Complete each space in the sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals

This year, (1)…….in the
factory has suffered PRODUCT

because of a lack of expert
technical knowledge. As a result

we have made very substantial
(2)………………………….in sending INVEST

employees on training courses.
The fact remains that it is

becoming increasingly
difficult to get skilled labourers with

the right
(3)…………………………., experience, and above all,

company has also suffered this year EXPERT

from the industrial
(5)………………………….in November, which ACT

saw 340 union members walk out
in a pay dispute. Union

sat down with management REPRESENT

and negotiated a 4 per cent
pay rise, but not until 5 working

days had been lost to the
strike. As a result of such problems we

recognise the need to
(7)………………………….in certain areas, ECONOMY

and, on the advice of our
external (8)…………………………., Prior CONSULT

and Young, we have identified
the need for at least 3 departments

to be
(9)…………………………..It is thought that this will mean

the loss of between 6 and 10
jobs, though the exact figures and

nature of the redundancies
will be (10)………………………….in CLEAR

the next report.

14. Translate the sentences:

Чтобы получить интервью с представителем
компании, вы должны разослать ваше
резюме и заявление в разные компании и
агентства. 2) Резюме должно быть правильно
составлено, т.к. это первая информация,
которую компания получает о вас. 3)
Неправильно составленное резюме — это
потерянная возможность получить работу.
4) Вы должны указать точные даты, должности
и места работы. 5) Резюме не должно быть
длинным, не более одной машинописной
страницы. 6) Необходимо перечислить все
места вашей учебы в обратном хронологическом
порядке. В этот список можно включить
все прослушанные курсы, относящиеся к
данной должности. 7) Укажите последнее
место работы и следуйте в обратном
порядке. 8) Цель получения данной работы
не должна быть сформулирована в слишком
обобщенном виде. 9) Если вы закончили
университет с отличием, укажите это в
разделе «образование». 10) Указав
имена, адреса и телефоны людей, которые
могут дать вам рекомендацию, вы можете
написать: «могут быть представлены при
необходимости». 11) Резюме посылается
с письмом к работодателю. 12) Конечно,
резюме не предоставит вам работу, но
оно поможет вам быть приглашенным на
интервью. 13) Получение высокооплачиваемой
работы не должно быть указано как главная
цель трудоустройства. Это

15. Translate the dialogues from Russian into English:


Здравствуйте, агентство «Континенталь».

Здравствуйте, я ищу работу секретаря.
Занимается ли ваше агентство подбором
работы в этой области?

Мы работаем только с иностранными
компаниями. Вы хотите работать в
российской или иностранной компании?

Я не знаю, подойдет ли моя квалификация
для работы в

Тогда вам надо поговорить с нашим
консультантом. Вы не хотели бы записаться
на прием к нашему консультанту?

Спасибо, конечно. Когда я могу с ним
поговорить? А: В пятницу, в 3
Удобно ли для вас это время? В: Минутку,
я загляну в свой деловой блокнот. Да,
спасибо. Я буду у вас в пятницу в 3.

До свидания. Всего доброго.


Агентство «Континент». Здравствуйте.

Здравствуйте. Я хотела бы поговорить с
вашим консультантом по поводу работы

Простите, мы не занимаемся поиском
работы в этой области. Наши потенциальные
работодатели — промышленные предприятия
города и области.

Простите, что беспокою вас, но вы не
могли бы сказать, в какое агентство я
могла бы обратиться?

Попробуйте позвонить в агентство
«Алина». Они работают именно в этой

В: Спасибо
за помощь. До свидания.

А: До
свидания. Желаю вам удачи.


А: Здравствуйте,
агентство «Алина».

В: Здравствуйте,
я ищу работу няни. Мне сказали, что вы

подобную работу.

А: Да,
но есть ли у вас необходимая квалификация
и опыт работы?

Да, я прошла специальные подготовительные
курсы и имею опыт работы.

Вы хотели бы работать в русской или
иностранной семье?

