. Bill Gates could discuss his/her ambitions with Elizabeth I. — Билл Гейтс мог обсудить свои амбиции с Элизабет I.
5. Madonna believes in equality of the sexes. — Мадонна верит в равенство полов.
6. Queen Elizabeth I wouldn’t agree with Napoleon’s military ambitions. — Королева Елизавета I не согласилась бы с военными амбициями Наполеона.

Ex. 4 Complete Speak Out with words from the box. Then listen again and check. Draw their seating plan so far. — Дополните раздел Выскажитесь словами из рамки. Затем послушайте снова и проверьте. Нарисуйте план их посадки до сих пор.

SPEAK OUT | Problem solving – Выскажитесь | Решение проблем
To refer to a problem — Чтобы обратиться к проблеме
The trouble is — Проблема в том, что
I can already see quite a few 1) pitfalls. — Я уже вижу довольно много подводных камней.
I’ve just realised there’s a 2) hitch here. — Я только что понял, что здесь есть заминка.
Yes, that could work!/ I don’t think it would work. — Да, это может сработать! / Я не думаю, что это сработает.

To refer to decisions made so far — Сослаться на решения, принятые до настоящего времени
Just to go back to the 3) point you made about — Просто вернемся к тому, что вы сделали
We don’t seem to be 4) getting very 5) far, do we? — Кажется, мы не очень далеко, не так ли?
So where are we now, then? — Итак, где же мы сейчас?
We’ll get 6) round it somehow. — Мы как-нибудь обойдем это.

To move the discussion on – Продолжать обсуждение
Let’s move on, shall we?/ 7) Moving on — Давайте двигаться дальше? / Двигаемся дальше
Let’s leave that for now and come back to it later. — Оставим это сейчас и вернемся к этому позже.

Ex. 5 How would you organise the seating plan? Discuss in pairs, using language from Speak Out. Then draw your plan. For information about the people, Student A, look at page 137. Student B, look at page 139. — Как бы вы организовали план посадки? Обсудите в парах, используя язык из раздела Выскажитесь. Затем нарисуйте свой план. Для получения информации о людях, Студент A, смотрите страницу 137. Студент B, посмотрите на стр. 139.

Student A
Socrates, the Ancient Greek philosopher, was famous for responding to one question by asking another. He was strong willed and courageous about his beliefs and was not afraid to say what he thought or criticise those he thought were wrong. It is said that he let his hair grow long and walked around barefoot and unwashed.
Сократ, древнегреческий философ, славился ответом на один вопрос, задавая другой. Он был сильным волевым и мужественным в отношении своих убеждений и не боялся сказать, что он думал, или критиковать тех, кого он считал неправильными. Говорят, что он позволил своим волосам вырасти длинными и ходил босиком и немытым.

Lead singer and songwriter of U2, Bono is charming, clever and enthusiastic but also outspoken and argumentative. He has now gained a name for himself as a well-informed social activist and defender of the developing world. He mixes with Presidents, Prime Ministers and other influential people, campaigning for movements like Make Poverty History.
Ведущий певец и автор песен U2, Боно очаровательный, умный и полный энтузиазма, но также откровенный и любящий спорить. Теперь он заслужил славу как хорошо информированный общественный деятель и защитник развивающегося мира. Он общается с президентами, премьер-министрами и другими влиятельными людьми, проводя кампанию за такие движения, как «Сделать бедность историей».

Jane Austen
She is one of Britain’s greatest novelists and lived at the time of Napoleon and the Battle of Trafalgar. Although she led a quiet country life, she had a good education and was a great conversationalist. She was witty and an astute observer of human nature, which is reflected in novels like Pride and Prejudice.
Она является одним из величайших романистов Британии и жила во времена Наполеона и битвы при Трафальгаре. Хотя она вела тихую деревенскую жизнь, у нее было хорошее образование и она была отличным собеседником. Она была остроумным и проницательным наблюдателем человеческой натуры, что отражается в романах, таких как «Гордость и предубеждение».

Queen Elizabeth I
Britain’s most famous queen is legendary for her courageous defence of England against Spain in the 16th century. She was very well educated and could speak Latin, French and German. However, she was short tempered and intolerant of foolish people. She was also very astute, creating a glamorous and powerful public image to inspire her people.
Самая известная королева Великобритании легендарна за ее мужественную защиту Англии от Испании в 16 веке. Она была очень хорошо образована и могла говорить по-латыни, по-французски и по-немецки. Однако она была невыдержанной и нетерпимой к глупым людям. Она была также очень проницательной, создавая гламурный и мощный общественный имидж, чтобы вдохновить ее людей.

Student В

Bill Gates
Founder of Microsoft, he is one of the richest men in world and an ambitious, innovative businessman who likes reading, playing bridge and golf. Since 1995, he has become one of the world’s top philanthropists, donating over 7 billion dollars to good causes. His long-term vision is to improve the lives of millions of people across the globe.
Основатель Майкрософт, он один из самых богатых людей в мире и амбициозный, инновационный бизнесмен, которому нравится читать, играть в бридж и гольф. С 1995 года он стал одним из лучших филантропов мира, пожертвовав более 7 миллиардов долларов на хорошие дела. Его долгосрочное видение — улучшить жизнь миллионов людей по всему миру.

Napoleon was a self-made, charismatic man whose strength of character and military genius made history. He had an impressive intellect and was a charming conversationalist. He was also arrogant, manipulative and authoritarian. He believed in the rights of man, but this did not extend to women: he thought their main purpose in life was to marry.
Наполеон был обязан всем самому себе, харизматичный человек, чья сила характера и военный гений сделали историю. У него был впечатляющий интеллект и он был очаровательным собеседником. Он был также высокомерным, манипулятивным и авторитарным. Он верил в права человека, но это не распространялось на женщин: он считал, что их главной целью в жизни является выйти замуж.

Madonna is famous for being able to endlessly recreate herself and her image. She’s also known to be tough and inscrutable, so it is difficult to know what she is really thinking. She is said to have an IQ of 140. She is also a great supporter of charities and human rights, especially those of women.
Мадонна славится тем, что она может бесконечно воссоздать себя и свой образ. Она также известна как жесткая и непостижимая, поэтому трудно понять, что она на самом деле думает. Говорят, что ее IQ 140. Она также является великим сторонником благотворительных организаций и прав человека, особенно женщин.

Ex. 6 Listen to the end of the conversation and draw the seating plan they decide on. How similar/different is it to yours? — Прослушайте конец разговора и нарисуйте план посадки, на котором они сошлись. Насколько он похож / отличается от вашего?

Ex. 7 Work in groups of five. Imagine you have been invited to the dinner party. Decide which famous people you should sit next to and why. Use language from Speak Out. — Работа в группах по пять человек. Представьте, что вас пригласили на званый обед. Решите, с какими знаменитыми людьми вы должны сидеть рядом и почему. Используйте язык из раздела Выскажитесь.


Ex. 1 Read the headlines and, in pairs, discuss what the articles might be about. — Прочитайте заголовки и, в парах, обсудите, о чем могут быть статьи.

D-1. Fish found in miracle escape — Рыба, найденная в чудо-побеге
B-2. Thief caught by cartoon – Вор пойманный мультфильмом
A-3. Parrot held in jail — Попугай содержится в тюрьме
C-4. Woman fakes death over fines — Женщина подделывает смерть из-за штрафов

Ex. 2 Match the headlines to articles A-D. Then answer questions 1-3. — Сопоставьте заголовки статей A-D. Затем ответьте на вопросы 1-3.

1. What were the key words that helped you match the headlines? — Какие ключевые слова помогли вам сопоставить заголовки?
2. Which stories do you think are true? Why? — Какие истории, по вашему мнению, правдивы? Почему?
3. Which story do you think was the funniest, saddest, most ridiculous? Why? — Какую историю вы считаете самой смешной, грустной, самой нелепой? Почему?

A) A judge in Argentina ordered a parrot to 1) be held in custody until he said the name of his owner. Two neighbours, Jorge Machado and R Vega, 2) were both claimed Pepo was theirs. After five days, Pepo 3) said Jorge’s name and sang the anthem of his favourite football team. Mr Machado said: ‘I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He’s a real friend, and we 4) truly support San Lorenzo.’

Судья в Аргентине приказал, чтобы попугай содержался под стражей, пока он не скажет имя своего владельца. Два соседа, Хорхе Мачадо и Р-Вега, оба утверждали, что Пепо был их. Через пять дней Пепо сказал имя Хорхе и исполнил гимн его любимой футбольной команды. Г-н Мачадо сказал: «Я знал, что он меня не подведет. Он настоящий друг, и мы действительно поддерживаем Сан-Лоренцо».

B) A burglar who stole from a cartoonist in Australia was arrested after his victim drew his picture. Bill Green, 82, saw the man take a bicycle 5) from his shed. He gave his sketch to police, who matched 6) it to a man arrested 7) for a different theft. Policeman Michael Henry said: ‘We were amazed the cartoon was the spitting image of 8) a man we’d just caught.’

Взломщик, который украл у карикатуриста в Австралии, был арестован после того, как его жертва нарисовал его. Билл Грин, 82 года, видел, как мужчина взял велосипед из его сарая. Он дал свой эскиз полиции, который совпал с человеком, арестованным за другую кражу. Полицейский Майкл Генри сказал: «Мы были поражены, что мультфильм был вылитым изображением человека, которого мы только что поймали».

C) A woman from Iowa is alleged to have faked her 9) own death to avoid paying $500 in parking tickets. Police say Kimberly Du, 36, was caught after she got 10) a ticket a month after her ‘death’. She had faked her own obituary and forged a letter saying she had died 11) in a car crash. She now faces up to five years in prison 12) for fraud.

