Complete each set of sentences with the same word the marketing department wants to hold

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We plan to offer free ice cream to all consumers one day a year to … awareness of the company. Our cars come in two colors. If you want extra colors, I’m afraid we have to … the price by 5 per cent. Some people buy luxury products because such products … their status and give them a new, more upmarket image.

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ill not need to use.

Deregulate (разрегулировать)
Redevelop (восстанавливать)
Retrain (переобучать)
Downsize (уменьшение, сокращение)
Relocate (переместить)
Update (обновлять)
Reassess (переоценка)
Restructure (реструктурировать/организовывать)
Upgrade (улучшать)

1. The current economic climate is making people ___reassess_____ all of the purchases they make.

We need to ___reassess______ the situation before taking any decisions.

2. If your company _______ and you are over 50, your working life may be over.

As the car industry ______, many are leaving the country in search of work.

3. Could you perhaps __update___ us on how the project is progressing.

We plan to ___upgrade____ our telephone system.

4. The government will soon ______ all internal flights, so the industry will probably become more competitive.

They plan to ________ the capital markets and privatise most state-owned companies.

5. We bought new software and had to _____retrain_____ everyone to use the database.

People are often reluctant to __retrain_____ until they are convinced that their present skills are not sufficient to enable them to find work.

Complete the conversation with the words in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect as appropriate.

A: How long (1)______ (your offices/ be) in this area?
B: Since April 2007.
A: Where (2) ________ (you/ be) before that?
B: In the city centre. But the rent (3) _______ (be) outrageously expensive, so we (4) _________ (decide) to relocate to the suburbs.
A: And (5) ___________ (you/ever/ regret )your decision?
B: Frankly, we (6) _________ (be) slightly worried about all the changes in the first couple of months, but we (7) _________ (soon/ realise) that it was the right move. This part of town is extremely attractive, and in fact, it (8) _________ (develop) enormously over the last two or three years.

1 ответ:



1. The current economic climate is making people ___to reassess_____ all of the purchases they make. We need to ___reassess______ the situation before taking any decisions.

2. If your company _downsizes__ and you are over 50, your working life may be over. As the car industry _is downsizing__, many are leaving the country in search of work.

3. Could you perhaps __update___ us on how the project is progressing.

We plan to ___upgrade____ our telephone system.

4. The government will soon _upgrade__ all internal flights, so the industry will probably become more competitive.

They plan to _upgrade__ the capital markets and privatise most state-owned companies.

5. We bought new software and had to _____retrain_____ everyone to use the database.

People are often reluctant to __retrained_____ until they are convinced that their present skills are not sufficient to enable them to find work.

Complete the conversation with the words in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect as appropriate.

A: How long (1)______ (have your offices been) in this area?

B: Since April 2007.

A: Where (2) ________ (were you) before that?

B: In the city centre. But the rent (3) _______ (was) outrageously expensive, so we (4) _________ (decided) to relocate to the suburbs.

A: And (5) ___________ (have you ever regretted) your decision?

B: Frankly, we (6) _________ (were) slightly worried about all the changes in the first couple of months, but we (7) _________ (soon realised) that it was the right move. This part of town is extremely attractive, and in fact, it (8) _________ (has developed) enormously over the last two or three years.

Читайте также

Twenty to ten
half past seven
a quarter past eight
ten past three
five o’clock 

The (7) …Mexican… state of Chihuahua is home to one of the natural wonders of the world — the Cave of Crystals (MEXICan). Discovered (8) …………… in 2000 by miners drilling a tunnel, the cave lies about 350 m below the surface of the Naica Mountains (ACCIDENTally). It contains over 170 of the largest natural crystals ever found – one of them measures about 11 m and weighs more than 5500 kg. The (9) …………… of these large crystals probably began 26 million years ago (CREAToin). It was the
result of volcanic (10) ……………. (ACTIVity). Tiny crystals were formed and, over the centuries, the extreme heat in the caves has encouraged the (11) …….. of these giant structures (GROWth). The crystals look cool and ice-like, but don’t be fooled! Due to the (12) ………. of hot springs nearby, the temperature is 44°C (PRESENce). It is so that the visitors have to wear (13) ……….. suits and carry backpacks of ice-cooled air with them (PROTECTive). And this is only to (14) …. they can survive for just a
few minutes in the cave (enSURE).

<span>Russia is
my country. it is the biggest country in the world.One Russian symbol is the
Russian national flag. This flag has three wide stripes. The stripes are white,
blue and red. The upper stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue and the red
stripe is at the bottom. These colors have always been symbolic in Russia:
white-noble and sincere, blue-honest and devoted-devoted to friends, family and
to the country. The red color has always meant love and bravery.</span><span>Россия — моя страна. это — самая большая страна в мире. Один
российский символ — российский национальный флаг. У этого флага есть три
широких полосы. Полосы белые, синие и красные. Верхняя полоса белая, средняя
полоса синяя, и красная полоса в основании. Эти цвета всегда были
символическими в России: белая-благородный и искренний, синяя-честный и  посвященный друзьям, семье и стране. Красный
цвет всегда означал любовь и храбрость.</span>

1)Это шестой день недели.
2)Ученики читают на этом уроке.
3)Это работа миссис Беллз.
4)Ученики решают задачи на этом уроке.
5)У учеников здесь ланч.
6)Ученики ходят туда пять дней в неделю.
7)Это любимая спортивная игра Павла.
8)Это первый день недели.
9)Это любимый урок Павла.
10) У учеников здесь физкультура.
11)Ученики делают вещи на этом уроке.

  это синоним к слому wolk

manufacturer. The other is the European Sales Manager.

a telephone call to talk about the focus group meeting.