Я хотела бы работать в иностранной
семье, но я не знаю иностранного языка.

Тогда, к сожалению, мы можем предложить
вам работу только в русской семье. Есть
ли у вас рекомендации?

Да, у меня рекомендации из двух семей,
где я работала раньше. А: Прекрасно.
Приходите завтра в 10 утра и захватите
с собой сертификат курсов и рекомендации.

Спасибо. Я обязательно приду завтра в
10 утра. До свидания.

До свидания.


Здравствуйте, агентство «Прогресс»

Здравствуйте, я прочел в газете ваше
объявление, что требуется водопроводчик
в гостиницу «Европа». Я хотел бы
прийти и поговорить с кем-либо по поводу
этой работы.

Наш консультант проводит интервью с
претендентами в понедельник в 10 часов.
Есть ли у вас соответствующий опыт

Да, я работал несколько лет в госпитале.
Я знаю свое дело хорошо, но я не знаю
иностранный язык.

Для этой работы это не обязательно.
Могли бы встретиться с нашим консультантом
в указанное время?

Да, я приду обязательно. Нужно ли мне
иметь какие-нибудь документы?

Для этой работы необходимо составить

Но я никогда не составлял резюме, я не
знаю, как это делается.

Приходите к Андрею Петрову в понедельник
в 10 утра, он поговорит с вами и поможет
вам составить резюме.

Спасибо. Я обязательно приду в понедельник
в 10. До свидания.

До свидания.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
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  • #
  • #
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  • #
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Нужна помощь,срочно.Дали контрольную на дом,завтра нужно принести.1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the picnic.
2. He would help you do this translation if you asked him
3. It would be wonderful if Ann were here with us.
4. It would not do you any harm if you did this exercise a second time.
5. If my grandfather had had a chance to study, he would have been a great man.
6. The teacher suggested that we should go to the museum next week.

2. Fill each blank space with the word formed from the word in the capitals.
Most of the … in big cities comes from cars.
The result of the … crisis is that in many parts of the Earth humans are beginning to suffer from shortages of food and clean water to survive.
3. BUY
If people avoided … packaged goods there would be less litter thrown by them.
4. USE
I’m not … to having breakfast alone.
If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all we should improve … education.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence — type II and III.
1) If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
2) If you (to do) a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra money.
3) If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask)Doris out for dinner.
4) If we (to hurry), we (to catch) the bus.
5) If it (to rain), Nina (to take) an umbrella with her.
) I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.
7) If you … (go) with me to Paris last month, you … (see) the Eifel Tower too.
8) We … (not get wet) if you … (take) an umbrella.
9) If Mum … (not open) the windows, our room … (not be) full of mosquitoes.
10) Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night.

4. Complete each sentence with one of the words (phrases) below:
1. Environment / environmental
1) They have many … problems in their city.
2) To protect the …. is our main task nowadays.
2. Protection / protective / protect
1) We must …. our Earth.
2) He wears …. clothing as he is a fireman.
3) …. of nature is very importang.
3. Pollute / polluted / pollution
1) The air is ….. by gases in the city.
2) People …. the ground throwing away litter.
3) What do you know about the …. of rivers and seas?

II этап республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку

2012/2013 учебный год

Form XI

Total: 85 points

I. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals.

 Stephen Murray was clearly going through a difficult 1) _____. He had never managed to gain the 2) _____of his teachers at school. He repeated 3) _____ignored to change his attitude or expelled. He was widely considered to be an 4) _____ pupil who was wasting his 5) ____by misbehaving in class. His parents received regular 6) ____ about their son but in spite of their own experience of Stephen’s rebellious 7)  _____ it was their 8) _____ for the 9) _____ that the school was      as much to blame as Stephen was that arose from time to time. They reacted 10)  ____to any suggestion that the boy’s upbringing      was in any way 11) _____ for Stephen’s lack of discipline. 1. ADOLESCENT

II. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

1. Athough I overslept, I still managed to catch the train.
Time Despite _____, I still managed to catch the train.

2. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
Fact In spite ______, leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.