Женщина из Айовы, как утверждается, подделала свою собственную смерть, чтобы не платить 500 долларов за парковочные билеты. Полиция утверждает, что Кимберли Ду, 36 лет, была поймана после того, как получила билет через месяц после ее «смерти». Она подделала свой собственный некролог и подделала письмо, в котором говорила, что она умерла в автокатастрофе. Сейчас ей грозит до пяти лет тюрьмы за мошенничество.

D) A goldfish carried from its garden pond by floods has 13) been found alive in a water-filled hole by the roadside more 14) than a mile away. Farmer Ab Oskam, 66, was 15) walking his dog when he recognised the fish 16) as one of three belonging to his neighbours. ‘It was a miracle such a delicate little thing survived,’ he said. The fish has now been named Nemo.

Золотая рыбка, вымытая наводнением из пруда в саду, была найдена живой в заполненной водой дыре у дороги более чем в миле от дома. Фермер Аб Оскам, 66 лет, гулял со своей собакой, когда узнал рыбу, как одну из трех принадлежащих его соседям. «Это было чудо, что такое маленькое существо выжило», — сказал он. Сейчас рыбу назвали Немо.

Ex. 3 Complete the articles with one word in each gap. — Дополните статьи одним словом в каждом промежутке.

Ex. 4 Look at the list of features. Which apply to the headlines and which to the short articles? Find examples of each feature. — Посмотрите список функций. Что относится к заголовкам и к кратким статьям? Найдите примеры каждой функции.

1. articles (a, the) are usually missed out – артикли (a, the) обычно пропущены
2. there is usually a quote — обычно есть цитата
3. the age of the person is mentioned — упоминается возраст человека
4. the Present Simple is used to refer to present and past events – Настоящее простое время используется для обозначения текущих и прошлых событий
5. the past participle is used for the passive — Причастие прошедшего времени используется для пассива
6. the passive is often used — часто используется пассив

Ex. 5 Read the article and write three different headlines for it. Compare your headlines in groups and choose the best ones. — Прочтите статью и напишите три разных заголовка. Сравните свои заголовки в группах и выберите лучшие.

In July 2005, the chocolate-loving community in Sydney was threatened by a blackmailer who claimed to have poisoned seven Mars Bars. As a result, all Mars Bars were taken off the shelves, causing panic among many consumers who feared they wouldn’t be able to buy their favourite chocolate. Company manager Paul Rivers, 35, said, ‘The situation is under control now. Mars Bars will be back in the shops tomorrow.’

В июле 2005 года сообществу любящих шоколад в Сиднее угрожал шантажист, который утверждал, что отравил семь батончиков Марс. В результате все батончики Марс были сняты с полок, что вызвало панику среди многих потребителей, которые опасались, что они не смогут купить свой любимый шоколад. Менеджер компании Пол Риверс, 35 лет, сказал: «Сейчас ситуация находится под контролем. Завтра батончики Марс вернутся в магазины».

Ex. 6 Project idea. Choose a headline and write a short article about it, using 60-70 words. — Идея проекта. Выберите заголовок и напишите короткую статью об этом, используя 60-70 слов.

1. Thieves caught in stolen clothes — Воры, пойманы в украденной одежде
2. School burglar takes maths test — Школьный грабитель сдает тест по математике
3. Burglar sleeps on the job — Взломщик спит на работе
4. Stolen painting recovered — Украденная краска восстановлена

Ex. 7 Project idea. Read your article to the class, who decide which headline it refers to and why. — Идея проекта. Прочтите свою статью классу, который определит, к какому заголовку она относится и почему.

Заярная Татьяна Григорьевна

Elementary Ianguage Practice


Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 1–4)

1        Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0        Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is remaining to be seen.

1        According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new Handbook completes/is completed/will be completed.

2        The President’s plane touched down in Mexico City on Wednesday, two days after he would have arrived/had been to arrive/was due to arrive.

3        By the end of this month, I’ll be/be being/have been a member of this club for ten years.

4        Helena’s not really a party animal, so I doubt whether she comes/’ll come/’ll have come.

5        I was wondering if you wanted/had wanted/would want to go running with me.

6        I didn’t realise I’d left my file at home until the meeting will start/has started/started.

7        I was going to ask her for a date, but I don’t/didn’t/couldn’t bring myself to do it.

8        The noise stopped as soon as the Head Teacher walks/walked/was walking into the room.

9        I’ve been getting stabbing pains in my back so far/for a while now/up to now.

10        How long did you say you take/are taking/have been taking these pills?

2        Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        I have had my doubts about this place ever ____________ I got here.

2        So where exactly were you at the ____________ of the robbery?

3        It’s ____________ since I last saw my cousin.

4        Our books still haven’t arrived; for the time ____________ we’ll have to use photocopies.

5        Sue ____________ to have played in goal, but she hurt her leg and had to miss the big match.

6        Doing this course is going to ____________ you really have to knuckle down and change your ways.

7        Every ____________ often we have a barbecue in our garden.

8        I’m ____________ it really difficult to keep up on my computer course.

9        Do I like pop music? It ____________ on what you regard as ‘pop’.

10        Simon Webster! Does this crisp packet ____________ to you, by any chance?

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        Whose shoe is this?
Who _________________________________________________________ to?

2        I’ve been too ill to do any work since Monday.
Monday was the _____________________________________ enough to work.

3        After a good sleep Tim started to feel better.
Tim started to feel better _________________________________ a good sleep.

4        We haven’t eaten out for ages.
It’s been __________________________________________________ ate out.

5        I’ve never lived in any other house.
I’ve lived ____________________________________________________ life.

6        He used to spend the whole of Saturday morning washing his car.
Every Saturday ______________________________________ washing his car.

7        My new working hours enable me to be with my children for longer in the evening.
My new working hours ________________________________________ more time with my children in the evening.

8        Until then I’d never seen Richard get angry.
That is _______________________________________ seen Richard get angry.

9        Luca was my first experience of true love.
Until I _______________________________________________ truly in love.

10        Try the new system a few times and you’ll become familiar with it.
You’ll ___________________________________ you’ve tried it a few times.

4        In most lines of this text there is one extra word. Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct.

Labyrinths and Mazes

Walking labyrinths and mazes is right back in fashion; but their rich history, which dates         0       

back since 4,000 years is not often realised. A labyrinth is an ancient mystical pattern,         00  since

containing a meandering path to the centre, which it symbolises the journey through life.        1

The first labyrinths were being for ritual walking and processions. They became an         2

important feature of the Ancient Greek and Roman civilisations, but they are also found in        3

northern Europe: in Sweden many are said to would have been built by fishermen, who         4

walked through them in the hope of a good catch and a safe return. Though making secular         5

in origin, labyrinths were adopted by various religions; in Christianity, for example, the         6

tradition of walking the labyrinth in a church came up to represent the route to salvation.         7

Mazes are a much later invention, probably no more than for 500 years old. Initially the         8

preserve of kings and princes, they spread to public parks and gardens. They do consist         9

of tall hedges which act as walls. The hedges are arranged in intricate geometrical         10

patterns that present a circuitous path to the centre, including many paths which are         11

dead-ends designed to be confuse and puzzle the walker. The challenge lies in getting         12

to the centre and back out again. But mazes now go to much deeper than just puzzles         13

for walkers. A whole science has been grown up around them, applying the complicated        14

theory of how to solve them or to computer design and even to the world of business.        15

5        Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Mature Students

The British government recently made £20 million available to mature students,
 that is students who have already begun their working life, and (1) ____________ not take the normal route of university immediately after school. The mature students’ ‘gap’ (2) ____________ leaving school and matriculating into university can be
(3) ____________ from three to 50 years – time spent working, having children, travelling (4)
 ____________ whatever. Among (5) ____________ are those whose teenage rebellions took them too (6) ____________ away from a life of study, and equally those whose mid-life crises (7) ____________ led them to contemplate a return to the world of academia. In (8) ____________ of the new grants, returning to education remains a huge strain on the finances, all the (9) ____________ so for those with dependants. Many are obliged to take out loans, adding to a burden of debt already accumulating steadily from their busy adult lives.

Certain institutions are more welcoming than others, but even Oxford and
Cambridge have now (10) ____________ their doors to mature entrants. Indeed, these (11) ____________ traditional of universities, with their one-to-one supervisions,
(12) ____________ ideal for mature students. The criteria for entrance also suit mature students; other universities require high grades in A levels from school, a point (13)
 ____________ disadvantages most mature students, whereas Oxford and Cambridge have their (14) ____________ entrance exams. Cambridge actually boasts the only university college in Europe which takes only female mature students, Lucy Cavendish College. The lecturers there say (15) ____________ prefer teaching mature students because they have made great personal sacrifices just to be there, and so tend to bring a real passion to their work.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 1–4)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 1b (Units 1–4)

1        Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0        Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is remaining to be seen.

1        Let me know about the party as soon as you have made/will make/will have made a decision.

2        It won’t be long now before David will go/goes/be going to school.

3        Jack was about to kiss Julia when he noticed/had noticed/was noticing the ring on her hand.

4        The President was to have visited a hospital; instead he rushed/had been rushing/would have rushed to his wife’s bedside.

5        I’m terribly sorry; I had no idea you are/were/had been appointed deputy director.

6        When I got back home after my holiday, I noticed that someone tampered/used to tamper/had been tampering with the lock on my door.

7        When the fire started, what were you doing/had you done/have you been doing?

8        This is the hottest day we’ve had since I arrive/’ve arrived/arrived in England.

9        I’ve decided to carry on living there for ages/now and then/for the time being.

10        Go to the Aer Lingus desk immediately you arrive/when you’ll arrive/on arrival.

2        Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        It wasn’t ____________ my TV broke down that I realised how attached I am to it.

2        I haven’t been feeling very well of ____________ .

3        The whole country has been buying chocolate bars, but to ____________ , nobody has managed to find the golden ticket.

