Complete the adjectives column with a word from the box

Your task is to complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box: fresh, frozen,
home – made, low – fat, raw, spicy, sweet, takeaway.
1 Food which is kept very cold is …
2 These eggs are …, I bought them today.
3 I like my mum’s cooking. … food is always the best.
4 This tea is very …. You have put too much sugar in it.
5 Indian food like curry is very ….
6 … food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat.
7 Sushi is made with … fish.
8 People on a diet often try to eat … food.

1 Food which is kept very cold is FROZEN.

2 These eggs are FRESH, I bought them today.

3 I like my mum’s cooking. HOME-MADE food is always the best.

4 This tea is very SWEET. You have put too much sugar in it.

5 Indian food like curry is very SPICY.

6 TAKEAWAY food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat.

7 Sushi is made with RAW fish.

8 People on a diet often try to eat LOW-FAT food.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Opposite adjectives
Complete the chart. Use a prefix (un-, -, im-) in
the first column and a word from the box in the
second column.​

Читайте также


на фото


My answer can be found on the photo. Sorry for any possible mistakes, I’m not good at art

1) Домашние птицы 2)Многие виды насекомых 3) исчезающие виды животных 4)Дикая натура 5) Чтобы спасти животных 6) Присоединиться к обществу 7)Смотреть детенышей животных 8) Время кормления 9)Бороться с акулой 10)По всему миру 11)Чтобы растянуть крылья 12)Гигантская панда 13) Будет полон веселья 14) Жить в зоопарке


1. off
2. of
3. at

Номер 4
1. Played
3. Robed
4. Haved
Но я не уверена в ответе

0 голосов

226 просмотров

Complete the sentences using the adjectives from the box.

Помогите пожалуйста,заранее спасибо!


  • complete
  • sentences
  • using
  • adjectives
  • помогите
  • пожалуйста
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


12 Май, 18


226 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

0 голосов

Правильный ответ









9.easy and pleasant



12 Май, 18

  1. Think
    of a well-known sports personality. Which of the words in the
    previous two exercises can you use to describe this person? What
    special qualities do you think children need to become very
    successful at sport?

outgoing competitive chatty spoilt generous

bright easy-going intense lazy stubborn

  1. He’s
    very clever – just really ………………………..

  2. She’s
    really friendly – really ……………………. .She’s really
    good at making new friends.

  3. She’s
    quite quiet – quite ………………………… .

  4. They’re
    very relaxed – just very ………………… .

  5. He’s
    very sporty, and very …………………. . He always wants to

  6. He’s
    very sweet and affectionate, but he can be quite …………………..

  7. He’s
    quite serious – quite ……………………. .

  8. He’s
    a bit of a dropout – just very ……………………. .

  9. She’s
    very determined. In fact, she can be very …………………….

  10. They’re
    strict, but they can also be very kind and ………………………

  11. He’s
    very indulgent with his daughter. He gives her whatever she asks
    for, so she’s very ……………………

  12. He
    can seem quite quiet when you first meet him, but he actually quite
    ……………………. And funny once you get to know him.






afraid (of) / frightened (of)

proud (of)

jealous (of)

embarrassed / embarrassing


  1. What
    nouns can be formed from these adjectives?

sad happy proud jealous

  1. Find
    the logical ending on the right for each of the sentence beginnings
    on the left.

  1. He
    was very proud when a. someone stole his money.

  2. He
    was very jealous when b. his father appeared on TV with
    the Prime Minister.

  3. He
    was very embarrassed when c. he heard that his aunt had died.

  4. He
    was very angry when d. he saw those big dogs running
    towards him.

  5. He
    was very sad when e. he bought her a birthday
    present on the wrong day.

  6. He
    was very frightened when f. his best friend went out with
    the girl he really liked.

  1. Answer these questions.

  1. Would
    you feel embarrassed or upset if you forgot your mother’s birthday
    or your father’s birthday?

  2. Do
    you ever feel frightened in a car (as a passenger) because you are
    going very fast?

  3. Do
    you get angry when other people want you to do things that you don’t
    want to do?

  4. If
    you made a stupid mistake in English, would you feel embarrassed?

  5. Is
    there any one thing that you are proud of?

  6. Are
    there any common situations where you sometimes feel embarrassed?


–ed adjectives tell us how a person feels:

worried parents waited anxiously for news.

ending –ing tell us about the effect that something or someone has
on our feelings:

was a disappointing film.

are some common –ed/ -ing adjectives.

