Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in the brackets

D 14 Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. 1 Kate hasn’t phoned her mother for a week. phoned The last time. Kate phoned her mother was… a week ago. 2 They have never visited Vienna before. time It’s the 3 It’s a long time since I ate out. for I 4 Roger hasn’t played tennis for six weeks. played The last time 5 It’s years has a long time. Vienna. tennis was six weeks ago. since Mr Smith went on holiday. Mr Smith for years. 6 John hasn’t been to his country house since Easter. The last time John went was at Easter. D 14 Complete each sentence with two to five words , including the word in bold . 1 Kate hasn’t phoned her mother for a week . phoned The last time . Kate phoned her mother was … a week ago . 2 They have never visited Vienna before . time It’s the 3 It’s a long time since I ate out . for I 4 Roger hasn’t played tennis for six weeks . played The last time 5 It’s years has a long time . Vienna . tennis was six weeks ago . since Mr Smith went on holiday . Mr Smith for years . 6 John hasn’t been to his country house since Easter . The last time John went was at Easter .​

Complete each sentence with two to five words including the words in the brackets.

Example 0.

This is Sally.

She teaches us ballet.


Answer 0.

This is Sally who teaches us ballet.

1. That’s the church.

We got married there.


That’s the___.

2. This is the magazine.

I bought it yesterday.


This is the___yesterday.

3. That’s the ring.

Sonya found it yesterday.


That’s the ring___yesterday.

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Complete each sentence with two to five words including the words in the brackets.

Example 0.

This is Sally. She teaches us ballet. (who)

Answer 0.

This is Sally who teaches us ballet.

1. That’s the shop. I bought my new dress there. (where)
That’s the

my new dress.

2. These are the people. Their daughter is a rock singer. (whose)
These are

is a rock singer.

3. Sam is the boy. He ran away from home. (who)
Sam is the

from home.

1 ответ:




1 thats ithe shop where I brouhht my nee dresses

3these are pupils whose daughteris a rock singer a boy who runs away from home

Читайте также

Passive Voice
Music is often listened by them.
Geography is taught by Alan.
Soccer is played by boys.
Active voice
Somebody plays cricket in Australia.
Somebody speaks German in Austria.

In the zoo you must behave polite. Inthe zoo you must’n feed animals.


Икс=8 воо так вот…….

Вроде так

i had done




Вопрос по английскому языку:

Complete each sentence with two to five words including the words in the brackets.

Example 0.

This is Sally. She teaches us ballet. (who)

Answer 0.

This is Sally who teaches us ballet.

1. That’s the church. We got married there. (where)
That’s the ___ .

2. This is the magazine. I bought it yesterday. (that)
This is the ___ yesterday.

3. That’s the ring. Sonya found it yesterday. (that)
That’s the ring ___ yesterday.

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

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Ответы и объяснения 2



1. That’s the church where we got married.
2. This is the magazine that I bought yesterday.
3. That’s the ring that Sonya found yesterday.



1. That’s the church where we got married in.
2.This is the magazine that I bought yesterday
3. That’s the ring that Sonya found yesterday

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  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
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  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
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  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: tvoikoshmaraxaxax



Автор ответа: vivifrance


1. You don’t have to wait for us
2. You mustn’t take pictures inside the museum
3. Do you have to leave so early?
4. You needn’t go by taxi.
5. You mustn’t keep pets in the building
6. You don’t have to water the flowers

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  • Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word given
  • Complete each sentence with the noun derived from the word in bold
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  • Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box we need to