4        Phone me the ____________ you get there; it’s very important.

5        I was 40 years ____________ to the day that I joined the army.

6        I’ve ____________ to meet anybody who can eat a pizza faster than Tom.

7        It took a good two months ____________ I got the results of my test back.

8        I’m ____________ a lot of difficulties with my maths course – I may give it up.

9        I ____________ to a running club, and we compete most Saturdays.

10        It’s a good qualification to have since it ____________ you can go to university.

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        I’m beginning to think that deciding to resign wasn’t a great idea.
I’m starting to ____________________________________________ to resign.

2        It will be the first ice hockey stadium I’ve ever been to.
It will be ___________________________________ to an ice hockey stadium.

3        We can’t swim in the sea yet because it’s too cold.
It isn’t warm ________________________________________ swim in the sea.

4        I used to take more exercise than I do now.
I don’t __________________________________________________ I used to.

5        Dinner arrived so late that I wasn’t hungry any more.
By _____________________________________________ I’d lost my appetite.

6        Five seconds to go, and this great Australian swimmer is about to make history!
Five seconds to go, and this great Australian swimmer ____________________ ________________________________ history!

7        I haven’t been to Argentina since I was two years old.
I was two years old _____________________________________ to Argentina.

8        I haven’t always been such a careful person.
I didn’t ___________________________________________________ careful.

9        This card will give you access to your bank account over the telephone.
Having this card ___________________________________________ to access your bank account over the telephone.

10        I am only up to page seven of the book you lent me.
I have ______________________________________ of the book you lent me.

4        In most lines of this text there is one extra word. Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct.


First came the PC, then the internet and e-mail; now the e-book is upon us, a hand-held         0   was

device similar in size and appearance to a video cassette. The user simply calls up the         00   

website on their PC, selects the desired books, after downloads them onto their e-book        1

machine and sits down to read them. For to turn a page the user simply taps the screen.        2

E-book technology is being evolving rapidly, and with some of the latest handhelds you         3

will even get internet access. But why would one want an e-book machine if in preference         4

to a book? Well, one selling-point companies emphasised, when these devices had hit the         5

market a few years ago, is the space they did save when going on holiday. E-books lighten         6

the load, literally. Ten large novels can be put onto a device that is weighs less than the         7

average paperback. One can understand why commercial interests seem to be want us to         8

change. After all, the whole production process from first plan by author until delivery         9

to the printer has been done electronically for a while since now, so why not save a few         10

million trees and to cut out the hard copy? The trouble is, there has always been something         11

so wonderful about browsing in a musty-smelling old bookshop or pristine new one.         12

Reading with digital books availability tends to be a problem – it all depends what         13

publishing deals have been struck between the book and e-book publishers. Furthermore,         14

electronic print takes so long to read – 50% longer than the same words will on paper.        15

5        Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Gap year

You’re eighteen, you’ve finished school, got your precious exam grades – but
what next? The thought of rushing straight off to university and a life of yet
 ____________ books, lessons and essays may not exactly bring joy to your heart. Let’s face (2) ____________ , you do really need that university degree – it’ll
(3) ____________ no end of help in finding employment if you can just stick it out. So what you
 (4) ____________ in the meantime is a break – a gap year. This may sound (5) ____________ a wonderful opportunity to chill out and do pretty much nothing all day except (6) ____________ MTV, but don’t succumb to the temptation, whatever (7) ____________ do. Use the time profitably; see it (8) ____________ an opportunity to advance your career prospects and develop your non-academic skills.

Reliable research shows that employers (9) ____________ favourably on graduate job applicants who opted for a year out, (10) ____________ between school and university, or between university and employment, simply because
 ____________ the extra maturity and experience in life that is gained. Equally other research shows that gap year students adjust (12) ____________ to life at university than those direct from school.

So what can you do on your gap year? The adventurous and well-off travel the world, often looking for part-time jobs (13) ____________ as bar or waiter work, to finance their travels. Others who want a more guaranteed income, and perhaps hope to
(14) ____________ up to finance their university studies, prefer to become au pairs or teaching assistants in foreign countries. Whatever you decide, make
 ____________ you use your time profitably.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 1b (Units 1–4)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 6–9)

1        Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not. Write  or X (correct or incorrect).

0        If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest.     X

1        I’ve been given three more days to decide if I want to accept their offer.     ___

2        A fifteen-minute coffee break may be taken in the morning.     ___

3        My house desperately needs to be painted.     ___

4        We have got our house broken into twice this year.     ___

5        The King is believed to be arrived in Rome three hours ago.     ___

6        We’re having fitted a replacement wheel tomorrow.     ___

7        If you’re such a good skier, why didn’t you go back and rescue her?     ___

8        If you will just take a seat, the dentist will call you when he’s ready.     ___

9        I’d prefer that you don’t go this year – you’re a bit too young.     ___

10        You look like you had just had a shock!     ___

2        Complete each sentence by writing one word in each space. Contractions (can’t) count as one word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        A downstairs window had been broken ____________ a brick left in the back garden.

2        I’m not really sure what the recipe consists ____________ .

3        We’ve just ____________ our house redecorated.

4        Thanks for your help with that spreadsheet; I couldn’t have done it ____________ .

5        If you ____________ be passing the chemists, you could get some more shampoo.

6        I wouldn’t like to ____________ in Dave’s shoes when the boss finds out!

7        If you ____________ leave your car window open, you can’t complain if something gets stolen.

8        Look, just open the door ____________ I’ll get very cross.

9        I ____________ it stops raining soon; I’ve got to go to the post office.

10        I wish you wouldn’t ____________ wearing your shoes indoors.

3        Using the verb in brackets in an appropriate active or passive form, rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

0        Some men are coming to put a new gas heater in my house on Monday.
having a new gas heater installed in my house on Monday.

1        It’s more usual to eat this kind of meat with a radish or onion sauce.
This kind of meat ______________________________________ with a radish or onion sauce.

2        It was a mistake to ever put Brian’s name forward as Chairman.
Brian ________________________________________________ as Chairman.

3        There is no decision yet from the jury on the Walter Andrew case.
The jury _________________________________________ minds on the Walter Andrew case.

4        Police believe the woman is being put up in the Northampton area by friends.
The woman ________________________________________ with friends in the Northampton area.

5        For many years people thought Isiah Kerr was the artist of the painting, which was wrong.
For many years the painting _________________________________________ Isiah Kerr.

4        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        But for the intervention of his bodyguards, the President might have been hurt.
If __________________________________________ he might have been hurt.

2        For a bike that’s two years old, it’s in very good condition.
The bike’s in very good condition, ___________________________________ two years old.

3        I really wish I had gone to university.
I _______________________________________________ going to university.

4        The entire staff demanded Ken’s immediate reinstatement.
The entire staff demanded ___________________________________________ immediately.

5        I just want you to know that, whatever happens, your mum and I will always be there for you.
I just want you to know that, ________________________________________ , your mum and I will always be there for you.

5        Complete the letter by writing one word in each gap.

Letter from the Assistant Director

After due consideration of your case, following your ten-day suspension from duty, the management has decided to renew your employment for a further two months, at the end of which your situation (0) will again be reviewed. In (1) ____________ to this decision we have (2) ____________ into account your personal circumstances, namely the stress (3) ____________ by your girlfriend’s departure.

We would warn you that (4) ____________ there is a large-scale improvement in your performance and attitude, we will have no alternative (5) ____________ to terminate your employment.

Your time of arrival will be closely monitored, as great importance is now
attached to your punctuality. You are (6)
 ____________ to arrive before 9am, and (7) ____________ it be deemed (8) ____________ by your boss, you will have to report personally to her each morning.

If it was (9) ____________ for your decent record during your initial trial period, when you impressed your boss and co-workers, we would not be giving you this further chance.

It (10) ____________ sincerely hoped that you will rise to this challenge and emerge successfully from this trial period.

6        Complete this extract from a magazine for supermarket customers, using information in the informal notes to Barry. Use no more than two words for each gap. The words you need do not appear in the notes.


Please include the following information in your write-up for the next quarterly magazine:

Sorry for any trouble we may have caused with our reorganisation of the interior of the store.

Number of checkout tills is going up to 35 (the same as with all our UK stores) – this means our service will be even quicker.

Our popular ‘quick service’ till will carry on as before – now at desk 35.

Explain how club card works in case anyone doesn’t know! – can use it every time you buy something.

Tell people about the new products that are on the way, and that we’re getting rid of the internet delivery charge. Obviously we can’t extend this to those who live outside the city.

Good chance here to remind customers of our financial services.

Gifford’s Supermarket Magazine

We trust you like our new-look store and we apologise for any (0) inconvenience caused by the large-scale reorganisation of the interior.

In (1) ____________ with all our UK stores the number of checkout tills is to
(2) ____________ to 35. This will (3) ____________ us to provide you with an even speedier service. The popular ‘less than ten items’ checkout will (4) ____________ to operate; this till can now be found at checkout desk 35.

The Customer club card scheme is also proving highly popular and currently has some 15,000 users. The card can be used every time you make a (5) ____________ . The card accumulates points which can be converted into free gifts or money off your shopping bill.

Meanwhile we are pleased to (6) ____________ a further range of products over the next six months or so, including more clothes for school children and toys.

The £5 delivery charge on items ordered by internet is to (7) ____________ as of January 1st for city (8) ____________ . We regret that, for obvious
(9) ____________ , we are unable to extend this offer to houses outside the city.

May we take this (10) ____________ to remind customers that we also offer a range of financial services, including pensions and life insurance.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 6–9)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2b (Units 6–9)

1        Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not. Write  or X (correct or incorrect).