3. In spite of being sixty, Peggy runs five miles a day.
Old Although _______, she runs five miles a day.

4. It makes no difference now rich he is, they still don’t like him.
How No_____ they still don’t like him.

5. In spite of the fact that he didn’t know French, he went to live in France.
Speak Even ____  French, he went to live in France.

6. I used to work in that factory many years ago.
Where That’s the factory _____ many years ago.

7. That’s the man who had his car stolen last week.
Whose That’s the _____ last week.

8. When the teacher and I had talked about the problem, we decided to change schools.
Discussed Having______ teachers, we decided to change schools.

9. I’m, rather busy at the moment — do you mind if I phone you later?
Get I’m- rather busy at the moment – can_____ later?

10. You’ll recover from the shock of losing your friend, even if it takes a long time.
Get You _____the shock of losing your friend, even if it takes a long time.

III. There are fourteen extra appearances of “the” in the following text. Underline them.

This morning I woke up around ten. I made the cup of coffee, took it into the bedroom and put it on the side my wife sleeps on. I do it on the Saturday and the Sunday mornings. On the other days of the week, we go to the work at different times and I ready for the school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of the Hill Road.

I work in the office in the city centre and I always have the problem finding the parking space. My wife says I am always complaining about the traffic and the pollution, which is true — you see. I grew up in the country, close to the nature and I have never got used to living in the city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in the big city like this is going to the concerts of all kinds. I also like the good food and occasionally we go out and have the dinner in a nice restaurant.

IV. Translate into English the words in brackets.

1. The new building looks (красиво).
2. Are you going to do all the painting (сами)?
3. She was а (счастливый) visitor to get free goods from the shop.
4. All the experts (говорят) the earth is getting warmer.
5. Do they (ожидают) a lot of people at the concert tonight?
6. Take these headphones. (Другие) ones are broken.
7. You have to leave your bags in the cloakroom, (не так ли) ?
8. No (волнительных) things ever happen there.

V. Correct the mistakes.

1. You would better stay in bed today.
2. Mum has stopped to drink fizzy drinks. She is on a diet.
3. This bag is too expensive for me to buy it.
4. Smoking it is dangerous for your health.
5. Would you mind to open the window?
6. I’d love eating a pizza tonight.
7. I stopped at the bakery for to buy some bread.
8. They made me to pay for the broken window.
9. I heard the Taylors to argue.
10. I’d better to ask someone for help.
11. I forgot calling you last night. I’m sorry.
12. He left the shop without to pay for the shirt.
13. You shouldn’t to be rude to your parents.
14. He is enough old to drive a car.

VI. Read the text and add the preposition which best fits each space.

Dear Ms Jones,

I am writing 1) ____reply to your advertisement 2) ____secretaries to work 3)_____ your central offices. I had already heard 4) _____ you from a friend of mine, Jenny Mansfield, who worked 5) _____ you a few years ago 6) _____  the sales department. I would be interested 7) ____applying 8) _____      a full-time post. I am quite experienced 9)____ secretarial work and would have little difficulty 10) ____ the duties the current job involves. I think I am quite skilled 11) _____ word processing. I enclose a reference 12) ___my previous employer and copies 13) ______ my certificates. I would be happy to come for an interview at any time which is convenient for you. I look forward to hearing 14) _____you.

Yours  sincerely, Anne

VIII. Read the text and choose one of the answers.


Dear Trevor,

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I’ve been very busy_____ (1) we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready _____(2) but as you can imagine _____ (3) the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve ______ (4) got a long way to go.

It’s been such a long time since we _______(5) work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years _____ (6) and we’ve _____ (7) spent a small fortune on it. We are ______(8) living in our rather cramped flat where you _____(9) us a few years ago but it _____ (10) to get unbearable and we ______ (11) to moving out. We are still _______ (12) around from morning _____. (13) night and it’s been particularly hectic _____ (14) the last week.