/ amusing excited / exciting

/ annoying fascinated / fascinating

/ boring frightened / frightening

/ confusing interested / interesting

/ disappointing irritated / irritating

/ disgusting satisfied / satisfying

/ embarrassing surprised / surprising

/ encouraging terrified / terrifying


  1. Complete
    the following sentences with the correct –ed or –ing adjective,
    using the verbs in the list

relax surprise confuse bore annoy embarrass
frighten depress irritate

  1. The
    instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the students
    feeling totally ……………….. .

  2. I
    don’t find horror films at all ……………….. – in fact,
    I find them quite funny.

  3. Would
    you be ………………. In coming to the theatre this evening ?
    I have a spare ticket.

  4. Can
    you fix that dripping tap? It’s getting on my nerves – it’s
    really ……………….. .

  5. I
    didn’t expect to see Peter at the party. I was really ……………..
    to see him there.

  6. He’s
    had a lot of bad news recently and is feeling a bit ………………
    . Let’s go and cheer him up.

  7. I
    find it ………………. To lie on the sofa and listen to music
    after hard day’s work.

  8. I
    was told the film was really good but I felt utterly ………………..
    by it.

  9. I
    get really ……………… when people throw rubbish down in the
    streets. It makes me furious.

  10. If
    I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people,
    I’d feel really ………………. .

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A. Form compound adjectives using the words from the two boxes.

Model 1: Adj/N/Adv + Participle II

home, well, low, old, absent / educated, minded, fashioned, paid, made

Model 2: Adj/N/Adv + Participle I

low, easy, fast, heart, sea / developing, lying, breaking, going, loving

B. Complete these sentences with the compound adjectives from part A.
1) The news about their father’s death was unexpected and … . 2) Students from Oxford and Cambridge are usually knowledgeable and … . 3) Elderly people are often …. 4) The lady was wearing a strange … hat with a lot of paper flowers. 5) Holland is a … country, most of its territory is below sea level. 6) The … cake was very tasty. 7) John has a … job, he doesn’t earn much money. 8) Computer industry is a … industry in our country. 9) Alice is such an … person. She is usually relaxed, calm and not getting easily upset. 10) The British is a … nation.

ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 7. Номер №5


Перевод задания

Образуйте сложные имена прилагательные, используя слова из двух рамок.

Модель 1: Adj/N/Adv + Participle II
домашний, хороший, низкий, старый, отсутствующий / образованный, мыслящий, оформленный, оплачиваемый, сделанный

Модель 2: Adj/N/Adv + Participle I
низкий, легкий, быстрый, сердечный, морской / развивающийся, лежащий, ломающийся, идущий, любящий

B. Допишите предложения, используя сложные имена прилагательные из части A.
1) Известие о смерти отца было неожиданным и … . 2) Студенты из Оксфорда и Кембриджа обычно хорошо осведомлены и … . 3) Пожилые люди часто бывают … . 4) На даме была странная … шляпа с множеством бумажных цветов. 5) Голландия − это … страна, большая часть ее территории находится ниже уровня моря. 6) … торт получился очень вкусным. 7) У Джона … работа, он не зарабатывает много денег. 8) Компьютерная индустрия − это … отрасль в нашей стране. 9) Алиса такой … человек. Обычно она расслаблена, спокойна и ее нелегко расстроить. 10) Британцы − это … нация.



1 − home−made, well−educated, absent−minded, old−fashioned, low−paid.
Мodel 2 − low−lying, fast−developing, easy−going, heartbreaking, sea−loving.


1) The news about their father’s death was unexpected and heartbreaking. 2) Students from Oxford and Cambridge are usually knowledgeable and well−educated. 3) Elderly people are often absent minded. 4) The lady was wearing a strange old−fashioned hat with a lot of paper flowers. 5) Holland is a low−lying country, most of its territory is below sea level. 6) The homemade cake was very tasty. 7) John has a low−paid job, he doesn’t earn much money. 8) Computer industry is a fast−developing industry in our country. 9) Alice is such an easy−going person. She is usually relaxed, calm and not getting easily upset. 10) The British is a sea−loving nation.

Перевод ответа


Модель 1 – домашний, хорошо образованный, рассеянный, старомодный, низкооплачиваемый.
Модель 2 – низколежащая, быстро развивающийся, приятный в общении, душераздирающий, любящий море.


1) Новость о смерти их отца была неожиданной и душераздирающей. 2) Студенты Оксфорда и Кембриджа обычно умные и хорошо образованные. 3) Пожилые люди часто бывают рассеянными. 4) Женщина носила странную старомодную шляпу с множеством бумажных цветков. 5) Голландия – низко расположенная страна, большинство ее территорий находится ниже уровня моря. 6) Домашний пирог был очень вкусным. 7) У Джона низкооплачиваемая работа, он зарабатывает не много денег. 8) Компьютерная индустрия – быстро развивающаяся индустрия в нашей стране. 9) Элис – такой приятный в общении человек. Она обычно расслаблена, спокойна и не расстраивается. 10) Британцы – нация, любящая море.

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