0        If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest.     X

1        I have been sent a parcel from my uncle in Australia.     ___

2        It has been decided to phase out the use of company cars.     ___

3        That irresponsible son of ours has got himself arrested at a rock concert.     ___

4        We got some friends round for lunch yesterday.     ___

5        The lorry driver is thought to have been doing 120 kph at the time.     ___

6        If I had known you were coming, I would prepare more food.     ___

7        Even if you see Dawn tell her I’ve got her mobile phone.     ___

8        Supposing what would you do if you could have a year off work?     ___

9        If you will drink so much coffee, it’s not surprising you get irritable.     ___

10        I’d prefer you didn’t play your music just now – I’ve got to work.     ___

2        Complete each sentence by writing one word in each space. Contractions (can’t) count as one word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        I’ve just received some rather distressing news ____________ the Director.

2        Don’t worry Mr Bates, I can assure you your query is being dealt ____________ .

3        I’ll be surprised ____________ Brazil don’t win the Cup.

4        ____________ for her mother’s prompt intervention, the baby would have drunk the disinfectant.

5        I’ll have to call the whole deal off ____________ you pay me the deposit by 4 o’clock today.

6        Look, just give me back the wallet ____________ I promise I won’t tell the police.

7        I’d ____________ not take the Underground if you don’t mind; I’ll pay for a taxi.

8        I just wish Mum ____________ be here to see all this.

9        I ____________ you don’t mind me phoning you at home, but it is rather urgent.

10        I wish you ____________ do that; you’ve no idea how annoying it is.

3        Using the verb in brackets in an appropriate active or passive form, rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

0        Some men are coming to put a new gas heater in our house on Monday.
having a new gas heater installed in our house on Monday.

1        We will write to confirm this arrangement within three days.
You’ll ______________________________________ of this arrangement within three days.

2        My adviser has told me not to say anything about the matter.
I have __________________________________________ silent on the matter.

3        Police think that a prison guard helped the prisoner to escape.
The prisoner ___________________________________________ in escaping, from a prison guard.

4        They punished me by forcing me to clean the toilets every day.
As _____________________________________ to clean the toilets every day.

5        Apparently the Prime Minister is thinking about changing some of his advisers.
The Prime Minister is thought _____________________________________ of personnel among his advisers.

4        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote. 
In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        Supposing you suddenly became incredibly rich, what would you do with the money? 
If _____________________________________________ incredibly rich, what would you do with the money?

2        Without the support of his social worker, Jack might well have ended up in prison. 
If ___________________________________________ his social worker, Jack might well have ended up in prison.

3        He can buy me 100 dresses if he wants, but I still won’t have him back. 
I won’t have him back ___________________________________________ me 100 dresses.

4        Of the two, my choice would be Greece, to be honest. 
To tell _________________________________________________ to Greece.

5        Nevertheless, the Prime Minister’s economic policy has been a dismal failure. 
Be ___________________________________________ , the Prime Minister’s economic policy has been a dismal failure.

5        Complete the letter by writing one word in each gap.

Extract from a Brochure

Just imagine what life (0) would be like without a washing machine. Life’s just
(1) ____________ busy nowadays for most of us to contemplate washing clothes in the bath tub. So what on earth would you do if your machine broke down? Here at Royston’s we pride (2) ____________ on our washing machine repair service. Our mechanics fix up to 40% of machines on the spot, and for those that are taken back to our warehouse for repairs, a further 50% (3) ____________ repaired within a week. But we don’t expect our customers to go without. A replacement washing machine is delivered free of charge within 24 hours of your machine (4) ____________ removed. It is installed in your home by our mechanics, and is kept by you
(5) ____________ your old machine is returned.

Should you wish to purchase a new machine our showroom (6) ____________ hundreds of models for you to choose from. All new machines (7) ____________ with a three-year warranty, covering spare parts and workmanship. Of course, if it
(8) ____________ transpire that the fault has arisen from customer negligence or from failure to observe basic maintenance procedures – (9) ____________ as regularly cleaning the filters – repair costs will (10)
 ____________ be borne by the company.

6        Complete this extract from a monthly newsletter to parents of a primary school, using information in the informal note to the staff. Use no more than two words for each gap. The words you need do not appear in the note.

Note to all staff from the Head Teacher

Dear all

Just a quick note about dress, which will appear in the newsletter to parents as well. We’ve noticed recently that some children are coming to school with insufficient clothing now that the weather is turning colder. Our dress guidelines are quite clear about this (vest, shirt, sweater, coat, plus hats and gloves as well if parents want). Please keep an eye on this situation. I’m also going to bang on about the need for labels. For your information, Dickinsons and Sons is the supplier – parents can ask them to make some up for them. If they pay extra, Dickinsons will even sew the labels on. While talking about clothes, I’m going to tell all parents again that rude or violent language on t-shirts are forbidden. Jeans and trainers are ok, but they must be new and smart.

Dear Parent

It has (0) come to our attention that some children are being (1) ____________ to school with clothing that is not (2) ____________ for the cold weather. In our dress guidelines we recommend a vest, shirt, sweater and coat as a basic requirement, to
(3) ____________ hats and gloves may be added at your (4) ____________ . Please note that all coats should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. This can be written in permanent ink on the collar, or named labels can be (5)
 ____________ from Dickinson and Sons Clothing Suppliers in town. On (6) ____________ of a small fee, Dickinsons will also sew the labels on for you.

On the (7) ____________ of clothes, may we take this opportunity
 ____________ all parents that t-shirts with rude or violent messages on them are (9) ____________ . Jeans and trainers may be worn as (10) ____________ they are reasonably new and smart.

Yours faithfully

Dawn Scholes

Head Teacher

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2b (Units 6–9)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 11–14)

1        Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0        Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is remaining to be seen.

1        I thought the exam would be really difficult but in fact it mustn’t/couldn’t/
 have been easier.

2        This can’t/shouldn’t/won’t be the way – we’ve driven past that bus stop three times now!

3        You must/could/may have worked here longer than me, but that doesn’t mean you can treat me like dirt!

4        Sorry, I must/might/should have told you about the change of plan earlier.

5        You mustn’t/can’t/wouldn’t have finished your homework already!

6        I’m really happy in my new job; I couldn’t/shouldn’t/wouldn’t have found a nicer company.

7        Could/Would/Should you hear anything, let me know.

8        Well, thanks for the offer – I might/could/would just take you up on it.

9        Sam was an difficult child who couldn’t/wouldn’t/mightn’t do anything his parents asked him to.

10        I remember when I was thirteen, I must/could/should have friends round to sleep over.

2        Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the word in capital letters.

0        Oh well, I might as well have another drink, if no one’s in a hurry to leave.     WELL

1        I have no sympathy for her, ______________________________ .     NONE

2        I did tell him, but he didn’t seem concerned ______________________________ .     SLIGHTEST

3        In the end, ______________________________ do was cross our fingers and hope.     ALL

4        I’ve told you ______________________________ , don’t kick the football against the window!     TIME

5        No, ______________________________ , David told Ann that Ross wasn’t coming.     HAPPENED

6        ______________________________ most is a really good dance down at the disco.     LIKE

7        Scarcely ______________________________ back home when the neighbours descended on us with tea and cakes.     ARRIVED

8        Was it really necessary? You ______________________________ give them all our personal details, you know.     DIDN’T

9        You really ______________________________ to all this trouble!     GONE

10        Try ______________________________ , I simply couldn’t work out how to assemble the bookshelf.     MIGHT

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        It might turn cold, so take a jumper.
Take a jumper _______________________________________________ cold.

2        Although it was a lovely morning, rain was forecast for the afternoon.
It _________________________________________ a lovely morning, but rain was forecast for the afternoon.

3        I’m sure that Carol will be there; she never misses a disco trip.
Carol _______________________________________ there; she never misses a disco trip.

4        Perhaps he didn’t call in at the restaurant, as arranged.
He ___________________________________ in at the restaurant, as arranged.

5        It’s impossible for Keith to have finished the painting already.
Keith ___________________________________ finished the painting already.

6        Is it possible that you left it on the bus by mistake?
Do you think you ___________________________________ and left it on the bus?

7        The pay dispute took several weeks of negotiations to resolve.
It was ________________________________________ lasting several weeks that the pay dispute was resolved.

8        It is very important that you never press this button.
On no _________________________________________________ be pressed.

9        The hostages were never actually harmed by the kidnappers.
At no ________________________________________________ the hostages.

10        You were two hours late, and, if that’s not bad enough, you woke us all up with your noise.
Not only ___________________________________________ you also woke us all up with your noise.

4        Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

(0) Little did I realise just (1) ____________ hard the war and subsequent economic hardship had hit this once most prosperous of towns. Hardly had I arrived in the town centre from the airport (2) ____________ I was approached by two hungry-looking young boys begging for money. I duly obliged, with what little change I had in my pocket, but (3) ____________ rather alarmed me was to see the public indifference to (4) ____________ obvious plight, something that (5) ____________ have been inconceivable (6) ____________ I last knew this town, in better times, twenty years ago. At that time the citizens (7) ____________ famous for their togetherness and community spirit, and allowing two penniless boys to go hungry
 ____________ possibly have happened.

At the waterfront, scene of so (9) ____________ great classical music concerts over the years, police were out in force. Apparently, a man had been shot in a café, the casual victim of a gang feud. In case anyone (10) ____________ doubt their intent, the uniformed men patrolled menacingly, guns at the ready. Only (11) ____________ much checking of documents (12) ____________ I allowed into the area, one of my favourite old haunts. Over a coffee and brioche, I looked out onto the waterfront, and an uneasy calm descended on the place, as (13) ____________ the shooting incident was only the prelude to something worse. I learned that violent retribution was expected from the man’s gang, at (14) ____________ point I beat a hasty retreat, to the relative safety of my hotel room. There I wished, prayed, for a return to the old days (15) ____________ the only guns I ever saw were in the museum and the only drugs you heard of were sold in pharmacies.

5        Ten people gave their opinion on a new film. Some of the sentences contain a grammatical mistake. Write the correct version in the space provided at the end of each line, or put a tick if the sentence is already correct.