1 A every time В ever since С while D before
2 A still В already С yet D soon
3 A for В as С while D since
4 A yet В already С nearly D still
5 A have started В start С did start D started
6 A before В ago С previous D since
7 A still В not С already D yet
8 A already В still С yet D longer
9 A were visiting В have visited С had been visited D visited
10 A begun В is beginning С begins D begin
11 A have look forward В looked forward С will look forward D are looking forward
12 A rush В rushed С rushing D be rushed
13 A and В into С till D through
14 A during В from С in D while

 Listening Comprehension

Form   XI

Total: 20 points


I. Choose the right ending of the sentences.

1. The author knew Louise

a) before she married.
b) since her childhood.
c) in her late forties.

2. Her father and mother worshipped her for

a) her kindness and sympathy.
b) her being the only child.
c) some illness.

3. If a party was amusing she could dance

a) till midnight.
b) till five in the morning.
c) only two hours.

4. Tom left her

a) a comfortable fortune and a daughter.
b) debts and a daughter.
c) a daughter and a mother-in-law.

5. Louise felt sad after her husband’s death because

a) her friends left her alone.
b) she was lost without a man to care of her.
c) Iris was left an orphan.

II. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Iris was brought up with the knowledge
2. Louise did not look
3. In order to distract her mind she
4. When the war came to an end

5. She was lunching at the Ritz with

a) turned her villa at Monte Carlo into a hospital for recovering officers.
b) Louise settled in London.
c) a tall and very handsome young Frenchman.
d) a day more than twenty-five.
e) that her mother’s health was poor.

III. Arrange the sentences into a logical order.

1. Iris was now grown up and саmе to live with her.
2. Her friends expected her speedily to follow poor Tom to the grave.
3. Tom Maitland promised to do everything in the world for Louise.
4. Her friends asked her why she did not marry again.
5. She allowed George Hobhouse to lead her to the altar.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What was Louise like when the author first knew her?
2. What illness had she suffered as a child?
3. Why was it considered necessary that she should take the greatest care of herself?
4. Why did Louise outlive her husband?
5. How soon did she remarry?

Listening Comprehension


I knew Louise before she married. She was then a delicate girl with large and melancholy eyes. Her father and mother worshipped her, for some illness, scarlet fever, had left her with a weak heart and she had to take the greatest care of herself. Tom Maitland proposed to her and promised to do everything in the world for Louise. He gave up the games he was so good at because she had a heart attack whenever he proposed to leave her for a day.

I noticed that if a party was amusing she could dance till five in the morning, but if it was dull she felt very poorly and Tom had to take her home early.

Louise outlived her husband. He caught his death of cold one day when they were sailing and Louise needed all the rugs there were to keep her warm. Her friends expected her speedily to follow poor Tom Maitland to the grave. Indeed they already felt dreadfully sorry for Iris, her daughter, who would be left an orphan. They redoubled their attentions towards Louise. They would not let her stir a finger; they insisted on doing everything in the world to save her trouble. Her friends asked why she did not marry again. Oh, with her heart it was out of the question, who would want to be bothered with a wretched invalid like herself? But a year after Tom’s death she allowed George Hobhouse to lead her to the altar.

He was a soldier and an ambitious one, but he resigned his commission. Louise’s health forced him to throw up his career.

For the next two or three years Louise managed notwithstanding her weak heart, to go beautifully dressed to all the most lively parties, to dance and even to flirt with tall slim young men.

But very fortunately (for her) the war broke out. George Hobhouse rejoined his regiment and three months later he was killed. It was a great shock to Louise. In order to distract her mind she turned her villa at Monte Carlo into a hospital for recovering officers. It didn’t kill her. I met her by chance in Paris. She was lunching at the Ritz with a tall and very handsome young Frenchman. She explained that she was there on business connected with the hospital. She told me that the officers were too charming to her.