Make use of

phrases from the Useful Language box.


want to do the following during the call.

  1. Note down
    when and where the focus group meeting will take place.

  2. Suggest that this person
    attends the meeting:

Irina Pavlovskaya, a
Marketing Consultant based in Moscow,

tel. no 812 275 6381

  1. Ask the European Manager
    about last month’s sales results in France.

European Sales Manager

want to do the following during the call.

  1. Tell the Marketing Director
    when and where the focus group takes place.

are: Commercial Institute, Paris; date/time: Friday 29 March,

at 14.00.

  1. Note down
    the name of the person who the Marketing Director wishes to

to the focus group.

  1. Answer the
    questions about last month’s sales results in France.

Details are: total
sales were 3.2 million euros; sales were 8% higher than

the same period last


Kristal Water


Kristal is bottled water,
manufactured by a US company, Hamilton Food and Drink Producer
(HFDP). According to HFDP, it comes from a spring deep under the
rocks of Alaska, US. It is advertised as the purest water in the
world. It has few minerals, and nothing is added to the water to
change its taste. The water is targeted at people who want to have a
healthy lifestyle.

The launch

Kristal was
launched last year in California, US. It was advertised in health
magazines with the slogan “there is no purer drink in the world.’
It is sold in clear glass bottles, in 1-liter size. Its price is 3$,
which is higher than most competing brands. The brand name Kristal is
printed in large black letters on the label, with a picture of a
waterfall. The water is available in delicatessens and health food

After six months, it was clear
that the product launch was a failure. Sales were 60% below forecast,
and very few people knew that there was a new bottled water product
named Kristal.

Marketing Director interviewed members of the public to find out what
was going wrong.

to some typical comments from consumers. Make notes.

Leader Pre-Intermediate Unit 7 Recording 7.9)


1. Work in pairs. Each group is a team in the Marketing Department. Hold a

to discuss what you should do to improve sales of Kristal. Use the

in the box below as a quide.

2. Present your ideas to the other teams in the Marketing Department.

As a
whole department, hold a meeting and decide what the company must

to improve the sales of Kristal.


Does the product need to be changed, for example, offer it in

of sizes?

Is the price correct?

Was it promoted in the correct way?

Kristal targeted at the right segment of the market?

not, who should it be targeted at?

Is it being sold in the right places?


As a member of the Marketing
Department of HFDP, design a sales leaflet for the campaign to
relaunch Kristal Water. The leaflet will be inserted into lifestyle
magazines and sent out as part of a direct marketing campaign. It
should attract attention and communicate the reasons why people
should buy Kristal. It should also include a slogan.


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Self-study 10 Task Vocabulary. Ex Match the words and phrases

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english self study
sheriklik, Pegmat, 5-Mavzuga topshiriq (1), ish reja shartnomasi, 2 Maruza Mustaqillikka erishish arafasida O’zbekistondagi ijtim, Baxtiyor oila, Baxtiyor oila, Baxtiyor oila, metrologiya, 2 5361978919132071246, Ma`lumotnoma, GRAMMAR, BUXGALTERIYA 30 BALL, Burkhanova-5220-Lesson Plan , COURSE SYLLABUS — GROUP 2 — MA TESL 5220

    Bu sahifa navigatsiya:

  • Ex 1. Look through the whole article to find the names of the following. a) an employer of graduates David Powell

Ex 2. Complete each set of sentences with the same verb describing change

from the box in the correct form. There are four verbs you will not need.

  1. The current economic climate is making people to reassess all of the purchases they make. When will the government reassess the impact of their economic reforms on the quality of life? We need to reassess the situation before taking any decisions.

  2. If your company downsizes and you are over 50, your working life may be over. As the car industry is downsizing many are leaving the country in search of work. Breaking news: TRN United, the global electronics group is downsizing its workforce by 20%.

  3. Could you perhaps update us on how the project is progressing? We continuously update the files with new information. We plan to upgrade our telephone system.

  4. The government will soon upgrade all internal flights, so the industry will probably become more competitive. They plan to upgrade the capital markets and privatize most state-owned companies. Taiwan’s government pledged to upgrade its service sector within four years.

  5. We bought new software and had to retrain everyone to use the database.

People are often reluctant to retrained until they are convinced that their present skills are not sufficient to enable them to find work.

Task 3. Reading.

Ex 1. Look through the whole article to find the names of the following.

a) an employer of graduates David Powell

b) someone who works there, and their job Management accountants

c) a recruitment organization Graduate Recruitment Company

d) the group of which that recruitment organization is a part PFJ

e) its Chief Executive Paul Farre

Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

S ‘

■ applies ■ available ■ confusing ■ curve Ш demand ■ exception

1 impressive ■ increase H a w

■ limited ■ set S shift К taxes

Some of the puzzles in this book are really

Newton’s ………………………of gravity explains whу things fall towards the earth.

There is a lot o f ………………………for organic fruit and vegetables these days.

When you throw a ball, it follows a ……………………..back down to earth.

Gold is expensive because there is only a very……………………

When a company stops making a product, it isn’t……………………..any more.

Normally I arrive at work at 8.00 am, but Thursday is an ………………………

This ru le………………………to everyone in the school,even teachers.

Everyone who earns a salary must pay……………………. to the government.

There has been a …………………….in public opinion about the environment recently.

There has been a h u ge…………………… demand for air conditioners due to the hot weather.

12 Prices have b e e n …………………….too high and nobody can afford the goods.

13I found the work you’ve managed to do very……………………… Well done!

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  • Complete each sentences using a word from the box sometimes you need the adjective
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in the brackets
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold you will
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold they built
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold peter regrets