0        I’ve never seen such an awful film.        

00        Catherine Danvers is just a so wonderful actor.        such a wonderful

1        It’s not often see you a film of this rare quality.        ________________

2        You would be hard pushed to find a better film        ________________
than this.

3        I thought the film was utterly rubbish, I’m afraid.         ________________

4        You could wait ten years, and you wouldn’t see         ________________
a better film than this.

5        I’m not at all impressed by it: all those people who        ________________
say how wonderful it is should be mad.

6        I doubt whether there’s been a worse film in the         ________________
last ten years.

7        I saw the front cover of the video and I completely
had to buy it.         ________________

8        I haven’t seen it myself, but my sister said that never         ________________
had she seen such a great film.

9        Well, it may have won a lot of prizes, but personally         ________________
I thought it was over-rated.

10        I thought it was a sheer waste of time from start         ________________
to finish.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 11–14)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14)

1        Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0        Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is remaining to be seen.

1        No, I mustn’t/shouldn’t/couldn’t possibly do that to a friend.

2        Well I’m surprised it was John. I would/could/should have expected better of him.

3        Don’t worry about my big brother; he will/can/could be very childish at times.

4        I really wouldn’t/couldn’t/mightn’t eat another thing, thank you.

5        You couldn’t/can’t/mustn’t be serious! It’s far too dangerous!

6        Well personally, I could/would/must have thought the answer is D, but you may be right.

7        This little device need/could/shall be the answer to all your technical problems.

8        What you’re saying must/should/may well be true.

9        It shouldn’t/mightn’t/couldn’t have been Kevin who did it; he’s such a nice, well behaved lad.

10        Just in case you would/will/should find it, I’ll give you my business card so you can contact me.

2        Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the word in capital letters.

0        Oh well, I might as well have another drink, if no one’s in a hurry to leave.     WELL

1        Don’t bother telling Michael; he’s not ______________________________ interested in your problems.     LEAST

2        It was wonderful; I felt absolutely no pain, ______________________________ .     NOTHING

3        ______________________________ I left Chris’s house that the truth finally dawned on me.     UNTIL

4        In the end ______________________________ was put a plaster over the leak.     WHAT

5        It is ______________________________ certain that Roger will be well enough to play in the concert.     MEANS

6        Strange as ______________________________ , I used to swim at a very high level.     SEEM

7        Never before ______________________________ such an amazing sight.     SEEN

8        ______________________________ realise how much he was going to miss her.     LITTLE

9        You ______________________________ push quite so hard; it should go in the slot without much force.     HAVE

10        ______________________________ may you leave the room while the exam is in progress.     CIRCUMSTANCES

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        I’m sure we’re not doing it the right way.
This ____________________________________ way you’re supposed to do it.

2        I think you should try applying again in a few months’ time.
If ________________________________________ try applying again in a few months’ time.

3        Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer.
Try __________________________________________ I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer.

4        It seems that Hermann wasn’t to be trusted, after all.
Hermann _______________________________________ trustworthy after all.

5        Clearly the previous owners left it when they moved to their new house.
It _________________________________________ the previous owners when they moved to their new house.

6        It seems quite likely that there was a sudden surge of power.
I think what may _________________________________________ there was a sudden surge of power.

7        Such was the speed of the ball that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him.
The ball was _______________________________________________ that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him.

8        Mark speaks with such clarity that it’s a pleasure to listen to him.
Mark’s voice ____________________________________________ to him is a pleasurable experience.

9        You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas Day.
Under no _____________________________________ opened until Christmas Day.

10        My name was the last one they called out.
Mine __________________________________________________ called out.

4        Complete the following letters by writing one word in each gap.

Dear Uncle Will

You’ve probably (0) heard by now about the failure of our attempt to climb Mount Everest. I (1) ____________ have listened to you about not attempting it in October. Obviously, I’m very disappointed, as (2) ____________ all my colleagues on the team, not (3) ____________ Jonty who says it’ll probably be his last climb. We’re all physically shattered, and I’ve lost almost 20 kilos (4) ____________ eating like a horse. Everything was (5) ____________ so well until that notorious ridge you warned me about. No (6) ____________ had we reached Hunter’s Ridge than the weather changed for the worse. The winds got up from the south, and then the snow drifts started. It was intensely frustrating, just lying in shelter (7) ____________ to move, just 600 metres (8) ____________ so from the summit. Only
 ____________ several days of blizzard conditions (10) ____________ we abandon the climb and return to base camp. Oh well, drop me a line when you have time.



Dear Ben

Thanks for your letter – yes, I read all about it in the local paper. Don’t worry, you (11) ____________ possibly have done any more. I can’t (12) ____________ I’m surprised – there’s nothing you can (13) ____________ if the elements are against you: it’s no reflection on you. You did the sensible thing. That last bit of climb is fraught with danger, and better, more experienced climbers than yourselves have
 ____________ to turn back. So let me know if you’re going to have another go – I should have (15) ____________ May or June was a much better time for an ascent, anyway.

Best wishes


5        Ten people were asked for their opinion on a new cinema. Some of the sentences contain a grammatical mistake. Write the correct version in the space provided at the end of each line, or put a tick if the sentence is already correct.

0        It’s bound to be difficult for them in the first few         
weeks, but I think they’ve done well so far.

00        Whatsoever do they think they’re doing? They’ve         Whatever do
got all the most popular films in the smallest rooms.

1        I arrived half an hour before ‘The Detective’ was         ________________
showing, and I couldn’t get a seat, so they’re
obviously going to be popular.

2        I think the snack area may turn out to be too small,         ________________
but apart from that, I’m impressed.

3        A new cinema should have been discussed and debated         ________________
for seven or eight years before it finally happened, so
it’s great to actually be here and see it.

4        I would have known I’d be working on the opening        ________________
night! I’d have loved to see all the celebrities!

5        No sooner had we arrived when the computer in the         ________________
box office broke down, so I hope that’s not going
to be typical.

6        I think the disabled facilities could be better, and they         ________________
shouldn’t allow smoking in the corridors.

7        Very often are there problems in the first few days with        ________________
a new cinema, but I’ve seen nothing yet.

8        All they’re doing is putting the existing cinema in         ________________
the town centre out of business – it all seems fairly
pointless to me.

9        Little understand people just how difficult it must be        ________________
to run a ten-screen cinema successfully.

10        I really do hope they succeed, because I’ve seen some        ________________
great films here already.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 4a (Units 16–19)

1        Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not. Write  or X (correct or incorrect).

0        If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest.     X

1        We can confirm that your flight leaves at 4 pm from the North Terminal.     ___

2        Mary suggested why didn’t we go and see a film.     ___

3        What lovely weather we’re having!     ___

4        Hilary warned the team that trying to compete with each other would be dangerous.     ___

5        I studied at the University of Pisa.     ___

6        I’ve got a bit of a flu this morning.     ___

7        Everyone got on very well, that was quite surprising in the circumstances.    ___

8        There is only one person in my street is a bit unfriendly.     ___

9        Finding myself in difficulty, I looked around for a policeman.     ___

10        I’ve stopped to go to the gym, as it’s too expensive.     ___

2        Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        The car needs ____________ good cleaning.

2        There’s nothing I hate more than ____________ in application forms.

3        I ____________ face another long journey!

4        I wish you wouldn’t ____________ complaining all the time.

5        ____________ leaves the office last, please turn off the lights.

6        The first time we met was ____________ we were at Barry’s party.

7        It was on this spot, 500 years ago, ____________ King Henry fought a famous battle.

8        If it’s trendy clothes you want, On Offer is ____________ place to go.

9        Oh by the way, we’ve been ____________ to a party on Saturday by Lynn and Roger.

10        Baker strongly ____________ having broken the photocopier.

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        The racers were told to stay on the pavement and not run on the road.
The racers were told that running on the road was against the rules.

1        Rumours say that the Prime Minister is about to resign.
The Prime Minister is _______________________________________ point of resigning.

2        I was pleased to learn that Helen’s search for a place at university was successful.
I was pleased to learn that _____________________________________ a place at university.

3        Go on! I bet you’re too scared to jump off that wall.
Go on! I _________________________________________________ that wall.

4        After missing two lessons, John found it difficult to follow what the teacher was saying.
After missing two lessons, John ______________________________________ explanations.

5        The baby no longer has a bottle of milk before going to bed.
The baby ___________________________________________ a bottle of milk before going to bed.

6        Jill’s parents were really pleased when Jill got 90% in her maths test.
Jill got 90% in her Maths test, ____________________________________ her parents.

7        Under-age drinking is a problem that concerns us very much.
We are _______________________________________ of under-age drinking.

8        ‘Paul, why don’t you take a day off and come shopping with me?’ said Eva.
Eva suggested _____________________________________ shopping with her.

9        4,000 jobs are to be cut at Barrant Ltd, according to an announcement today.
Today, Barrant Ltd _____________________________________ of 4,000 jobs.

10        ‘Joyce, let me carry your suitcase for you – I insist,’ said Henry.
Henry _____________________________________________ suitcase for her.

4        Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Anna Bancroft (0) looked down at the speedometer on her handlebars. She was
 ____________ 42 kph with ease and knew that she was in great shape for the National Triathlon Championships that weekend. But she (2) ____________ made the competition – the next moment she was flying across the windscreen of a sports car. Anna woke up in hospital and (3) ____________ not feel anything in her legs. The doctors (4) ____________ her worst fears; she was paralysed from the waist down and would be confined to a wheelchair for the (5) ____________ of her life. She would never be (6) ____________ to cycle again. But Anna was a person of the utmost resolve. She was determined not to (7) ____________ her disability prevent her from racing. (8) ____________ she couldn’t compete in her beloved triathlon, she would do swimming and wheelchair racing instead. As soon as she had
(9) ____________ from the trauma of her accident, Anna began a programme of light training in the swimming pool, encouraged by her friends from the triathlon club.