When the war came to an end Louise settled in London. She was a woman of over forty, but she did not look a day more than twenty-five. Iris, who had been at school was now grown up, came to live with her. Iris was a nice girl. She had been brought up with the knowledge that her mother’s health was poor. It was a happiness for her to do what she could for her poor dear mother. Iris said, “Poor dear mother, she wants me to go and stay with friends and go to parties, but the moment I start off somewhere she has one of her heart attacks, so I much prefer to stay at home.”

(after W.S. Maugham)

Keys to Vocabulary and Grammar Test

Form XI
Total: 85 points

1. Adolescence
2. Approval
3. Warnings
4. Intelligent
5. Opportunities
6. Complaints
7. Behavior
8. Belief
9. Misunderstanding
10. Angrily
11. Responsible


  1. Not waking up on time
  2. Of the fact that his
  3. Peggy is sixty
  4. Matter how rich he is
  5. Though he didn’t speak
  6. Where I used to work
  7. Man whose car was stolen
  8. Discussed the problem with the
  9. I get back to you
  10. ‘ll get over


This morning  I woke up around ten. I made the cup of coffee, took it into the bedroom and put it on the side my wife sleeps on. I do it on the Saturday and the Sunday mornings. On the other days of the week, we go to the work at different times and I ready for the school which is an old Victorian building on the comer of the Hill Road.

I work in the office in the city centre and I always have the problem finding the parking space. My wife says I am always complaining about the traffic and the pollution, which is true-you see. I grew up in the country, close to the nature and I have never got used to living in the city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in the big city like this is going to the concerts of all kinds. I also like the good food and occasionally we go out and have the dinner in a nice restaurant.


  1. nice
  2. by yourself
  3. lucky
  4. say
  5. expect
  6. otter
  7. don’t you
  8. exciting

1. Had better
2. Drinking
3. It
4. It
5. opening
6. to eat
7. for
8. to play
9. to argue
10. to ask
11. to call
12. paying
13. to be
14. old enough


  1. in
  2. for
  3. in
  4. of
  5. for/with
  6. in
  7. in
  8. for
  9. in
  10. with
  11. in
  12. from
  13. of
  14. from


  1. В
  2. С
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. В
  7. C
  8. В
  9. В
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. B

Keys to Listening Comprehension Test

Form XI Total points: 20


I. la, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b
II. le, 2d, 3a, 4b. 5c
III. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
1. Louise was a delicate girl with large and melancholy eyes.
2. It was scarlet fever that had left her with a weak heart
3. She had a weak heart.
4. Her husband caught his death of cold one day when they were sailing and Louise needed all the rugs there were to keep her warm.
5. She married again in a year after Tom’s death.

Communicative Skill Assessment
Form XI

1. The more I see of other countries the more I love my own.

1. What places do you think are most beautiful in Belarus that you would like to show foreigners first of all?
2. Do you know your country well? Have travelled a lot in Belarus?
3. What places in Belarus remind you of outstanding people of the country?
4. Name some monuments of world national heritage.

2. A sound mind in a sound body.

1. Do you believe this proverb? Why?
2. Are you fond of keeping fit or going in for sports?
3. What’s your favourite kind of sports?
4. Do you attend any fitness centres or gyms?

3. A person you know is planning to move to Gomel. What do you think this person would like or dislike about living in Gomel?

1. What do you admire your native city for?
2. What is the dearest place in your city to you?
3. Do you know any famous people who lived or live in your city?
4. Would you like to live the whole life in your home city?

4. In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think it’s a good or a bad law?

1. Why do people start and continue smoking if they know about the risks?
2. Is smoking glamourised on TV by advertisements?
3. What consequences may smoking result in? Are they necessarily bad ones?
4. Is smoking a vital problem in Belarus?

5. English is everywhere.

1. For some people English is a formal, literary or technical language, for others it is an international language for communication. What is English personally for you?
2. Is it easy to master a foreign language?
3. Why are foreign languages so important nowadays?
4. Will English help you in your life?

