Complete each sentences using a word from the box sometimes you need the adjective

Exercise 1   

Complete each sentence with an adverb. The first letters of the adverb are given.

1   We didn’t go out because it was raining he…………………….

2   Our team lost the game because we played very ba…………………….

3   I didn’t have any problems finding a place to live. I found a flat quite ea…………………….

4   We had to wait for a long time, but we didn’t complain. We waited pat…………………….

5   Nobody knew Steve was coming to see us. He arrived unex…………………….

6   Mike keeps fit by playing tennis reg…………………….

7   I don’t speak French very well, but I can understand per……………………. if people speak sl……………………. and cl…………………….



1  heavily

2  badly

3  easily

4  patiently

5  unexpectedly

6  regularly

7  perfectly … slowly … clearly

Exercise 2   

Put in the correct word.

1   Two people were ……………………. injured in the accident. (serious / seriously)

2   The driver of the car had ……………………. injuries. (serious / seriously)

3   I think you behaved very ……………………. . (selfish / selfishly)

4   Tanya is ……………………. upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)

5   There was a ……………………. change in the weather. (sudden / suddenly)

6   Everybody at the carnival was ……………………. dressed. (colourful / colourfully)

7   Linda usually wears ……………………. clothes. (colourful / colourfully)

8   Liz fell and hurt herself really ……………………. . (bad / badly)

9   Joe says he didn’t do well at school because he was ……………………. taught. (bad / badly)

10   Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look ……………………. . (safe / safely)



1  seriously

2  serious

3  selfishly

4  terribly

5  sudden

6  colourfully

7  colourful

8  badly

9  badly

10  safe

Exercise 3   

Complete each sentence using a word from the box. Sometimes you need the adjective (careful etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully etc.).

careful(ly)       complete(ly)     continuous(ly)    financial(ly)    fluent(ly)

happy/happily    nervous(ly)     perfect(ly)       quick(ly)      special(ly)

1   Our holiday was too short. The time passed very …………………….

2   Steve doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always …………………….

3   Sue works ……………………. . She never seems to stop.

4   Rachel and Patrick are very ……………………. married.

5   Maria’s English is very ……………………. although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.

6   I cooked this meal ……………………. for you, so I hope you like it.

7   Everything was very quiet. There was ……………………. silence.

8   I tried on the shoes and they fitted me …………………….

9   Do you usually feel ……………………. before exams?

10   I’d like to buy a car, but it’s ……………………. impossible for me at the moment.



1  quickly

2  careful

3  continuously

4  happily

5  fluent

6  specially

7  complete

8  perfectly

9  nervous

10  financially or completely

Exercise 4

Choose two words (one from each box) to complete each sentence.

absolutely     badly        completely

reasonably     seriously     slightly

unnecessarily   unusually

changed     cheap    damaged

enormous    ill       long

planned     quiet

1   I thought the restaurant would be expensive, but it was …………………….

2   Will’s mother is ……………………. in hospital.

3   What a big house! It’s …………………….

4   It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only …………………….

5   The children are normally very lively, but they’re ……………………. today.

6   When I returned home after 20 years, everything had …………………….

7   The movie was ……………………. . It could have been much shorter.

8   A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was …………………….



1  reasonably cheap

2  seriously ill

3  absolutely enormous

4  slightly damaged

5  unusually quiet

6  completely changed

7  unnecessarily long

8  badly planned


UNIT 100. Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/ quickly)


Look at these examples:

Our holiday was too short- the
time passed very quickly.

Two people were seriously injured in the

Quickly and seriously
are adverbs. Many adverbs are formed from an adjective+ ly:















For spelling,
see Appendix 6.

Not all words
ending in ly are adverbs. Some adjectives end in ly
too, for example:








Adjective or adverb?

Adjectives (quick/careful
etc.) tell us about a noun (somebody or something). We use adjectives
before nouns:

Sam is a careful
(not a carefully driver)

We didn’t go out because of the
heavy rain.

Adverbs (quickly/carefully
etc.) tell us about a verb (how somebody does something or how
something happens):

Sam drove carefully
along the narrow road. (not drove careful)

We didn’t go out because it
was raining heavily. (not raining

We also use adjectives after some
verbs, especially be, and
also look/feel/sound etc.


Please be quiet.

I was disappointed that my
exam results were so bad.

Why do you always look so serious?

I feel happy

Please speak quietly

I was unhappy that I did
so badly
in the exam. (not did so bad

Why do you never take me seriously?

The children were playing happily.