Now, two years on, Anna is considered to (10) ____________ one of the leading wheelchair athletes in the country. Recently she was selected to (11) ____________ Britain at the European Athletics Championships. Anna’s punishing training schedule (12) ____________ getting up at 6.30 to get a couple of hours’ training in before work (she does mornings only as a receptionist at a doctor’s surgery). It is a life that she wouldn’t (13) ____________ up for anything. ‘It’s no good (14) ____________ back and brooding over my past life,’ she says. ‘I’m in a rush to enjoy the rest of my life, and the one thing I (15) ____________ stand is wasting time.’

5        Complete the extract from a company newsletter, using information in the informal notes from Dave. Use no more than two words for each gap. The words you need do not appear in the notes.


Here’s the draft version of the Staff Information page for next week’s newsletter. Please feel free to make any changes.




In the last newsletter we made a mistake over the name of the person who’s doing the training day on ‘The Importance of Marketing’. It’s going to be Dilip Patel, not Sue Parkinson. Sorry to Sue for this.

In case anyone couldn’t go and missed his talk, Dilip’s going to repeat it on Friday afternoon. If you want to go to the Friday afternoon session, please sign up for it (staff noticeboard), or e-mail Dilip’s secretary, Vera.

Don’t forget December 3, the Christmas Dinner. This year it’s going to be at the Regal Hotel. Menus will be coming round your departments next week – please read and indicate your choices.

Management have asked us to remind you about personal telephone calls. Please make these only when really necessary. You may need to deal with important personal matters, but please don’t make social calls to friends.

Staff Information

In the last edition of the newsletter we (0) wrongly stated that Sue Parkinson was leading the training day on ‘The Importance of Marketing’. The day will in fact be led by Dilip Patel. We (1) ____________ to Sue for this mistake.

Dilip will also be (2) ____________ a presentation on marketing next Friday afternoon, for any staff who were (3) ____________ attend the training day. If you are (4) ____________ attending, please write your name on the list on the staff noticeboard. (5) ____________ , e-mail Dilip’s secretary, Vera Catford.

Another date for your diaries is December 3, the Christmas Dinner, which this year is being (6) ____________ at the Regal Hotel. Menus will be (7) ____________ in your departments next week – please indicate which starter, main course and dessert you prefer and return to the Social Representative on your floor.

We have been (8) ____________ by management to remind you that personal telephone calls should be kept to (9) ____________ in office time. Obviously urgent personal matters may (10) ____________ your attention during the working day, but social calls to friends and family are not acceptable.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 4a (Units 16–19)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 4b (Units 16–19)

1        Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not. Write  or X (correct or incorrect).

0        If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest.     X

1        Please can you explain me how to change the paper in this copier?     ___

2        Harry denied that he didn’t take the money.     ___

3        Bob urged going to the bank right away and sorting the matter out.     ___

4        Please do not play the ball games on this grass.     ___

5        If you want a guitar that makes a deeper sound, you might try this one.     ___

6        The whole plan may prove to be unworkable.     ___

7        Let me introduce Clive, that will be working with you.     ___

8        The letter arrived this morning contains my exam results.     ___

9        Seeing that the door was already open, I tiptoed inside.     ___

10        I’ve got several letters that need to be typed up, if you wouldn’t mind.     ___

2        Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0        I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1        That medicine works wonders – I feel ____________ a new person!

2        You don’t ____________ to have nice toys if you behave like that!

3        I don’t ____________ locking the front door: I’d better go back and check.

4        She carried ____________ talking, oblivious to anyone else.

5        I waited till eleven, by ____________ time I’d had enough.

6        This was the moment that she had been waiting ____________ .

7        Dr Bromley was ____________ doctor who treated me.

8        Marion objected to the ____________ that all the facilities seemed to be for men.

9        Dawn said she ____________ remember what had happened.

10        That’s the girl I was ____________ you about.

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        The racers were told to stay on the pavement and not run on the road.
The racers were told that running on the road was against the rules.

1        Remember the leader’s advice or you may get into danger. 
Forget the leader’s advice _______________________________________ into danger.

2        Telling John to do anything is pointless, because he just does what he wants. 
John likes to do his own ___________________________________ what to do.

3        Micky said he was ill as he didn’t want to go to school. 
Micky pretended ______________________________________ wouldn’t have to go to school.

4        Regrettably, Kate couldn’t cycle to work any more when she moved to London. 
Kate ________________________________________ cycle to work when she moved to London.

5        I have seen all of his films except Look Back. 
Look Back is _________________________________________ I haven’t seen.

6        This puzzle is difficult for three main reasons. 
There are three main reasons _____________________________________ this puzzle.

7        ‘Harry, would you like to go fishing with me on Saturday?’ asked Joe. 
Joe asked Harry ________________________________________ on Saturday.

8        ‘OK, OK, look, I’ve made a mistake, and I’m sorry,’ said Olga. 
Olga ___________________________________________ made a mistake, and apologised.

9        ‘Let me ask again the question I asked earlier in the meeting,’ said Alex. 
Alex _____________________________________ asked earlier in the meeting.

10        ‘Don’t ever go near the canal by yourself,’ Carrie’s mother told her. 
Carrie’s mother _______________________________________ near the canal by herself.

4        Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

And now on The Crime Programme an update on another unsolved crime, the armed robbery of the jewellery warehouse in London (0) which we reported on six months ago. Police are anxious to establish the identity of a man, believed to
(1) ____________ one of the gang members, (2) ____________ purchased a green lorry in March of last year, six months before the robbery, from a garage in Brentwood. The garage’s suspicions were aroused (3)
 ____________ the man paid in cash for the lorry, and then registered it under a false company name. Significantly, the notes were handed (4) ____________ in mixed denominations. As police explained to us, one would normally (5) ____________ a large wad of banknotes to (6) ____________ been obtained from a bank, in (7) ____________ case the notes would all be neatly arranged in piles of the same denomination.

(8) ____________ short, the man may have paid for the lorry with money from a previous robbery. (9) ____________ looked again at video evidence of the robbery, police now know that the lorry was (10) ____________ to block the entrance of the warehouse, stopping any other vehicles (11) ____________ entering, so that the robbery could be carried (12) ____________ more easily.

Police also believe that a man seen photographing the jewellery warehouse at about the same time was also in the gang. A woman who (13) ____________ to be out walking her dog noticed the man, and took the registration number of the car. It
(14) ____________ out that the car was stolen from the Coventry area two years ago. (15) ____________ with further information regarding the lorry, registration number K358 CEQ, or the car, P406 TRA should contact us on 0207 400600.

5        Complete the e-mail from the services manager of a large company, using information in the informal message from Geoff. Use no more than two words for each gap. The words you need do not occur in the message.

Please would you look over this, and e-mail it to all staff when you’re happy with the wording of it.

Thanks, Geoff.

The staff car park is soon going to be renovated and resurfaced. Work will begin on August 16 and probably go on for two weeks. In the first week zones A to L are being done, so people who use these zones should find other ways of getting to work. You can get information on public transport from reception. There are also a few parking spaces in Teversham Road, but get there early if you don’t want to be disappointed.

During the two-week period, visitors will not be able to use the car park.

Sorry for any trouble due to these repairs, but the car park really could do with some attention.


To:        all staff

From:        Services Manager

Please note that the staff car park at Loxton Road will (0) shortly be renovated
and resurfaced. The work will (1) ____________ on August 16, and is likely
(2) ____________ for a period of two weeks.

In the first week, zones A to L (blue ticketholders) will be repaired, so users of these zones must make (3) ____________ arrangements for coming to work. Details of public transport to the Loxton Road site are (4) ____________ in reception. There are also a small (5) ____________ of parking spaces in Teversham Road, but these tend to fill up very quickly, so arrive early to (6) ____________ disappointment. In the second week zones M to Z will be repaired (red ticketholders).

During this two-week period, because of the very limited space, the car park will be (7) ____________ to all visitors.

We (8) ____________ for any inconvenience that may (9) ____________ by these repairs, but we are sure you will agree that the car park is in urgent (10) ____________ of maintenance work.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 4b (Units 16–19)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 21–25)

1        Think of a word which collocates with the preposition to complete each sentence.

0        Dr Porter is a heart and lungs consultant who specialises in heart transplants.

1        That supermarket once ____________ me £5 too much for my shopping.

2        George really ____________ me of my old Uncle Charlie – they are so similar.

3        His anxieties all ____________ from his childhood upbringing.

4        I’m not very ____________ on football, to be honest.

5        Sorry, I think I must have picked up the wrong briefcase by ____________ .

6        That guy is arrogant beyond ____________ .

7        Spring is late this year; the flowers still haven’t ____________ out yet.

8        I’m sorry to ____________ you down, but I can’t meet next week’s deadline.

9        This old table ____________ up too much space; let’s get rid of it.

10        The anaesthetic should ____________ off after a couple of hours.

2        Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the word in capital letters.

0        His argument doesn’t really stand up to close examination.  STAND

1        By midday the whole city ______________________________ Juventus supporters.  PACKED

2        Farmer Bond and Farmer Carter are ______________________________ who owns the land down by the river.  DISPUTE

3        My mum was always very good ______________________________ problems.  DEALING

4        Don’t get me wrong; I’m all ______________________________ this plan for a new road.  FAVOUR

5        I don’t want to pressurise you. You’re ______________________________ sign this contract.  OBLIGATION

6        ______________________________ your 25 years of service, we would like to present you with a gold watch.  RECOGNITION

7        Lulu’s only thirteen: we can’t leave her ______________________________ the baby for too long.  CHARGE

8        Carol is staying with me as she’s ______________________________ her husband.  FALLEN

9        I don’t think I can ______________________________ this dental appointment – I’m just too nervous about it.  GO

10        ______________________________ yourself – don’t let this boy bully you.  STICK

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        I won’t stand for rudeness in this school.
I won’t allow _________________________________________ in this school.