6. Reading. My favourite writer.

1. Reading has become a useless pastime with the invention of a computer. Do you agree?
2. Some books are to be chewed, others are to be swallowed, but only some are to be digested. What’s your opinion?
3. What knowledge is more important: gained from experience or gained from books?
4. People should read only those books that are about real events, real people and facts. What do you think?

7. When people succeed, it is due to hard work, luck has nothing to do with success.

1. What three wishes of yours would you ask a fairy to make true?
2. What is necessary to be successful in life?
3. Do you agree that only people who earn a lot of money are successful?
4. Do you enjoy spending money?

8. Every nation’s art reflect its spirit, its life, its past and present and its hopes for the future.

1. Works of art and their creators are timeless values. What would you say about famous Belarusian artistic personalities?
2. What’s your favourite work of art?
3. Are you fond of graffiti? Should it be allowed or banned?
4. Are you for or against abstract art?

9. An early riser is sure to be in luck.

1. Is it important to plan your day?
2. Do you always do things in time or do you leave them till the last time?
3. Are you a lark or an owl?
4. Does it take you long to do your homework?

10. When a friend asks there is no tomorrow.

1. Do you remember any difficult situation that your friend helped you to overcome?
2. What’s your best friend like?
3. Do you choose friends?
4. What features do you value most in friends?

11. Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents but it was loaned to you by your children.

1. There’s great wisdom in this proverb, isn’t there?
2. Can you give advice on how to become more environment-friendly?
3. The worst danger concerns the ecological balance. Explain why environmental concerns are becoming more pressing.
4. People have created enormous problems on our planet. What should we do next: colonise other planets or protect the one we live on?

12. It is tempting to see the world when you are young.

1. “It is no use travelling abroad because one can see everything on TV.” Do you agree with the statement?
2. There are a lot of means of travelling. Which one do you usually choose?
3. Have you ever tried a package tour?
4. If you have an experience of staying abroad, talk about the problems you have had.

13. Knowledge is power.

1. Is knowledge power-creative or destructive?
2. Human inventiveness has its limits. Hardly any more inventions will be made in the near future: agree or disagree.
3. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient, other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful/ What’s your opinion?
4. Are you a computer addict?

14. Is school a joy or a burden for you?

1. School helps us to understand ourselves better and find our place in the world, doesn’t it?
2. Does success in studying depend on how clever you are or on organization of time? Have you learnt to manage your study time?
3. Why do you want to get a higher education?
4. Does the system of education in Belarus need to be reformed?

15. Everything starts in a family.

1. Do you agree with the statement?
2. What are the relations among different generations in a family?
3. Do you spend much time together with your family?
4. What is the role of family in the life of a person?
5. Each family has its values and pride. What about your family?

16. When two Englishmen meet their first talk is about weather.

1. Why do Englishmen speak so much about the weather?
2. What is the climate like in Great Britain?
3. Is the climate of Belarus different from that in Great Britain?
4. Do you like when it rains in winter?

17. So many countries, so many customs.

1. What are your favourite Belarusian traditions and holidays?
2. Do you know any Belarusian food habits?
3. What tradition would you like your foreign guests to get acquainted to and why?
4. How important is it to preserve national cultural traditions and customs?
5. Say about the contribution of Belarus to world culture.

18. An Englishman’s house is his castle.

1. What is an ideal home for you?
2. What is your house like?
3. What are the most important things for you about your home?
4. What are your household chores?
5. What is your dream: to live in a house or in a flat?

19. Youth and society.

1. Is it easy to be young in our country?
2. Does our youth face the same problems as young people in other countries?
3. What do you think is the most urgent social problem now?
4. What youth organizations would you like to take part in?
5. Can young people do anything for the society in which they live?

20. Self-conquest is the greatest of victories.

1. Is it hard to win your own self? Why?
2. If you want to succeed in life, will you start with your own character?
3. Are you an easy-going person?
4. Can you keep your temper under control?
5. Can you laugh at yourself?
6. Are you capable of overcoming all of your ill habits?