We also use adverbs before adjectives
and other adverbs. For example:

reasonably cheap

terribly sorry

incredibly quickly

(adverb +adjective)

(adverb +adjective)

(adverb +adverb)

It’s a reasonably cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.

I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to push you. (not terrible sorry)

Maria learns languages incredibly quickly.

The exam was surprisingly easy.

You can also use an adverb before a past
(injured/organised/written etc.):

Two people were seriously
in the accident. (not serious injured)

The meeting was badly



Complete each sentence with an adverb.
The first letters of the adverb are given.


We didn’t go out because it was
raining ___heavily____.


Our team lost the game because
we played very ba_________

I didn’t have any problems
finding a place to live. I found a flat quite ea_________



We had to wait for a long
time, but we didn’t complain. We waited pat_________

Nobody knew Steve was coming
to see us. He arrived unex_________

Mike keeps fit by playing
tennis reg_________




I don’t speak French very
well, but I can understand per_________ if people speak sl_________ and cl_________.


Put in the correct word.


Two people were ___ seriously _____ injured in the
accident. (serious /seriously)


The driver of the car had ____
serious ____ injuries. (serious /seriously)


I think you behaved very __________.
(selfish /selfishly)

Tanya is __________upset about
losing her job. (terrible /terribly)

There was a __________ change
in the weather. (sudden /suddenly)




Everybody at the carnival was __________
dressed. (colourful /colourfully)

Linda usually wears __________
clothes. (colourful /colourfully)

Liz fell and hurt herself
really __________. (bad /badly)

Joe says he didn’t do well at
school because he was __________ taught. (bad /badly)

Don’t go up that ladder. It
doesn’t look __________. (safe /safely)






Complete each sentence using a word
from the box. Sometimes you need the adjective (careful etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully etc.).












Our holiday was too short. The
time passed very ____quickly._______


Steve doesn’t take risks when
he’s driving. He’s always _____________________.

Sue works _____________________.
She never seems to stop.

Rachel and Patrick are very _____________________married.

Maria’s English is very _____________________although
she makes quite a lot of mistakes..





I cooked this meal _____________________for
you, so I hope you like it.

Everything was very quiet.
There was _____________________silence.

I tried on the shoes and they
fitted me _____________________.

Do you usually feel _____________________before

I’d like to buy a car, but
it’s _____________________impossible for me at the moment.






Choose two
words (one from each box) to complete each sentence.


I thought the restaurant would
be expensive, but it was _____reasonably


Will’s mother is ___________ in

What a big house! it’s ___________.

It wasn’t a serious accident. The
car was only ___________.




The children are normally very
lively, but they’re ___________today.

When I returned home after 20
years, everything had ___________.

The movie was ___________. It
could have been much shorter.

A lot went wrong during our
holiday because it was ___________.





Complete each sentence

using a word from the list. Sometimes you need the adjective careful etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully


careful(ly) complete(ly) continuous(ly) financial(ly) fluent(ly)

nervous(ly) perfect(ly) quick(ly) special(ly)

1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very …


2. Tom doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always

… .

3. Sue works …..

.She never seems to stop.

4. Alice and Stan are very … married.

5. Monica’s English is very ….. although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.

6. I cooked this meal ….. for you, so I hope you like it.

7. Everything was very quiet. There was …. silence.

8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me …. .

9. Do you usually feel …. before examinations?

10. I’d like to buy a car but it’s …. impossible

for me at the moment.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


<span>Complete each sentence
using a word from the list. Sometimes you need the adjective careful etc<span>.) and sometimes the adverb </span>(carefully

<span><span>careful(ly) </span><span>complete(ly) </span><span>continuous(ly) </span><span>financial(ly) fluent(ly)
happy/happily</span><span><span>nervous(ly) </span><span>perfect(ly) </span>quick(ly) special(ly)</span></span>

<span>1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very …
quickly </span>

2. Tom doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always
… .

<span>3. Sue works <span>…..
.She never seems to stop.</span></span>

<span><span>4. Alice and Stan are very … </span>married.</span>

<span><span>5. Monica’s English is very ….. </span>although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.</span>

<span><span>6. I cooked this meal ….. </span>for you, so I hope you like it.</span>

<span>7. Everything was very quiet. There was …. silence.</span>

<span>8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me …. .</span>

<span>9. Do you usually feel …. before examinations?</span>

<span><span>10. I’d like to buy a car but it’s …. </span>impossible
for me at the moment.</span>

1 ответ:



<span>2. Tom doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always</span><span><span>careful. </span>
3. Sue works </span><span><span><span>continuously</span>. She never seems to stop.</span>
<span>4. Alice and Stan are very happily married.</span>
<span>5. Monica’s English is very  fluent although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.</span>
<span>6. I cooked this meal  specially for you, so I hope you like it.</span>
7. Everything was very quiet. There was complete silence.
8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me  perfectly.
9. Do you usually feel  nervous before examinations?
<span>10. I’d like to buy a car but it’s financially impossible for me at the moment.</span>


Читайте также

Составьте предложения с данными словами : Arrived, got, bring, deliver, journey, trip, excursion, tour, place, gap, strange, cur


Arriving train was waiting for people. I have got a dog. 

Не очень поняла но окей, напишу как поняла вообщем

ай хев э френд виз э бьютифол нейм елена.ши из лоу он грос, браун-эйд, блек-броуэд. вайт фейс бэрли вис’бл фреклс. биг браун айс фреймд вис лонг флаффи илэйшес. оф мос нева гос чифэл слайм. вен ши лас хё литл ноус соу фани вринкл. ши из вери тайди: дресс ин хеа фрешли ирон, ин зе пор’тфолио ит олвейс нитли мейд ап. елена ис э сайнсер’ френд. битвин ас зеаиз невер э секрет. тугезер ви рид букс, гоу ту либрэри, припейр хоум тэск. вен ай вос сик, ши олвэйс комс ту ми афтер клэс, тэлкс эбаут скул, эбаут хис эдвенча. бат зе мост интерестинг ши тэлкс эбаут зе нью букс ши рид. зен хеа айс флэйшес эни стрейндж лайт. энд ай вонт ту листен ту хеа,листен виз’ауд энд. Елена даз нот эвойд вок энд джаст комин хом фром скул, иммедитли клин ап зе рум. ай лов май френд фор хеа сэнсайтиви, кинднесс, спиришл парити.

Текст сам есть? Или это просто вопросы? Если просто, то забей в поисковике.

Whrre was she born?
When was she born?
What did she like?

Окно — window, змея — snake, заяц — rabbit, зонт — umbrella, дерево — tree, майка — shirt, коробка — box, яхта — yacht, замок — castle.

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.

2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out

3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.

4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.

5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.

6. We want (pay) better wages.

7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the ………….. (1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of ………… (2-communiate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise ………….. (3 — pollute). Every evening, the ……….. (4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (5 — neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what ………… (6 — act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any ………… (7 — suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them …….

…………. (8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be ………… (9 — succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the ………….. (10 — advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word «bank», what do you think of ? A ……… (1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of …..

………… (2) things, you’re right. Why ? because words often have …………. (3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out ……….. (4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on …………. (5) things. First, it depends on the words and ………… (6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues. …………….. (7), the meaning depends on how the word is ………… (8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb, ……………. (9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word’s part of speech will ………….. (10) you discover the word’s precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn’t enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has throughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 5: a/ Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.


The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to for travel . The first  0/ …….for………..
bicycle was made in about one hundred and fifty years ago. At  1/ …………………..
first, bicycles were much expensive. Only rich people could  2/ …………………..
buy one. These early time bicycles looked very different from  3/ …………………..
the ones we have them today. Later, when bicycles became  4/…………………..
cheaper, many lot people bought one. People started riding  5/ …………………..
bicycles to work and in their with free time. Today, people use  6/ …………………..
cars more than bicycles; cars are much more faster and you  7/ …………………..
don’t get wet when it start rains! But some people still prefer to  8/ …………………..
cycle to work . They say that there have are too many cars in  9/ …………………..
town centers and you can’t able find anywhere to park!  10/ …………………

b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions.

1. George fell ………….the bladder while he was painting the ceiling.

2. We stopped everyone ……………..leaving the building.

3. Admision …………… depends …………………examination results.

4. Don`t use that dictionary. It is ………….date. Find one that is ……………….date.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job,too.

(join into one sentence, using not only…..but…as well)

2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.

(join into one sentence, using : neither……………nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)

4. He asked me: «When will you give this book back to me?» (change into Reported speech)

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago. (Use the ordinary word order)

6. He was given a gift. So were you. (Join into one sentence, using «as well»)

7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with «No matter……..»

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it. (Combine into one sentence)

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)

10.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to ………..which…………)

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  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold jack
  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word given
  • Complete each sentence with the noun derived from the word in bold
  • Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase
  • Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box we need to