2        I can’t eat my food with all this talk about being sick.
All this talk about being sick ________________________________________ my food.

3        I should draw your attention to the fact that Lynn is no longer responsible for overseas sales.
Can I just _________________________________________ Lynn is no longer responsible for overseas sales.

4        Don’t worry, I will do the ironing, but not just yet.
Don’t worry, I will _________________________________________ , but not just yet.

5        I went to see a financial adviser as I was thinking I might change my insurance policies.
I went to see a financial adviser ______________________________________ possibly changing my insurance policies.

6        My tennis is distinctly rusty; I simply don’t have the time to practise any more.
My tennis is distinctly rusty; I’m really _______________________________ , you know.

7        Prisoners here are regularly visited by their families to boost their morale.
Prisoners here get family visits _______________________________________ to boost their morale.

8        Roger is eligible for early retirement.
Roger _________________________________________ take early retirement.

9        ‘Great to hear about your new job, Sue – congratulations!’ said Mike.
Mike ___________________________________________ getting her new job.

10        I really like the idea of going to Sri Lanka – let’s do it!
The idea of going to Sri Lanka _____________________________________ – let’s do it!

4        Put each phrasal verb from the box in the appropriate place in the text.

  grow on       stand up to        make do with        drew up        gone off       try out

        make for        broke off        put up with        done up       come up against

As Mrs Davis was talking on the phone, a white van (0) drew up outside her house. She (1) _____________ her phone call. ‘Can’t talk now, Maggie, the decorators are here… yes, we’re having our kitchen (2) _____________ .’ With that, she put the phone down and showed the workmen in. ‘We’ve (3) _____________ a little problem with the paint, Mrs Davis,’ said the taller of the two men. The Highland Blue you chose in the catalogue has been discontinued, so we’ve had to (4) _____________ the nearest colour, Royal Blue.’

Mrs Davis looked troubled. ‘Don’t worry, Mrs D,’ said the other workman. ‘We can (5) _____________ a little bit of the Royal Blue on your walls, and then if you don’t like it we can always go over it with something else later.’ He opened the tin, and Mrs Davis frowned. ‘It’s a bit lighter than you wanted, but it’ll (6) _____________ you, I promise,’ said the smaller workman. ‘Hmmm, I don’t know,’ said Mrs Davis, ‘I’ve rather (7) _____________ the idea of blue now. Perhaps we can leave the painting ’till my husband gets home. He may be able to (8) _____________ this colour, but it’s not what we imagined.’

‘Anway, you’ll love the bench top we’ve got,’ said the little one.

This marble base will (9) _____________ a much stronger work surface than the conventional materials, and it’s much more durable. It’ll (10) _____________ a lot of banging and cutting.’ We’ll do that today, and leave the painting till later.’

5        Put one suitable preposition in each gap of the text.

Performance Review – Summary

David feels that he has grown (0) in confidence during his first year with the company, although he admits to occasionally feeling (1) ________ pressure to work faster. He sometimes finds it difficult to deal with external clients who phone him. David recognises the need to acquire more experience (2) ________ computer database systems and has agreed to attend training sessions.

David is aware (3) ________ the roles of others in his department and how their work relates (4) ________ his own. He describes himself as being (5) ________ good terms with his colleagues.

David would like to become more involved (6) ________ the running of the staff social programme. It was suggested that he contact Carla Lopez.

David understands that he will be eligible (7) ________ a pay rise next March, depending (8) ________ his performance during the coming year. Any pay rise would only come (9) ________ effect from March, as the terms of his contract specify his current salary for a period of eighteen months.

It was agreed that David has applied himself well (10) _________ his job, and that his manager is happy with his progress to date.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 21–25)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 5b (Units 21–25)

1        Think of a word which collocates with the preposition to complete each sentence.

0        Dr Porter is a heart and lungs consultant who specialises in heart transplants.

1        Customers must ____________ for all breakages in the shop.

2        I might ____________ up the matter of puctuality at the next Board meeting.

3        She is completely and utterly ____________ to her children.

4        Scientists have yet to find a ____________ for cancer.

5        Please send in your application without ____________ , as the closing date is next Monday.

6        The mission to recover the agents was ____________ out without loss of life.

7        There wasn’t enough cake to ____________ round, so some people missed out.

8        I always say a happy teacher ____________ for a happy class.

9        Don’t ____________ on too much work, or you’ll never get a holiday.

10        BBC ____________ for British Broadcasting Corporation.

2        Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the word in capital letters.

0        His argument doesn’t really stand up to close examination.  STAND

1        My doctor couldn’t find the cause of my headaches, so he ______________________________ a specialist.  REFERRED

2        My aunt is quite ______________________________ Scottish butterflies.  AUTHORITY

3        ______________________________ the project will never get off the ground.  LIKELIHOOD

4        No witnesses came forward ______________________________ reprisals from the gang.  FEAR

5        You seem ______________________________ this morning – have you won the lottery?  SPIRITS

6        ______________________________ the previous Prime Minister, I think this guy’s a great improvement.  COMPARISON

7        ______________________________ I will let you off with a warning.  CIRCUMSTANCES

8        My uncle’s ______________________________ 80, but he still cycles to the shops.  GETTING

9        I’m hoping to ____________________________ a triathlon later this year.  GO

10        What about Tina? Do you think we should ______________________________ on the secret?  LET

3        Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same.

0        In my country all adults are obliged to vote.
In my country
voting is obligatory for all adults.

1        You must always keep a promise.
You must never __________________________________________ a promise.

2        Several Liverpool players have not done as well as expected this season.
Several Liverpool players have failed to __________________________________________ this season.

3        We need somebody to think of a good idea quickly.
We need somebody to _____________________________ a good idea quickly.

4        The sooner this job is finished, the better.
Let’s ____________________________________________ as soon as we can.

5        Everyone wanted to go to the museum except Brian.
With ___________________________ , everyone wanted to go to the museum.

6        Right, time’s up, I’m afraid – please stop writing.
I’m afraid you _________________________________ , so please stop writing.

7        I thought that the ZX80 was only for sales overseas.
I was ____________________________________________ that the ZX80 was only for sales overseas.

8        I’m happy to announce that the patient’s health is no longer in a dangerous state.
I’m happy to announce that the patient is now __________________________ .

9        As a result of the Great Fire of 1666, the city was rebuilt in a much better way.
The Great Fire of 1666 ____________________________________ rebuilt in a much better way.

10        Sarah has persuaded me to do a bungee jump.
Sarah has ______________________________________ doing a bungee jump.

4        Put each phrasal verb from the box in the appropriate place in the text.

  took to       slipped up        ended up        live up to        stood by       sort out

  turned out        miss out        ran into        pick up        come in for

Journalist Mark Thomas reflects on a good season for Newcastle United.

Well, it’s all over now, a good but frustrating season for Newcastle United, which saw them just (0) miss out on a European place. Fourth place in the League would have given them a place in next season’s European Champions League, but sadly the Magpies (1) _____________ fifth. Back in August, when the season began, the manager had (2) _____________ a lot of criticism from fans over his failure to strengthen the squad with new signings, but the directors (3) _____________ their man, pledging their full suppport. Their decision seemed fully vindicated when, after ten matches, Newcastle led the League by six points. They really (4) _____________ life at the top, staying in first place until Christmas, when they (5) _____________ trouble defensively, conceding too many goals. It took a while to
(6) _____________ this problem in defence, by which time new leaders, Arsenal, were clear of the rest by some seven points. Then, just as they were gaining ground on Arsenal, the Magpies (7)
 _____________ again, hitting a poor run of form, which saw them (8) _____________ only five points out of a possible 30. In short, their form in the spring didn’t (9) _____________ their early season promise. High point of the season? For me, that was undoubtedly when a full house of 56,000 fans
(10) _____________ for the Manchester United game in May – a truly fabulous atmosphere.

5        Put one suitable preposition in each gap of the text.

I worked in a bookshop for a year. (0) At first sight it might seem a rather tedious job, but actually there is a lot more to it than just taking people’s money. (1) ________ a start I had to be well informed (2) ________ all the new books that were coming
(3) ________ , which entailed a lot of background reading of trade magazines. Then I had to learn all about stock control, ordering (4) ________ suppliers and so on – things which have stood me in good stead on my Business Administration course at university.

From a personal point of view I had to be unfailingly polite and cheerful to everybody at all times, irrespective (5) ________ how I actually felt, which was good training for business life! Much as I enjoyed dealing (6) ________ the public, however, it was really the behind-the-scenes work that appealed (7) ________ me most. After six months the assistant manager left, and I was put (8) ________ charge of the basement, where we kept the science and medical books. I loved being responsible (9) ________ the layout of the shelves and the book displays, and the planning that went
 ________ them gave me a real insight into business strategy.

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 5b (Units 21–25)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 27–28)

1        Some of the following sentences contain a spelling mistake. Write the correct spelling or put a tick in the space provided.

0        I’ve never seen such an awful film.        

00        Don’t worry; I’ll make all the neccessary arrangements.         necessary

1        I can’t gaurantee your safety completely.        ________________

2        I can’t play football with you: I’m doing my         ________________
piano practise.

3        Have you found any accommodation yet for         ________________
when you start university?

4        One of my buttons is coming loose.         ________________

5        I just need a little more comittment from you.         ________________

6        I think you should go and see a psichologist.         ________________

7        What a marvellous performance.         ________________

8        The measurements you gave me don’t sound quite right.         ________________

9        I think that as a serious actress, she is very underated.         ________________

10        Where are my shoes? They’ve simply disapeared.         ________________

2        Correct the punctuation in the three paragraphs by adding or removing suitable punctuation. You need to make five changes in each paragraph.