  • 0

Помогите пожалуйста!!!)
Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.
1) I don’t have much___of European history. (KNOW
2) The___in this city has got worse. I find it difficult to breathe. (POLLUTE)
3) Tony Blair is one of Britain’s most famous___. (POLITICS)
4) It make me feel bad to see so many___ people sleeping in the street.(HOME)
5) Our team is very ___ .We’ve won three international competition this year .(SUCCEED)

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. knowledge
2. pollution
3. politicians
4. homeless
5. succesful 

  • Комментариев (0)

A few vocabulray papers:

(Paper 1)

1. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Until the early part of this Century there was certainly a (1)……….[B] between poopular music, the songs and dance tunes of the masses, and what we have (2)……… to call classical music. Up to that point, however, there were at least some points of contact between the two, and perhaps general recognition of what made a good voice, or a good song. With the development of (3)……….. entertainment, popular music (4) ……….. away and hhas graually developed a stronger life of its own to thepoint where it has become (5) …………. with the classics. In some (6) ……… , it is now dominated by the promotion of youth culture.

  1. A contrdiction B distinction C separation D discrimination

  2. A come B become C ended D moved
  3. A crowd B majority C quantity D mass
  4. A cut B split C cracked D branched
  5. A incongrous B inconsistent C incidental D incompatible
  6. A respects B manners C effects D regards

2. Read teh text an decide whick answer (A, B, C or D) best fit each space.

There is a new (1) ………. of classical musicians, led by the likes of Russel Watson and Vanessa Mae, who habe achieved the (2) ………. of rock stars, and have been marketed in the same way. This seems to suggest that many young people enjoy classical music but do not wish to be (3) ……….. with the lufestyle of those who are traditionally supposed to enjoy it. Or it may (4)……….. be that recording companies have discovered that there is an insatiable desire for ‘sounds’, and that classical music is beginning to sound exciting to a generation (5) ………. on rock but now (6) …….. into affluent middle-age.

  1. A line B species C breed D pedigree
  2. A grade B degree C rank D status
  3. A accompanied B combined C associated D related
  4. A simply B clearly C easily D relaxing
  5. A fostered B raised C nurtured D grown
  6. A establishing B settling C lowering D relaxing

Answers of sheet 1 (06.feb.2007)


  1. B distinction
  2. A to come to call (what we now call…)
  3. D mass entertainment (fixed expression)
  4. B to split away (branched off)
  5. D incompatilble (incongruou = out of place / doesn’t fit; inconsistent = not regular / not the same all the time; incidental = unimportant)
  6. A in some respects


  1. C breed (normally for dogs/horses)
  2. D status of rock stars (rankonly in military meaning; grade in schools association)
  3. C associated with
  4. A simply (or it may just be)
  5. B raised (or brought up on) ; (fostered means encourage)
  6. B settling


(Paper 2)

3. Both options make sense. Underline the the one wich makes a commoncollocation

  1. Everyone clapped enthusiastically when the actor came on screen/stage.
  2. Most critics agree that Celia gave the bist acting/performance of the play.
  3. We bought some ice-cream during the interlude/interval of the play.
  4. Jean has decided to join an amateur dramatic/theatrical society.
  5. There was so much suspense that I was kept on the edge of my place/seat.
  6. The leading lady unfortunately lost her voice during the dress/stage rehearsel.
  7. Most modern plays don’t need a lot of complicated scenery/landscape.
  8. I thought it was a good film but it got terrible previews/reviews.
  9. Quite honestly, I havent’t much time for horror/terror films.