Of all my friends I’d have to say Michelle is the nicest, you couldnt hope to meet, a more caring person. I remember on one occasion when we were both about six, she saw that some older children were being unkind to me, and calmly led me away by the hand.




The practice of headhunting, is becoming more and more commonplace in the business’ world. Companies, who have important vacancies to fill, are increasingly targeting and approaching excellent individuals, in other companies and offering them more money. Agencies are also springing up to do this work on companies’ behalf.




‘Sharon I don’t know what you’re talking about, darling? You’ve got the wrong end of the stick.’ said Basil. ‘I was just giving Maureen a hug because she was really upset, I’m sure you’d have done the same. Just because I’m a bloke, it doesn’t mean I can’t touch a friend.




3        Underline the correct word or phrase which best completes each gap in the text.

In the latest of our series ‘Ask the Enemy’ we asked classical music critic Daphne Bushell for her views on pop music.

I think (0) to a large extent/not only/by the way your views on something like this are determined by your upbringing, and the fact is, I came from a very musical family. I sang in a church choir and I played the clarinet in an orchestra. (1) As well as/
All the same/What’s more
, my mum and dad were also both very musical.
 For a start/Consequently/At any rate , I can safely say I have a very good ear for music.

(3) As a result/In turn/Incidentally , for a long time, if you’d asked me this question, I’d have said pop music (4) in contrast/as opposed to/on the contrary classical music, is music for the masses, namely those who aren’t musical enough to appreciate the real thing. And you could call me a dreadful snob, and that would be true, because
 on top of that/ to tell the truth/accordingly it was the sort of thing that you said in the circles I moved in at the time, and it was a remark born out of ignorance and inexperience of pop music. (6) Subsequently/By the way/For that reason , in my late twenties, I discovered pop, and listened to it quite a lot, and (7) having said that/in the first place/by and large developed quite a liking for some of it. (8) Hence/
now, with middle-age creeping up on me, I’m getting more conservative in my tastes again. So really my present answer to your question is that some pop music is wonderfully evocative and can affect you deeply because it has a decent, catchy tune.

(9) Nevertheless/To be honest/What’s more, the fact remains that for every decent pop song there are several hundred that are just awful, discordant garbage, whereas classical music is (10) anyway/for a start/at least consistently pleasant, because it is based on beautiful harmony.

4        In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation, in the space beside the text. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

Allergies are on the increase, it seems, and the culprit is simply, the modern world.        0  simply the

The present rate is estimated to be one in four people – that is, people who will be        00      

aflicted with allergy at some point in their lives. And city dwellers are getting the        000 afflicted 

worst of it, since the deteriorating quality of air is known to aggrivate conditions         1

such as asthma and hay fever. In the latter case, people are developping the         2

symptom’s of hay fever even at times when the pollen count is low. Much has also        3

been written about the increase of asthma and eczema-inducing dust mites in         4

modern houses, with there perfect mix of carpets, central heating and double-glazed         5

windows. The health industry, has picked up on allergies in a big way, and         6

alternative medicine practitioners now regularly offer an allergy testing and         7

diagnosing service. Some times this is done by means of a finger-prick blood test,         8

but some wierd and wonderful methods have also proved popular, such as hair         9

strand analysis and placing certain foods near the sufferers brain. But mainstream         10

immunologists and allergy specialists are septical of these methods. They believe         11

in removeing certain foods from the patient’s diet for a two-week period until the         12

food sauce that is causing the problem is located. Then, they say, the problem         13

food should be gradually reintroduced. If this does not happen the patient risks         14

creating new intolerances because of the absense of the problem food in the diet.         15

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 27–28)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ___________________

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6b (Units 27–28)

1        Some of the following sentences contain a spelling mistake. Write the correct spelling or put a tick in the space provided.

0        I’ve never seen such an awful film.        

0        Don’t worry; I’ll make all the neccessary arrangements.         necessary

1        I could never get up and sing – far too embarassing.         ________________

2        The new working hours don’t really effect me.         ________________

3        The recommended dosage is three pills in 24 hours.         ________________

4        The sad reality is, not enough people care.         ________________

5        The continous hammering was driving me mad.         ________________

6        Bring your Pokemon cards and we’ll do a swop.         ________________

7        She dived to a depth of 20 metres.         ________________

8        The equipment used has been standardised.         ________________

9        That is extremely iresponsible behaviour.         ________________

10        I thought it was a terribly disapointing film.         ________________

2        Correct the punctuation in the three paragraphs by adding or removing suitable punctuation. You need to make five changes in each paragraph.

The big new thing in personal fitness, is the medicine ball. Yes, you heard me correctly, those huge, heavy leather balls, you used in the school gym, if you’re over 30 that is. The medicine ball is lifted held and thrown in various position’s, thereby enabling the use of muscles that traditional training programmes do not exercise. This means the body is sculpted in new ways.




There is nothing more annoying in the whole world than not being able to find two socks, which match. this problem becomes all the more pertinent when, at 8.30 in the morning you have ten second’s left in which to decide, ‘Shall I go to work with no socks or one grey and one black.’




Collins cursed loudly flicked the indicator switch and pulled in to the side of the road. Sure enough the tyre had blown, and the Spare would take a good fifteen minutes’ to put on, even for him. If he was late, Cindy would never speak to him again. He wondered ‘why fate always seemed to conspire against him’ when it really mattered.




3        Underline the correct word or phrase which best completes each gap in the text.

In this extract from his book ‘Travels around Europe’, Marcus Sandwell describes his experiences in Bulgaria.

The day we arrived in Sofia on the overnight train turned out to be a public holiday, so no shops were open. (0) All the same/First of all/To make matters worse, it was about ten degrees below zero, and the combination of empty stomachs and freezing mist sent our spirits plummeting. (1) While/By the way/Thus we were heartily relieved when, four hours later, we finally found a restaurant open in a park. We ate like there was no tomorrow, (2) even though/on the contrary/to be honest it was rather expensive. (3) What’s more/Broadly speaking/In contrast , we found the Bulgarians very friendly, intensely so. It seemed they wanted to know everything about us, with no detail omitted, (4) although/however/whereas small. We communicated with them in German (5) not only/even so/as well as English, and most of the young people seemed equally happy in either language. (6) However/Indeed/For one thing , they would often flick over from one language to the other in mid-sentence.

In the afternoon, fate and the walking crowds took us to the zoo, where, probably
to a large extent/in addition to/as a result of eating enough for three people, Henry was violently sick. Our embarrassment was such that we left him, rather appropriately, in front of the pigs’ enclosure. He caught up with us in the snake house, furious that we had left him. (8) Consequently/Whereas/Hence , he refused to speak to us until tea time, when his spirits perked up again.

Henry’s stomach continued to play up that evening; (9) even so/what’s more/
to tell the truth
 , we decided to stay out, as there was a music festival on.
 Having said that/On the contrary/Besides , we couldn’t let Henry’s notoriously disfunctional digestive system spoil the party.

5        In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation, in the space beside the text. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

A ‘placebo’ is a substance that has no phisical effect, given to someone who         0   physical

is ill, and the ‘placebo effect happens when the patient reports feeling better         00  effect’

as a result. Ten years ago a famous placebo surgery experiment took place in         000  

America, involving ten voluntears with arthritic knees. Two of them had the         1

usual surgery, where the knee cap is rinsed out and scraped. The others, were         2

put under anaesthetic, but the rinse and scrape proceedure was not carried out.         3

None of the patients new which treatment they had had, but when asked six         4

months’ later, all ten of them reported feeling much better. The placebo effect         5

is medicaly recognised, but no one knows how it works. Is it proof of the         6

Healing powers of the mind? Of course, historically many unscrupulous         7

‘quacks’, or false doctors, commonly gave patients something ‘more to         8

please than benifit them’ such as lizard’s blood or crocodile dung. But,         9

almost unbeleivably, placebos have been used in modern medical trials to         10

treat and cure numerous psychiatric and medical condition’s. And the bigger         11

the placebo – big institute, injections, surgery – the bigger the placebo effect.         12

The question is, if people can convince themselves to get better, is the best,         13

cheapest and least dangerous way, of treating people simply to return to the days        14

of snake oils and blood-letting leeches, and tell them a hole bunch of lies?         15

Advanced Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6b (Units 27–28)                

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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  • Мне нравится 




1. is

2. live

3. a new

4. a

5. get

6. going

7. their

8. and


Интересные вопросы

1. После урока ребята говорили о судьбе Сократа. Сергей за- явил, что Сократ всё-таки должен был послушаться совета своих друзей и бежать из тюрьмы. Ведь он был осужден не- справедливо. И это вскоре выяснилось. Какой ответ ты дал бы Сергею? Учти при этом мнение самого Сократа. 9. Ребята как-то заспорили. Лена сказала, что закон нельзя нарушать потому, что это нарушает справедливость. Борис ответил ей: «Нет, нарушение закона недопустимо, так как вредит порядку в обществе». Как ты считаешь, кто прав? 3. Английский учёный и философ Фрэнсис Бэкон (1561 1626) писал: «Хотя справедливость и не может уничтожить пороков, но она не даёт им наносить вред». А как ты ду- маешь, каким способом общество может защитить справед- ливость от человеческих пороков? 4. В классе разгорелся спор. Виктор говорит: «Справедливость требует ограничения свободы». Наташа возражает: «Нет, ограничение свободы это несправедливо». Кто, на твой взгляд, прав в этом споре? Объясни почему. 5. Бывают ли расхождения между тем, что записано в законе, и тем, что происходит в реальной жизни? Встречался ли ты с сознательными нарушениями закона? Приведи при- меры. Каковы могут быть последствия нарушений?​

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  • Complete the answers using the word or words in capitals what happens when
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  • Complete the answers to the questions use too or enough and the word in brackets
  • Complete the advice with one word in each space listen again if necessary
  • Complete the adjectives with the word endings in the box