4. Match each person from the box with one of the descriptions.

acrobat cast conductior juggler understudy ballerina clown stuntman vocalist

  1. someone who makes people laugh at the circus …clown…
  2. someone who sings ………………
  3. someone who is a member of this is an actor……………..
  4. someone who entertains others by throwing and catching things……………….
  5. someone who entertains others by performing gymnastic…………..
  6. someone who takes an actors place in an emergency……………
  7. someone who tells an orchestra what to do……………..
  8. someone who performs dangerous actions in place of an actor……………..
  9. someone who dances gracefully in a leading role…………………

5. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

brass chorus lysics organist string concert opera percussion woodwind

  1. I went to a rock ….concert… hled in a large football stadium.
  2. The…………. section of the orchestra needs a new violinist.
  3. Keith wanted to learn a ………………….. instument so tool up the clarinet.
  4. Their music is really great , bu I can’t understand the …………………..
  5. As we entered the church, the……………….. began playing a solemn tune.
  6. I used to lay trumpet in the local …………………. band.
  7. You need a good voice and acting ability to perform in a/an………………….. .
  8. I’ll sing the first verse, and everyone will join in for the ………………… .
  9. Nowadays it is possible to simulate most ……………….. instruments electronically, so drums are not always needed.

Answers of sheet 2 (06.feb.2007)


  1. stage
  2. performance
  3. interval
  4. dramatic
  5. seat
  6. dress
  7. scenery
  8. reviews
  9. horror


  1. clown
  2. vocalist
  3. cast
  4. juggler
  5. acrobat
  6. understudy
  7. conductor
  8. stuntman
  9. ballerina


  1. concert
  2. string
  3. woodwind
  4. lyrics
  5. organist
  6. brass
  7. opera
  8. chorus
  9. percussion


(Paper 2)

6. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

It’s 8.30 at the headquarters of the Boogy Woogers dance group, a (1 REARSE) ….REHEARSEL…….. studio in Geneva. Dancers of all shapes and sizes begin to tumble (2 ENERGY) …………………… through the doors. Some begin lumbering up, others splinter off into groups to try out new moves. One woman, lost in her own (3 THINK) ……………………. sits with her headphones on, preparing for the punishing routines to follow. A long-haired man with a goatee beared puts a tape in the hi-fi, and rap music blares out of the (4 SPEAK) ……………….. . Soon the room is alibe with whirling, spinning bodies and (5 LAUGH) …………………. fills the air.

The boogy Woogers are the brainchild of Tomas Seeler, who handpicked many of his troupe from local street dancers. Seeler’s own (6 BACK) ……………… was in gymnastics, but others come from the worlds of matial arts, bodybuilding and ballet. Many different (7 NATIONAL) …………….. are represented in the group, including Chilean, Fijian and Senegalese dancers. The group has been performing all over Europe, most notably in Paris, where they became (8 NIGHT) ……………… celebrities. Famous for their (9 CREAT) ……………………… and novel interpretations, the Boogy Woogers have made several (10 APPEAR) ………………….. on TV, and look set to remain the ‘in’ thing for many years to come.

Answers of sheet 3 (06.feb.2007)


  1. rehearsel
  2. energetically
  3. thoughts
  4. speaker(s)
  5. laughter
  6. background
  7. nationalities
  8. overnight
  9. creativity /creative
  10. appearences


Gold Prficiency p 46

task 2: Rewrite the following sentences using participle clauses, as in the ecamples below. (Participle clauses are clauses in which a finite verb — i.e. a verb with a tense — is replaced by an -ing or -ed participle.)


Before he reveals his sevres to the public, John Hammond invites a small group of people to visit. <-> Before revealing his secrets to the public, John Hammond invites….

Spielberg drew on a budget of $60 million for the film, and as a resulthe created an astonishing range of prehistoric creatures. <-> Spielberg drew on a budget of $ 60 million for the film, creating an astonishing range….

  1. This film opens with a man who is having his hand cut off in Jerusalem. It then hurtles back to England and never stops. <-> Opening with a man having his hand cut off in Jerusalem, this film hurtles back to England and never stops.
  2. Kevin Costner comes over as an unsympathetic Robin , since he doesn’t think twice about putting an arrow through a colleague’s hand. <-> Costner comes over as an unsympathetic Robin, not thinking twice about putting an arrow through a colleague’s hand.

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  • Complete each sentences using a word from the box sometimes you need the adjective
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in the brackets
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold you will
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold they built
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold peter regrets